/ • Serving the State ~ The Weatlier University of Iowa Fair and no, _lib chanl'e in ~aweratue te­ Campus and da,. Paril, clo. and Iowa City warmer frida,. HIP te­ d." 80; low, 55. Wdl at owan Wednl!S4a7, It; low, st. / Eat. 1868 - AP Leased Wire - Fi" Centa Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, August 7, 1952 - Vol. 86, No. 216 Scientist's Experiment Explains 9 ~f H~ngarian - I Hanche r Stresses I . Some 'Flying Saucer' Sightings Oly~plC _ Team • WASHINGTON (11')- An army Won t Go Home sdentist experimenting with a .ass jar has succeeded in pro­ Carrying the Wounded STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN (JP)­ ducing fiery objects that look just Nine Hungarian Olympic athJet~ like some of those seen shooting have refused to return to their through the night skies in recent Communist-ruled homeland and weeks. have taken refuge In western le­ The need (or a broad education A spokesman for the army en­ gations at HelsinkI, Finland, the in the liberal aria was emphasiU!d ,meers said Wednesday these Stockholm newspaper Dagens Ny­ IWednesday night by SUI Presl­ findings of physicist Noel Scott heter reported Wednesday night. I dent Virgil M. Hancher. Hancher are being made public because It said the nine dropped out of delivered the charge to the 579 they explain at least some ot the sight one by one over last week­ gradUates at the summer session many "flying saucer" reports the end in a smartly executed man­ commencement in the Iowa field air force has been investigating house. euver d~gned to avoid drawing Noting that a majority of the lately. attention to their llIght. By Introducing molecules of io­ graduates were reeeiving aft­ !zed air into the partial vacuum DlKOVllred TueM., vanced de(reeS, Hancher congrat­ of his beJI jar, Scott reported, he Their disappearance was discov­ ulated them on preparing them­ has created the orange-red bails, ered • Tuesday when Hungary's selves for the age of speciolizatlon team leader tried to get his squad In whIch we live. discs, mushrooms and "ice cream He then asked them it they cones" familiar to hundreds of ex­ to,ether for a post-Olympic tour were certain that they would tol­ cited sky-watchers. ot Finland, the paper said. low all their lives the proCession Radar Pielu Up ObJee&a Fearing more desertions, the re· lor which they are now trained. Scott said thcse miniature mass­ port tram Helsinki sa1d, tbe Com­ OItea C_ es ot illuminated air have suffi­ munist coaches called oCf the tour cient body or substance to be and chartered two aIrplanes which Hancher cited two cases [rom picked up by radar. flew the rest at Hungary's crack his acqUaintance in which plans Olympic squad back behinil the for liCe work were basically al­ Thus they may account for the tered, lind the individuals con­ ,hower of mysterious "blips" seen Iron Curtain Wednesday. cerned were established In posi­ on radar screens around Washing­ The missing team members tions for which there Is no partic­ ton during a thunt\erstorm Tues­ were not Identified immediately. ular course at study. One was a day night. Jet fighters based at FlniaJled Sd to teach theology, but who became Newcastle, Del., were sent into the Hungary'S Olympic team fin­ young man who prepared himself air to investigate the phenomena. ished third in the uno!flclal team a bishop in a large diocese. They reported finding nothing un­ standings, immediately behind the The other was Adlai E. Steven­ usual. tWo UNIDENTIFIED MEDICS, _llted by an MP, Pre. It. C. Llor' son, now the Democratic candidate United States and Russia. lor president, and an acquaIntance The engineers' spokesman said of HOUlton. Tex. (wiUt arm band). carry a woun'ed 01 Ulrou,h The reported defection of the the corps did not consider that thiCk mud near the battle a a on Old Baldy In Norlh Korea. Thla of Hancher'S apprOximately 20 nine athletes from Red Hungary years ago when both were prac­ Scott's findings represented a so­ picture was made while the seesaw fl,htln& for II088I!SIlon of Ute roHowed by a day the disappear­ lution ot all "tlying saucers" re­ crest was contlnuln... ticing law In Chicago. ance of a member at the Romani- "There is no course of study, ports. Bu t they explain some at an team after he cxprcssed un­ them, he said. 8$ far as 1 know, which under­ wUUngness to return to his Com­ takes to prepare a man to be the Vacuum Jar Used munist-run homeland. President of the Unl ted States or Scott used a jar three-feet high Sabres Bag 6 ..Migs u.s. The Romanian, Panal Calcas, is (01117 Iowan "h.i. b, Or.... m) even to be a qualified candidate Fn' and one a haH-toot in diameter to be\1eved to have taken rcfuge in for that high office," Hancher de­ Is w 579 " \0 produce his effects. He pumped one of the Western powers' In SUI PRE IDENT V1RGlL M. HANCHER shown Icomln.. the new SUI ..raduates Ute &Teat clared. a!.r from the jar to create a partial In 7 Tight Air Batt. I~.s Helsinld. company of Its ITaduate .. In the summer .. raduaUon exercl e Wednesday nl ..ht In the neld house. In Eaeh Follow~ a' FI ... t vacuum and simu late conditions his "ddre , lJanch'er noted the lar.. e number of advanced dc ..ree beln.. awarded to candidates from in the upper atmosphere. Then he SEOUL, KOREA (II') - Deadly ----------­ Ute lTadllate collel'e and declared, " You an livID, evidence that !hl Is an a ..e of speclallzatlon," In both of the cases, President U.S. Sabre jets tangled with a sky centered in the cast-central seotor. Hancher's address was followed by the awardl1\&" of the 579 UI delTees. Hancher said, each of the two Injected several molecules ot io­ men prepared himself lor a par­ nized air into the jar to lIet his full of Communist MIGs Wednes­ Chinese Communist Il)fantrymen day and shot down six in the tor­ flnaUy seized and hold an Allied Chjcago Girl Slain ticular vocation, and each fol­ orange-red fire-balls. Ab. ionized lowed that vocation for a time. gas is a conductor of electricity. rid combat, the filth air force said. advance pOSition after more than Three other Red planes were 13 hours of fighting. Hancher added, "Each was de­ The use at various gases would By Disgruntled Suitor Role of Public Relations Ike Says He'll Keep flected from his vocation Into produce other colors, Scott said. hit, bringIng the three-day tali to They took the posltlon-on hIgh 11 destroyed and 13 damaged. another of greater signIficance to The pbyslc!.st explained that ground west of the Pukhan r!ver­ hImself and of greater responsibil­ American 105:;es, j[ any, ~re an­ Jato Tuet<iay J11~t. UN troop* te­ In Downfown Park Discussed by E.ducators Democrats. Guessing magnetic fields in the upper at­ Ities \0 others. And eacb was de· mosphere vary greatly. probably notmced weekly. captured It Wednesday morning CHICAGO (IP) - A youn,c man All ,schools have public rela-' • flected Into a caUing for which he chiefly in the temperate zones. He Air torce officers said there was but the Reds tought their way On Campaign Plans had received no specific profes­ no immediate evidence that the back a hours later. Wednesday fatally wounded a 17- tioifll, good or bad, but few school terest and partiCipation at citizen said it is known that the earth has tew year-old girl, critically wound()d DENVER (iP) - Gen. Dwight D. sional or vocationai instruction." a highly negative charge com­ MtGs were swarming in greater her escort, then killed himself in administrators have given much groups. Eisenhower said Wednesday he b President Hancher declared thot pared with the upper atmosphere. numbers because of the Allied an­ a wild shooting spree in down­ thought to 0 balanced continuous Predlctina a growing demand going 1.0 keep the Democratic op­ these men have one thing in com­ and that at times thIs produces nouncement that millIBry targets Stevenson Accepts , town Grant Park on the lake- program. for sludy and counsel In the field, opposition guessing for about a mon: each has received an edu­ weird electrical eftects. in 78 North KOrean cities would front. • Davies says the workshop will be month regardinll his campaign it­ cation in the liberal arts. When a magnet. and sometimes be bombed. Witnesses said the man em­ Working on this observation, a planned tor next year os a service inerary plans. (mmened 10 Liberal Ana even a human hand, is moved out· Wednesday's seven air battles Truman's Invitation braced the dyine girl as she lay group of Iowa school supcrinlcn- to schooi adminislrators. The Republican presidential "Moreover. each was Immersed s!.de the jar, Scott said. the strange were fought over MIG alley, deep on the ground, then shot himself dents gathered at SUI recently to nominee told newsmen, "There Is in those branches of the liberal li.ghts inside wlll dart about with in northwest Korea. Tuesday the to deatH. do something about It. In a two- no use giving the opposition a arts which have to do with the To Sit with Cabi~e, chance to surround you with fantastic speed, turning erra tI ely, Red planes ventured almost to the A hotel receipt in the slayer's week experimental school-com­ Rains Raise Hopes ideas and concepts basic to our ,topping suddenly, hovering or re­ 38th parallei deeper sou \.h tha n WASHINGTON (iP) - Gov.
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