NEWyJJERSEYAWLM FEATURES STARTING AL Financial Dealings with Clents 5 TeN20TIPSL THE276M M_ by Alice M. Plastoris Attorey.Ehics.Conideraionsfor.he.S.a.1 ...................... by..B rian..J...Fru e h ling. Staring..La.Firn.Laer.n.Lie.1 ...... by.Mary..Jane.Leland Findin.the.alanc:.A.S lo's.ale.1 .. by.Susan.Schleck.Kleiner THE.. NA...O.F.E..LE. 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In addition, efforts should be made to as soon as I graduated law school. ensure the finality of decisions by administrative law judges, Initially, my decision to join the who deserve tenure and the protections of an independent statewide organization was some- Judiciary. what of a knee-jerk reaction-as a Our outreach efforts will not just be about evaluating leg- newly minted attorney, it just seemed like islation and advocating our position, they will also be about the right thing to do. But I quickly real- building lasting relationships. That's just what we expect to ized just how valuable membership in happen at our upcoming town hall meeting. It's an event that the NJSBA can be, whether you are new to the legal profession brings together Trenton insiders with our members to devel- or a seasoned professional, whether you practice as a solo or as op new ways for the association to foster change on behalf of a member of a large firm. the legal profession and the public. The benefits of membership in the NJSBA run the gamut, And this fall, we will hold an NJSBA Day in Trenton, giving and have grown considerably in the three decades since I first our members a chance to meet one-on-one with politicians, signed up. A complete listing of everything available to mem- government officials and lobbyists so we can highlight the bers, from discounts on continuing legal education programs, legislative goals of the association, as well as the value we can legal research and insurance to office management and mar- bring to the decision-making process which began at the keting guidance, as well as invaluable networking opportuni- Annual Meeting in Atlantic City. ties, can be found on the state bar website, at www.njsba.com. I am also pleased to announce a new partnership between As I begin my term as president of the NJSBA, my goal for the NJSBA and the New Jersey Judiciary to foster a better pub- the coming year is to work toward making the association lic understanding of civics and the essential role the courts even more valuable to the membership tomorrow than it is play in a vibrant democracy. The program is called the Bench- today. My attention will be focused in two areas: ensuring the marks Civics Project, and I would like to extend a special state bar remains the leading voice of the profession in Tren- thank-you to Chief Justice Stuart Rabner and Judge Glenn A. ton and enhancing public awareness of the legal profession Grant for their efforts in making it possible. and legal system through public service and civics education. The Benchmarks Civics Project aims to inform the public One of the most important roles the NJSBA plays for its about the way the courts work; what it means to be a citizen; members is serving as the voice of the profession in Trenton. and the importance of an independent, fair and impartial jus- Our members have testified on hundreds of bills, and our in- tice system. It is easy for us to take these points for granted. house lobbying efforts have garnered national awards. We They are, after all, how we spend our days and earn our liveli- also have an extremely strong amicus effort. In the months hood. But they are fundamental values, and it is essential to ahead, we will continue fighting for legislation that matters our mission to ensure the public fully understands their most to lawyers. That work includes securing passage of the importance. professional malpractice legislation that would benefit all Through the project, lawyers will receive professionalism lawyers by reducing the statute of limitations on legal mal- continuing legal education credits (CLEs) when they attend a practice claims from six to two years and the attorneys' fee training session about speaking on civics issues to communi- requirement. The change will not only bring New Jersey in ty groups. Once trained, attorneys who go out and speak with 2 NEW JERSEY LAWYER IJune 2012 WWW.NJSBA.COM groups can earn additional professional- ism CLE credits. We are one of only a handful of states, including Florida, New Hamp- shire and Colorado, to start such a pro- gram. It marks one more way New Jer- sey's Judiciary and legal community are on the cutting edge, and presents a spe- cial opportunity for all of us to get more involved in our communities and foster a better understanding of the important role lawyers and the court system play in our society. I look forward to a successful year working together to improve the prac- tice of law in New Jersey, for the NJSBA membership as well as our clients and the general public. &A WWW.NJSBA.COM NEW JERSEY LAWYER IJune 2012 3 ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ NEW JERSEY LAWYER Jun. 201251No.Z76 a tie So you want to be a solo Solos will STAFF practitioner. Or maybe you also benefit Angela C. Scheck Publisher were gently pushed in that from the per- Cheryl Baisden Managing Editor ceptive advice Janet Gallo Graphic Designer direction. Either way, you're of Bob McAn- Paula Portner Display Advertising in good company: Over 40 drew, who percent of all attorneys in explains why EDITORIAL BOARD New Jersey are with one- and JamesJ. Ferrelli Chair it is important Michael F.Schaff Vice Chair two-lawyer firms. to plan ahead Senwan Akhtar and be organ- Mitchell H. Cobert he collection of articles ized. Learning from other's mistakes is John C. Connell in this issue of New Jer- Jacob Hudnut's valuable message. Angela Foster sey Lawyer Magazine was One article that must be read by all Mimi Huang Susan R. Kaplan compiled to let you solos was written by Craig Aronow, Brian R. Lehrer know there are others David Rubin and David Duggan on the Robert Olejar out there who have bona fide office rule. The proposed rules Asaad Siddiqi dealt with the same challenges you face, have serious ramifications for every solo Susan Storch and are willing to help you establish and practitioner. Susan Stryker fine-tune your practice. Focused on helping attorneys at all Lisa Trembly Our thanks to the authors, all solo or levels hone their skills, we also have an very small-firm practitioners, who have article on the value of mentoring pro- NJSBA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE taken precious time from their busy grams. Of note, six states now have Kevin P. McCann President Ralph J. Lamparello President-Elect schedules to share helpful hints, practi- mandatory mentor programs and seven Paris P. Eliades First Vice President cal advice, and their personal experi- other states allow mandatory continu- Miles S. Winder III Second Vice President ences. Special thanks also goes to the ing legal education (MCLE) credit to Angela W. Dalton Treasurer solo practice committee of the New Jer- mentors and mentees who participate. It Thomas Hoff Prol Secretary sey State Bar Association and its chair, may be time for New Jersey to consider Susan A. Feeney Immediate Past President Craig Aronow, for helping to put this granting MCLE credit for mentoring. issue together. The article by Ken Vercammen is Alice Plastoris has written a practical important as a reference to websites on guide to important business and ethical the Internet that lawyers can utilize for New Jersey Lawyer Magazine (ISSN-0195-0983) Is published six times per year.Permit number 380-680. * Subscription isIncluded considerations affecting all solos. Brian business generation, research and expo- in dues to members of the New Jersey State Bar Association ($10.50); those ineligible for NJSBAmembership may subscribe at Fruehling identifies applicable RPCs we sure. And last, but certainly not least, $60 per year There is a charge of $2.50 per copy for providing copies of Individual articles * Published by the New Jesey State Bar need to be aware of, and provides advice we provide two articles highlighting Association, New Jersey Law Center, One Constitution Square, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901-1520. * Periodicals postage paid on how to identify and avoid ethics the networking, referral, and social at New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTERSend address cianges to New JerseyLawyer complaints. benefits of joining the New Jersey State Magazine, NewJersey State BarAssociation, NewJersey Law Center, One Constitution Square, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901-1520.
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