~ Australasian '- NUMBER 130 FEBRUARY/MARCH 1989 IfO cents aille or , an The Red Army withdrawal is a poignant reminder that the from Afghanistan is a cold­ West's vicarious victory over blooded betrayal of the Afghan communist expansion here and Soviet peoples. The CIA's Is­ isn't without its ambiguities. lamic warriors, armed for over a In a backward country where decade wi th billions of dollars of the female peasantry still toils ultramodern military equipment, like medieval serfs, Kabul's are poised to carry out the whole­ women have managed to hold sale slaughter of Afghan women, on to many 20th-century free­ teachers and other intellectuals, doms.... Instead of staying at leftist activists and peasants. And home behind purdah walls, George Bush has now announced they emerge each day and the US will continue to supply the work in offices, hospitals and mujahe.din with arms as long as schools. " the left-nationalist Kabul regime Walsh contrasts this to the hor­ is in ,power. rible condi tion of Afghan women If this army of mullahs and in the refugee camps in Pakistan, tribalist cutthroats topples the reporting that "foreign doctors Najbullah government, Afghani­ working among the refugee stan will become an imperialist women tell gruesome tales of hus­ dagger pointed at Soviet Central bands leaving them to die, rather Asia. In his drive to appease than permitting diagnosis by a Washington by abandoning Af­ male obstetrician"! ghanistan, Moscow leader Mikhail But the battle for Kabul does Gorbachev is giving US imperial­ not look like it is going to be a ism and its allies a launching pad walkover. The Afghan army is for counterrevolution in the well supplied with Soviet MIG homeland of the socialist October fighter-bombers and medium­ Revolution. With their backs to range missiles. The government the wall, the forces of social pro­ has distributed arms to the popu­ gress are facing a war to the lation, including young women, death. Smash Washington's "holy creating a 30,000-strong civilian warriors" ! militia. The PDPA regime, in the The mujahedin call it badal, past given to murderous factional the code of revenge of the domi­ and cliquist infighting, appears nant Pushtun tribes. It means not Kabul, February 5: Members of Afghan women's militia face life-and­ committed to a united stand. "We just death but often torture, dis­ death struggle. must all fight now," declared mem'Jerment and mutilation. Over months, and goes on, "there are People's Democratic Party of Af­ Najibullah. Throughout the world the past several months, as Soviet very deep passions" that "will be ghanistan (PDPA). Even peasants every class-conscious worker, troops abandoned one outpost turned against those who have whose only "crime" was not emi­ socialist and believer in human after another, the CIA's "freedom been central to the regime." Last grating to Pakistan after 1979 are decency and the rights of man fighters" meted out a taste of month the State Department sent infidels in the eyes of these Islam­ must materially aid the Afghan their barbarism. In November a formal note to its embassies ic "holy warriors." The fall of government against the CIA's Is­ about 70 Afghan soldiers surrend­ around the world instructing them Kabul and other Afghan cities lamic cutthroats. ered to the mujahedin at Tork­ to deny visas to anyone associated would be followed by a massacre At stake in the battle for Af­ ham, on the Afghan side of the with the Afghan regime. Antici­ of the entire educated population, ghanistan is far more than the Khyber Pass. When government pating the mujahedin terrorists' especially tens of thousands of fate of this hideously backward forces retook the outpost several laying waste to Kabul, and in or­ women who escaped from purdah land. The armed Soviet inter­ days later, they found their com­ der to sow panic, Washington and (seclusion) and cast off the vention in Afghanistan in Decem­ rades' bodies - mutilated and its European allies have closed chadori (the head-to-foot veil). ber 1979 provided America's chopped into pieces - in wooden their embassies. Even Western bourgeois pretext for Cold War II. We pro­ crates. The Wall Street Journal (12 journalists, particularly if they're claimed at the time "Hail Red The US and its NATO allies January) gloats that "what the women, are anxious about the hid­ Army in Afghanistan!" while most are doing everything they can to Afghans don't know about re­ eous fate now threatening self-styled leftists around the set !!E. a bloodbath. Richard venge isn't worth knowing." The liberated Afghan women. Mary world joined the imperialist cam­ Murphy, a top State Department victims of the mujahedin' s blood­ Williams Walsh reports in the Wall paign for Soviet troops out. Well, ' official under Reagan, predicts lust will by no means be limited to Street Journal (19 January): -- now the Soviet troops have been the fall of Kabul within a few supporters of the left-nationalist "The plight of Kabul's women Continued on page two ~. Registered by Australia Post - Publication no NBF0110 Afghanistan ... Continued from page one Richard S Fraser - Veteran pulled out to appease US imperial­ ism. If the mujahedin sueceed in American Trots1kyist butchering every leftist, teacher I and unveiled woman in Afghani­ Comrade Richard S Fraser, a through integrated revolutionary stan, their blood will be on the veteran American Trotskyist, died struggle for proletarian socialist hands not onl y of the Bushes, 'rule. Based on the recognition Thatchers, Kohls and their junior on 27 November 1988. For close partners like Hawke, but also on to 30 years Comrade Fraser was a that US blacks are an oppressed race-colour caste and not a separ­ their "left" camp followers. leading member of the US Social­ ist Workers Party which he had ate nation, this program of revol­ ORIGINS AND NATURE OF joined in 1934, and his later ac­ utionary integration was adopted THE AFGHAN WAR tivity included helping found the by the Spartacist League/US from For decades Afghanistan's Seattle-based Freedom Socialist its inception. It has found verifi­ small number of modernizing in­ Party. Over the years he devel­ cation in life in the victorious tellectuals have generally been oped his relations with 'the labour/black mobilisations that pro-Soviet. 'When they looked Spartacist League/US, leading to stopped Ku Klux Klan provo­ across their northern border into a close and invaluable collabor­ cations, for example recently in Soviet Central Asia, they saw ation in its work to establish Philadelphia and Atlanta. children who could read, women labour/black defence organis­ liberated from the veil, and a ations. The author of "For a Ma­ Fraser's historic theoretical level of social and economic well­ terialist Conception of the Negro contribution deserves serious at­ ~ being centuries in advance of Af­ Struggle," Richard Fraser was a tention from thoughtful anti­ 1913-1988 ghanistan. As a result of Soviet theoretical mentor, cherished racist militants, especially blacks, central planning, living standards friend and in the end, a comrade in this country. Though his analy­ in Tashkent are as high as in of the Spartacist League. sis of concrete US reality is not heirs to an unbroken revolutionary Moscow. Dedicating himself to the applicable here, nevertheless the tradition going back to Lenin and In 1965 Afghan leftist circles study of the black question in struggle against the hard racial Trotsky's Communist Inter­ formed the People's Democratic America, Fraser enriched the pro­ exclusionism of White Australia national, and Richard Fraser was Party of Afghanistan. The PDPA gram of Marxism with the under­ must also be a struggle for revol­ an im port ant part of that conti­ was a unique phenomenon in standing that the emancipation of utionary integration. The inter­ nuity. We honour his life, most of Afghanistan: a secular party not blacks in the US will only come national Spartacist tendency are all by carrying forward his fight •• based on any tribal or ethnic group. It claimed adherence to Marxism-Leninism, and its struc­ as his advisers, while Khalq sources of credit, seed, fertilizer masses. Although conducted half­ suggested "a government com­ and, in this arid land, even water. ture was modelled after Stalin's heartedly, sending troops into Af­ Forget proletarian revolution - bureaucratized Communist Party. posed of a 'United Front' ghanistan was the one unambigu­ Afghanistan could 'not even sus­ However, its program was limited including the PDPA." ously decent and progressive act tain the kind of widespread of the corrupt and conservative to moderate reforms to be carried In April 1978 the Daud regime, peasant revolt experienced in Brezhnev regime, since it went out by a government of "workers, prodded by the Western powers farmers, enlightened and medieval France, Russia and against the grain of the reaction­ and the shah of Iran, moved to China. ary Stalinist dogma of "socialism progressive intellectuals, crafts­ Thus when the PDPA govern­ in one country." We wrote at the men, the petit bourgeoisie and Ql '<#'" ment attempted to institute a time: national capitalists" (cited in Raja g'I program of minimal democratic "There can be no question that Anwar, The Tragedy of ~t for revolutionaries our side.in Afghanistan [1988]). i. measures - land reform, elimin­ ation of the bride price for this conflict is with the Red , Labelled "Communist" by their 0 women, universal education for Army. In fact, although opponents, the PDPA cadre were .both sexes - it instantly outpaced uncalled for militarily, a Aatu­ in fact modernizing petty­ the social forces to stJstain them. ral response on the part of the bourgeois nationalists more akin The khans and :nullahs, driven into world's young leftists would to Kemal Ataturk's Young Turks a frenzy by such measures as be an enthusias tic desire to than to Lenin's Bolsheviks.
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