quainted with the coll ege, with Stowe The Cover Picture T ennis Stadium, a nd with D r. A ll en Research Project Pictured on the steps of Harmon B. Stowe, director of the na tional ten­ is Described nis championship tournament. Hall are student representatives from The research project carried on six countries. This picture of inter­ One thing led to a nother, because at Kalamazoo College by the Na­ national friendship in action was M r. Coss is ma nag ing editor of Civic taken during the sessions of the E ducation Service, Inc., publishers of tional Council for Stream Improve­ International Service Seminar spon­ The American Observer, the Weekly ment is described in the recent News Review, the Junior Review, sored by the American Friends Ser­ Young Citizen, a nd the Civic Leader. report of the Committee on Co­ vice Committee. Housed in Har­ These publi cations will be recognized ordination of Research for the mon Hall, 52 students from 24 as bein g the news magazines used by American Paper and Pulp Associa­ countries spent five weeks on the school chil dre n of all ages throug h­ tion. K College campus, living and o ut the na ti on. 1Jr. Coss was impress­ working as a group with one com­ ed by the potential benefi ts of a good The project on the deinking of mon purpose, the serious study of tennis progra m fo r young people paper mill waste has been going foundations for world peace. everywhere. He asked fo r in fo rma­ t ion and background on the Kala ma­ on for several years. At present a Recreation and fellowship were zoo Coll ege progr am, one of the best full scale deinking waste treatment important parts of the program, in the na tion, a nd he has indicated plant by the Kalamazoo River Im­ together with classes, conferences, that he wants to run a number of provement Company has been committee meetings, and periods for articles o n te nnis a nd other "active erected at Plainwell in accordance pa rticipa ti on" sports during the year, devotional meditation- each in his with research findings of the labo­ own way. Dr. Allan B. Cole, mem­ with a description and repor t of wha t Kalamazoo Coll ege does. One of these ratory. This plant includes biolog­ ber of the department of Far East­ articles appeared in th e Sept. 24 issue ical aeration preceded and followed ern Affairs of the Fletcher School of the Weekly News Review. by sedimentation, the treatment of Law and Diplomacy, was in vVhile D r. Stowe was in New Yor k found to be successful in the labo­ charge of the seminar. to a ttend t he meetings of the Ameri­ ratory and pilot plant stages of the Students pictured, beginning with can Chemi cal Society, he call ed upon project. the young lady seated, center, and Mr. Coss in W ashing to n, in response Experimentation with various going clockwise, are from : U. S., to invitation, a nd spent a day with types of air diffusers, varied aera­ Japan, Chile, Pakistan, Philippine him. T his provided opportunity also to visit with alumni. D r. Stowe r e­ tion periods and conditions, vacuum Islands, and ~exico. ports tha t Dr. '42 a nd M r s. Fred filtration of sludge and sludge utili­ In the next issue of the ALUM­ P inkha m (H elen K os tia "43) made up zation and disposal will be con­ NUS we hope to introduce the size­ a party on the spur of th e moment, tinued. to which g uests included: Dr. '10 a nd able group of foreign students who Millard Bachelder '50 IS m are enrolling at Kalamazoo College 1Irs. Mayna rd Owe n W illia ms, M r. charge of operation of the Plain­ with the new class which was ar­ '-18 and 1 lrs. Owen W illia ms, D r. \ Val­ ter Good '3 7, M r. '1 9 a nd M rs. North­ well plant. Design and construc­ riving on campus as we go to press. tion of the plant was under the At least 12 foreign countries will rup R ead, a nd Mr. '43 a nd M rs. Quen­ tin Verdier, a nd children of most of direction of A. ]. Palladino, who be represented by these students the fa milies. maintains an office in R. E. Olds who will give the campus a truly He had opportunity to Yi sit also Science H all. international flavor. with 1lr. a nd Mrs. Earl Simrell (H a r­ ri e t Hosking '29), a nd M r. '39 a nd ~ lr s. ] ohn L. Grabber (Esther Tyler "One Thing Leads To '37), the Ro bert R owla nds '41 a nd KALAMAZOO COLLEGE Another" Department th e D ona ld La rsen's '30, M r. '-15 a nd Mrs. J ohn Pendergast (J a net H a ll ALUMNUS By the Editor '45), a nd Loui s B. :\! ichols ex'32. Volume XIII If your school age children have Speakingm of aga zines- The Inter­ October, 1951 Number 4 told you, "W e read a bout K alamazoo national Tennis News devoted a major Editor, EDWARD J . LAUTH '32 Coll ege today," her e is how it came shar e of one issue to the champio n­ Associate Editor - MARILYN HINKLE '44 a bout : ship tourname nt. Coverage included Sports Editor- -- --JOHN STOMMEN '53 a full front page story with pictures Campus News --- -JANET ROBINSON '51 A t the National Junior a nd Boys Editorial Assista nt - JOANNE THOMPSON T ennis Cha mpionships held a t Stowe in color, a full page of pictures in the Stadium this summer, a number of magazine, and three or four other Publt shed bi-monthly by the K a lamazoo Col· lege A lumni A ssocia tion and K a la m azoo Col­ fa thers a nd mother s of contesta nts a rticles about the tennis program at lege. were present, as in previous years. Kalamazoo Coll ege, including a pic­ Presiden t of t he Alumni Associat ion : Dr. Cha rles K. J ohnson '32 One of the fa ther s was M r. Clay Coss, ture a nd story a bout the K Coll ege ~le m be r of the Amer ican A lum ni Council of W ashing ton, D . C., fa th er of Tim, tennis team. This developed from the fact th a t the publi sher of the maga­ E ntered as second class matter J anua ry 18, a hig h ra nking contesta nt fo r the Jun­ 19~0 a t the Post Office at Kalamazoo Mic hi· ior title. During the week :Mr. Coss zine, state Sena tor W alter B. F raser, gan, under t he act of M a rch 3, 1879. P ub· lished bi-mont h ly, s ix ti mes yearly in was on the Kalamazoo Coll ege campus was a t the tournament for a week to October , D ecember , Feb r ua r y, Apr il, June, and August. Subscrip tion rate: On e dollar he had opportunity to become ac- (Continued on page 1 5) per year. Page 2 ALUMNUS Here's The Situation • The Alumnus needs HELP from its readers! 1897 Our problem is: How can we put our Alumnus on a self-supporting F loren ce L a tourette Milliken passed away on March 19, 1951. Her home was in A lta­ basis ? It has been operating "in the red" actually. Your alumni officers dena, California. and the editors have been considering "ways and means"p to ut the alumni 1904 program on a sound financial basis in the face of a necessary curtailment T he R ever end Cha rles G. Morse is pastor of the Novi Baptist Church and is a mis­ of operational budget. sionary for the Detroit Baptist Missionary H ere's the story ___ _ Society. Mrs. :rtforse, the former Grace Ca lkins '04, is ordained to the Christian We have over 3500 alumni on our mailing list. The Alumnus alone rninistry and has served as associate pas­ has an annual expense of nearly $3,000. And there are, of course, other tor in larger parish work in Indiana and Michigau. regular expenses in carrying on the activities of the Alumni Association. 1905 Did yo u know we now have twen­ H elene Lovett Barker is associate advisor, ty-six active alumni clubs through­ Men's Residence Halls, University of Mich­ igan. out the country? As you know, in 1912 recent years there has been no spe­ Ch a rles H . Biss recently was honored by cial appeal made for AlttmnttS sub­ the Provincial Government of Saskatchewan, when he was chosen a King's Counsel. This Table Of scriptions or fo r alumni dues. We is a much prized honor granted only to do need your support now. members of the legal profession. Contents - Oct. Due to postal regulations per­ 1915 "One Thing Leads to Another" 2 Anna Monteith H arr ison, former mission­ taining to second class matter, the ary to Arabia, is a Berea, Kentucky, house­ News Notes 3 copy on the enclosed envelope can wife. President's Letter 4 apply to subscriptions only. But 1917 K enneth M. P ayne, Jr., has become a gen­ Four Trustees Elected 4 we are hopefully wishing you might eral partner in Lester, Ryons & Co., a con­ Enrollment Figures 5 fi nd a bit extra to slip into the solidation of the Pacific Company of Cali­ fornia and Lester & Company, investment Mrs.
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