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Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this report, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this report. This report, for which the directors of Jiangsu NandaSoft Technology Company Limited collectively and individually accept full responsibility, includes particulars given in compliance with the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the GEM of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited for the purpose of giving information with regard to Jiangsu NandaSoft Technology Company Limited. The directors, having made all reasonable enquiries, confirm that, to the best of their knowledge and belief that the information contained in this report is accurate and complete in all material respects and not misleading and deceptive; and there are no other matters the omission of which would make any statement herein or this report misleading. JIANGSU NANDASOFT TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2017 1 CONTENTS Page(s) Corporate Information 3 Chairman’s Statement 4 Management Discussion and Analysis 6 Report of the Directors 13 Corporate Governance Report 21 Report of the Supervisory Committee 31 Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management 32 Independent Auditor’s Report 38 Group: Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and other Comprehensive Income 45 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 46 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 48 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 49 Notes to the Financial Statements 51 Five Year Financial Summary 110 2 JIANGSU NANDASOFT TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2017 CORPORATE INFORMATION DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY COMPLIANCE OFFICER Executive Directors Mr. Zhu Yong Ning Mr. Zhu Yong Ning (Chairman) AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Wu Qing An Mr. Zhu Yong Ning Non-executive Directors Mr. Shum Shing Kei Mr. Wong Wa Tak AUDITORS Mr. Yin Shou Rong Mr. Sha Min Elite Partners CPA Limited Mr. Xu Zhi Bin LEGAL ADVISORS Independent Non-executive Directors Adrian Lau & Yim Lawyers Mr. Xie Man Lin Mr. Shi Zhong Hua PRINCIPAL BANKERS Ms. Xu Xiao Qin Nanjing City Commercial Bank, Chengbei sub-branch China Industrial and Commercial Bank, Supervisors Nanjing Branch, Shanxi Lu sub-branch, Mr. Yao Gen Yen SPD Bank, Hong Kong Branch Ms. Huang Jing Jing Ms. Chen Jian Hong HONG KONG SHARE REGISTRAR AND Ms. Gu Yin Ping TRANSFER OFFICE Mr. Yao Xingtian Hong Kong Registrars Limited, Mr. Lin Hui 46th Floor, Hopewell Centre, COMPANY SECRETARY 183 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong Mr. Shum Shing Kei PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IN AUDIT COMMITTEE CHINA AND REGISTERED OFFICE Mr. Xie Man Lin (Chairman) NandaSoft Softech Park Ms. Xu Xiao Qin No. 19 South Qingjiang Road, Mr. Shi Zhong Hua Gulou District, Nanjing, China NOMINATION COMMITTEE Postal code: 210036 Mr. Zhu Yong Ning PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IN Mr. Xie Man Lin (Chairman) HONG KONG Mr. Yin Shou Rong Mr. Shi Zhong Hua Rooms 01–05, 46/F, Ms. Xu Xiao Qin Office Tower, Convention Plaza, REMUNERATION COMMITTEE 1 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Mr. Zhu Yong Ning Hong Kong Mr. Yin Shou Rong Mr. Xie Man Lin STOCK CODE Mr. Shi Zhong Hua Ms. Xu Xiao Qin 8045 JIANGSU NANDASOFT TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2017 3 CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT Zhu Yong Ning Chairman On behalf of the board of directors (the “Board”), I am pleased to present the annual report for the year ended 31 December 2017 of Jiangsu NandaSoft Technology Company Limited (“NandaSoft”, the “Company” or “We”, together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) to the shareholders for their review. As we entered the 13th five-year period, China relied on innovation to promote the transformation of old growth drivers into new ones and the optimization and upgrading of the structure. Innovation is playing a increasingly stronger role in economic development. Under this favorable economic development circumstance, the Company continued to focus on construction of the platform fusing Information Technology with other industries, accelerate the business mode innovation, and promote the transformation and development of the enterprise. 2017 is a year of transition and development for NandaSoft. The Company leveraged the scientific research power of Nanjing University and other key universities and human resources at home and abroad to step up the effort to deepen and expand the construction of “Internet Plus” platform of various industries. The Company has successfully achieved a diverse presence in intellectual property transactions, smart medical care, smart education and other “Internet Plus” areas, opening up new business situations. In the meantime, the company continued to strengthen internal control management, improve governance structure, and reduce operating costs. During the year under review, the Company achieved some results in transformation and development. As the listed IT company of a university, we have always been dedicated to using the power of technology and capital to transform technological achievements of universities. During the year, the Company was interested in the establishment of the Nanjing Zhonggao Intellectual Property Co., Ltd., which further promoted the cooperation with the State Intellectual Property Office and various universities on the industrialization of intellectual properties. Relying on the main function of the intellectual property trading platform of Chinese universities, the Company contributed to the efficient market-oriented transformation of the scientific and technological achievements of colleges and universities. During the year, the medical technology company in which the company was interested successfully launched the Haoxinshu(好心舒)Coronary Heart Disease Steward App, the “Expert Remote Consultation System” smart cloud and the “Chronic Disease Management System” cloud platform, which enabled medical institutes in remote areas to access in real-time the medical support of central hospitals, realizing the sharing of high quality medical resources of central hospitals. At the same time, the company continued to advance the construction of “Zhiya Online Education Cloud System”, which expanded the cooperation with Changzhou Science and Technology Bureau and universities in Changzhou Science and Education District. In addition, the Company successfully conducted secondary offerings in H-shares and brought in foreign strategic investors, laying a sound foundation for opening overseas market in the future. 4 JIANGSU NANDASOFT TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2017 CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT BUSINESS RESULTS In FY2017, turnover of the Group was approximately RMB404,651,000, representing a decrease of approximately RMB38,714,000 compared with 2016. Net loss attributable to owners of the Company was approximately RMB53,834,000. The Board does not recommend final dividend distribution for the year ended 31 December 2017. FUTURE PROSPECTS What the country needs, the enterprise delivers. The continuing promotion of the national innovation strategy provides great development opportunities for innovative enterprises such as NandaSoft. The Company will continue to rely on the scientific research power of Nanjing University and human resources at home and abroad to conduct model innovation using internet technology in such areas as medical care, education, and intellectual property which are important for the development of China. Have an insight into the world and remain true to our original aspiration. In 2018, the Company will celebrate its 20th anniversary. We have always been committed to constantly increasing the value of shareholders, business partners and customers, concentrating on tapping development opportunities arising from the fusion of “Internet Plus” with the resources of various industries, and creating more value and sustainable development opportunities for shareholders and business partners with Information Technology. On behalf of the board of directors, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Groups’ shareholders, business partners, customers, management and staff for your continuous support. Zhu Yong Ning Chairman Nanjing, China 27 March 2018 JIANGSU NANDASOFT TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2017 5 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FINANCIAL REVIEW The turnover of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2017 was approximately RMB404,651,000, which represented a decrease of approximately RMB38,714,000, when compared with 2016. With the rapid development of the Information Technology (the “IT”) industry, the
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