"Central Illinois' Only Equity Star Music and Drama Theat Twelfth season May 25 - Sept 29,1968 Sullivan, I ." I Guy S. Little, Jr. Ptwnts I JANE KEAN in "GUYS AND DOLLS" July 23 28, 1968 - -2' GUY S. Little, Jr. PRESENTS JANE KEAN 'GUYS AND DOLLS" A Mvsicaf Fable of Broadway Based on a Story and C3raracters of Damon Runyon Music and Lyrics by Book by FRANK LOESSER JO SWERLING and ABE BURROWS with JERlLl LITTLE JOHN KELSO J. HOMER ANDERSON 8111 Haddad Ralph Foody Robert kltney Harold Goldberg Jean Webster Hlilliam Arthur DIRECTED AND- CHOREOGRAPHED BY GEORGE BUNT Musical Direction by ROBERT MOREEN PRODUCTION DESIGNED by ROBERT D. SOUL€ Costumes by JEAN WEBSTER Production Stage Manager Technical Dimctor BENNETT T. OBERSTEIN FREDRICK LEE OLSON I ENTIRE PRODUCTION UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF MR. LITTLE I CAST Nicely-Nicely Johnson ........................................... BILL HADDAD Benny Southstreet ............................................. NEIL FLECKMAN Rusty Charlie ................................................ WILLIAM ARTHUR Sarah Brown ................................................... JERlLl LITTLE Arvide Abernathy .......................................... HAROLD GOLDBERG Mission Band .............................. LOIS P. CARLSON, GIL FISHER, PATTI FUOCO, LINDA HUTSON Harry the Horse ................................................ DAVID HARDIN Lt. Brannigan .................................................. RALPH FOODY Nathan Detroit .................................................. JOHN KELSO Angie the Ox ................................................ MICHAELROBINS Miss Adelaide .................................................... JANE KEAN Sky Masterson ............................................ J. HOMER ANDERSON Joey Biltmore .................................................. JOHN WALKER Mimi ................................................. DEBORAH WOOD General Matilda B. Cartwright ...................................JEAN WEBSTER Big Jule .................................................. ROBERT GWALTNEY Drunk .......................................................TOM HASTINGS Hot Box Girls .................................. DEBORAH WOOD, JEANNE REYNOLDS, LYNDA MILLOFF, SHARl BAUHS, CYNTHIA STROHACKER, MARY LOU WESTERFIELD Men's Chorus .............. DARYL WAGNER, TOM HASTINGS, GREGG STUMP,' SONNY KNIGHT, CARL GOODWIN, JOHN WALKER, MICH- AEL ROBINS. KEN FRANCIS.. GUY- LITTLE. WILLIAM ARTHUR Extras P. STEVE HARRIS, JEAN OBRECHT, MARY ~osco,'BECKY SIEGEL; 'NICHOLAS EVANS, JIM BALDASSARE ORCHESTRA: Robert Moreen and Eddie McCarty, Pianos; Michael Garrett, Percussion; Jack Henry, Bass. CREDITS: Macon Music, Inc., Decatur; McMannis Flower Shop Decatur. Don Barber-Montgomery Ward Decatur. Dr. Elliott; Elzy's Flower Shop Mr. ~azel1;-~oolwbrth's, Decatur; Methodjst ~hurih,~u~livah; Western Union Telegraph; ~aink-~ssicks,Decatur; Salvation Army; Commun~ty Discount. "Guys and Dolls" presented with permission of Music Theatre Intutrnational, 119 West 57th Street, New York, N. Y, EVERYTHING IN TRAVEL AIR.. SEA . RAIL. TRAVEL SERVICE Call 365-3316 117 LINCOLN SQUARE--URBAMA 135 West Main Street Dscatur, Illinoh Compliments of HENDRIX BOTTLING CO. MATTOON, ILLINOIS A ble to give you the benefit of 63 years banking experience! I Built with you in mind. drive up, walk up, walk in 51 hours weekly. ots of sites to see. we know the roads tro IocaCions. L l I I Every bunking convenience available now for your every need. 1- NONE! in Sullivan adMoultrie County! NATUONAL BANK OF SULLIVAN I I I I - IEMRAl DEWY1 INSURANCE CORWRAWN 3.B-mis- L/ # ,, f.'4lljr&im s'tptte~,eare rebifii! eb by BENNETT & SHADE "When we have shuffled off this mortal coil. " - Hamlet (Life Insurance) "Must I hold a candle to my shames?" - Merchant of Venice (Fire Insurance) "How camest thou in this pickle?" - Tempest (Homeowner's Insurance) "I am in a holiday humour. " - As You Like It (Vaca tion-Travel Insurance) "A man of my kidney. " - Merry Wives of Windsor (Hospitalization Insurance) "0,understand my drift." - Merry Wives of Windsor (bating Insurance) "The most unkindest cut of all." - Julius Caesar (Accident Insurance) "A hone! A hone! my kingdom for a hone. " - Richard 111 (Auto Insurance) BENNETT & SHADE 146 S. Water - Decatur Insurance Agents Broken You Dreamed WELCOME! TO THE TWELFTH SEASON "The Impossible Dream" Althou h Vivian Vance starring in The Mar- -Keep Dreaming riage-Go-5-d on May 25th marks the firnt .how o! the 1968 spring-summer-fall season at \I The L~ttleTheatre-On The Square thim pro- duction will be the ninth opening f& producer Guy S. Little. Jr. this year. Immediately after resenting Rosemary Prinz in A Girl Could Get CONGRATULATIONS TO THE Eucb in December- anuary in Sullivan, Mr. Little left for Phoeni! Armona where he was engaged as roducer f& the 21st sealon at the famoum somgrero P1a house. While in Phoenix. LITTLE THEATRE ON CTS 12*, Mr. Little presented &ward Keel Ray Walston Kathryn Crosby Mildred ~atwiciCornelia 0ti; Skinner and &her greats of ~merican show SEASON business in addition to Ann Sothern, Robert I b Cumminp and Vivian Vance. .all who will I appear In Sullivan this season. Mr. Little returned to Sullivan in time. to remodel the balcony of the theatre removlng the old pro- jection booth and elev;tinK the seats; and in- stalling a new curved staple curtain--all to celebrate the opening of the 12th season in Sullivan. Long before. Mr. Little opened the Grand Theatre back m 1957 he hoped and planned that nomeda he wouid have a theatre where musicals and plays could be presented. He got his first job In professional theatre as an ap- ytice at the Keene, New Hampshire Summer heatre in 1951 and worked the two following smnmers at the Gateway Musical Playhouse near Atlantic City. raduation from the University of M~S'ar Little took graduate courses at JOHN BARLW, R. Ph. ~olumhia~hiversit~ and The American Theatre Wing before returnmg to central Illinois in the spnng of 1957 to look for a theatre location. Not havin& succeas locating a suitable theatv in-any of e larger citiea in downstate 1111- nols. Mr. Little decided to lease the movie house .in his native Sullivan. Since the o ening of Bngadoon on J,uly 3. 1957, Mr. ~ittfehas presented 112 major productton.--both plays and musicals-featuring many outstanding stars and supporting casts from Broadway. Hollywood TV and Opera. The first season ran nin; weeks md had an attendance of 8.000. The Little Theatre-On The Square was open for twenty-four weeks last year and had an st- tendance af 80 000 .a most gratifying in- crease l The ~iltle' ~hiatdn The Square also has a Children's Thea!re which presents pro- ductions for youn audtences on Saturdays dur- ing late June fuly and Au~ust. Mr. Little strongly belie& that stock should be a prov- ing-mound and workshop for young talent to develop as actors-singers-dancers and technicians. Thirty outasnding apprentices are accepted -c. year from over 100 applicants; these young stu- Cafe & Tavern dents who have come from most every stat. STEAKS SEA FOOD CHICKEN BAR-B-Q RIBS I CATFISH ' SPAGHETTI ENJOY YOUR FAVORITE 1967 SEASON DRINK WITH EACH MEAL Mrs. Ruth Abbott Dr. & Mrs. Wm. Closed Monday and Tuesday Mrs. Don Ackcrman Alwerdt Mrs. Genevieve Adams Whitney Ames Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Mr. & Mrs. Claude CALL Adelman Anderson Dr. & Mrs. E. E. John A. Anderson Aikman E. R. Anselm Mrs. Leonkrd Albert Jane Antle Leonard Albert Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Antle 644-9603 M-s. W. G. Alexander George Arthur Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Allen Mrs. Stanley Ashby Mrs. Ral~hAllen Jack Asher Route 32 STRASBURG Mr., & Mrs. Jay Allred Ayars State Bank Els~rB. Alpers Aylco Chemical Co. MOTEL MILROY Phone 728-71 13 ~~UCWGuy S. LlWk, Jr. Routes 121 and 32 Air Conditioned SULLIVAN, ILLINOIS Gauger Lumber Co. Sullivan, illinois I Fred D. Bachman Mr. % Mra. Raymond H. Bacon & Van Buakirk Bane Glass Co. Clarke Barber Virgil Bader Mr. & Mrs. John Barlow f' Mrs. car1 C. Baer Hildreth Barnes 8 Richard Bailey Mr. & Mrs. J. P. Barrick 'Everyrhilng to Build Anything' Mr. John Bash I r. & Mrs. J. J. Baker, Marjorie Bathe 1 Jr. Mrs. Make Bauer Lucie Baker Mr. & Mrs. Dale M. Mrs. Ruth Baker Bayles Forrest Ball Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Beall Edward N. Ballard Mra. E. R. Bean (Listing contid on follovin~pages) ~fferthe S~OW.)Meet the Cast Jibby's Ghe Spot 30r 3un STEAKS - PIZZA SANDWICHES and DRINKS ONE BLOCK NORTH OF SQUARE THE EWlNG HOUSE A VICTORIAN HOME AUTHENTICALLY FURN18HED IN THE STYLE OF THE 1870'8 Open Tues. through Sun. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. ADMISSION Adults $1.0 - Children 50c 406 E. Main ARCOLA, ILL. Meet Paul, the friendly operato; at "THE OLD STORE" - CADWELL, ILLINOIS 8 Miles Northeast of Sullivan 225 N. Locust Phone a685314 OPEN DAILY PHONE 543-2916 (Ac-217) Gourmet Foods and Antique Reproductions Arcola, Ill. AND A NEW FEATURE Exhibiting Painting and Antiques displayed in Ceramics in our OI~ charming old barn Janat)lan Creek Rallroad Depot atmosphere A* Gallery IN THE DARK ABOUT Our Thanks And Congratulations THE LATEST To The THING? Little Theatre - On The w8 aren't! Square for its oame look. I we're open every n ite .except Outstanding Contributions Sun. and Mon. to our community FASHION Brown Shoe Co. SHOP Sullivan, Ill. SULLIVANTHE 1 ACROSS THEI SQUARE I 41967 Season Tieker Subscribers can't... ) Mr. & Mrs. Robt. P. Tudee & Mrs. B. A. Bear Edie Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Robert Edwards Beckhoff Mr. $ Mrs. Vernon M. Jerald Beitman Elder Eileen Benaon Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Elder Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Emel Beveridge Geneva English Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Bingman
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