WOODHAM FERRERS AND BICKNACRE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON Tuesday 4th June 2019. at Bicknacre Memorial Village Hall, Bicknacre, Essex CM3 4NB = Expenditure decision = A resolution made In Attendance: Cllr. J. Saltmarsh (Chairman) Cllr. A. Mair Cllr. L. White (Vice Chairman) Cllr. K. Wilkin Cllr. S. Sinclair Cllr. G. Blackshaw Cllr. R. Blanks Clerk of the Council, K. Kuderovitch THE CHAIRMAN REQUESTED MOBILE PHONES WERE SWITCHED OFF 66/19. Declaration of Interests All Members were reminded that they must disclose any interests they know they have in items of business on the meeting’s agenda and that they must do so at this point on the agenda or as soon as they become aware of the interest. They are also obliged to notify the Monitoring Officer of the interest within 28 days of the meeting, if they have not previously notified her about it. The Chairman offered members the opportunity to declare any interests and note them. Cllr. S. Sinclair – Pecuniary Interest Planning Item 75/19. 67/19. Apologies None. 68/19. Minutes/Public Forum The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 16th May 2019 were approved and signed. On the motion of the Chairman the meeting was adjourned for 15 minutes for members of the public/press to address the Council. A member of the public was present to observe only. 69 /19. Election of Vice-Chairman (vote taken) Cllr. L. White offered to take the position, a vote was taken unanimously in favour. It was resolved that Cllr. White was elected as Vice Chairman. 70/19. Report from Cllr R. Poulter (CCC). Cllr. Poulter reported that Eastham, Woodham Ferrers was considering submitting a Planning Application to increase to 50 bedrooms. The Clerk reported that although there had been a public session held at St Mary’s Church the Parish Council had not been previously notified. 71/19. Friends of Priory Fields The Chair, Clerk & Cllr. Sinclair had attended the AGM on 5th June 2019 & reported good attendance and a very interesting meeting. The Chairman had given thanks to the group for their commitment and on being awarded for the 8th year running the Green Flag Award. Thanks were also given for their involvement on 21st May with the RCCE judge for the Village of the Year competition. The Clerk reported on a request from the group surrounding the use of the fields for children’s birthday parties. The Clerk gave feedback from Came & Company being the Parish Council Insurance as follows: If there is a company contracted to deliver the party the Council should request sight of the companies of the Public Liability cover, to ensure correct cover is in place. The Council’s policy will provide cover if there were to be any defects with the land which caused injury and a resulting claim, the claimant would need to prove the Council were Clerk of the Council: Mrs K Kuderovitch, Parish Council Office, Woodham Ferrers Village Hall, Main Road,Woodham Ferrers, CM3 8RJ 01245 328988 E Mail [email protected] WOODHAM FERRERS AND BICKNACRE PARISH COUNCIL negligent in their actions. This cover would be under the Public Liability insurance. Where the area is just used by the public without a company organising a specific activity the policy we arrange will respond if a claim for injury or damage arises and the parish council is found to be legally liable for the incident. In reality this is only ever likely to happen where there is a defect with the land caused by the council’s negligence. If the incident arises from the activity being undertaken there it is difficult to see how the council could ever be held legally liable but if they were the policy will assist. After discussion, it was resolved to allow children’s birthday parties and ask the Friends of Priory Fields to ‘police’ the events. Support from the Parish Council would be available if there were any issues. 72/19. Appointment of Parish Councils Reps/Committees Footpaths - Cllr. G. Blackshaw, Open Spaces – Cllr. S. Sinclair Woodham Ferrers Village Hall Committee – Cllr. L. White Tree Representative – Cllr. G. Blackshaw 73/19. Annual Parish Meeting 2019 The Chair reported a very successful meeting with approx. 50 residents present. The Chairman was commended on the handling of the questions raised at the meeting. 74/19. Accounts a) Chairman checked & signed Unity Bank Statements for end May 2019. Clerk reported that Kashflow was not available for the bank reconciliations and would be presented at the July meeting. b) It was resolved to appoint Heelis & Lodge as the Internal Auditor for 19/20. c) It was resolved to purchase a bench & soft ground fixings for Bicknacre Playing Fields @ £423.00 d) It was resolved, after review, to accept the Internal Audit Report for 18-19. e) It was resolved that the Clerk be appointed as the RFO. f) It was resolved to approve the Annual Governance Statement for 18/19 – which was signed by the Clerk/Chairman. g) It was resolved to approve the Annual Accounting Statements for 18/19 – which was signed by the Clerk/Chairman. h) Council agreed the following payments: 2 WOODHAM FERRERS AND BICKNACRE PARISH COUNCIL Cllr. S. Sinclair left the meeting at this point. 75/19. Planning 19/00834/FUL Address: 2 Hill View Bicknacre Chelmsford Essex Description of works: First floor side extension over existing garage PC Comment: Supported Cllr. S. Sinclair re-joined the meeting at this point. 76.19. Freedom of Information Policy Review Council to consider to adopt a new policy – deferred. 77/19. Community Projects, Events & Funding Clerk to report/update & Council to consider new projects: Enchanted Cinema – Friday 6th September 2019 – film choices were being considered. Councillors were encouraged to attend this event. Outdoor Gym Equipment – pending funding application to the ECC CIF Fund for provision at Woodham Ferrers & Bicknacre. Cllr. Mair suggested siting the equipment at Bicknacre Playing Fields – to be considered. Spring Bulbs in villages – The Clerk reported new bulbs had been arranged to be planted free of charge By Chelmsford City Council engaging with local schools. (charge for the bulbs only) at the following locations; Woodham Ferrers Village Green, Bicknacre Village Green & The corner of The Grove. 78/19. Clerks & Councillors Report/ General Items/Information: a) Playing fields & open spaces The Hooe, Council to consider the provision of Basketball. Lodge Road Playing Fields, New bench installed kindly donated by Sophie March. Metal gate has new padlock. Bicknacre Playing Field, Bicknacre Village Green – Chair reported criminal damage to the memorial bench & some plants, Clerk to investigate a possible insurance claim. Review of Annual Play Area Inspection. – deferred. Cllr. Blackshaw gave expert advice on the car parking project and was satisfied with the schedule of works. The Clerk relayed the guarantee response. A vote was taken & it was resolved by a majority (5 for & 1 against) to proceed and arrange an installation date – Clerk to confirm to B.F. Grounds Maintenance. 3 WOODHAM FERRERS AND BICKNACRE PARISH COUNCIL b) General Village - Crows Lane road/potholes – some fixed/some further reports to be made. The Council had received complaints about overgrown vegetation making exiting Crows Lane onto the Main Road dangerous. Clerk to write to landlord. Fencing at The Hooe - deferred, poor pavements – photos to be sent to the Clerk. Cllr. Blackshaw gave details of an idea to have a village app to share information linked to OS maps. c) Village Hall – reports & information d) Community Groups/organisations. Cllr. Sinclair reported Bicknacre Friendship Club would be meeting temporarily at the Rettendon Bell for a period of 2 months. e) Councillors were invited to share any items not covered above. Building in Bicknacre in disrepair (ex-Petals), CCTV Access July Agenda, EALC Training date to be confirmed. K. Kuderovitch.….. Clerk to the Council 4 .
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