CONTRIBUTION OF INDIANS IN THE FIELD OF LINGUISTICS A SELECT ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF Master • ^v< v% ^ of •^.\\ ^ ii Library and Information Science SABA FARHEEN ROLLNO. 97-LSM-13 ENROLMENT NO. W-7400 UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF MR. S. MUSTAFA K. Q. ZAIDI READER DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE AUGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH (INDIA) 1998 ••fC bS .3I&0 DS3160 Phones: (0571) 40003y Internal 19; Telex ; 564-230 AMU IN Fax : 91-0571-400528 DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY, ALIGARH—202 002 (U.P.). INDIA Ref. No This is to certify that the M.L. «. I.Sc. dissertation of Miss Saba Farheen on •C#ntribution •f Indians in the field of Linguistics: A select annotated bibliography* was compiled under my supervision and guidance. (S. Mustafa K.Q. Zaiii) READm DEDICATED TO Wf PAREITS CONTENTS Page No. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i PREFACE ii-v LIST OF PERIODICALS USED vi LIST OF COMPOSITE BOOKS USED vii-viii PART ONE INTRODUCTION 1-29 PART TWO BIBLIOGRAPHY 29-134 PART THREE AUTHOR INDEX 135-149 TITLE INDEX 150- 160 IN THE NAME OF ALLAH "H¥7 Iv/iM'OMfl i D) INEFI MERCIFUL Jr widli to expredi inu thanks to [-^rof. ^kabakat ^J4u6aiii, a 11'man epartment or c^ibraru and ^nrormation lence, J. W. U, JtifU for kl> cooperation ana kelp at i/arioud dtagei or tke u/off?. ^v afn klakvu indebtect to tyxij mperuidor O. ffludtafa 2-aiai, l\eader, Jjepartment of crLlbrarij and Jy-nrormatlon Science. Jr expre66 mu aratitude por kid guidance and dupport at et/eru dtep of tkid didiertation. .^J4id diicuiiioni and commentd enabled me to underdtand and team. f//u dincere tkanni are aUo due to mu teackerduf-^rof. .^Jdadan /— amarru J, Wr. f/au^LJ ^li, Wii6 flidkat 3atima, Wr. Waioom Ra za and rf/idd J^udkarma ^ydaridadan o / tL 2) epartment for tkeir kelp and encouraaement in i/arioui wau6. ^ am tkanlzfui to Ufr. riaieebul ^Jdadan ^\kan, ^^ididiant, minar ^Libraru, ,Jjepartment of <J~.inauiitic6, providing me udeful and necediaru material. Jr dpeciallij tkank ////•. rf/adood ^li vJeg, cLecturer, 2) epartment of cJ~.ing uidticd for kid duggedtioni and actiue cooperation tkrougkout tkid worn. Jr appreciate and tkank rr/r. J^.Kiaz _Mbbai /.Seminar .y-nckargej, fr/r. _^6rar .^kmaa ^\han, an d Wr. J(Uaja Ujoin for tkeir kelp. Ukanhd are alio due to nfr. Keka n Inefficient L-omputer^ near (Jniu. cricket pauition, .^noopdkalter roadj^ for tuning and ietting tke dii6ertation. PREFACE 0.1 AIM AND SCOPE The present study in the form of annotated bibliography assembles together most of the significant literature dealing with 'contribution of Indians in the field of linguistics'. Although the bibliography is selective in nature, an attempt has been made to cover all aspects of the topic. I hope this bibliography would be helpful to those who wish to known the subject. 0.2 METHODOLOGY The study includes 200 selected annotated bibliographyies of articles on the topic. Secondary sources such as Index India, A. Guide to Indian periodical literature were consulted to approach the primary sources. The title of the periodicals used for compiling the bibliography are listed as in following chapter. 02.1 STANDARD FOLLOWED Care has been taken to follow strictly the rules and practice of Indian standards for Bibliographic. References (18:2381:1963) for each entry of the bibliography. Thus it gives uniformity for the bibliographical references though out the bibliographical reference for each entry of periodical are arranged as follows. a) Name (s) of author (s) b) Full stop (.) c) Title of contribution including sub-title, if any d) Full stop (.) e) Title of periodical (underlined) f) Full stop(.) g) Volume number h) Coma (,) i) Issue number j) Semi colon (;) k) Year of publication I) Coma (,) m) Month and date of publication n) Semi colon (;) 0) Pages p) Full stop (.) 02.2. SPECIMEN ENTRY PERIODICAL. 3. VARMA (Srinivasa G). Updating linguistics curriculum. South asian language review. 5,2, 1995, June; 59-63. 02.3 CONTRIBUTION TO A COMPOSITE BOOK The following items of information are required for the entry of a contribution to a composite book. a) Name (s) of author (s); b) Title of contribution; c) Connecting word, such 'as' 'In' or other equivalent, and the following items of information of the host documented. 1) Name (s) of author (s), 2) Title, 3) Volume number, 4) Edition number. 111 5) Year of publication, 6) Place of publication, (where available) and 7) Publishers; (where available) 8) Specification of place of occurrence of the matter referred to in the form of 'P'. 02.4 COMPOSITE BOOK KACHRU (Braj B). World englisher and applied linguistics in. Agnihotri (RK) and Khanna (AL), Ed. Second language acquisition; socio-cultural and linguistic aspects of enalish in India. 1, 1994, p. 13-40. 02.5 EXPLANATION An Entry is preceded by subject heading in capitals. The entry begins with entry element (i.e. Surname) of the author in capitals, followecj by the secondary element (i.e. forename) in parenthesis, and then title of the periodical its volume issue number, date of publication and page number. Each entry is then followed by an informative abstract of the article. 02.6 SUBJECT HEADING Attempt has been made to give co-extensive subject heading as much as possible. It will facilitate the readers to find out distress article (s) from this bibliography. 02.7 ARRANGEMENT The entries in this bibliography are arranged strictly under subject headings alphabetically letter by letter. IV 02.8 INDEX The Index part contains an author and title index. Each index term is followed by entry number. It is hoped that they will be found very useful in consultation of the bibliography. The following chapter also contains list of periodicals and list of composite books. LIST OF PERIODICALS USED S.NO. NAME OF THE PERIODICITY PLACE OF PERIODICAL PUBLICATION 1. Aligarh journal of Biannual Aligarh english studies 2. Aligarh papers in irregular Aligarh linguistics 3. Archivum linguisticum Annually Yorkshire 4. Creative forum (^uaterly New Delhi 5. Indian journal of biannual New Delhi applied linguistics 6. Indian linguistics C3uateriy Poona 7. International journal biannual Kerala of dravidian linguistics 8. International journal of biannual New Delhi translation 9. Journal of literary biannual Allahabad Criticism 10. Journal of literary Annually Aligarh of arts 11. Language forum Half Yearly New Delhi 12. Langauge use, Attitudes irregular Mysore and identity among linguistics, minorities. 13. Linguistics and langauge irregular Aligarh teaching 14. South Asian language biannual Mysore review 15. Working papers in Annually Aligarh linguistics VI LIST OF COMPOSITE BOOKS NAME OF THE COMPOSITE PUBLISHER PLACE BOOKS NAME PUBLICATION 1) Between langauges and Bahri New Delhi cultures; Translation and Publication Cross cultural texts 2) Development of Prose Deptt. of MIL Aligarh literature in Indian langauges (Part I) 3) English language teaching Saya Publisher New Delhi in India; issues and innovations 4) Indian English functions and Bahri Publishers New Delhi forms 5) Language planning: Central Institute Mysore Proceedings of an institute of Indian languages 6) Nava Bharati sangamam (Part I) Deptt. of MIL Aligarh Nava Bharati Sangamam (Part II) 7) Papers in phonetics and Central instititute Mysore phonology. Of Indan languages 8) Perspective in language Linguistic Deptt. •. Delhi planning; A collection of papers 9) Relational Grammar Central Institute Mysore of Indian languages 10) Second language acquisition; Saga Publication New Delhi Vll socio cultural and linguistic aspects of english in India. 11) Towards comparative Indian Deptt. of MIL Aligarh literature: seminar papers. 12) Towards the concept of Deptt. of MIL Aligarh Indian literature 13) Translation as synthesis: Bahri Publication New Delhi A search for a new gestalt 14) On Literature Indian Institute of Shimla Advanced study vni PAgT OlE INTRODUCTION What is linguistics? Linguistics is the scientific study of language by the this we mean language in general, not particular language. If we were concerned with studying an individual language, we can say that linguistics Is learning about language rather than learning a language. This distinction is often explained as the difference between learning how car works and learning how to drive a car. When we learn how to drive a car, we learn a set of habits and so some practice. This is similar to learning how to speak a langauge. When we learn how the car works, we open up its mechanism, study it and investigate the relationship of its parts to one another. This is similar to what we do in a scientific study of language, or linguistics. We investigate the mechanism of language its part and how all these parts fit together to perform particular functions, and why they are arranged or organised in a certain manner. Just as while driving a car, we are using its various components, while speaking a language we are using the sounds, words, etc. of that language, behind these uses is the mechanism which enables is to do so. We study language because it is important for us to understand this mechanism. Every language is a system, so it does not matter which language we take upto illustrate the working of 'language' in human life. In earlier times, the study of language was considered to be study of the grammar of some prestigious or classical language such as Latin, Sanskrit, French or English. Today we consider all languages as fit objects of language study. Linguistics as a Science Linguistics can be undertook as a science in both general and specific terms. Generally, we use the term 'science' for any knowledge that is based on clear. Systematic and rational understanding. We also use the term 'science' for the systematic study of phenomenon enabling us to state some principles or theories regarding the phenomena, this study proceeds by examination of publicly veritable data obtained through observation of phenomena, and experimentation; in other words, it is empirical and objective.
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