The Ochsner Journal 15:89–91, 2015 Ó Academic Division of Ochsner Clinic Foundation Musical Hallucinations in a Patient with Presbycusis: A Case Report Jacob P. Brunner, BS,1 Ronald G. Amedee, MD, FACS2,3 1Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA 2Department of Otolaryngology, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New Orleans, LA 3The University of Queensland School of Medicine, Ochsner Clinical School, New Orleans, LA INTRODUCTION ABSTRACT Musical hallucinations are a rare phenomenon Background: Musical hallucinations are a rare subtype of associated with a variety of underlying pathologies. auditory hallucination characterized by the perception of They are a subtype of auditory hallucination observed musical sounds, instrumental music, or songs. They are most in otorhinolaryngologic, psychiatric, and neurologic commonly seen in older women with age-related hearing loss conditions. The hallucinations are a disorder of but are also associated with neurologic and psychiatric complex sound processing in which patients com- conditions. The underlying pathophysiology is poorly under- plain of hearing songs and instrumental music––often stood and likely multifactorial. in a repetitious fashion––and they generally cause Case Report: A 74-year-old woman presented with subjective distress and significant functional impairment. The hearing loss 2-3 years in duration with a recent development of most common associated condition is age-related hearing continuous patriotic and children’s songs playing in her hearing loss in elderly women.1,2 Psychiatric disor- head. After extensive interviewing and the documentation of a ders such as depression, schizophrenia, and obses- normal otologic/comprehensive head and neck examination, sive compulsive disorder have also been implicated, audiologic evaluation revealed evidence of a symmetric high- as well as neurologic conditions such as epilepsy, frequency sensorineural hearing loss consistent with presby- focal brain lesions, and intoxication.3 In many pa- cusis. She was counseled on the use of ambient noise and tients, these conditions are not mutually exclusive, offered a trial of binaural hearing amplification. further complicating diagnosis and treatment. Conclusion: The diagnosis of musical hallucinations requires We report the case of a patient with age-related the consideration of numerous possible etiologies. Treatment hearing loss who developed musical hallucinations. varies widely, but many patients improve with the use of The patient was concerned for her mental well-being, ambient noise and hearing amplification. Lack of response and we reassured her that her condition was most requires the consideration of pharmacologic treatments such likely secondary to hearing loss. This case highlights as anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, and anticholinesterases. It the importance of thorough interviewing and expla- is important to reassure patients with a nonpsychiatric etiology nation of treatment options in patients with potentially that use of these drugs does not imply psychiatric illness. complicated and rare symptoms such as musical hallucinations. CASE REPORT Address correspondence to A 74-year-old woman with a medical history of Ronald G. Amedee, MD, FACS hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and atrial fibrillation Department of Otolaryngology presented to the ear, nose, and throat (ENT) clinic Ochsner Clinic Foundation with bilateral subjective hearing loss. Her hearing loss 1514 Jefferson Hwy. had gradually progressed during the previous 2-3 New Orleans, LA 70121 years, and for the 4-6 weeks prior to her ENT visit, she Tel: (504) 842-4080 began to perceive music playing in her head. The Email: [email protected] music consisted of constant/repetitive short verses of Keywords: Anticonvulsants, depression, epilepsy, hallucinations, patriotic and children’s songs, many of which she presbycusis remembered from her childhood. She noticed the music less frequently when talking with others or The authors have no financial or proprietary interest in the subject watching television but much more frequently when matter of this article. alone, particularly when driving. The songs looped Volume 15, Number 1, Spring 2015 89 Musical Hallucinations over and over, and the patient expressed concern for a neurologic consultation. Social isolation is also a stating, ‘‘I think that I am going crazy.’’ risk factor;4 thus a complete social history should be The patient denied any antecedent head or neck obtained along with screening for psychiatric disor- trauma, prior otologic surgery or acoustic trauma, ders. frequent middle ear infections, prior use of ototoxic No definitive evidence points to a single underly- drugs, or symptoms of vertigo. She denied experi- ing cause of musical hallucinations. Hearing loss is a encing any headaches, dizziness, or visual distur- frequent finding but is not necessary for the develop- bances and any history of stroke, seizure, or ment of musical hallucinations. In some instances, psychiatric disorder. The patient had no history of musical hallucinations are believed to result from a metabolic or endocrine disease. She denied any deafferentation phenomenon characterized by de- drug, alcohol, or tobacco use. The patient had no creased input to the auditory cortex, resulting in significant surgical or family history. She lived at home neuronal excitability.5 Brain imaging studies have with her husband and had an active social life. Her shown temporal lobe dysfunction, suggesting that medications consisted of antihypertensives and anti- some cases of musical hallucinations are associated platelet agents. A review of systems was positive for with epilepsy or focal brain lesions.3,5 Our patient had hearing loss, tinnitus, and seasonal postnasal drip. no evidence of focal deficits or epileptiform disorder, During physical examination, the patient had a and thus brain imaging was not performed. The pleasant affect and normal mood. Her speech and concept of parasitic memory attempts to explain behavior were normal. Decreased hearing was noted musical hallucinations from a neuropsychologic per- bilaterally, and the patient had to be spoken to in a spective, hypothesizing that sensory deprivation and raised voice. She had no abnormal otoscopic cerebral dysfunction play a role in causing a memory findings, and the remainder of the head and neck disturbance that results in the perception of learned examination was normal. The patient was neurolog- tunes.6 ically intact with no focal deficits. The rest of the Treatment should address the underlying cause physical examination showed no abnormalities. and often depends on the specialization of the referral Pure tone audiometry was performed to assess service. For patients like ours presenting with hearing the patient’s hearing threshold. She displayed sym- loss, hearing amplification is often considered first- metric high-frequency sensorineural hearing loss line therapy. The use of ambient noise such as a consistent with presbycusis. The patient had a 96% ceiling fan can help alleviate symptoms. Pharmaco- speech discrimination score and type A tympano- grams. logic therapy can also be considered and should be Based on the results of the audiogram, the patient tailored to the diagnosis. For example, antiepileptics was diagnosed with age-related hearing loss. The seem to help patients with epileptic foci, and patient was informed of the association between antidepressants alleviate symptoms in those with presbycusis, female sex, and musical hallucinations. depression. In patients unresponsive to hearing amplification, antipsychotics have been reported to She was reassured that she likely did not have a 4 psychiatric illness and that her presentation was not be successful in a number of cases. It is important to consistent with a focal neurologic or metabolic explain to such patients that the use of psychoactive pathology. Various treatment options were discussed, drugs does not indicate that they suffer from a and she agreed to use ambient noise (background psychiatric illness, a worry commonly expressed as music, headphones for listening to music and in this case. television, and other forms of white noise) and possible binaural hearing amplification (hearing aids) CONCLUSION as treatment, with medications such as antipsychot- Practitioners should obtain a full otologic and ics, anticonvulsants, and anticholinesterases as fur- audiologic workup in patients presenting with musical ther possible treatment modalities, if indicated. hallucinations. Multiple pathologies should be con- sidered, and a thorough evaluation should be DISCUSSION performed. Physicians should attempt hearing ampli- A patient complaining of musical hallucinations fication as first-line therapy for patients with musical requires the consideration of neurologic, psychiatric, hallucinations and hearing loss, and efforts should be and otorhinolaryngologic etiologies. The association made to alleviate patient concerns about the use of between hearing loss and musical hallucinations psychoactive medications as second-line therapy. warrants a full audiologic and otologic workup in symptomatic patients. Signs of intracranial pathology REFERENCES such as headaches, dizziness, vision changes, or 1. Berrios GE. Musical hallucinations. A historical and clinical study. abnormal neurologic examinations indicate the need Br J Psychiatry. 1990 Feb;156:188-194. 90 The Ochsner Journal Brunner, JP 2. Pasquini F, Cole MG. Idiopathic musical hallucinations in the 5. Colon-Rivera HA,
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