ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 99 Acknowledgments MANY PEOPLE provided considerable help to the author as these notes were being prepared, notably Eli Goodman, Leo Guibas, Ricky Pollack, Jfirgen Richter-Gebert, David Satesin, Raimund Seidel, Bernd Sturmfels, Frances Yao, and Gfinter Ziegler. Special thanks are also due to Phyllis Winkler, who transformed more than 150 pages of scribbled manuscript into a respectable-looking scientific document. Some of the research was done during a visit to the Institute of Systems Science at the University of Singapore; the work was completed during a visit to Institut Mittag-Lemer in Djursholm, Sweden. @ 100 AXIOMS AND HULLS Bibliography [1] E. al-Aamily, A. O. Morris, and M. H. Peel, "The representations of the Weyl groups of type Bn," Journal of Algebra 68 (1981), 298-305. Cited on page 17. [2] Cecilia R. Aragon and Raimund G. Seidel, "Randomized search trees" (ex- tended abstract), 30th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (1989), 540-546. 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