Illinois Chess Bulletin Contents Page 2 Table of Contents e-ICB http://ilchess.org/e.htm Ica Supporters Life Patron Members Helen Warren James Warren Todd Barre Features Century Club Patron Members Michael Aaron Kevin Bachler Bill Brock Analysis with IM Young ................... 10 Lawrence Cohen Vladimir Djordjevic William Dwyer In Memory of Victor George Warren Junior Program Report ... 14 Thomas Fineberg Thomas Friske Samuel Naylor IV James Novotny Chess from the Middle ........................ 18 Daniel Pradt Randall Ryner Frederick W Schmidt, Jr. Pradip Sethi Scott Silverman Bill Smythe Kurt W Stein Phillip Wong departments Gold Card Patron Members Editor’s Desk .......................... 4 Todd Barre Clyde Blanke Jim Brontsos Phil Bossaers Aaron Chen Chess-Now Ltd. President’s Podium ........................... 5 David Cook Joseph Delay John Dueker Fred Gruenberg David Heis Vincent Hart Games from FM Chow ............. 6 Steven Klink Richard Lang Mark Marovitch Mark Nibbelin Alex Pehas Joseph Splinter Road Warrior ..................................... 16 Michael Sweig James Tanaka Robert Widing Club News ...................................... 20 Patron Members Bacil Alexy Adwar Dominic Amodei ICA Calendar ...................................... 22 Roy Benedek Roger Birkeland Jack Bishop Foster L Boone, Jr. Dennis Bourgerie Robert J Carlton Mike Cronin Tom Duncan Brian Dupuis Charles Fenner Gregory Fischer Shizuko Fukuhara Fulk Alan Gasiecki E-ICB Home Page David Gerber Walter Griesmeyer Seteven Hansen Frank Harvey www.ilchess.org/e.htm S.E. Henderson, Jr. Hectory Hernandez Daniel G Iovin Timothy Just Richard Karpes Steven Klink Thomas Knoedler Richard Lewis Michael Lobraco Kenneth Marshall Gary Martin Daniel Modes Clarence J Moore David B Mote Cecil Rhymer Eric Rose Keith Rose Ray Doyle Satterlee Garret Scott Ely Sollano Walter Showa Ronald J Suarez John Tums Michael Zacate Illinois Chess Bulletin Information Page 3 About the ICA and ICB e-ICB http://ilchess.org/e.htm Illinois Chess Bulletin e-ICB Contributors President Chris Merli Published online six times per year. IM Angelo Young 1206 Watersedge Road Copyright 2006 Illinois Chess As- FM Albert Chow Champaign, IL 61822-8100 sociation. Wayne Zimmerle (217)778-3334 Pete Karagianis [email protected] Next Deadline: June 15, 2007. David Long Chris Merli Metro V.P. Submission Guidelines Andi Rosen Mike Zacate Betsy Dynako Send all e-ICB submissions to: Ron Suarez Downstate V.P. Pete Karagianis David Long [email protected] Advertising Rates Secretary Only electronic submissions will be Contact the ICA President at: Colley Kitson accepted. The preferred format is [email protected] .cbh or .pgn file for games, .doc for e-ICB advertising rates. Treasurer file for articles. There is a $20 design-charge for all Carl Dolson advertisements that are not cam- 6021 N. Wickwood Road ALL SUBMISSIONS era-ready or pre-made in .jpg for- Peoria, IL 61614 including advertisements should mat. Allow additional time before [email protected] have the subject “ICB Submission” deadline for design and placement. in the e-mail. Payment must accompany the ad. Membership Secretary Jeff Smith Pictures Wanted! Membership Information 19439 Lakeside Lane Bloomington, IL 61704 Have a digital camera? Take it to The Illinois Chess Bulletin (ICB) is (309)378-2078 your next tournament and send published by the Illinois Chess As- [email protected] the photos to the ICB! A picture sociation (ICA). ICA membership says a thousand words. Preferred includes a subscription to the ICB. ICA Tour Statistician format for all digital images is .jpg, Memberships marked 1st receive Vince Hart but others are accepted. their magazines first class. Mem- [email protected] berships marked “P” also received a Editorial Staff plaque. Affiliates receive discounted advertising rates, event advertising Editor in Chief: Pete Karagianis on the ICA website, and the right to run tour events. Games Editor: IM Angelo Young, FM Albert Chow Further information on membership rates and benefits can be found at: HTML Replay www.ilchess.org/membership.htm All games found in the ICB are available for online replay: http://ilchess.org/eICB/e.htm Illinois Chess Bulletin Contents Page 4 From the Editor’s Desk e-ICB http://ilchess.org/e.htm To that end, I have decided to start by Pete Karagianis first-time contributor (at least dur- an ICB Chess Picture Contest. ing my reign) Andi Rosen, who has sent us a report on the Warren Ju- Here are the rules: nior Program. This issue of the ICB you 1) Each picture must be your own Speaking of Juniors, we should also may notice a and taken at an ICA event within all extend a congratulations to 2007 few (though the past 3 months. Denker Champion Tony Cao, who very slight) lay- recently won a very tough Illinois out changes. I 2) Each picture must be accompa- High School Championship and will am working with new ideas to make nied by: represent our state at the national the magazine look and feel even - A descriptive caption tournament. Good job Tony! more professional, in the hopes that - A brief (2 paragraphs to 1 page by the time the ICA Board decides long) summary of the event at We also seem to be in the midst of a to resume print issues, our Bulletin which the photograph was taken. string of National Scholastic Cham- will have a legitimate chance to win pionship events- the High School some heavy CJA award hardware 3) Anyone is eligible, not only ICA one in Kansas City, the Elementary (Do they even give out trophies? I members, but the picture must tournament in Nashville- and I think doubt it, but oh well. Maybe we can come from an ICA event. it is important to take a moment make one ourselves.) and congratulate these thousands What do you win? A very good prize, of young players who have the I hope to continue to improve both in my opinion. Each issue’s win- drive, desire, and skills to represent as an editor and designer, and of ner will receive a free one-year ICA their respective schools and states course any feedback you, the read- membership (or one-year exten- at these national events. However, ers, have, may be sent to: sion), courtesy of yours truly. Since it is equally necessary to recognize [email protected] I am donating the prize, however, that for every player at one of these I get to judge the pictures as I see events there is another player, or The feel of the magazine and how fit. No complaining! All contestants another ten players, who does/do it “reads” is my primary focus each can submit their entries to: ICBEdi- not have the chance or means to time I consider how to input a new [email protected], and I will keep the travel to such events, to improve article. Fortunately, the chess play- competition open through, at the their own play to such levels, or ing community has, to date, provid- very least, the end of 2007. Which to enjoy the competitive aspect of ed me with plenty of material with means there will be at least three chess. Organizations like the War- which to fill our lovely pages. free ICA memberships for the tak- ren Junior Program are wonderful ing! If that’s not enough motiva- in that they offer students a chance My constant goal when compiling tion to get those shutters clicking, I to excel, but they cannot carry the each new issue is to make it better don’t know what is! full load for every player, especially than the last while also striving to those underprivileged woodpush- create the best state chess maga- I should also add that, despite my ers who may not be from a big city zine, period. Of course, this would clamoring and wall banging for con- or part of an imperial chess empire not be possible without your contri- tributions, the May/June edition of like that we fortunately have in Chi- butions, and so once again I must the Illinois Chess Bulletin features cago. When we can help those play- give you all my bi-monthly pitch for the largest number of different con- ers, I think, I will no longer have a contributions. PLEASE SEND ME tributors since I assumed control of need for a pen (or keyboard) and SOME! the magazine. A big thank you to this e-soapbox known simply as the all those who helped out, including editor’s desk. Illinois Chess Bulletin Podium Page 5 ICA President Chris Merli It has certainly been a busy time for the ICA recently. After the elections in November we still found ourselves two officers short. Fortunately easy. However it is my hope that since that time two volunteers have In addition we are working on the cost savings will be enough to stepped forward to fill the roles. an updated constitution and put the ICA back on sound footing. bylaws that will incorporate recent Perhaps in the future we may return I would like to welcome our new amendments and will be filed with to some printed ICBs. Metro-VP Mike Zaccate to the the state to insure our compliance board. Mike is a long time chess with state regulations for not-for- The good news is that Pete organizer in the state and one of the profit organizations. Karaganis has done an excellent first ICA officers. He is very active job with the format and layout of in high school chess organizing and I am also happy to report that we the bulletin and I think the new frequently serves as a tournament are recovering financially and in issues are of superior quality. Of director at events all over the terms of membership numbers. course he always needs your help country.
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