The Ouachita Citizen www.ouachitacitizen.com Thursday, January 26, 2017 • 9B PUBLIC NOTICES SHERIFF’S SALE PAGE 75, RECORDS OF OUACHITA PARISH, LOUISIANA, TO- LOT 16 UNIT NO. 1, GREEN ACRES SUBDIVISION, AS PER JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION GETHER WITH ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST HE MAY PLAT IN PLAT BOOK 9, PAGE 45, RECORDS OF OUACHITA VS.NO. 20120718 HAVE IN AND TO “BAYOU DESIARD” LOCATED WITHIN A PARISH, LOUISIANA. CASSANDRA F. MAYERS (GEORGE MAYERS, JR.- 3RD PROJECTION OF THE EAST AND WEST LOT LINES IN A Seized as the property of the defendant and will be sold to satisfy PARTY NON-DEFENDANT) NORTHERLY DIRECTION (I. E. RIPARIAN RIGHTS). said WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE and all costs. STATE OF LOUISIANA LESS AND EXCEPT: Said sale is WITH benefit of appraisement to the last and highest PARISH OF OUACHITA A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN LOT FIVE OF bidder. Terms of sale: Cash or certified funds by 1:00 P.M. on the FOURTH DISTRICT COURT BAYOU VILLA SUBDIVISION IN SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 18 day of sale for the full amount bid. By virtue of a WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE issued from the NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, OUACHITA PARISH, LOUISIANA, AS JAY RUSSELL, SHERIFF Honorable Fourth Judicial District Court in and for the Parish of PER PLAT FILED IN PLAT BOOK 14, PAGE 75, RECORDS OF Ouachita Parish Ouachita, State of Louisiana, in the above entitled and numbered OUACHITA PARISH, LOUISIANA, MORE PARTICULARLY DE- Monroe, LA cause to me directed I have seized and taken into my possession and SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: December 29, 2016 & January 26, 2017 will offer for sale at the Ouachita Parish Courthouse in the City of FROM THE POINT IN COMMON TO LOTS 5 AND 6 AND _____________________________________________ Monroe, Louisiana, between the legal hours of sale on Wednesday, THE NORTH LINE OF FINK’S HIDEAWAY ROAD; PROCEED SHERIFF’S SALE February 01, 2017, beginning at 10:00 A.M., the following described NORTH 31 DEGREES 03’ EAST ALONG THE LINE DIVIDING BANK OF AMERICA, NA property, to wit: LOT 5 AND 6, A DISTANCE OF 227.90 FEET TO A POINT FOR VS.NO. 20163495 LOT 50, UNIT NO. 6, NORTHSIDE TERRANCE SUBDIVI- THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE PROCEED NORTH 58 JOSHUA KENNETH ROY CAIN AND BONNIE BREWTON SION, SITUATED IN SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH, DEGREES 57’ WEST PERPENDICULAR TO SAID LOT LINE, A BEAM CAIN RANGE 4 EAST, AS PER PLAT ON FILE IN PLAT BOOK 16, DISTANCE OF 0.86 FEET TO A POINT AT THE CORNER OF STATE OF LOUISIANA PAGE 180, PUBLIC RECORDS OF OUACHITA PARISH, AN EXISTING WOOD FENCE; THENCE PROCEED NORTH 28 PARISH OF OUACHITA LOUISIANA DEGREES 47’ 12” EAST ALONG THE EASTERLY OUTSIDE FOURTH DISTRICT COURT Seized as the property of the defendant and will be sold to satisfy EDGE OF SAID WOOD FENCE, A DISTANCE OF 92.17 FEET TO By virtue of a WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE issued from the said WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE and all costs. A POINT; THENCE PROCEED SOUTH 58 DEGREES 57’ EAST Honorable Fourth Judicial District Court in and for the Parish of Said sale is WITH benefit of appraisement to the last and highest PERPENDICULAR TO THE LINE DIVIDING LOTS 5 AND 6, A Ouachita, State of Louisiana, in the above entitled and numbered bidder. Terms of sale: Cash or certified funds by 1:00 P.M. on the DISTANCE OF 4.50 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID DIVIDING cause to me directed I have seized and taken into my possession and day of sale for the full amount bid. LINE; THENCE PROCEED SOUTH 31 DEGREES 03’ WEST will offer for sale at the Ouachita Parish Courthouse in the City of JAY RUSSELL, SHERIFF ALONG SAID DIVIDING LINE, A DISTANCE OF 92.10 FEET TO Monroe, Louisiana, between the legal hours of sale on Wednesday, Ouachita Parish THE POINT OF BEGINNING, TOGETHER WITH ALL PROP- February 01, 2017, beginning at 10:00 A.M., the following described Monroe, LA ERTY SUSCEPTIBLE TO PRIVATE OWNERSHIP LYING BE- property, to wit: December 29, 2016 & January 26, 2017 TWEEN THE SIDE LINES OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED Lot 8 of Block 2 of the Subdivision of Block 2 of Mauldin Tract in _____________________________________________ PARCEL EXTENDED NORTHEASTERLY TO THE CENTER- Section 21, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Ouachita Parish, SHERIFF’S SALE LINE OF BAYOU DESIARD, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED Louisiana, as per plat in Plat Book 8, Page 11 of the records of Oua- WELLS FARGO BANK NA TO, ALL RIPARIAN RIGHTS AND BEING SUBJECT TO ANY chita Parish, Louisiana, together with all improvements thereon; VS.NO. 20121391 AND ALL RIGHTS-OF-WAY, EASEMENTS AND SERVITUDES subject to restrictions, servitudes, rights-of-way and outstanding LAWRENCE TURNER AKA LAWRENCE R TURNER AND IN PLACE AND/OR OF RECORD mineral rights of record affecting the property. ALVENE TURNER AKA ALVENE KITCHENS TURNER AND Seized as the property of the defendants and will be sold to satisfy STATE OF LOUISIANA A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN LOT SIX OF said WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE and all costs. PARISH OF OUACHITA BAYOU VILLA SUBDIVISION IN SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 18 Said sale is WITHOUT benefit of appraisement to the last and FOURTH DISTRICT COURT NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, OUACHITA PARISH, LOUISIANA, AS highest bidder. Terms of sale: Cash or certified funds by 1:00 P.M. By virtue of a WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE issued from the PER PLAT FILED IN PLAT BOOK 14 PAGE 75, RECORDS OF on the day of sale for the full amount bid. Honorable Fourth Judicial District Court in and for the Parish of OUACHITA PARISH, LOUISIANA, MORE PARTICULARLY DE- JAY RUSSELL, SHERIFF Ouachita, State of Louisiana, in the above entitled and numbered SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Ouachita Parish cause to me directed I have seized and taken into my possession and BEGINNING AT THE POINT IN COMMON TO LOTS 5 AND Monroe, LA will offer for sale at the Ouachita Parish Courthouse in the City of 6 AND THE NORTH LINE OF FINK’S HIDEAWAY ROAD; PRO- December 29, 2016 & January 26, 2017 Monroe, Louisiana, between the legal hours of sale on Wednesday, CEED NORTH 31 DEGREES 03’ EAST ALONG THE LINE DI- _____________________________________________ February 01, 2017, beginning at 10:00 A.M., the following described VIDING LOTS 5 AND 6, A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET TO A SHERIFF’S SALE property, to wit: POINT; THENCE PROCEED SOUTH 58 DEGREES 57’ EAST, HOMELAND FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK Lot Sixteen (16) of Block “A” of the resubdivision of Block 2, 5, 6 PERPENDICULAR TO SAID LOT LINE, A DISTANCE OF 4.50 VS.NO. 20163788 and a part of Block 8 of Oak Park Addition in Section 67, Township FEET TO A POINT; THENCE PROCEED SOUTH 31 DEGREES BENJAMIN E. ADKISON 18 North, Range 3 East, as per plat of said resubdivision recorded in 03’ WEST, PARALLEL TO SAID LOT LINE, A DISTANCE OF STATE OF LOUISIANA Plat Book 11, Page 148, records of Ouachita Parish, Louisiana, to- 9.70 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE NORTH PARISH OF OUACHITA gether with all buildings and improvements thereon; subject to re- LINE OF FINK’S HIDEAWAY ROAD; THENCE PROCEED FOURTH DISTRICT COURT strictions, servitudes, rights-of-way and outstanding mineral rights NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF FINK’S By virtue of a WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE issued from the of record affecting the property. HIDEAWAY ROAD (A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RA- Honorable Fourth Judicial District Court in and for the Parish of Seized as the property of the defendants and will be sold to satisfy DIUS OF 2,536.62 FEET), A DISTANCE OF 4.50 FEET, MORE Ouachita, State of Louisiana, in the above entitled and numbered said WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE and all costs. OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, AND BEING SUB- cause to me directed I have seized and taken into my possession and Said sale is WITH benefit of appraisement to the last and highest JECT TO ANY AND ALL RIGHTS-OF-WAY, EASEMENTS AND will offer for sale at the Ouachita Parish Courthouse in the City of bidder. Terms of sale: Cash or certified funds by 1:00 P.M. on the SERVITUDES IN PLACE AND/OR OF RECORD Monroe, Louisiana, between the legal hours of sale on Wednesday, day of sale for the full amount bid. WHICH HAS THE ADDRESS OF 1217 FINKS HIDEAWAY February 08, 2017, beginning at 10:00 A.M., the following described JAY RUSSELL, SHERIFF ROAD, MONROE, LA 71203 property, to wit: Ouachita Parish Seized as the property of the defendants and will be sold to satisfy 2005 CHEVROLET TAH LL VIN 1GNEC13TX5R261011 Monroe, LA said WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE and all costs. Seized as the property of the defendant and will be sold to satisfy December 29, 2016 & January 26, 2017 Said sale is WITH benefit of appraisement to the last and highest said WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE and all costs. _____________________________________________ bidder. Terms of sale: Cash or certified funds by 1:00 P.M. on the Said sale is WITH benefit of appraisement to the last and highest SHERIFF’S SALE day of sale for the full amount bid. bidder. Terms of sale: Cash or certified funds by 1:00 P.M. on the OUACHITA VALLEY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION JAY RUSSELL, SHERIFF day of sale for the full amount bid. VS.NO. 20162337 Ouachita Parish JAY RUSSELL, SHERIFF WILLIAM CECIL HAYNES , JR Monroe, LA Ouachita Parish STATE OF LOUISIANA December 29, 2016 & January 26, 2017 Monroe, LA PARISH OF OUACHITA _____________________________________________ January 26, 2017 FOURTH DISTRICT COURT SHERIFF’S SALE _____________________________________________ By virtue of a WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE issued from the U.S.
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