15718 Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 62 / Thursday, April 1, 1999 / Notices agency's estimate of burden including DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE of the eligibility and suitability of the the validity of the methodology and Glover and Mountain Fork Rivers for assumptions used; (3) ways to enhance Forest Service possible Congressional designation the quality, utility and clarity of the under the National Wild and Scenic Significant Amendment of the Land information to be collected; or (4) ways River System (NWSRS). and Resource Management Plan of the to minimize the burden of collection on Significant amendments to Forest Ouachita National Forest for Managing Plans follow the same procedures those who are to respond, including the Approximately 111,580 Acres of use of appropriate automated, required for the development and Acquired Lands in McCurtain County, approval of forest plans (36 CFR part electronic, mechanical, or other OK technological collection techniques or 219.10(f)), including completion of an other forms of informational technology. AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA. EIS. The Forest Service determined that Comments regarding this information ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an the amendment discussed in this notice will be significant because (a) it will collection requirement should be environmental impact statement. establish goals, objectives, management directed to the Office of Information and SUMMARY: Pursuant to 16 U.S.C. areas, standards, and guidelines for a Regulatory Affairs, Office of 1604(f)(4), the Forest Service will block of approximately 111,580 acres of Management and Budget, Attention: prepare an environmental impact acquired lands newly added to the Desk Officer for Agriculture, statement (EIS) for the decision to National Forest System (the ``Broken Washington, DC 20503, and to Diane amend the Land and Resource Bow unit'') and (b) as a result of Sharp, Director, Production, Management Plan (Forest Plan) for the allocating these lands to management Emergencies, and Compliance Division, Ouachita National Forest. Comments areas, this amendment may change the Farm Service Agency, United States should focus specifically on the overall desired future condition of the Department of Agriculture, STOP 0517, preliminary proposal described below Ouachita National Forest. An EIS is also Room 4754-South Building, 1400 and on possible alternatives. needed because the analysis conducted Independence Avenue, SW, The current Forest Plan, which during the amendment process may Washington, DC 20250±0517. provides programmatic guidance for result in a recommendation to Congress All responses to this notice will be management of the Ouachita National concerning possible additions to the summarized and included in the request Forest, was implemented in 1986 and NWSRS. for OMB approval. All comments also subsequently has been amended 30 As part of the overall effort to ensure will become a matter of public record. times (including a significant that treaty rights are honored and amendment in 1990 that resulted in the responsibilities to American Indian Signed at Washington, D.C., on March 24, publication of a new Forest Plan.) As Tribes are met, the Forest Service will 1999. many as six primary decisions may be consult and exchange information Parks Shackelford, made in the amendment described in routinely with affected and interested Acting Administrator, Farm Service Agency, this notice: (a) Modification of forest- Tribes on a government-to-government and Acting Executive Vice President, wide goals, objectives, standards, and/or basis throughout this amendment Commodity Credit Corporation. guidelines (if needed); (b) allocation of process. The Forest Service will also [FR Doc. 99±7873 Filed 3±31±99; 8:45 am] lands and waters to management areas; work closely with local governments, BILLING CODE 3410±05±P (c) identification of lands suitable for State and Federal agencies, and elected timber production; (d) re-determination officials. of forest-wide allowable sale quantity The environmental analysis and (ASQ) (if needed); (e) identification of decision-making process will include lands suitable and potentially available the following opportunities for public for cattle grazing; and (f) determination participation and comment: Estimated date Step Public involvement Late March 1999 .................. Publish formal Notice of Intent (with preliminary pro- 30-day formal comment period; Newsletter; press re- posal). leases, Web site. Mid-May 1999 ...................... Summarize issues in response to the proposal and Workshop Newsletter, Web page update. amendment. By mid-June 1999 ................ Develop alternatives ........................................................ Mailing, Web page update; Workshop and informal meetings, if needed. July 1999 .............................. Issue draft EIS ................................................................ Invite public comment; 90-day formal review; Workshop and informal meetings; Newsletter, press releases, Web site update. December 1999 ................... Issue amendment and EIS ............................................. Newsletter, press releases, Web site update. The Forest Service will meet with amending the Forest Plan. The Forest alternative will be developed based on interested groups, organizations, and Service will also consider comments issues that are raised in response to the individuals to discuss the proposed received at any time during the preliminary proposal presented in this amendment. The agency will also host amendment process. NOI. The Forest Service will then again at least one workshop in McCurtain Following the publication of this actively seek information, comments, County, Oklahoma, to present and Notice of Intent (NOI), a draft EIS will and assistance from Federal, State and clarify the preliminary proposal, be prepared and published. The draft local agencies and from individuals and describe ways the public can participate EIS will include a preferred alternative organizations that may be interested in in the process, and accept comments with specific language to amendment or affected by the preferred alternative from the public on the proposal for the Forest Plan. This preferred in the draft EIS. It is very important that VerDate 23-MAR-99 10:58 Mar 31, 1999 Jkt 183247 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\A01AP3.002 pfrm03 PsN: 01APN1 Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 62 / Thursday, April 1, 1999 / Notices 15719 those interested in this proposal are now included in the Broken Bow Suitability and Allowable Sale Quantity; participate at that time. unit.) Wild and Scenic Rivers; Range (cattle DATES: Comments responding to this The Federal legislation that grazing) and Vegetation Patterns. Notice of Intent (NOI) should be authorized the land exchange (Omnibus The Forest Service has prepared a received in writing (electronic mail Parks and Public Lands Management brief discussion paper for each acceptable) by April 30, 1999. The draft Act of 1996) specified that the Forest amendment topic. These papers EIS should be available for public Service would manage these acquired (available at www.fs.fed.us/oonf/ review in July 1999. The comment lands and waters (here and in other mccurtain/papers2.htm) define topics in period for the draft EIS will commence counties) under the forestwide the context of related Forest Plan on the day the Environmental Protection standards and guidelines in the existing decisions to be made, the existing Agency publishes the Notice of Forest Plan until the acquired lands situation on the Broken bow unit, and Availability in the Federal Register. were incorporated in the Plan through a current Forest Plan direction. The After a comment period of 90 days, the formal amendment process. The proposal described later in this Notice is Final EIS and Forest Plan Amendment legislation further stipulated that the an attempt to integrate the concerns and should be completed by December 1999. Forest Service would initiate the opportunities presented by each of the process to incorporate these lands and broad topics summarized below. ADDRESSES: Send written comments waters in the Forest Plan within 12 Recreation: Public interest in concerning this Notice to: Plan months after the exchange was enhancing recreation and tourism Amendment, Ouachita National Forest, completed. (An interdisciplinary team opportunities in southeastern Oklahoma P.O. Box 1270, Hot Springs, AR 71902, was formed and work began within the was a strong factor in local and State for send electronic mail to: <mcit/ l prescribed 12-month period.) The support for the land exchange. Among r8 [email protected]> the prominent features of the Broken All comments received about the purpose of this amendment, then, is to establish the goals, objectives, Bow unit are 10 miles of the Mountain Forest Plan amendment, including the management areas, standards, and Fork River, more than 14 miles of the names and addresses of those who guidelines under which the acquired Glover River, proximity to the 14,000- comment, will be considered part of the lands in question will be managed. acre Broken Bow lake, steep forested public record concerning this proposed ridges, large areas of pine plantations, action and will be available for public Topics To Be Addressed (What Topics and an extensive road network. Rugged inspection. Comments submitted Will Be Addressed in the Forest Plan topography, natural stands of oak and anonymously will be accepted and Amendment and
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