1801 TRADES' DIRECTORY, 1882. PUB Cr01b11 &: Leelr:, Thomas Hyams, Deal street, Drayton, Alfred Kay, 89 Thistle grove SW Duke of SussPx, Frcderick Henry West, 10&- Mile end New town E Dreghorn Castle, George Abseil, 157 Queen's Islington High streef N Cr0111n &: Sceptre, Edward Betambeau, 30 crescent, Haverstock hill NW Duke of Sutherland, John Stride Ripley,. Britannia street, Citv road N Druid's Arm.•, Mrs. Mary Bending, 34 East 51 Lorrimore road, Walworth SE -John Chambers. ~4 Boiland rd.Knsngton W street, ManchPster square W Duke of Wellington. Henry Thomas Back~ - Wm.Chandler,47Edward st.Hampstd.rdNW Druid'siiead.Wm.Wood, 8 Chrch.st.DptfrdS E 2~2 Shoreditch High street E -Andrew Jcfferys, 57 Shad Thames SE Drum, Edmd .. Thn. Carpenter,l6Snow's fldsS E - William Bevan, V.rellington st.DeptfordS E' - Edwd.Knightley, :!4 Ware st. Kingslr.d.rd N !. DrummondHtl.Fdk.Taplin,li4 Drummnd.stNW - JohnBrisley,45Wcllngtn.st.Nw.KentrdS E- - Ebem~zer S. MP.rP.dith, 22 Old Change E C I Dublin Castle, George Crescence Taylor, 18 -John Carpenter, 119 Ball's Pond road N -Mrs. Isabella Sarah Ravenscroft (exors. of), Park street, Camden t{)wn NW -Wm. Child&, 1 Repton st. Limeho. fields E 94 Sceptre st. West st. Mile end Old twn E : Duche.u of Clarence, Robert Franci• L. -Richd. Clt~.rke,29 ThreeColt la.Cambdg.rd E' -Henry Thos. Schwarz, 26 & 27 Foley st W i Baughan, 171 Vauxhall bridge road SW - Wm.EleazerClarke, 8Wellingi;n. st.PntnvlN -Wm. Treadwell, lB2 Brompton road SW 1 Ducltes.• of Edinb1~rgh, .John Birks, 115 Great -John R. Conroy, 12 Wells street, Poplar E' -Henry Thomas Wright, 25 Chapter st SW Suffolk street, BoroughS E -Mrs. Mary Cridland, 41 Spring gardns SW' Cr0111n &: Seven Stars, George Fredcrick Buck- Duchess of Kent, Mrs. Emma. Gibbs, 67 - Edward Cross, 59 Brady street E ingham, 47 Royal :Mint street E Deverell streetS E - AlfredEmestCrouch,Shephrd.st.Spitalflds E. Crown &: Shears, Gcnrge Arthur Brown e. - George Runnnery, 14 Prebend street, I sling· - .Toseph & Benjamin Gray, St. J ames' road,. 8:~ & 84 Minorics E ton N & 5 Navarino road, Dalston N Liverpool road N Crown&: Shuttle,W. D. Dicker, 226 Shoreditch - J ames Ballancc Wilcox, 441 Liverpool rd N -John Heath, 94 Crawford street W High street E Duche.•s of Oldenburgh, Thomas George Kemp, - Jno. Hy.Osbom,20 Coleshill st.Eaton sq SW' Crown&: Six Can.f, Ed.ward Henry La Roa£he 33 2:i;~ f'rllswell road E C -Wm. Jas. Osborne, 14 Cannon street rrl. E High Holbom WC DuchessofYo7·k,Edwrl..Binge,l70King,:land rd E - Charles Partridge, 22 Brook st. Ratcliff E Crown &: SMgar Loaf, Mrs. R. 'V all, 14 Garlick - Edward Lamas, 2 Barlow street SE - Reuben Fetch, 92 Drury lane WC hill E C Dudley Arm.<, Richard Henry Jockson, 47 - WayWlfrd.Samlerson,l52Bshp~gt.st.wtE C Crown &: Thistle, Edward Pocoek, 42 & 43 Durl.ley grove, Harrow road W -E. W. Schofield,79LucH..~st.Comi·cl.rd. ea E Haymarket SW Duke, Wm. John Dibhs, Creek rd.Deptford SE - Fredk.Smedley Rich, 71 Nile st. Hoxton N" Croton&: Two Chairmen, Mrs.Elizabeth Goertz, Duke of Abercorn, Thomas Fisher, 121 Ken- - Fredk. Smith, 30 Bnmswick street E 32 Dean street, Soho W sington High street W - James Watts, 74 Hichmond road N Crown 1i: Woolpack, Mrs. :Mary Ann Wood, Duke ofAlbemarle,Arl.lphs.F.Essc,6Stafford stW - Frederick Woods, 30 Leete st. King's rd SW' 162 St. John street road E C Duke of Argll.Mrs.Geo.Isaa.cs,19Lit.Pultny.stW - William Warton, :J6 Cyprus st.Victoria pkE Crystal TavPrn, Alfred Henry Stephens, 32 Duke of Bedford, G. Grave,204 Reymour st NW - Alfred Henry Wykes, ;J;i Manchester st WC" Rotherhithe New roadS E Duke of Bridgewater.Hastings Johd Reeve, 65 Duke of Wurternberg, .Tames Coxhead, 44 Hat- Cubit! Arms, George Arthur Saunders, 262 Graham street N field street, Stamford streetS E Manchester road E - Elisha Bannister, 64 Lawford road NW Duke of York, Lewis Ascott, 28 & 29 Stoek- Oumberland Stores, Wm. Ford, 27 Silver st W 1- JamesLowEdward,l55Up.Kenningtn.laS E bridge terrace, Pimlico SW Cutlers' Arm.<, Michael Morris.3 &4 Cutler stE - James Girldings,21Mansionhousestreet SE - William Ash, 2 St. Ann's terrace NW Czar'sHead, Rd. Cheeseman,48Gt.Tower stE C -Thomas Homes, Felix st. Hackney rd E - James Baker, 120 Pimlico road SW DalbyTa~.Athr.W. Parr,7Dalby st.Kntsh.tn NW - John Lane, 30 St. Peter street N - G€orge Bumcy, 181 Evelyn st.Dcptford SE Daniel Lambert, James Albert Williams, 12 ~-Charles H. Lawrence, 177 Whitechapel rd E -Griffin Hy. Cartledge,2!l Shad well High st E Ludgate hill E C - HP.nry Wm. Oates, 31 Devon's rrl.Rrornley E - Jn.Wm.Christian,2Capland st.Lissn.groNW' Dartmouth Castle, Henry Archer Purchase, - Ed wd. Ro berts, 14 Cale street, Chelsea SW - Wm. Thos.Croft,8Charlotte pl.Goodge st W Glenthorne road, HammeT3mith W - John Sindcll,15Cambrdgc.rd.sth.Kilbrn NW - Wm. Deacon, 24 York road N David&:Harp,Geo. Pegg,54N arrow st.Limeho E ·Duke of Cambridqe. Richard Thomas Stringer, -Richard Phillip Dilling, Ormond yard, St. Deacon's CoffPe House tavern, Wm. Howell, 3 li2 Deptford High street SE James' square SW Walbrook E C Duke of Clarence, John Bauckha.m,l33 Grundy -Louis Hy. Dumon, 57 Yorkrd.LambethS E De Beauvoir Arm.•, James Taylor, 28 Stam- street, Poplar E - Joseph Jule Guignard, 6() York street,. ford road, Kingsland road N - John Bonken, Alfred st. Bow road E Portman square W DelawareAr·ms,Geo.G.Hartridge,50i0xfrd.stW - EdwinGeo.Brooks.l40Rotherfld.st.Islngtu N - Hancock & Whittet, Clerkenwell road E. c· Denbigh Arms, Geo. Wm. Welfear, 3 Denbigb - George Butcher, 186 Rotherhithe streetS E -Wm. Edwd. Humber,;ton, :H \\"en lock st N place, Pimlico SW -John Stratford Ulark, 111 Penton placeS E - Jonas Iloskins, 33 Dowuham rd. KingsldN Derwecnt T(tvern, George Edwin Muddyman, -John Claydon, 56 Tooley street SE -Thomas Hunt, 45 Queen st. E<lgware rd W' Glengall roarl, Peckham SE -Henry Denyer, !l4 Vauxhall street SE -Mrs. Elizabeth Hutton, Grove street, Cam- DeJborouqn. Arln.l", An drew R. Whale, 1 Des- - Geo. Edwards, 8 North st. Lisson grove NW den street, Bethnal green E borough pla.ce, Harrow road W - Edward Weston Gibbs, 15 Addison terrace, - William Ledger, 47 Borough roadS E Devonport Arm.. •, Frederiek Shirley, Devon- Notting hill W - Thomas'Marchment,Swan lane,RothrhiS E' port mews, Oxford terrace, Hyde park W - \Vm.ArthnrHine, 71 Commercial rd. east E - Edwd. Ma1·quet, 7G Fair st. HorselydwnS E De~onshire A rm.~,Saml.Anstey, 17 Denman stW - Wm. Newman Howe, St. George's circnsS E - Matthew N cwman, 13 Gt. Marylcbonc stW' - Edward Browne, 20 Duke street, :M:an- - William James, 98 Osnaburgh street NW - Carsten Olandt, 10 Dod st. Burdett road E chest er square W - .TanH'.s Lematrie, 61 Hackney road E -Mrs. M.Osmond,14Glo'sterst.ClerkenwlE C" - George Foord, Bristow st. New North rd N -Mrs. Rachel Offen, 21 Horseferry road SW -- Fredk.Thos.FullcrRay,RUnion st.Bond stW - J olmFordHallet,15Moreton st. we.Pimlc SW - W illiam Pcrcy, 32 Pancrns road NW - Arthnr J ames Rcmnant;20~Blackfrs.rd S E. -John Harris. 4fl Devonshire street E - Geo. Woe ha, ](lli Scawfell st. Hackney rd E - Frank Sansome, 129 An till road, Bow E -John Holford, 16 Devonshr.ter.KensingtnW D1tke of Cornu:all,Wm. Bent, 127 J..edbury ntW -Samuel Scollick, 2 Salmon's lane E -Charles Hopkins, 21 Duke st. Portland pl W -John Landregan, a Sherborne place, Bland- -· Edwd. Tyler, 7 Henry st.Grny's inn rd WC -Alfred Reeve, !10 High street, Notting hillW ford square NW - Christphr. Sweeting, 107 Regency st SW -John Rattle,10 Lanca..~ter st. Bayswater W Duke of Cumber/and, Henry Caries Preddy.l6 - George Webster, 59 Osnaburgh street NW' - William Terry, 39 Kentish town road NW Kensington High street W - Frnncis WlJite, 1 Kensington pl. Silver st W - J oseph Leonard Wells, 2l.A, Devonshire - Chas. John J arvis,49A, Brya.nston street W - Anthony Woodg<tte,il7 Bagsht.st. \Vl wth S E street, Portland place W Duke of Edinburgh, Henry Huish Karslake, - Edwin Yates, lb North Wharf rd.Paddgtn W' -John Williams,lOBurn st.Limehouse flds E Forsyth street, Rotherhithe SE -M is~ Kate .Tulia Greenslade Young. 44 Devonshire Castle, W11liam Parker, 24 Des- - George B. Boulter, l 00 Albany road SE Myrdle street, Commercial road east E borough place, Harrow road W - Geo. Harris, 9:1 Queen's road, Bayswater W Dulce's ArmJ, Robcrt Maw, 27 Lambeth Dew Drop Inn, William Radford Fisher, -Thomas Os born, Fairfoot road, Bow E Upper marsh SE Clifton road. New CrossroadS E -Jas. Richll.Reeve,Shepherd's la.Brixtn SW Duke's Head, Wm. Bla~kwell, 6 Reeve's mews,. Dick'.! Tavern, William Mackay, 8 Fleet st E C Duke of Glo'ster, Richard Baker, 497 Oxford Grosvenor square W Diqby A1"ll'M. Samuel Burchcll, Digby street E street W - James Wm. Clayton, 79 Whitechapel r:d E Distillers' Arms, William Cannon, 7 High - Joseph Burkett, 44 Gurney street, New -Alfred Cotton, 56 Museum street WC street, Vauxhall SE Kent road SE - Renben John De~m, 268 Hoth~rhithe st SE - Sidney Skelton, 28 Hancock rd. BromleyE - Gerd. Hermann H.Hillmann, 81 Newrd E - Edmund Gilding, 2t Frith street, Soho W Dock House, Mark Ayres, 293 & 295 East India - Mrs.HclcnMatilda King, 26 Scabright st E - William J. Goss, 155 Flood st. C'helsen S 'M' dock road E - Jacob Louis, 40 St John's road N -Mrs. Mary Ann Heitmann, 119 Cable st E.
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