BIBLE FOUNDED Peeffr OICE OF PROPHECY Reaches Millions for Christ EVERY SUNDAY ON NBC, 11;t1IEC,Ft.1311E MUTUAL, and YOUR station! Dr. Hamer Ends Service at OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS St. Helena Sanitarium ARIZONA • CALIFORNIA • HAWAII • NEVADA • UTAH 111 Dr. Richard T. Hamer retired at the end of 1964 after thirty-two years of med- ical practice, sixteen of these at the St. VOL. 64 ANGWIN, CALIFORNIA, FEBRUARY 22, 1965 NO. 31 Helena Sanitarium and Hospital. With his wife, the former Leah E. Mil- ler (a graduate of the School of Nursing at Loma Linda, California), the doctor March 20 Will Mark Special Presentation moved to the St. Helena area in February for Increasing Work for the Jewish People of 1948. In addition to his duties on the hospital staff, Doctor Hamer was in charge "And the man asked him saying, What persons enrolled in this course during the of the Well Baby Clinic at Angwin dur- seekest thou? And he said, I seek my year 1964? ing these years. brethren."—Genesis 37:15, 16. Do you know that a quarterly magazine A graduate of the 1931 School of Med- Jesus admonished the early disciples to called Israelite is published especially for icine class of Loma Linda University, "go rather to the lost sheep of the house Jewish readers? The present subscription Loma Linda, California, Doctor Hamer in- of Israel. And as ye go, preach, saying, list is about 5,000, which includes over- terned in Los Angeles. His first year of The kingdom of heaven is at hand."— seas subscribers. This is not very many practice was in Canada at Resthaven Sani- Matthew 10:6, 7. among the millions of Jews in America. tarium and Hospital near Victoria, British Columbia. Paul said that salvation through the To help do a greater work for Jewish gospel of Christ was to go "to the Jew people, plan now to help place the Israelite Richard T. Hamer, M.D. RONALD GORDON, Assistant Chaplain. first, . ."—Romans 1:16. magazine in the hands of as many persons In our day, when the message of the of Jewish origin in North America as Challenge of Telling Gospel Story Includes Every Member third angel is drawing to a close, a greater possible. of Every Seventh-day Adventist Church work is to be done for the Jews than we Program Prepared The trumpets are sounding! The bells new brochure on visitation methods en- have ever done before. For "When this Sabbath, March 20, 1965, has been are ringing! In every Seventh-day Advent- titled Care Enough. gospel shall be presented in its fulness to designated as Israelite promotion day, and ist church around the world this is Visita- Recently a lady stood up in a Seventh- the Jews, many will accept Christ as the a brief program has been prepared for pres- tion Year-1965. day Adventist church and said: "I have Messiah."—Acts of the Apostles, p. 380. entation at the church missionary period. Let's make this a joyful year of jubilee been coming to this church for two months, Do you know that it was a Jew who Make a list of the names of persons of for thousands of people, a year of release. but I don't understand you people. You introduced two of his own Jewish disciples Jewish origin in your community, espe- "Let the gospel message ring through our have the truth, but you don't have the as the Lamb of God? It was John the Bap- cially leading people, to whom you would churches, summoning them to universal courage to tell the world. tist, of whom John the Evangelist wrote: like to have this magazine sent for a year action."—Christian Service, p. 77. "When I was a Jehovah's Witness I ". the next day . John stood, and or more. The subscription price is $1 per This is the time. Never have we had used to visit every home. One man aimed two of his disciples; and looking upon year. such stirring evidence that this is the time a pistol at me and said, 'You get out of Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the this house.' I didn't have the truth, but I Subscriptions may be placed in the for action. Politically, the world is filled went. You have the truth, but you don't Lamb of God! And the two disciples . hands of the church missionary secretary, with confusion, "perplexity," "distress of go. I have been coming to this church folowed Jesus."—John 1:35-37. or sent to your Book and Bible House. nations," with "men's hearts failing them for two months, but no one has visited me." Do you know that it was a secret Jew- Should you desire to help send the Israelite for fear and for looking after those things ish disciple who came to Jesus by night to Jews in North America but have no which are coming on the earth." This is Power Revealed for an interview? Yes, it was Nicodemus. names to submit, you may place your the time when millions of people will lis- Note what the Lord will do when we —John 3. money for the subscriptions in a tithe en- ten and read our literature. Now is our respond to His call: "When the reproach golden opportunity. Do you know that most of the members velope and mark it "For Israelite." We of indolence and slothfulness shall have This little world is the of the early apostolic church were Jews shall provide the names from our lists. This is the place. been wiped away from the church, the who had accepted Jesus as the Messiah, only place in the universe that needs the Spirit of the Lord will be graciously mani- and all the church leaders were Judean We urge you to help us double the message of salvation. We don't need to go fested. Divine power will be revealed. The Christians? subscription list of Israelite this year so to Mars or Venus or the moon with the church will see the providential working Do you know that there are approxi- that we may send it to at least 10,000 message. of the Lord of hosts. The light of truth mately 12,000,000 Jews in the world? Jewish people. Do it for God and for His The great commission is to "go ye into will shine forth in clear, strong rays, and Do you know that about 6,000,000 of "lost sheep of the house of Israel." Christ all the world and preach the gospel to as in the time of the apostles, many souls these people live in North America, scat- died for the Jews as well as for Gentiles. every creature." (Mark 16:15.) That takes will turn from error to truth. The earth tered in over more than 9,000 cities and "We must get away from our smallness in every house across the street or across will be lightened with the glory of the towns? and make larger plans. There must be the nation. "Go" doesn't mean "stay." Lord."— Ibid., p. 43. Do you know that almost all of them a wider reaching forth to work for those "Go" doesn't mean "sit." "Go" means or- This is the time! If not now, when? are still with no knowledge of their longed who arc nigh and those who are afar off. ganized going on the part of the entire Are we waiting for more freedom? We for Messiah, and without hope? . Let there be special efforts for the church. will never have it. This is our hour! Never Do you know that Seventh-day Advent- enlightenment of the Jews."—EGW Ms. The Unconfused have we had such an opportunity. Think- ists maintain a Bible correspondence 87, 1907. This is the people. God has called a ing men everywhere are wondering what is school operating under the name The WESLEY AMUNDSEN, Secretary, people in these last days who will "keep wrong with the world. Now is the time Israelite Heritage Institute and that 23,000 North American Missions Committee. the commandments of God and the faith to tell them God's solution to man's prob- of Jesus," a people who will come out of lems. the confusion of the political and religious You are the one! You have the message. world and be a separate people, who will Others may be faster runners, as Ahimeaz PACIFIC UNION REVOLVING FUND deliver God's last warning and saving mes- was a faster runner than Cushi. But he was There is still a need to increase the size of the Pacific Union Revolving sage to men, a people who will give the a messenger without a message. Others in Fund to keep pace with the growth of the work in our territory. If you have world its last revelation of the love of God. the world may be more eloquent, but do funds you wish to place on deposit in the Revolving Fund, please make your This is the reason! This year-1965— they have God's message? You have the check payable to, and send it to, Pacific Union Conference Revolving Fund, has been officially designated by the 1964 message that the world needs, and God Box 146, Glendale, California. Your funds will begin earning interest for you Autumn Council as Visitation Year. Every has commissioned you to give it. If you at the rate of 41/2 % per annum, paid on January 1 and July 1 of each year.
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