In the San Joaquin Valley. Mating disruption of codling moth has mixed results Walter J. Bentley o Lewis B. Sherrill o Allison Mclaughlin Pheromone confusion had to be aug- ruption as a method of pest manage- mented with insecticide sprays to control Pheromone confusion worked codling moth in the Sherrill orchard, best in isolated orchards with low ment. In trials to date, this technique which has a history of long moth flights codling moth populations. In ar- has been more successful in some ar- and high infestation. eas where codling moth devel- eas than others. In addition to a climate that permits oped three to four generations Probably the most challenging situ- ation for mating disruption is the one extended flight activity of codling and apples were exposed to egg in which codling moth can develop a moth, this area provides hosts for co- laying for each generation, mating maximum number of generations dur- dling moth development throughout disruption with pheromones was ing a season. This is precisely the situ- the spring and into the fall. The pri- not consistently successful in ation in the southern San Joaquin Val- mary apple variety, Granny Smith, re- suppressing codling moth popula- ley. Based on an 11-year history of quires at least 180 days from full tions. For an orchard with an es- daily codling moth monitoring in the bloom to harvest. Another popular tablished history of codling moth Sherrill orchard near Arvin, California, apple in the San Joaquin Valley, the infestation, well-timed insecticide the total number of degree days (dd.) Fuji cultivar, is harvested even later sprays had to be integrated with between first and last moth of the year than Granny Smith. the confusion technique to obtain has ranged from 3,405 (110 moths per This article reviews mating disrup- adequate control. trap per season in 1983) to 4,694 (394 tion trials performed at three locations moths per trap per season in 1992).A in the southern San Joaquin Valley. degree day is defined as 1 degree The participating growers referred to Codling moth, Cydia pomonella above the threshold temperature for below include the Sherrill orchard (Linnaeus), has been a serious pest of 24 hours. This is using a base of 50 F trial, the Bidart orchard trial, the sec- apples and other deciduous fruit in and an upper threshold of 88' F. Moni- ond Sherrill orchard trial and the Met California since 1872. As fruit produc- toring traps were either Pherocon 1C West trial. The work was done by the tion moved into the San Joaquin Val- (1983-1989)) or 1CP (1990-1993) traps authors in collaboration with the grow- ley, so did codling moth. It still ranks baited with Trece 1 mg pheromone ers and their pest control advisors. as the key pest of apples. caps changed monthly. The earliest The sites were chosen based on the Until recently, the only ways of re- moth activity recorded was on March history of infestation. Both the Sherrill ducing infestation were through syn- 7, 1986, and the latest moth trapped orchard and the Met West orchard thetic insecticides (initially arsenicals, was on October 2,1991. Codling have a long history of high moth then chlorinated hydrocarbons, orga- moths are capable of laying eggs for as flights and infestation. The Bidart or- nophosphates and insect-growth regu- long as 7 months. In this area three full chard is a relatively new planting with lators) or through cultural methods, generations were present each year; low numbers of moth flights and no such as sanitation and larvae-trapping. most years had at least a partial fourth damage. It should be pointed out that However this approach has led to generation. A full fourth generation both the Sherrill and Met West or- problems with insect resistance and, in was possible in 1986 (3,981 dd.), 1990 chards, where mating disruption was some instances, pesticide residues on (4,013 dd.), 1991 (4,220 dd.) and 1992 in place, were also treated with insecti- fruit at harvest. (4,694 dd.). This is based on an aver- cides, but much less frequently than in However, with the isolation of age of 1,060 dd. for the first generation the conventional grower-sprayed codlemone in 1971, the synthetic sex and 1,220 dd. for the remaining gen- plots. This was not done at the Bidart pheromone for codling moth, has erations (a total of 3,500 dd. would al- location because we knew the moth come the development of mating dis- low for four generations). population was low. The use of some CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE, NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 1994 45 insecticide is necessary where moth ent per acre in 200 gallons per acre) Overhead sprinklers reduce the effec- populations are established and har- and July 31 (carbaryl at 3 pounds a.i. tiveness of insecticides and are a com- vest of apples occurs in late August per acre in 200 GPA), infestation at mon method of irrigation in the south- and September. The trial is a con- harvest, on September 4 (first pick), ern San Joaquin Valley. trolled trial that is intended to be ana- averaged 17.5%.On September 22 In 1992 and 1993 trials were at- lyzed statistically based on a number (second pick) damage was 33%. Both tempted again at the Bidart Granny of years’ research. In each trial, the of these infestation rates were com- Smith orchard, the Sherrill orchard pheromone disruption area was under puted using a random sample of 900 (for the second time), and the Met control of the researchers, while the fruit taken from throughout the or- West orchard. These trials were part grower and pest control advisor made chard. At that time an average of 62 of a long-term study to evaluate mat- decisions in the conventional plot. moths per trap had been captured in ing disruption; to date they have met the disruptant side (based on four with varying success. The Met West Sherrill orchard: the first trial Trece Pherocon 1C traps baited with orchard trial - where codlemone The first codling moth mating dis- the 1 mg codlemone-loaded rubber was used with least success - is dif- ruption trial established in Kern septa). ficult to evaluate, because the grower County in 1987 was not successful. It The standard insecticide compari- was late in placing disruptant in the was performed on the original 18.4- son block was sprayed three times field, contrary to manufacturer’s acre Sherrill orchard, which was with azinphosmethyl on April 15, June instructions. planted in 1981. The orchard has a 5 and June 20, at the rate of 1 pound Greater success was obtained in the density of 1,361 trees per acre (4-feet- a.i. per acre applied in 200 GPA. Car- Bidart and Sherrill orchards, where the by-8-feet spacing) and is irrigated by baryl was applied once, on July 31, at pheromone disruptant was placed in overhead sprinklers. The trees at the the same time and rate that was used accordance with manufacturer’s start of the season are approximately 6 in the disruptant-treated area. Codling (Consep) instructions. Three applica- feet high and at harvest are approxi- moth damage in the standard insecticide tions of disruptant were applied at ap- mately 9 feet high. Other than block averaged 3.7% on September 4. proximately 60-day intervals through pollinizers and a small planting of There were no fruit left after this date. the growing season in each of these lo- akane apples, a Japanese variety no cations. Even so, the success rate in longer grown in the orchard, Granny Bidart orchard trial these two orchards differed, possibly Smith was the only variety. To the The three experiments were all de- because they have quite different cod- west of the orchard is a 9-acre planting signed with a minimum of 5 acres ling moth histories. The Bidart trial of apricots, which are harvested by treated with the Checkmate. The has been quite successful. Where mid-May. To the east is a 10-acre grower standard plots were adjacent sprays were integrated with the phero- planting of peaches and nectarines, to the pheromone treatment and var- mone placement at Sherrill, it is also also harvested during May. No other ied in size as indicated below. The va- successful. hosts are within a mile of the orchard. rieties sampled were the same. Irriga- The Bidart Granny Smith orchard The pheromone-treated portion of tion was by overhead sprinkler at the site has been the most successful ex- the orchard was the east 11.5 acres; the Bidart and Sherrill orchards and by ample of mating disruption of the standard insecticide comparison block ground misters at the Met West side. three orchards studied. It was ob- was the west 6.9 acres. Following the served in both 1992 and 1993. Except manufacturer’s instructions, Biolure for the grower 32-acre standard com- LTD 6-month dispensers were placed parison site, adjacent to the phero- in the 11.5-acre area at a rate of 100 per mone-treated 6 acres, this orchard is acre on March 23, 1987. By April 10 isolated from any other codling moth flight of winter moths was detected in source and was in its second year of the disruption block, only 12 days af- production in 1992. The total 38 acres ter moths were trapped in a non- is surrounded by a small manufactur- pheromone-treated comparison block. ing area, airport, and canal to the This was a clear indication that mating south and a canal and vineyards to the disruption was failing.
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