University of Central Florida STARS St. Cloud Tribune Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 12-6-1928 St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 20, No. 16, December 06, 1928 St. Cloud Tribune Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-stcloudtribune University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in St. Cloud Tribune by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation St. Cloud Tribune, "St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 20, No. 16, December 06, 1928" (1928). St. Cloud Tribune. 329. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-stcloudtribune/329 DECEMBER 1928 SUNjMONlTlJElV FRI HT. CLOUD TKMI'KKATI RK Weil.. Nov. Js 7:1 M IIIHI Tlllll' N.u i -'ti -.-77 no 0.00 5}6j7 I'll., \,,Y 11(1 80 S3 0.00 9 10 11112113114 Silt., DM, 1 84 OL' (l.Hl Sim.. Dae. 2 82 on o.oo 16 17 18192021 Moll.. Dae, a 77 or, ooo 233oi243iE25i26i27;2.3l29! Tlll*S., Dae. 4 8ft tli ll'Kl • • VOLDMK TWKNTY ST. .1.1)1 l> list KOI.A COUNT*. FLORIDA Till KKDAV. DBCEMBKR ft. 11128 M'MI-KK SIXTEEN Five Hundred Bags of Flour To Go KISSIMMEE MASONS Special Permit Is Granted To ELECT OFFICERS Seine Objectionable Fish From LAST MONDAY On Christmas Trees December 24th Waters of East Lake Tohopekaliga MANY ST. cioih PBOPLB At iin* regular meet inn of Oman When iltl ,s.*n,in .'Inns turn* mi tin* 1928 CHRISTMAS SEAL ATTKMI l \Itll I ON CONCERT Blossom Lodge, No. 80, P. and A. M. Ik'litN itt tli.' two t'liilHtmHK treat on AT MOUNTAIN LAKE, FLA. Klaalmmee, bald in lYalarally hall at ihe night of I•I'.i'i.iIxT 22, lint.' will CHAIRMAN IS MRS. Klf.Kli.ini moors were oloetoil for DEPARTMENT OF ln> five hundred bad of floor will tlin. II. is BUpactad by tliuMe nttcii'ling tin aaaalng term at IMS. The follow­ GAME AND FRESH WATER FISH ,,i 111.* Iillth .vli., go mn t,> .'*(' wtlHt ing nl't'l... uere eliosen : Klnor .1. DOLPH WALKER thut aluuit LOO St. Clond IKM>PU> nt- THE STATE OF FLORIDA Miiittt .'luui. Inn. fur tb.in. nntl nil of iiiuii'ii iho nnanIng conoerl oainbrn- Ki'ltr. Worahlntnl Itaatar, raised from I Ilii. hunch of tliilli' will )',• ilolititt'il bf the west ; I' H Ames. Senior Wnrdt-n, TALAHASSEE. ill., KltirliiH Kluill* nnil Feed .'*,. Htiiii' Hon nf tho I'.-.k cuiiiion nt tho ringing l'nisl',1 ft,*in the sontli; Ijirr.T Hollers. ,,l which B. I' .lollllHOU in llll.llllKor Laal uu forget I Tlir 'in isiinus tower, .Monutiiin Ijikc. Pin-, Inst Sun- .liuilnr Warden i X. t', llr.vnn. ti'elecl- Tn All Assist .nil nnd Deputy Game Commissioners; Jn.*.! yestonhiy Mr. Johnson showed Siui. which fiiiunci'H ihu -iioat fight ilay aftarnoon. Anunn: thmso iiltond- oil in iisin •••. r ], Hanriy^ re-elected ilu* Tritium' lltf r.l Ml Im us of riuiir lip tiKuliiKl tuhiTiiilosIs, itn- nn connec­ iim ttom Nt. clond wntni (Ban n •anilaiy. FAST LAKK TOHOPEKAIGA, in Osceola County, will Is union to «!.',• away. It's thr very tion wiih tho Bad Oroag Roll Cull, Una, Mrs. s. Hive .Mlllor. MIHK Hot- It wn. ,i,,t,.,i iio,| „ln„n(( th.* art- he Open for net fishing for the purpose of getting refused bull flour you em gat. mid HMI I UM MUd Mr- Dolpll WnlkiT. of Kl«Blm- tlo Bice, eflaa Allboa Miilrr. Mr. Oer- glnaii .'hitrtiT tneiiill'Bg, t'lay JohnsonJob , fish thnt are 0naming to gumo fish out of this hike. The fol­ •N, Chi-lstnuiH Sen) Chtilrmiin for ard Miiior. Mr. nnd -Mrs. jumoH Idflg letiuoti tlmt lio loltl Sunlit t'Inns tn ot Klealmti i'o, waa preaent. Mr. John- lowing fish will bn tnkun out of Bunt Lnke Tohopnknllgn: gltm it nwiij. Oaoeola aanaly. lo aULay injurlea uml iiiiio daughter, Mr. and Urn. L son will l« imbered ns tha original This flour Klft Is oiilji ,n f iiiiin.v hiivu QOBM I" Mrs. WulkiT alncp nc- .f. Itouhlin. Bev- und Mrs. E. 8. Tnylii. Biaglmiiifii rlvar iiiiot. who took thou- ( utfisli. gnrO, suckers, blnrkfish. commonly called mud fish, good tilings tinn tin, ni.'r.'liiintH of St. oepting i in- Chrlatmaa SeaJ < 'iiuirinnn- Mr uinl Mrs. 1.. M. 1'iirkor. Mlaa mnl of O* aolaa anrly aattlata to the stink slmd, turtlrs and niiy other fish Ihat are enemies to t :.,iiti ara irraagtiia for tba Mail aaa -hi|> Uml dn Isaiii'il lln- following Knrtbg Rarkar, Wlm Ok Monti da Mouther pn rt ttf iho Bounty. game fish. <»on. Mrs. Qeneviave Oonulnon, Mr, in*: i.f tin- t:tiri.nuns Stiles lampalga tatearanl today: Etaportt r tbe condition or < trnngo This permit will not permit the taking of any black ntnl Mrs, Buy Km-key and wui. Bobart, Bloeaom i "From PHI7 lu 11*10 ihu Nutit.nnl dani inuiio iiftor th.- <-irf bunOj striped buss, unv species of bn;nn. speckled perch, erap- Tnbereoloati Aaanclaflon IHKI Inan g*- Miss .tosiiu QottWln, .lolui IMoroo. tlllll w lis \ rj • •iu,rinrii(!liip (0 tho older I'lnus for tin* two liin t'liilsliiiiis ple. nr st-nwberry bass, commonly called speckled, or any Buma atnyea, Bev. and Mrs. j. i* Mituil'ir- well gg ta tho younger traea to IM' glraa In It. ''I 1 mi Slit ganlatng iI•- iinllmi wiih- wnrfnre VTeatcotl and --nn. Hugh Oolltna, IClaeee in-liny, December 22. ira going far- agalnrt Um gflteaanv wiih tba lupootl niHiphytei* rtw IIOJK* to merit ndvnnoo specie a of gntne fiah, All gacn fiah onojgjhl in nnta will be .•r toramoel adantiata, bnl with Uttle :Virginia and w iiin Lenrltt, Qlenn meni in ] • ira t" oome. returned to thi' wnter olivo nl once. wnnl .vhlli* iM'tv day aaii hundreda Btfej. Mr nnd Itn. A. J. AIII . •• • • >*.. •>•,•!»,i- 11, amid luiuis To gtrenftnen the organiwt- eon, r«ri Mi and Mrs \v it Llvtng- N< nets will be need in Ihe above named lake without 1 ti,' mi' rush of iiisi-mliiii.i* Mr/lag, • •••a • ,<+> W*.d*S f ,t,T nui tlie National Tuberculoata Asaa- oo i . 'i" • ii- o tli. and mtti. J •..:;j"*-rv:*•:•":*,-r T^"V' ''-"••-- CAtnvmlaalon.ee, S-nn selecting tbelr glfta fin- tbe family nr i: \i c.< rich Mrs. fthel Knrr, MIFS bi. IAUUU rtMLLUrO Hour. If thlg permit is violated in t fishing iu this lake will aaal dear friends elatlon folned foreee for Ibe pnrpoaa of nondnctlng the OhrUtmaa Seal Bnla Lbnea Parr. Mra, Katberlne Fnrr- be revoked Immediutuly, This permit begin December l, Interest I. ls?|ag 111111.11. .It'll iu the I'ltiitii. Mi. and Mra. .1 M. Dunnam, MULBERRY, SCORE jointly. 1938 and is good until January 1st., 1929. .Hurts ft' tin' local narebaata in far- "Tlu- viihn' nt -mil ooopeintton nt Mlaa 1.11/IIIM'III I iu nnn ni und Miss nisli vi*ry lii'st inoreli.iiiiilso for thr Iintl* i lime "hen tba tobe-renloata nwranaant Mury Myera OF 12 TO 7 \*i 1 fislu-rint ii \\ ill keep an accurate -.-'-'i.*rt of all .lny iriiti,* ni lira arson this yaar, wna struggling for exlatonee onn imvil refuaed *'* — 11 nnd turtlni taken out of this Jake and give the s|.,*i,,is ire uf farad nt nutiit .t.ir.'s. i.\ be nyaf aallinalad amount to Deputy Onme Commlaaioneri Sam Hoar, for the nn,1 iti,' general Hnoa of nifis gathered "Tho partneralitp between ibe AHUT COUNTY'S CHAIRMAN Although Hi.' Mulberry blgb achool recorda of lliis department. i,v ti„* iii.'niiiiiii. ni st Oload nils team bind' •• In st. Cloud on Thank*- it,in Bed Otot nmi Uu- National Tu- (Signed;) J. B. ROY ALL, .ear iw battel iintn gang, bereuloala Aaaodntlon laatnd Bag ban WANTS ST. CLOUD giving Daj claiming to hold Olnaa it only si.;,in nnn', days abopplag yearn, Dn'rlng tlml tima only thp neur­ pbamptona) with tbe plgakln, thay State Game Commiaalonur, until t'lirisliiiu. Hull's aVWB m Bh it i emblnm of tba AaMtleu Bed Oroaa REPRESENTED loat their 11 . utatlon in the game with 1,, aaaaa tin- shopper to loot. otwr Un appeared on iho tmnuiii laaajgn of HI Oloud 1 11 aoote "i IL' I«« 7. link** now ill .inter I" gal tin* inv­ < In IMIUIIN Souls. In mshlB, hou.'viu. The attendance of ao many funs tin,,ns bava baaa awaa BM some ents Hint nr,' Mil away 1,' tha poi­ tho doni>ii' imived cToea, InternatlonaJ lion BoKtaiu, ot Klaalmmee, aooom- added aeal : •• i un.ni ga me all I hi i ingfa W. J. STEED IS NAMED time by real ftabamien arhoaalay the sons wlm will In* 11111.li' ulu'l l>> 1, 'ii. iuni.Ioni uf the unti-tiihorrtiloulH <iim- panted bj w L Martnr, mayor of tin- four quarter*. Otttatundlng Bag -l"'H "illi I k llnr nr ,'ttslinc rodn nm 111.'in nt holiday tinn palffQ mui trade murk of tho National •un- riatw dty, were rtalton in si. tiivis wiii* a ilrtj yard run mnda by TAX ATTORNEY ;iu,i mlanowa t.i bava Baat Lgka To- there N 11 noticeable roab about tbe Tutiwrenloela AnaDdntlagi ami atoo aga> Olond Tueeday evening fn an effort Kenneth M< (J t the Bt. cloud team bopekallga olaared nf the buaa cat­ |H,S| nlliio tin*..* days, innl ll" parrel hodled In tbe Heal in 1090 tne rele- i<> aecure the co-4iperntlon of tho bul in iho sec.N.I quarter, and n run of i,,.i is betag piled blgb with packages FOR CITY fish niui i.thir paraaltaa ttmt faai on Hnnahlp betwoea tin* two gnnl ovgnn* aaaa gain ot this eity In preparing B 08 \,irds mil do by Tom Pu liner of the 111.' unin,* fish Hint OOOl wore plenti­ ..iiniiu: In uinl gOlBg llllt "I ll" 'ilv.
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