AVERAGE DAILT OIROULATION tor tNe Mouth of Junaury. l*m WEATHER For it of U. ». Weutber Bumou. Hartford 6,048 Montber of the Aodtt Ooady, probably oeeaalonal ram BuruM ot Ctroolatioao HamIy^j0trr lEurtttttg Irralb tonight and Thursday; warmer t o -. night, eolder Thorsdsy night. MANCHESTER — A O TY OF VILLAGE CHARM VOL. LVII., NO. I l l (ClaooUled AdvertMeg on Page 10) MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1938 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTSWi| PHONE MIXUP; ULSTER VOTES Where Two Men Nearly Lost Lives leaking hose um CAR HITS Between Them Poor New Jer- ON IRISH UNION, sey Woman Had to Watch Her Home Bum to the BIG TRUCK, TWO PRESIDENT TO ASK Ground. UNEIWYMENT Totowa, Borough, N. J , Feb. ESCAPE DEATH 9— (AP) — Surveying the alhea rejection Of De Valera Proj o f her home today, Mrs. John FOR 200 MILLIONS ; Zajac told a story about three Hngli Thornton And Charles Are departments and the hoses ect Assured But Opposi* that leaked. At the first smell of smoke Stnrterant Badly Injured she telephoned to the Wayne tion To Craigavon Reghn township firehouse and was told MORE FOR RELIEF to send the alarm to the Totowa In Crash At Main And borough department. Getting Is Strong; Voting QnieL mixed up again In more frantic phoning, ahe told her story to Biridi Streets Last Night Held for Cruelty to Child To Send Letter To Gongrm i the Little Falla firemen who also Belfast, Northern Ireland, Feb. 9. referred her to the local depart- ment. — (A P )—The atx protestant-nued Hugh Thornton, 76, of 15 Spring Tomorrow Requesting Ad-ij She finally got the right num- counties of Ulster, North Ireland, street, u d (Jharlea Sturtevant, 30, ber and three companies arriv- voted today on the Issues of unit- ed. of 117 Cooper Hill street, were ditional Funds Because Of] ing with Ireland and what to do Their hoses burst and leaked eriUcally Injured at 9:4P last night about unemployment. For Prime —from Improper drying, the when the light sedan car In which Expected Demands Dur- Minister Viscount Craigavon, the chief explained—and the fire general election waa the severest burned Itself out In three hours. they were riding north on Main atreet test of hla 17-year political career Here's wrecked Ford at Main and Birch streets last night after crashed Into the re u right side of a ing Next Three M o n th ly and he asked a vote of confidence It had been pulled from beneath trig gasoline truck. Hugh Thornton, trailer gasoline t u k car operated on bis opposition to uniting the two 76, by William L. Fitzgerald of II7 was passenger and (Jharles Sturtevant, 30, was driver. Irelands. But, including Cralgavon's Birch atreet. The two men, school Washinsrton, Feb. 9.— (A P ) | unionists, four of the five contest- ifm ARMIES janitors were placed on the danger ing parties opposed union, and It was list upon admission last night and —President Roosevelt, It WM on the Issue of employmenL rellel the hospital reported no ch u g s In learned tcxlay, will ask C!oii- that the real test of strength seem- their condition this afternoon. READY FOR SIX gress within a day or two to ed likely. Thornton, father of William J. EXPANSION OF NAVY appropriate between $200,000^-- . (The term Unionist In Northern Thornton of Woodbridge street, for- 000 and $300,000,000 for relief Ireland politics refers to tbe age- mer representative to the general old issue of Union with Great Bri- WAY em m assembly, suffered a possible frac- during the next five month*. tain, not the comparatively new ture of the akull, conclusion of the Informed sources said th* Issue of union between the Protes- brain, fracture of tbe left wrist and BRINGS W AR NEARER, President would send a le t^ J .tant North and Catholic South of a possible fracture of the left leg. 'Onnnuniqne Says The Zero to Speaker Bankhead, probBbI|(!| Ireland. Lord Cralgavon's Unionists Sturtovut also suffered severe head u d face Injuries and shock. tomorrow, asking additional and lesser Unionist parties insist on Hour Nears For Crushing retenUon of the ties with Britain CONGRESS INFORMED Crashes Into Truck's Side funds primarily because of ex- M d therefore strongly oppose The accident occurred at the In- pected relief demands during^ Amalgamation with Ireland.) tersection of Main and Birch atreet Of 400,000 Soldiers De- February, March and ApriL : - Balloting Orderly as Fitzgerald, operating his large trailer gasoline tu k truck was en- The Works Progress Admin* i Early balloting waa orderly al- irst Woman Member Of though those trying to vote betore fending Lnnghai Corridor. FRANCE REVISES tering Birch street from Main. istration, these sources said, .' going to work Jammed the poihng Sturtevant. driving north on Main has told the President it need* places. Polls were to close at 8 p. Congress Opposes Presi- street, crashed Into the truck. Just ahead of Its right rear wheels, wedg- ed a deficiency appropriatloi|B ( m. (1 a. m., e. a. t.), but even gen- Shanghai, Feb. 5—(AP) —Japan- ARMAMENTS PLAN eral results will not be known until ing the light sed u beneath the largely because of unemploy' '^ ese armies were poised at alx points dent’s Plan; Says It WM heavy steel body. tomorrow, probably about 7 p. m. ment in certain automobOeV (12 p. m., s, B. t.) CouTiting does on the Far Blast war map today for The light car waa pulled from be- cities. neath the truck by a group of men flot begin until 9 a. m. tomorrow for giant campaign to crush CHiiang Intensify World Tenaon. Message Tomorrew nine divisions and later for others To Build 1,000 New Fighting who gathered on bearing the crash. Kai-Shek’s legions and swallow the Sturtevut was taken to the hospi- Eterlier, Senate Majort^ Leader In the last Parliament Lord Cral- fertile heart of Elaatem China. The Barkley aald after a WhlU Houaa ; tal by Milton Nowsch ol 92 Middle gsvon's government held 87 of 53 magnitude of the campaign which Planes This Year And conference that toe Presidient would Washington. Feb. 9.— (AP)—The rurnplke East. Fitzgerald, driver of seats. baa been in the making since the the truck. Immediately called for u send to Congress "probably today Today there were 64 candidates first shot waa fired seven months first woman member of Congress, or tomorrowr’’ a message on reu2 am buluce from Metter's Smoke for 31 contested ^eats In Parliament. ago became apparent through new opposing an *800,000,000 expansion Strengthen Naval Bases. Shop. The State Service Station Barkley, who conferred with Mr. k Fourteen of Loid Cralgavon's party military movementa. Japanese mill, of the Navy, told (3ongresa today r- ***"*»’ her father, David Harris, are shown In Roosevelt and other Congreaatoiial''^^ attendut also called. Rev. Watson were unopposed, aa were six Na tary headquarters disclosed the zero that “wholly abnormal" warship Woodruff called the police station Connellsville. Pa., aa they appeared before a jusUce of toe peace who leaders and administration o f f t d ^ ’' tionallsts and one Labor Party hour waa approaching In a com- building by the United SUtes would Paris. Feb. 9.— (A P )—F ruce's from hla home directly opposite the neid them for court on new charge of cruelty to Hiss Harris' five- •aid toe meaaage might cover not munique which add; only toe queaUon of a deficiency W*-- member. “Intensify Intamational tenstona' already vast armaments budget bas crash site. datighter, Alice. The new charge ! •'cruelly to an Infant" troops, with rearranged and speed the world toward war. and is punishable by two yean In Jail and 1500 flna. propriation for toe rest ol tote fiscal . Tbe govemjnent Q0BQRUOD. hla mm ______________ **•*»> revised to provldr tor 1,800 Qulab'a am buluce raspondad aft- year, but also needs for tha nest I^U oB a and with morale growing Ftoraser Representative Jeanoette er a call waa put througl;, from tbe I A, . Cralgavon’s adihlnlatraUon for un- stronger, are Impatient for further flscalyear, beginning July L employment, and hoped oc that |^*^lrin-,_ legislative secretary nf tte .HHY _ (igbtbW planes this year, pollee stoUon by CapUIn H erm u operations." National Council tor Prevention of "’tAdtlng as spokesman for tha - plank to reduce the government strengthened French African naval Bchandel u d H olloru's ambulance 7|he Japanese grand objective was War, led off the opposition to Presi- bases, u d the start of a military confereea, Barkim majority, perhaps to turn out the also arrived. Mr. Thorrton was re- said be did not know how muchmcii ^ to botUe up 400,000 Chinese troops dent Roosevelt’s proposal to In- Mghway across Algeria to Itallu moved from the wrecked sedan and Unionists altogether. along tbe Lunghal railway and con- crease the fleet 20 per cent. DROUCMT-HIT FARMERS ditional relief money srould ho re- Libya's frontier, sources close to taken to the hospital. Shortly aft- Northern Ireland generally quer the corridor which bas kept She call'd on the committee to the fighting services said today. quired, He added, however, that a opposed sny union with Ireland— er toe accident, Harry C Smith, su- withhold approval “until the de- Defense Minister Eklouard Data- deficiency appropriation waa "vety formerly the Irish Free iStats and p^nntendent of th^ Memorial hos* lUcely." * (UmNniied on Page fwo) mands can be judged on the basis of dier wUI ask a 20 per cent Increase pltaj, who had just left toe State governing as a republlo—but the READY TO BATTLE AGAIN Barkley said toe confereea dis- a declared policy of defense only In 1038 amuimenta spending, these theater, hurried to the hospital to question waa given new Impetus by and of a determination of our de- sources said.
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