~~---------_...~ _._-~~-~-~-----4'-' --"' .~.-.- - ...._......__...._-"!lI_ ...... ------ .....------------ ........ Hom~ oj A "MUST" FOR MAY. * * * COMPLETE SUCCESS ross,e ews FOR THE MEMORIAL CENTER DRIVE 99 Kercheval TU. 2-6900 Complete News Coverage- .of All,; the Pointes VOLUME IQ-NO. 19 5c Per Copy Entered as Second Class Matter ~.oo Per Yeal GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGANjMAY 10, 1951 8,t the Post Office at Detroit, Welt. Fully Paid Circulation , \., C. DEADLINES Children's Bands Prepare for Annual. Concert Canvassers Ready Leaders Tell ot Ih. Of Progress WEEK During Year As Co,tnpited by th. To StartI Annual GrOSS6 Pointe News Members Hear Reports of Thursday, M~y 3 Census on Friday Fine Growth At Annual HUTCHINSON ACT seems to , Meeting; Needs Are be stumbling block in settlement Count Required by State for School Fund Allocation Stressed of 13-day-old DSR strike. City llttorneys say that the act ap- Purposes Also Furnishes Much Additional Members of the Grosse plies, Union insists that it does Valuable Information not. Meanwhile, negotiators met Pointe War Memorial Asso-' to discuss Mayor Cobo's three- The annual school census will be taken in Grosse Pointe ciation attending the annual year contract plan. beginning tomorrow, May 11, in accordance with the laws of meeting of the organization in • c • the State of Michigan, announced L. M. Bartlett, Diredor of the Memorial Center Monday JULIE COHN, w~dow of Louis Pupil Personnel for the Grosse Pointe Public Schools. This night, heard reports of an.. J. Cohn. clothier, awarded bulk census must be taken each year during the last 20 days other' year of. progress and of.. $350,000 estate. c-ircuit Court of'May. continued development, and jury rendered decision in 15 min- were informed of the great utes. Jurors threw out claim of Part of the money. which the' necessity of making the cur- Cohn's relatives who charged local schools receive from state that he was mentally incompet. funds is apportioned on the basis rent dI:ive for funds an out- ent when he cut them out of his of the ~umber of children resid~ Pointe Faces tanding success. ing in the district, Information will. • .. • Six new directors were elected Friday, May 4 received from the annual school to succeed five whose terms ex~ census is, also assential for the Challenge by SIXTY CO-EDS of the Univer- pire and one who has 'had to ten- enforcement of' the compulsory sity of Michigan were stricken der his resignation. Those retir- education laws. last night with what university Birmingham ing from the board this year in- Provides Facts officials believe was food poison- elude Mrs. Charles A.'Dean, Jr., Another important use of the ing. Twenty of the girls were That Community With Less Mrs. Hubert Goebel, LeO Fitzpat- census data is to provide facts rushed to the hospital, 40 others Than Half Pointe's Popula. rick, John Kenower, Herbert Mi- relative to the growth of popu- cou and Norbert Neff. were placed under a doctor's tion Generously Supports care. Canned pears served to- the lation and the number of chil- New Directors girls at Betsy Barbour Dormitory dren in the district, The data Center Elected to succeed them were: are summarized in such a way were thought to have caused the -Picture by Fred Runnells Mrs. Frederick C. Ford, Richard epidemic. that the total population as well Residents of the Birming- Huegli, Frank Sl;iden. Jr., Rob. .. WILLIAM FERRY'S All Cities Elementary School Band, top, halts practice for its annual concert to be held as the number of children of ham-Bloomfield section sup- ert Tannahill, Mrs. Emmett STEEL for use in passenger at Pierce Auditorium May 13, 3 p.m., to pose for its picture. And below, MARTHA E. REAM, director of the Children's. each age from birth to twenty port their community center Tracy, all for three years terms; autos and statio~l wagons, cut an- orchestra, poses with her young charges during practice. Both bands practice at Richard School and will combine their years of age is tabulated for each by an annual campaign which and John K. Roney, for a two. municipality and each elemen- other 5 per cent by government efforts to pr~vide the musical numbers for the free concert. The public is cordially invited. produces between and year term. tary school district in the area. $28,000 order today. This cut reduces per. $36,000, it was revealed at the The nominating committee w~ The tabulation also shows the composed of Rev. Dr. Frank Fitt. mitted consumption to 75 per cent meeting of the Grosse Pointe of the level in the first half of number of children for ec:::h age chairman; Mrs. Edsel B. Ford, War Memorial Association 1950. A further cut is expected. Park Mayor Board of.Education8aved Politicians attending no school, public Robert Hackathorn, Carsten Tie- • • • schools "and non-public schools. Monday night. deman and Mrs. Henry H. Hub- Saturday, May 5 Traps Pair Gives Exact Picture Never Any Trouble bard. All of the newly elected DSR STRIKE enters its third From Financial Dilemma Fear Gangs, As a result of such tabulations It was stated the, Birmingham directOrs had been approached by week today. Resumption of nego- a year by year picture is obtain- center never has any trouble rais- tiations expected latN in the day Of Burglars By Tax Allocation ,Board Says Speaker ed which shows the exact growth ing this amount in its community Men's Chorus to pass on tentative suggestions in each municipality and elemen- which had a 1950 census popula:- which may break the deadlock Unwelcome - Guests Caught Differential Between Towpship and Other Four Pointe Head of Chicago Crime tary school district in the school tion of slightly less than 17,000. Makes .~B;gHz.t The Pointe, with a population . Ii over Hutchinson Act issues. ~ J ., I'. I All d Af S • I system. In a rapidly growing area . .. In H~me After His Honor ..,"''1UnlClpa 1t.~S ~.. -o:we. Jer pac1a Commission Be!ieves Fight such as Grosse Pointe such data of more than 40,000, is now en- _ REDS WITHDRAWING on two Invites Po'i~ef~Atte;,d'.; , .' Meeting i;,;:cbunfy;BuiIClin9'.,...::,;;~;.~...... .. .. .. Must:'B#:~Wi!l9'~d "at-":' are invaluable to the Board of gaged in. a campaign. to raise R'1'he Grosse Pointe Men's """?'~~~~fby minhn~m .of .$18,000. for its War Chorus scored an outstanding hit .e'IlChinese.... '.Communists 'as Alles , .-. -"..., '. TheWayn~5'dffl"f¥~;t~1t51flffi.'5rt"-;Bo:atdh~s gt~ht'~ii'~a.' ,:loc:al level ~~iW~~~1fi~!1~~~~lA~dift1k;M~morIal. Cent~."Any' money' "when 'Ufurhfslieiftli'eenter. moved forward northeast of Seoul Two young burglars who differential. in the school tax rate between Grosse Pointe . needea in the district. raised above thiS amount would tainment part of the progra.m at in the Pukhan River district. "cased" their would-be vic~ Township' and the other four Pointes, and relieved the Grosse The fight to dislodge. crime To Visit Every Home be used to expand ~he program the annual meeting of the War This marks the first such Allied tims through the society Pointe Board of Education from what it feared might be an in government must be waged Every home in the school dis- at t~e Center and Improve ,the Memorial Association in the Cen- advance since the Red drive on pages of Detroit newspapers embarrassing,financial situation. ' at the level of local govern- trict will be visited by a census physIcal. property. ter Monday night. April 22. The ..challenge Issued by the This group meets in the Pierce pleaded guilty Monc;1ay" May The township had applied for a~ menJ;, stressed Virgil Peter- enumerator. Residents ar~ asked campaIgn leaders. was meant to . ' • • • 7, to breaking and entering two.,mill slice of the ta~ to pay basis fI-om the total assessed valu- son, head of the Chicago to cooperate with these enumera- be heard by every ;esident of the ~chool every Tuesday nIght and Sunday, May 6 the home of Homer Fritsch, for hS budget for the commg yea:. ation of the district is $1485 _ Crime Commission. and for- tors and provide the necessary Pointe. Can this community ~Ings fo.r two hours for the s~eer ONLY TWO SURVI":ED the: mayor of Grosse Pointe Park. The School Board feared that If 707 Th .. ~, FBI t h k information. All information is match the Birmingham-Bloom- ~oy of sInging. All that is reqUired B-36 bomber crash WhICh took this was granted the allocation ,51. e school offIcIals fIgure mer '" agen , w 0 spo e confidentiaL Due to the impor- field annual accomplishment? IS that the member be able to the lives of 23 airmen on the edge Arraigned before Park Judge b d 'ht i k th ' me that 96 per cent of the total roll Monday night at Pierce Jun- tance of the school census, accur- If' the POlnte does as well as carry a t~e. of Albuquerque. N. M. The C, Joseph Belanger, Cecil 'May. oar t mIg th at e. teh stah wil( be collected, which should ior High School auditorium ate information from parents is f Birmingham, the present drive ~obn .Finch o~ the Grosse bomber .n" 19, of 4322 Audubon. wa" held amoun rom e ax m e 0 er produc e $1 '26000 f th h I h ' crashed and burned I - .,. four Pointes. This would' have d. t . t d ,~, or. e sc 00 as t e guest of the Grosse desired. should yield approximately $80,- POInte HI~h Sehoo .
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