THE TRUTH ABOUT RECORD CLUBS _eepage28 --- I I ___ I ,. _. I I I I .-'I I I I I I , • - filii A N ~ 'V:lUO 3~V ONV~K5JH 6t~a S ''''o'Ki 3 tl (}1n 1lS' 9 9 I I ~ The ICOLUMBIA ~ RECORD CLUB loffers new members superb high-fidelity records from every field of music REGULAR~ ANYS ~ SIEREO@ if you join the Club now and agree to purchase as few as 5 selections from the more than 150 to be made available during the coming 12 months The Columbia ([E) Record Club now enables you to acquire the world 's finest high-f idelity 12" long-playing records - either regular or stereo - at great savings! All 32 of the records shown here are available in both regular lo'ng play and stereo (e xc ept No. 24- 1. Night and Day, 2. A beloved 15. Broadway's Listening In Depth - stereo only). 8. What'li I Do, 7. Three brilliant 50. Where or When, plus 11 more hits American classic newest smash hit If you have a standard phono­ Warm, 10 more hi-fi showpieces Manhattan, 10 more graph, you may join the Club and REX HARRISON receive the re gular high-fidelity ,JULIE ANOREWS versions of any 6 of these records RLAOY _ .. up to a $29.88 retail value - ALL 6 for only $3.98! ~. .~ O'~~'~AL If you have a stereo phonograph, RECORDING . " t" MV REVERIE you may join the Club and rece ive 9 more the stereo high-fidelity versions of any 6 of these records ... up to ~ 19. No Other love, 37. lovely "musicalS. 16 favorites - a $35 .88 retail value - ALL 6 for 6. Complete score Our love 10 more portrait of nature" Sweet Violets, etc. only $5.98! of this hit mus ical Read below how the Club oper­ ates, then mail coupon - without money - for your SIX records! IMPORTANT NOTE: Stereo records must be played only on a stereo record player. If you do not now own a stereo phonograph, you can continue 24. 16 selections 3. Didn't It Rain, 20. Come to Me, to acqu ire regular long play - STEREO only God Is Real, etc. long Ago, 10 more high-fidelity records with com­ plete confidence that they will always give you thrilling listen­ ing pleasure. They will play with true-to-life fidelity on your present phonograph ! and will sound even more brilliant oft a stereo record player if you pur­ chase one in the future. HOW THE CLUB OPERATES _ •• SEND NO MONEY Mail Coupon Now to Receive Your SIX Records * You enroll in anyone of the six Club Divisions : If you have a regular phonograph you enroll in anyone COLUMBIA Qf) RECORD CLUB, Dept_222 -2 CIRCLE SIX of four Divisions: Classical ; Listening and Dancing; Terre Haute, Indiana NUMBERS BELOW: Broadway, Movies, Television and Musical Comedies; Jazz. I accept your offer and h ave cirCled at the right the numbers of the six (Also indicate here tecords I wish to r eceive. Bill me for $3 .98 for. six r egular long play whether you wont your If you own a stereo phonograph you enroll in either one of r ecords OR $5.98 for six stereo records - plus small malltng charge. Enroll me In the following Division of the Club: 6 records in regular two Stereo Divis ions : Stereo Classical or Stereo Popular. long ploy or stereo) I check one box only) * Each month the Club's staff of music experts selects out­ o REGULAR Qf) s.tanding rec?rdings - both r~gula r and stereo - from every REGULAR DIVISIONS , I , :S TEREO OIVISIONS ~ K·B6 o C~assi~al • 0 Broad.w.ay, Movi es, 0 Stereo Classical STEREO Qf) field of musIc. These selections are described in the Club o LIStening & Danung TeleVISion and 0 MagaZine, which you receive free each month. o Jazz Musical Comedies 0 Stereo Popular F·BS I 15 30 * You may accept the monthly selection for your Division ... I agree to purchase five selections from t he more than 150 regular long take any of the wide variety of other records offered in a" play and stereo records to be offered during the coming 12 months. at 2 16 31 the usua l list price plus small mailing charge For every two addition al Divisions .. or take NO record in any particular month . selections I accept, I am to receive a Columbia or Epic Bonus r ecord 3 18 33 ~ Your only membership obl igation is to purchase five selec­ (regular or stereo) of my choice FREE. tIOns from th~ more tha~ 150 Columb ia and Epic recordings 5 19 36 Name . ... ....•••••..•...•... • .. •.• . •• • •.•• . .•. • •. ... .. • . •• . .• .. • •• to be offered I~ the cO.mmg 12 months. After purchasing five (Pleas e P rint) 6 20 37 records, you WI" receive your chOice of a Columbia or Epic Address ..••... .. ..... ..... ....... .• . .....•..... .. ••.....•... .. • Bonus record free for every two additional selections you buy. 7 21 40 However, you may discontinue membership at any t ime after City . ... .. .• . •• .. ........ • ... .• •••.. , ... ZONE . .. Stote ....... •...•.••• • 8 22 41 purchasin g five records. ALASKA and HAWAII: w rite for special membership oOeT CANADA : prices slightly higher; address 11-13 Soho St .. Toronto 2B 9 24 45 * The records you want are mailed and billed at t he usual list If you want this membership credited to an established Columbia or price: regular long play at $3.98 (Popular) and $4.9 8 (Classi­ Epic record dealer. authorized to accept subscriptions, fill in below: 10 25 49 cal) ; stereo records at $4.98 (popular) and $5.98 (Classical) ­ Dealer's Name , . • . • •. •• . •....... .. ....••••.•.•...... ... .... • . •••• • ; •• 11 27 50 plus a small mailing charge . Dealer's Address .................... .... .......... ......... ... .. 281 12 28 * To rece ive your SIX records - mail coupon today! COLUMBIA Qf) RECORD CLUB, Terre Haute, Ind. @ Columbia Records Sales Corp .. 195 9 ®"Columbia," ~ . "EpIC, " <J> Mal'cas Reg. the original and ppsitive sound reproduction techniques necessary for true high fidelity are presented on AUDIO FIDELIT~ RECORDS the highest standard in high fidelity .u~ THa MI . .... ...... to the me trumpet and mative and fasci wailing trombones of the latest demonstration of stereophonic and most phenomenal of Dukes reproduction including sounds of of Dixieland recordings cannons, fire engines and sports AFLP 1 cars. STEREO ONLY. on are ideally suited for the rich - and graceful mood of the sophisti· cated tango. AFLP l ngs s s ar· e a at made dixieland The brill ant hand tistry to the haunting beauty of as played by the Dukes of Dixie· lows of the theater organ are Italian song favorites for your land. You have to hear it to musically displayed by the versa· listening pleasure. - believe it! AFLP 1823/AFSD 5823 tile AI Melgard. AFLP 1871/AFSD 5871 ____ iIIII __ ~.h_!II ~."'-'C IIIIIIII. ·~ IIII,!I, I~'.~._._w_1 Complete illustrated catalogs of the entire Audio fidelity library are available from: Audio Fidelity, Inc., . Dept. HR759, 770 11th Ave., New York 19, N. Y. I .. ALL ALBUMS EXCEPT AFSD 5890 ARE AVAI1ABLf BOTH MONOPHONICALLY AND STEREOPHON I AUGUST 1959 -------­ 3 UNothing Short o' Superb," "Complaints .rom Garrard says Raymond E. Ward, Users? Practically Zero!" Distributor-Sales Mgr., Shure Brothers, Inc. says Joseph Pickert, "That's our unanimous verdict on the results we have Mgr., Service Dept., Shure Brothers, Inc. had with the Garrards used for laboratory testing of our new Stereo Dynetic Cartridges. Because we can rely on Garrard's precision construction and "That's right! Garrard owners who install the new consistently accurate performance, we have been able Shure Stereo Dynetic Cartridge get such perfect sound to concentrat.e fully on developing the exceptional sound reproduction that we rarely get a complaint. The exact reproduction Garrard and Shure users expect ... and get. Now, fit of the cartridge in the Garrard shell, the precision mounting our sales records show that more of our new cartridges are of the tone arm, the controlled arm action a nd tracking at being installed in Garrard Record Changers than in any other the lightest specified weight mean longe'!' life for cartridge changer or turntable. This is only natural, because they and records ... along with the finest audio for , work so well together." stereo and monaural." ~~ ~iii __• cha:n.gers are eD1.i:n.e:n.tly superior 'W'ith I S I-t U ~ =: I stereo cartridges" What Mr. Ward and Mr. Pickert say about the Garrard Changer-for stereo-is typical of its universal acceptance by component manufacturers and high fidelity enthusiasts. In fact, more Garrard Changers are sold today as components for stereo-than all other turntables and changers combined! That's why-before you buy-you should see and hear stereo records played on a Garrard Changer such as the incomparable RCBB. The same reasons why Garrard Change,'s perform so well with Sh1tre Dynetic Stil"eo Ca,·t,·idges account for Garm"d's popularity with all othe,' ,nanufact1t1'ers of fine stereo ca,·b·idges-Elect,·o-Voice, Fairchild, General Elecb'ic, Picke,'ing, etc. Vibration-free t urntable. Vertical and lateral rumble completely inaudible. Wow and flutter far below exacting " broadcast tolerance" standards. • Exclusive Aluminum tone arm precision·mounted at engineering works for optimum tracking angle. perfect sound reproduction. • Unrestricted choice of stereo cartridges-any of them will THE WORLD'S FINEST! track at the m anufacturer's lightest specifi ed weight. • Record handling gentler than the surest human hand. Send for free Garrard Compora/or Guide. • The important convenience of manual play plus completely automatic operation without compromise in performance. Your Name ________________________________ These are the FACTS, no one can deny them with authority­ and they a,'e backed by the 96 yea,'s of experience that havo created Garra"d's unique ",eputation [0" unsurpassed quality.
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