![The Alumnus, V15n2 [V14n2], April 1930](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
University of Northern Iowa UNI ScholarWorks The Alumnus UNI Alumni Association 4-1930 The Alumnus, v15n2 [v14n2], April 1930 Iowa State Teachers College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy Copyright ©1930 Iowa State Teachers College Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.uni.edu/alumnusnews Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Iowa State Teachers College, "The Alumnus, v15n2 [v14n2], April 1930" (1930). The Alumnus. 195. https://scholarworks.uni.edu/alumnusnews/195 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the UNI Alumni Association at UNI ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Alumnus by an authorized administrator of UNI ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE ALUMNUS April of Issue VOL. XV row A STA TE TEACHERS COLLEGE NO. 2 JI une <ttommencement Reunions offer ~lumni an @pportunitp to l\enew olb jfrienbsbips anb ·l\ekinble tbe J,appp ~pirit of <fbucational lJbealism wbicb lJnspires eber ~reater ~cbiebements. ~ttmb ~our <ttla£S£S lamnton anb tf)e <ttommencemmt t,rogram ~a!' 2S to June 2. (~te ~rogram on ~age UI:IDo) THE ALUMNUS rowA ST A TE TEACHERS C OLLEGE Vol. XIV Cedar Falls, Iowa, April, 1930 o. 2 Sixty-Nine Are Graduated at Winter Term D EGREE a nd diplomas were awarded to mercial education diplomas to two, manual arts sixty-nine students at the College in the in education to one, home economics in educa­ Winter Term Commencement exercises Friday, tion to two, and kindergarten education diploma March 7, at 10 A. M. A singular coincidence lies to one. in the fact that exactly the same number of Students who were graduated and the de· candidates for graduation honors marched to the grees which they received are as follows: rostrum of the College auditorium to receive the Master of didactics degree: Mrs. Mary B. sheepskins in the Winter Term as in the Fall Kadesch, Cedar Falls. Term. Bachelor of arts in education degrees: Gret­ Commencement exercises are marked each chen H. Anderson, Codar Falls; Leslie G. Bech­ term by an increasing number of students ap­ ter, Independence; Milo E. Bixler, Clarence; pearing in the section with the caps and gowns Dwight E. Crawford, Gladbrook; Lucy A. Cur­ of four year graduates. The flowing, black aca­ tiss, Corning; Virginia A. Gable, Waterloo; John demic gowns and the occasional flash of bright Wilbur Howell, Charles City; Helen H. Hunter, color on cowls worn by faculty members and Churdan; Bessie B. Lebow, Riceville; Mrs. symbolizing advanced degrees lend added dig­ Genevieve Maynard, Marshalltown; Caroline E. nity and impressiveness to the occasion. O'Mara, Colfax; John Redenius, Britt; Grace C. The Winter Term Commencement program Sheehan, Ottumwa; Florence M. Stanzel, Sac began with a processional played by G. W. Sam­ City; P earl F. Sturm, West Union; Iona E. Wise, son, Jr., professor of organ at the College, fol­ Dallas Center, and Leland and Marvyl Zieman, lowed by two numbers presented by the Bel Cedar Falls. Canto Glee Club with Alpha Mayfield, professor Bachelor of science degrees in education: of voice, acting as director and Edna Anderson, Mary V. Brezo, Orient; Charlotte M. Crum, Primghar, as pianist. Dr. Howland Hanson, pro­ Riceville; Eva M. Little, Humboldt; Alfred D. fessor of religious education at the College, of­ Sabin, Newton, and Tarana P. Schlampp, Ack­ fered the prayer. ley. Dr. Rollo L. Lyman, professor of education Public school music diplomas: Barbara J. at the University of Chicago, delivered the com­ Brown, Cedar F alls; Margaret D. Johnson, Cedar mencement address, speaking on '' Apprentice­ Falls, and Helen G. Whittle, Waterloo. ship", and President 0. R. Latham conferred Commercial education diplomas: Edith J. the degrees and diplomas. Geskin, Ossian, and Marcia E. Griggs, Cedar Bachelor of arts degrees in education were Falls. granted to eighteen students. Five received Manual arts diplomas in education: Loren bachelor of science degrees in education, and F. Dillon, Cedar Falls. one student was awarded the master of didactics Home economics diplomas in education: degree. Lilian Baral, Waterloo, and Erma V. Palmer, Forty-five students received teaching di­ Charles City. plomas in the two and th~ee year courses of stu­ Elementary education diplomas for teachers dy at the College. Twelve students were award­ in upper grades: E velyn C. Lenz, Lansing; Alice ed teaching diplomas in elementary education F . Moser, Conway; Margaret R. Murley, Win­ in the upper grades. throp; Myrtle G. McIntosh, }.. tlantic; Mathilda Nine students received diplomas in ele­ D. Schmadeke, Schleswig; Martha M. Stewart, mentary education for teachers of intermediate Oelwein; Helen B. Wiltsey, Chariton; J. R. grades, while eight students received diplomas Wright, Jr., Audubon; Gertrude B. Young, Have­ in rural school teaching. Primary education lock; Gulla Ullensvang, Estherville; Addie llf. Ul­ sheepskins were conferred upon seven student~ stad, Traer, and Lillie Willey, Moorhead. for the two year diploma. Public school musir Elementary education diplomas for teachers diplomas were granted to three students, com· in intermediate grades; Marie K. Barber, Ionia; 2 THE ALUMNUS April Mary E. Beecher, Traer; Grace M. Foard, Ar­ i\Ionday, June 2, Commencement Exerci~es--Aca­ thur; 1:. Regenia H art, Davenport; Amy A. demir Procession, 9:30 A . M.; Addrefs by Holden, Manly; Lucile E . Loe, Sioux City; Dr. Thomas E. Green, of t he Ameri can Red Katherync L. P oli sh, Madrid; Margaret E. Cross, Washington, D. C. Walker, Riceville, and Mae H. Weber, Riceville. Primary education diplomas: Phylis M. Kramer, Garnavillo; Mabel M. Layton, Water· SECRETARY URGES ATTENDANCE. loo; Alice M. P eterson, Marathon; Louise M. Putnam, Marshalltown; H elen J. Reynolds, Gil­ To The Alumni Of The Iowa State Teachers bert; Sabina C. Schultheis, Clinton, and Hester College: E. Wells, _Preston. Does not this program allure you to return Kindergarten education diploma: H elen P. to the Campus May 30 to June 21 Begin now to Meade, Marshalltown. plan to be here for this year's C ommencement Teache1·s of rural rnhools diplomas : Alice F. days. Arney, Marshalltown; Delia Bergner, Remsen; If you were here last year for the Com­ Lillian I. Draper, Eldora; Mary M . Harryman, mencement Party, you will remember what a goorl Douds; Christalle M. Juhl, Thornton; Emma D. time everyone had and you will want to go to Mcisaac, Rockwell City, and Lester C. Nieland, another. Notice that it occurs this year on Friday Blairstown, and Viola Wisgerhof, Laurel. eYen ing instead of Satunlay. The committee is especially glad to an· Alumni Reunions Set For June nounce the Commencement Play, '' The Cradic With fifteen student events scheduled for the Song'' by Sierra as one of this year's events. annual June Co mmencement and a series of class The reunion dinner i s scheduled for Saturday at 1·eunions for alumni, the graduation exercises f01· five. the Spring Term promise to set a precerlent for Send a card t.o me asking for r escl'Vations all siudlar programs at the College. for the dinner a u,l seats for the play. Call and pay Outstanding among the events planned are the for t hem at. a lumni headquarters. class reunions for twelve classes. In connection We are told that there is a real treat in with t he unusually extensive program including store for us in hearing Dr. Thomas E. Green band co t1 certs, parties, a baseball game, a Com­ who will give the Baccalaureate and Commence­ mencement dinner for graduates, a:nd the Bacca­ ment addresses. H e is a l ecturer 11nd author con­ laureate a nd Commencement exercises, the alumni nected with t he American Red Cross, with head­ should find a trip back to their Alma Mater a quarters at Wiashington, D. C. distinctly delightful and worth-while occasion. While all alumni are invited to come back every year, the following classes will have spe­ COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM cial r ecognition this June: Group A. 1923, 1922, June 1930 1921, 1920; Group B. 1904, 1903, 1902, 1901 ; °\Ved nesday, May 28, Band Concert, 6 ::10 P . M., Group C. 1885, 1884, 1883, 1882. Librar Steps, Commencement Play, '' The If you would like grou-p r eunions in addi­ Cradic Song", 8:15 P. M., College Audito­ tion to the Commencement dinner, write and tell rium. me so. F rida, May 30, Commencement Party, 8:30 P. We are looking for many of the Class of 1929 M., Women's Gymnasium. to return for their first r eunion and to welcome Saturday, May 31, Class Day Exercises, 9 :30 A. friends in the Class of 1930 into the association. l\L, Library Steps. Baseball Game, 2: 00 P. M. Com mencement Dinner, 5:00 P. M., (For Mrs. Faith Stuntz Boardman is Chairma'n Graduates, Alumni, and Faculty) Women's of the Reunion Committee. She and the other Gymnasium. Commencement Play, 8 :30 P. M., members are making plans for the Alumni Tea College Audito1·ium. and the Reunion of the Class of 1905. Each of Sunday, June 1, Baccalaureate Service, 10:30 you will r eceive a letter before long. A. M.; Address by Dr. Thomas E. Green, of You of former years will want to b e greeted the American Reel Cross, Washington, D. C. again by Dr. Seerley who expects to be on the Dinner for the Class of 1905, 12: 30 P. M., Campus. And also you, who were not here last Bartlett Hall Dining Room. President's Re­ year will want to meet Dr. Latham. ception for the Graduates, Alumni, and Fa­ Come and help make this a n outstanding culty, 3 :00 P . M., President's Home.
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