The Rockland Gazette. Gazette Job Printing r Tin KSDAY AFTERNOON 1)V, ESTABLISHMENT. VOSE & PORTED. Having every facility in PreHHes. T y p e anil M a te ria l 2 I O Main Street. t<* which' we are constantly making additions, we are prepared to execute with promptness and good style overy variety of Job Printing, including r !•: i i m l o u n K.'iH.rls, < at.iIoKiie,, B y -L a w s If p ua - id ly i ■e—per annum , 1 outers, Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Pro- If payment i Kianiines, Circulars, Bill Heads, If lint paid till tin- close Letter Heads, Lnw and Corpor­ New subscribe! s at • expected to ma ation Blanks, Receipts, Bills laymciit in advance. c ^ ' N-> paper .will be of Lading, Business, Ad­ if.\KCES are paid, unless dress and Wedding Cards, Tags, U i‘ Single copies five <•< r sab* at the oflicc and LaBels, it th e B ookstores. V O L U M E 30. ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY AFTEROON, JULY 15, 187o' N C . Z. POPE VOSE. .1. B. P O R T E ll 32 PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRZING ON will receive *o rompt attention. know each other. Shall I do myself the is too soon. Hid I not -ay you were to ^ o r t v n . mounted precisely as L'Estrange had di­ helped him in his office, and some people wedding-day, asked hv his wife to allow honor to present von with my card?11 stay a uiouth? We will have more guests portable oven, which is heated with wood rected and wore it, at first with a half su­ were superstitious enough to believe him her two half-pints of ale a day as her share “ Hippolyle L’Estrange. Strasbourg,” I perstitious feeling that it was truly a link if you tin- of this dull life; and you -hall an emissary of Satan. He was known or straw. This bread, with portions of of “ extra comforts.” lie made the bar­ cheese and dates, is then distributed by her, IARD TIM E' read from tin* little white parallelogram. between us and would one day draw us to­ see the old chateau alive w ith dam e and over the city as the “ little black devil.” gain, hut not cheerfully, for, though ailrink- So I had tml been mistaken in supposing to those whom it is her province to feed’, SUBMISSION. gether It was. at all events, pow. ml in song.^ M. friend must stay!11 Desiring Io satisfy the curiosity of tin :r himself (fancying, no doubt, that he him in In* a Frenchman. 1 may as well tell one way. It was. indeed, as he had said, “ Xo’’ 1 answered; “ your friend must and the frugal meal is finished with a Ih < 1 T il A populace, hi one day. publicly exhibited could not do without.) hewouhlhavepre- you, lu re, what he read from the card I a sign, a token. It kept fresh and green in go. Ho not make it too hard for him to his hoy and proclaimed *• I Aldus Manutius, ferred a perfectly sober wife. They both draught of camel s milk. The camels are •jave him in return : “ Edward Ripon. New leave, you. 1 also milked as they walk, the men usin°* l’lie Kparrow sits and sings, and sings; my memory w hat else* have gradually fad­ printer to the Holy ( hurehand Doge, have! Worked hard. John loved his wife.'but he Hoflly the sunset’s lingering light Y ork.” ed away as one of the many forgotten in­ He looked at me narrowly. this day made public exposure of the could not break :nvav from the old asso- for this purpose large wooden bowls, whicS Lies rosy over rock and turf, We breakfasted together, al his request. cidents of a life that was changeful and full “ Has anything gone wrong?11 he a-ked l>nnh r's'h ril. All who think he is not ciations of the ale-house, and when not in arc passed from one to another. And reddens where the restless surf I found my “ chance acquaintance11 to he a o f ad v en tu re. in a low tone. “Tell me, my friend! 1 !le.-h and blood come and pinch him.” , the factory, or at his meals, be was with 'Losses on high its plumes of white. most intelligent and cultivated man, and a But it was not his face only th at it re -i •••»»•had thought—I had dreamed -is there any ------- - his boon companions. QUACKERY. great traveler. So much of the world called. I never wore it w ithout seeing. as I thin Gently and dear the sparrow sings, miiss with you ami—M arguerite?” A W iu .’kixg U r istia n .—It is related f1 His wife made the small allowance meet Great Reduction had lie seen , so wide was his know ledge of He sjMike in his ow n tongue now. as he While twilight steals across the sea, in a vision, the dark soul-lit eyes that had R ev. Mr. Williams, an old minister at her housekeeping expenses, keeping* her 1’here is probably no country in the mi n and things that to my comparative in­ alw ay- di<| when an y stro n g em otion IN CKICItS! And still and bright the evening-star looked up at me from the photograph: the I hidlcy. Mass., that when midway in his scr- cot neat and tidy, ami he cotrid n o t\‘om- world in which quackery thrives so well as '1’willkles above the golden bar experience it -eemi d little less than mar- pure, calm brow, the tender, wistful mouth stirred him. I answered in mine, my in<»n on a sultry Sunday he heard lliesound plain that site insisted tqion her daily pint in the I nite.l States. It affords a refuge for To correspond to the .lull That in the west lies quietly. \ clous. He was years older than myself— of my friend’s “ ?d..rguerite.” Not his cheeks white ami cold, hut my eves ablaze. of distant thunder, he glanced out of the ale, while lie, very like, drank two or thousands of men and women who have I was just twenty seven or at least he wife, hut doubtless his betrothed. What “Amiss—anything ami". .M. L’Es­ t im es and Itediict ion < Hi, steadfastly the sparrow sings', window once or tw ice, stopped preaching three quarts. Dnce in a while the wife suc- failed in all natural occupations of life. sc . med so. A I i i-neliuian is older than an trange? Do I hear you aright? You are And sweet flic sound; mid sweet tile touch other meaning could 1 have to tint sudden and remarked: “ Brethren. I observe that cueded, by gentle, loving artifice, in ilraw- I he half-educated “ eclectic,” unable to find in W a g e s . American of the same age. always. But, speaking of the lady who is your wife, and Of w.H.iug winds; and sweet the sight light that illuminated his face as he ex­ Broihcr < ’ro.-hy is not prepared for the rain, ing her husband home an hour or two ear- pratice through the methods employed| by allowing for al! that. M. L’Estrange was of one who would fain he an honorable Of happy Nature’s deep deiight claimed. in that last hurried moment. “ It I think it is our duty to help our Brother Her than usual, ami very randy she per- the reputable members of the medical pro­ douhtles- eight or ten years my senior, lie We have opened this morning lu her fair spring, desired so much : is my Marguerite—my pearl!” man! Anything amiss, inon.siitur?” Uro.-liy gel in his hay before the shower, pnaded hint lo spend a w holeevenin”’ in her fession “ throw’s his banner to the breeze,” was al oiiee reticent and communicative— “ I shall write you from San Francisco,” I le looked al me Ibr an instant as if he S i pping «|ow n from the pulpit, lie went;‘ ompany. or. in other words, coins a name for simple a Lot of All Wool But while so clear the sparrow sings, reticent in all that was purely personal and lu- had said. But days, weeks, and months , thought I had gone mad Then asudded with-everal of the brethren to the hay litd.l, • 1’hey had been married a year, ami on compound, anil announces, with a grand A cry of death is in my ear ; related to his inner si If; cninimmicative lengthened into years, and 1 heard noth- light broke over his fact1 uni. to 1IIV ail- flourish ol trumpets, that it is a sov’ereign '1'he crashing o f the l iven wreck, ami w orked for half an hour, when the hay , tke morning of their wedding anniversary as to his plans and projects. I soon dis­ g. My pearl searf-pin was the only tok< n gvr ami asioni.-him-nt. he laughed a geiiu- was h<»H-ed. I’lu-n, ndiirning to the church, dobn looked wilh real pride upouthcncat remedy for every known disease. The E m p ress Breaker.- that sweep the shuddering deck, covered that he was on his way to San tliat those (‘harmed days of travel had inc, hearty laugh. But, before I could halt-crazy dreamer, who h:vs spent half his And sound of agony and fear.
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