CITIZI SOUTH AMROY, N J Uu Tho* ?i% Thursday, February 25, iWO Price 5c (7c owl of town) PUBLIC WORKS BOARD DEFERS PAYMENT ON CONTRAa Members of the Board of Bergen Hill Gettin, Public Works, asserting dis- l-lncb Circuit Line satisfaction over work per- Michael*Nagle. Superin- formed under contract by tendent of Public Works. an engineering firm, have informed the.board that a decided against paying the new 8-lnch water Hne in fuki sum as submitted In a the Bergen Hijl sestion of till to them. * town will be completely in- . A balance of S1T.759.01 re- stalled in about two w?eks mains on account out of a if the weather permits Tli» t:>i;H bill rorwarded by work is being performed by U-Pine on work done contractor Adam Sadowski. in the local water tteat- The oid ttne.-whieh ft-be- nt plant Members of the ing replaced, consisted of )r>;nt\ pointed out that the alternate 4-inch and e^ln^h nal contract catted for Piping. A number of cracks expenditure of $27,949 had been discovered In th« which $27,585,59 had old pipes. paid to date. The $1,- The superintendent show- ii f.Kure is thr balance ed two specimens of pipe which the firm states is removed from the ground .Ml dti' them. which greatly interested There was some* ques- board members. One of thf tion as to the bond require- specimens was of pipe laid ment in cases of default in the ground 85 years ago. Board member John Btolte which had a deposit of run n marked that th? firm on its interior about Vt in=h took it upon itself to per- in thickness. The cast Iron form .some work which ,th»» pipe cross section revealed board did not authorize. As a number of manufactur- a rrsult of the bond ques- ing flaws which were then A SILVER LIFE MKWnUKSIIIl' CARD FOK Kl'RTZ-- lliiii.se M'Tli'l'T'. <>J the «•;f v i/ion. the board feef> that commonplace in piping. The members of the So Anil) i.v Chapter nf th'1 T'iitrn! dinner HH'HIIIK it will have to pay for any- 1 The M-year old j*vV- men's Benevolent A-NM., Unit 0:i. at a special nicHinu Th' [)!• <'n';u urn ol Uif aid w,a- tn.idi by the thing that might go wrong. structure lacked homo- held Tuesday evening, pud homage to mlr Assembly- local's president Patrolman Jr.hn O'Lrary According to sevral geneity and in several man William Kurtz for being instrumental in initials In photo, lefit U> rj^ht: Councilman Jame.^ Van- memljers, the questionable places, pointed out by Mr. ing and supporting various legislation that was a di- Derveer, Patrolman Leroy Kurtz, lcc.il PBA delegate; work and the faUure in se- Nagte, even had inclusions rect or Indirect atd to the law enforcement agencies Councilman Frederic Reese, Kurtz; Council President curing a performance bond of pyrlte, or fool's gold, in is the result of the action of th« state. James Harrigan; O'Leary; Councilman John Howley, its construction. The inter- I of one of ttve firm's repre- The affair was held at the Mechanicsvllle Fire and Mayor Joseph Charmello. ior of the pipe was inlaid ' seivtatives who has sin?** with a hot-poured tar sur- I left the flrm. The board, face. The specimen was re- Partnership Entered Community Chest Drive St. Mary's H.N.S. ! meanwhile, had assurance 3 Teenagers Injured 1 moved from the Etai Street by Three Lawyers Report Presented Meets Tonight from Mr. Pine, one of the line. in Auto Accident owners of the firm, that a The second specimen was Edwin A. Kolodzk{, Cormel- Mr. Albert J. Cerulo, Gene- St. Mary's Holjr Name Three teenage boys were performance bond would removed from a feltu* St. lo R. \at\t and Albert P. Op- ral Campaign Chairman of the Society will hold their reg- I injured Saturday, when the be given. Having expressed. line which had been laid dyke havt formed a law part- United Red Feather of Rariton ular meeting tonight 1 car in which they were rid- I confidence in Mr. Pine's about 40 years ago. Its nership with offices ot 42? Bay announced that the cam- (Thursday) in the school ing went out of control and promise and integrity, the cx<ws-«e<*lon revealed a Washington Rood. paign to roist funds for I960 cafeteria at 8:00 p. m. smashed into a bridge board directed Board Se- more homogeneous lrop- Kolodxfej and lario wer» for the 12 member Community President John Everltt abutment on the Pennsyl- cretary John J. Triggn to ttttl structure. It also con- formerfy cisfdetafed oi parf- Chest agendei has itached a announced that the group vania* Railroad overpass on i write to Mr Pine in arrang- tained an Inside tar sur- run at the same address. otol of |12I,917.44. This it will hear a pre-recorded lower Main St. ing an interview. Kolodziej, assistant county 9.34% above $111,500 which speech of Dr. Thomas Doo- facing. , Harry Sampsen, of IS The motion to request a proiecutor, it alto borough was raited during trve last cam- ley, a world traveler. The board classified the Elizabeth St.. Dumont. fac- personal contact with Mr. Board, of Education counsel paign for 1959. Dr. Dooley, who seeing position held by employee ed the possibility of brain Pine was initiated by James and a director of the Fint Na- the conditions of poverty | Mary Warns as Asst; Clerk The Campaign Committee surgery for the relief of Dugsjan. Duggan called for tional Bank of Sayreville. said that although this is the and disease in the Par Bast, brain lacerations and a Cashier. She had been particularly In the Province this action" In an effort to in ttvei water department He It a graduate of Rutgtrs nrgest sum of money ever possible skull fracture sus- avert a possible law' suit. Univtrtity School of Law and aistd in this itction that the of Vietnam, and at the eva- tained in tone accident. • for some time. No change Board president Frank in salary was made. hoc been practicing law for eal needs of the agencies as cuation of Dlen Blen Phu, Reported In flair condi- has devoted his entire life Musollno reiterated the the past icv«n y«art. He hat fully presented in their budget tion at the hospital were boardte determination to been associated with laria for requests actually totaled $236, to help these poor unfortu- Paul Kurtz, 19, of 289 Rarl- nate peoples. pay only for the work that the past two y*art. 739, The minimum <joal finally tan PL, South Amboy and had been contracted for. Annual Doughnut Dance Ht hoi afto served at coun- adopted for the campaign was He has traveled exten-. Thomas Leonard, 19, of Vacuum Cfalorinator To Be Held Feb. 28 sel to borough toning and tr.« $147,803. Tht achievement sively in the United States Belmar both with multiple Demonstration Given The Animal Doughnut planning boards. He resides ot represents $82.5% of goal. ' giving talks in an effort to face and body Injuries. A part of the meeting Dance sponsored by the 42 rVthlno. Ave with hit wife A breakdown by amounts raise money for his clinics They were taken lo the was occupied by a demon- Rosary Society of the Sa- and four children. rnised in eoch community in the Far East. Unfortu- Perth Amtooy Hospital by stration of how a V-Notch cred Heart Church will be laria, who hat been practi- shows: Cartent $5,559.23. nately, he Is suffering from the South Amboy First Aid vacuum chloiinator func- held Sunday evening, Feb. cing law for five years, it a Fords, Hoptlawn and Ktasbty, a serious sickness and has Squad. Investigating offi- tions. The demonstration 28, I960 at the Sacred Heart graduate of Rutgeri University $2,860.50. fselln, Aventl ana~ been advised to give up his cers were Patrolmen Char- was given by Norman Har- Auditorium}, Washington School of Law and it a mem- Colonlo $4,807.00. Madison many endeavors, but this les Travmsky and Leroy tle who retains an office Ave., South Amboy. The ber of the South River Board Township $350.00, Perth Am- haa only given him greater Kurtz. and shop In the Parlln sec- Tempo Kings will provide of Education. He resides at 81 boy $84,150.62, Sayreville impetus to go on. At pres- tion of Sayreville. He and the music for the affair and. forrlsSt., South River, with hi* $13,000.00. South Amboy, ent Dr. Dooley Is back In his associates handle free doughnuts and coffee wife and four children. $783.00, Woodbrldge, Porr the Far East. equipment made by Wal- Restm Triinisj will be served. Opdyke, who attended th* Reading and Stwartn $10, All team captlns are ask- lace & Tifiman of Belle- , Mrs. Leon Durskl, chair- Northwestern University, is a 507.Q9. ed to make their final re- Starts Hsrdi8 vflle. N. J. turns on the membership lady; Mrs. Helen Pawiow- cum hude graduate of Rutgtrs Campaign leaders in the The Middlesex County drive. Mr. Hartle saJd mat he slrJ co-chalrlady. University School of Law. area ,who asssited Mr. Cerulo CD-DC will hold the 9th had found the present Tht following are mem- Ht hat been practicing law wjirt; A^ Clayton Hollendeg Police Reserve training plant functioning property for tight years and was for- Campaign Vice Chairman; Em- comae at the Emma Arieth bers oft the committee: Hel- and that the purpose of his en Lagoda, Mary Danlelaki, merly tmptoytd by th« Fede- mett N.
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