J!ER~UNALIA AND NOTICES TO MEMBEW; 417 'l'RE SOOIETY FOB VISI1'ING SOIENTISTS 'rhe Society for Visiting Scientists, Ltd., 5 Old Burlington Street, London, W.1, established in the spring of 1944 when Britain had the honour Qof welcQoming many scientists from Allied countries, seeks to be a focus for all scientists visiting the United Kingdom, and to put them in touch with British scientists and with one another. The Society aims to provide and encourage an active exchange of scientific thought and discussion between scientists of the United Kingdom and scientists from overseas. The House of the Society pro,vides a meeting place, a refectory, a ba.r and some residential acco=odation. In addition an information service is provided which is o'pen to. all visiting scientists, so that any scientist arriving in this country can, if he wishes, proceed at once to the House and be given such advice and information as is available. Among the Society's activities is the holding of receptions in honour of groups 00£ scientists visiting Britain, who thus have an o,pportunity of meeting at the House their British and oversea colleagues. Informal discussion meetings of general interest to scientists are Q.rganised. The Society provides a forum for topics which are outside the sOQope of specialised scientific societies but which are of importance to scientists as a whole. The Society's Officers are Professor A. V. Hill, C.H., O.B.E., F.R.S. (President and Chairman); Professor F. J. M. Stratton, D.8.0., O.B.E., F .R.S., and Mr. A. Lang Brown, M.A. (Honorary Secretaries), and Professor Alexander Haddow, Th'LD., D.Sc., Ph.D. (Honorary Treasurer). Scilentists from all countries are welcomed at the Society, which tries to assist its visitors in every way possible. The annual subscription is three guineas, with an entrance fee of one guinea. Oversea postgraduate students in science holding research grants may become Student Associates, paying an annual membership fee of one guinea; they pay no entrance fee. Other oversea members pay no annual subscription, but an entrance fee of five shillings. Further particulars may be obtained from the Assistant Secretary, Society for Visiting Scientists, Ltd., 5 Old BUrlington Street, London, W.1. 418 J,lST 01<' ME1I1BEIts AND SUBSCR1BElU, LIST OF MEMBERS AND SUBSCRIBERS (up to and including 20th April 1955) Members are asked to advise the Hon. Assistant Secretary, D. H. Kent, 75 Adelaide Road, London, W.13, of any corrections to this list. When the year o.f attaining membership appears in italics the records show that the member has .resigned and rejoined during the period. Institutions are listed geographically, but it should be noted that many Institutions who· do not appear in the list purchase. the Society's publications through the Trade. F = Family Membe'r J = Junior Member L = Ordinary Member who has paid Life Composition S = Subscriber Member PA.TRONESS H.R.H. THE PRINCESS ROYAL, COUNTESS OF HAREWOOD, ,Harewood House" Leeds, Yorkshire. HONORA.RY MEMBERS 1928 AeHen, Dr. Paul, Mittlere Strasse 139, Basle, Switzerland. 1955 Andreas, Dr. Ch. H., Botanisch Laboratorium, Grote Roze- straat 31, Groningen, Netherlands. 1922 Baker, Rt. Hon. H. T., P.C.,' Crabwood, Sparsliolt, Win- chester, Hants. 1952 Bocher, Prof. T'. W., Fortunvej 90, Charlo,ttenlund, Denmark. 1926 Campbell, Miss M. S., F.L.S., East.er Tegarmuchd, Aberfeldy, Perthshire. 1931 Chapple, J. F. G., F.L.S., The Brackens, Nicholas Way, N orthwood, Middlesex. 1914 Davy, Lady, Wayside, Lawn Road,. Pennington, LYl11ingtOll, Hants. 1935 Drabble, Mrs. Eo, Tregudda, Ayr, St. Ives, Cornwall. 1955 Hylander, Dr. N., Botaniska Museet, Uppsala 1, Sweden. 1937 Jansen, P., Frans van Mierisstraat 128, Amsterdam, Nether- lands. 1955 Jovet, Dr. P., Laboratoire, de Phanerogamie, Museum National d'Histoire NaturelIe, 57 Rue Cuvier, Paris 5, France. 1908 Kiikenthal, Dr. G., Untere Klinge 9, Coburg, Germany. 1955 Lawalree, Dr. A., 3 Avenue van Elderen, Bruxelles, Belgium. 1955 Lid, J., Botanisk Museum, Oslo 45, Norway. 1928 Price, W. R., B.A., F.L.S., 64 Elsworthy Road, London, N.W.3. LIST OF MEMBERS AND SUBSCRIBERS 419 1928 Rechinger, Dr. K. H., Friedrichstrasse 6, Wein 1, Austria. 1915 Ridley, H. N., C.M.G., M.A., F.R.S., 7 Cumberland Ro'ad, Kew, Richmond, Surrey. 1920 Swanton, E.W., O.B.E., A.L.S., "Littleton", 3 Derwent Avenue, Whitton, Twickenham, Middlesex. 1937 Vermeulen, Dr. P., Wodanstraat 14, Amsterdam-Zuid, Nether- lands. 1955 Vilmo-rin, R. de, Etablissements Vilmorin-Andrieux, Herbier Vilmorin, Verrii:n'es-le-Buisson, Seine et Oise, France. ORDIN.4RY, LIFE, ,TUNlOR, FAMILY ANT> SUBSORIBER MEMBERS 1952 Abbott, W. E., M.Sc., 36 Patterdale Road, Woodthorpe, Not­ tingham. 1929 Abell, Miss L., Thorndale, Andoversford, CheHenham, Glos. 1943 Ab ell , Rev. R. B., M.A., Bussage Vicarage, Stroud, Glos. 1954 S Aberystwyth, University College o-f Wales, Aberystwyth Library, Aberystwyth, Cards. 1928 Ackerley, Miss M. E., 107 West View, Clitheroe, Lancs. 1914 L Adair, G. S., M.A., F.R.S., Lo-w Temperature Station, Down­ ing Street, Cambridge. 1951 Adams,F. W., 141 Sandygate Road, Sheffield, 10. 1920 Adams, Rev. J. H., M.A~, Llandulph Rectory, Saltash, Corn­ wall. 1928 Adams, L. T., 96 Burman Road, Shirley, Birmingham. 1912 Adamson, Prof. R. S., M.A., Dept. of Botany, University of CapH Town, S. Africa. 1953 J Adcock, John A., 50 Sandy Lane, Norwich. 1949 AlIen, D. E., 51 Oxford Road, Moseley, Birmingham, 13. 1944 Allen, G. 0., St. Oswalds, Enton Green, Godalming, Surrey. 1955 J Allott, Miss Margaret C., "Newtonmore", 69 Downs Hill, Beckenham, Kent. 1934 Alston, A. H. G., M.A., F.L.S., Dept. of Botany, British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W.7. 1954 Alvin, K. L., 20 Highfield Road, Hornchurch, Essex. 1951 Ambrose, F., Glendora, Cookham Rise, MaidenhHad, Berks. 1953 Amshoff, Dr. G. J. H., Utrechtseweg 194, Oesterbeek, Nether- lands. 1955 S Amsterdam, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akadero.ie van Weten­ schappen, Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 1951 S Amsterdl'tm Universiteitz-Bibliotheek, Singel 421, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 1953 Andrews, O. E. A., B.Sc., A.R.I.B.A., F .L.S., 114 Oxford Road, Moseley, Birmingham, 13. 1953 Andrews, Miss Janet, B.Sc., Hillcrest, Southfield Road, Burley in Wharfedale, Yorks. 420 LIST OF MEMBERS AND SUBSORIBERS 1955 Andrews, Miss Marjorie, B.Sc., County of Stafford Training College, Nelson Hall, near Stafford. 1954 J Angel, A., 72 St. Donatt's Road, London, S.E.14. 1951 Appleyard, Mrs. J., 98 Moore AveilUe, Bradford, G, larks. 1929 Ash, G. M., F.L.S., AIding, Grayswood, Haslemere, Surrey. 1951 Ashhurst, Miss D. E., 1 Heron Court, Alexandra Road, Epsom, Surrey. 1954 Ashton, Mrs. Mary R., Kingsbury, Dunstable, Beds. 1952 S Association of School Natural History Societies. See· Harrow Weald. 1947 Atkinson, Robert, Rocky Lane, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon. 1951 Atkinson, W., F.R.A.S., 2 Duke Street, Penrith, Cumber- land. 1952 J Attenborough, Miss S. J., 18 Forest Ridge, Keston, Kent. 1954 Bailey, A. G., 177 Langley Way, West Wickham, Kent. 1952 Baker, Dr. H. G., Botany Dept., The University, Leeds, 2, Yorks. 1954 J Baldry, A. F., lla Parkside Way, N. Harrow, Middlesex. 1951 Balfour, A. P., .A.H.R.H.S., F.L.S., "Cranford", Peppard Common, Oxon. 1947 Balfour, Mrs. E. J., B.Sc., Newton Hall, Windygates, Fife. 1951 Balme, Miss O. E., Cherry Trees, Rotherfield Greys, Henley-on- Thames, Oxon. 1949 Bangerter, E. B., 51 Springfield Avenue, London, N .10. 1949 S Bangor, University College of North Wales, Bangor, Caer­ narvon. 1948 Bannister, O. W., Northway Oottage, Ashchurch, near Tew- kesbury, Glos. 1946 Bannister, H. E., The Red Cottage, Little Heath Lane, Pot- ten End, Berkhampstead, Herts. 1946 Baring, Hon. Mrs. G., Empshott Grange, Liss, Hants. 1954 Barker, Rev. P. R., vVoolpit Rectory, Bury St. 'Edmunds, Suffolk. 1954 Barling, ,D. M., Ammonite Cottage, Stroud Road, Cirencester, Glos. 1936 Barnes, Mrs. Egbert, Hungerdown, Seagry, Chippenham, Wilts. 1953 Barnes, Miss Ruth M., Castle Museum, Norwich, Norfolk. 1954 Barnsdale, Miss Marguerite E., 6 Orchard Drive, London, S.E.3. 1954 S Bamsley Naturalist & Scientific Society (Secretary: R. S. Atkinson, F.R.A.S.), c/o 46 White Hill Avenue, Bams­ ley, Yorks. 1955 Barrow, L. V. G., Black Buoy Cottage, Wivenhoe, Essex. 1949 S Barrow Naturalists' Field Club (Secreta.ry: G. Wilson), 91 Yarlside Road, Barrow in Furness, Lancs. L,IST OF MEMBERS AKlJ HUBSCIUBERS 421 1\)53 Bartle, Miss Joan E., B.Sc., Withybush, Manley Road, Ben Rhydding, Ilkley, Yorks. 1942 Barton, Miss F. M., 19 Park Street, Bath; Somerset. 1954 Barton, Mrs. M., c/o The British Council, 65 Davies Street, London, W.C.l. 1931 Basden, E. B., 7 Leyden Park, Bonnyrigg, Midlothian. 1947 Baylis, Miss D., Westwick, Barnhorn Hoad, Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex. 1931 Beak, P. G., Commonwealth Forestry Institute, SouTh Parks Road, Oxford. 1954 J Beaver, R. A., 9 The College, Keele, Staffs. 1954 Beetham, J. T. H., 50 Henley Road, Southsea, Hants. 1931 Bemrose, G. J. V., City Museum & Art Gallery, Hanley, Stoke- on-Trent, Staffs. 1952 Bendix, M., The Guards Club, 16 Charles Street, Berkeley Square, London, W,.l. 1954 Benl, Dr. Gerhard, Botanische Staastssamlung, Menzinger­ strasse 67, Munich, Germany. 1953 Benoit, P. M., Pencarreg, Barmouth, Merioneth. 1954 Benson-Evans, Miss K., M.Sc., F.L.S., Somerset Lodge, Merthyr-Mawr Road, Bridgend, Glamorgan. 1951 S Bergen Universitets Biblioteket, Bergen, Norway. 1954 Bergin, James, 20 Liffey Avenue, Orossacres, Wythenshawe, Manchester. 1953 Best, F. 0., Vivod, Llangollen, Denbigh. 1951 Bexon, Miss D., ]l,1.Sc., F.L.S., The University, Nottingham. 1954 Biggar, Miss E. I., Corbieton, Castle-Douglas, Kirkcudbright. 1945 Bingley, F. J., M.A., Flatfo'l'd Mill Field Centre, East Be'l'g- holt, near Colchester, Essex.
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