Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper De Lill John V9, P447 De Loaze Joseph V22, P4462 De Lon William Dalton V20, P3555 De Long Andrew Wellington V20, P3354 De Long Emerson Ray V20, P3353 De Merchant Wilson Handford V18, P2619 De Mey Remy V23, P4971 De Mond Hazel Della V34, P247 V34, P247 de Nacif Victoria Salan B37, F1, P13881 De napoli Charles B6, F2, P189 De Napoli Emilia B25, F3, P7016 B25, F3, P7016 De Napoli Pasquale B15F3P3348 B15F3P3348 de Napoli Pasquale B6, F2, P189 de Obeid Gloria Victoria Kassar B37, F1, P14137 de Ochoa Josefina Lemus Vda B24, F3, P6690 De Orlov Lino Sigismondo Lipinsky B24, F1, P6463 de Ortiz Maria Del Carmen B37, F1, P14059 De Pinho Benjamin B14F1P2808 B14F1P2808 De Pinho Benjamin B6, F1, P121 de Pinho Carlos Borges B6, F2, P297 de Pinho Joao Eusebio B13F2P2672 B13F2P2672 de Pinho Joao Eusebio B5, F3, P333 de Pinho Joao Euzebio B13F2P2672 B13F2P2672 de Pinho Maria Jose B26, F3, P7336 De Raleigh Vincent B29, F3, P9032 De Saint Nicolas Leon B13F3P2757 B13F3P2757 de Saint Nicolas Leon Louis Joseph B13F3P2757 B13F3P2757 De Sander Magdalena B23, F1, P6182 Wednesday, December 26, 2007 Page 301 of 1474 Oakland County Naturalization Index Order copies of records by calling (517) 373-1408 Archives of Michigan Home page: www.michigan.gov/archivesofmi E-mail: [email protected] Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper de Sarokin Amalia Glicky Samuelson B27, F3, P7782 De Smith Camiel V30, P18 V30, P18 De Smith Camiel V32, P43 V32, P43 De Smith Camiel V15, P1065 De Valck Gustafe V33, P232 de Vargas Malque Farsh B32, F1, P10724 de Vidrio Ramona Graciano B16F1P3468 De Waal Aletta Johanna Slot V21, P4255 de Waal Servan Arnoldus Jan V19, P3111 de Waal Simon B10F2P1757 B10F2P1757 De Wever Emile V36, P23 V36, P23 de Wilde Andries Cornelis B9, F1, P9476 De Wilde Andries Cornelis Anne Neijtzell B9, F1, P9476 de Wilde Glasina Alida Maria Zieck B9, F1, P9477 de Wilde Ina Alida B9, F1, P9477 de Winter Jans B30, F3, P9767 Deacon Alfred C B6, F1, P18 Deacon Charles Alfred B6, F1, P18 Deacon David V5, P185 Deacon Emma B9, F1, P9493 Deacon Emma B27, F1, P7560 B27, F1, P7560 Deacon Freda B17F1P3714 Deacon George V9, P117 Deacon Gladys May B22, F1, P5757 B22, F1, P5757 Deacon James John B7, F2, P279 Deacon Joan B28, F4, P8492 Deacon Josephine Elizabeth B26, F3, P7341 Deacon Joyce Mary B29, F1, P8566 Wednesday, December 26, 2007 Page 302 of 1474 Oakland County Naturalization Index Order copies of records by calling (517) 373-1408 Archives of Michigan Home page: www.michigan.gov/archivesofmi E-mail: [email protected] Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Deacon Margaret Josephine Granville B7, F2, P280 Deacon Phyllis B23, F3, P6372 Deacon Sydney B15F1P3171 B15F1P3171 Deacon Sydney Joseph Charles B15F1P3171 B15F1P3171 Deacon Sydney Joseph Charles B6, F2, P70 Deacon Walter B15F1P3170 B15F1P3170 Deacon Walter Frederick B15F1P3170 B15F1P3170 Deacon Walter Frederick B7, F1, P43 Deacon Walter Frederick B6, F2, P82 Deacon William Henry V34, P220 V34, P220 Deacon William Henry V19, P3045 Deadman Dudley Francis B7, F1, P34 Deadman Dudley Francis B19,F2,P4688 B19,F2,P4688 Dealtry Charles Washington V9, P343 Dean Cornelius V6, P80 Dean Gerardine Elisabeth B32, F1, P10732 Dean Josephine B27, F2, P7657 Dean R G V27, P20 Dean R G V10, P189 Dean R J V27, P20 Dean Stanley Norman V35, P7 V35, P7 Dean Stanley Norman V17, P2124 Dear Arthur Cleveland V13, P595 Dear Arthur Cleveland V22, P4644 Dear Arthur Clevland V36, P73 V36, P73 Dear Clara Estella V35, P51 Dear John Lesley V30, P81 V30, P81 Dear John Leslie V30, P81 V30, P81 Wednesday, December 26, 2007 Page 303 of 1474 Oakland County Naturalization Index Order copies of records by calling (517) 373-1408 Archives of Michigan Home page: www.michigan.gov/archivesofmi E-mail: [email protected] Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Dear John Leslie V34, P219 V34, P219 Dear John Leslie V12, P383 Dear John Leslie V21, P4070 Dear Louis Ulmont B20, F3, P5165 Dear Louis Ulmont V21, P4217 Dear Malcolm Frank V31, P48 V31, P48 Dear Malcolm Frank V12, P276 Dear Robert Fredrick V13, P597 Dearborn Bert V25, P589 Dearborn Bert V25, P588 Dearborn Bertie V25, P589 Dearborn Bertie V25, P588 Dearborn Bertie V10, P152 Dearborn Elizabeth B8, F1, P42 Dearborn Elizabeth Elsa B8, F1, P42 Dearborn Ellsworth R V26, P122 Dearborn Ellsworth R V10, P161 Dearborn Helen Lois B17F1P3738 Dearborn Norman O V25, P591 Dearborn Norman O V25, P590 Dearborn Norman O V10, P152 Dearborn Sarah B8, F1, P41 Deard John Watt V19, P2830 Dearden Ethel Margaret B27, F2, P7619 Deardorf Muriel Verona B17F1P3735 DeArmon Violet B28, F2, P8185 Deary Edith Alice V35, P91 V35, P91 Deary Edith Alice V17, P2293 Wednesday, December 26, 2007 Page 304 of 1474 Oakland County Naturalization Index Order copies of records by calling (517) 373-1408 Archives of Michigan Home page: www.michigan.gov/archivesofmi E-mail: [email protected] Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Deary Wiliam Mumford V35, P90 V35, P90 Deary William Mmford V17, P2292 DeBaene Camille V32, P139 Debelak Mary Agnes B19,F3,P4737 Debrabandere Pete V16, P1511 Debrowski Aloisia B9, F3, P9923 DeBruyn Joseph B6, F1, P454 DeCarolis Francesca B31, F2, P10260 DeCarolis Franco Armando Michelle B37, F1, P13901 DeCarolis Sante B31, F2, P10261 DeCarrier Falconio B5, F2, P377 deChao Engracia Galdo B34, F2, P12068 Decheff Decho V17, P2220 Decheff Dimiter Stefanoff B6, F2, P452 Dechert August V12, P278 Dechoff Stoian Marinoff B11F3P2140 Decininck J B V5, P84 Decio Yolanda Helena B29, F1, P8773 DeClerck Alfons Camel V14, P889 DeClerck Alphonse Camiel V32, P149 V32, P149 DeClerck Alphonse Camiel V14, P889 Declerck Victor Joseph B20, F4, P5291 B20, F4, P5291 Declercq Victor B20, F4, P5291 B20, F4, P5291 DeCominck T T V5, P85 Deconinck Albert Camiel B29, F3, P8903 DeConinck Leopold V30, P27 V30, P27 Deconinck T T V5, P85 Deconnick J B B V5, P84 Wednesday, December 26, 2007 Page 305 of 1474 Oakland County Naturalization Index Order copies of records by calling (517) 373-1408 Archives of Michigan Home page: www.michigan.gov/archivesofmi E-mail: [email protected] Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Deconnick P J V5, P86 DeCorinck Leopold V12, P189 Decovich Pearl Mary B27, F4, P7814 DeDecker Honorina B8, F2, P162 DeDecker Honorine B8, F2, P162 DeDecker Jules B8, F2, P164 DeDecker Julius B8, F2, P163 Dedes Thomas V23, P4871 Dedoes Arnold Leonard Christian V21, P4051 Deebeff Deebo V17, P2220 Deenihan Maurice Patrick B19,F2,P4697 B19,F2,P4697 Deep Sam V20, P3531 Deer Eugene Newman V13, P436 Deer Ulmont L B20, F3, P5165 Deer W I V25, P581 Deer W I V25, P580 Deer William I V25, P581 Deer William I V25, P580 Dees William I V10, P116 Deetken Meta Luise B31, F2, P10112 Deetken Reinhard Rudolf Alfred B31, F2, P10113 Deevey Albert B17F3P3992 Deevey Alonzo B11F3P2134 B11F3P2134 Deevey Tessie B10F2P1721 Deevey William Omer B15F3P3327 B15F3P3327 Deevey William Omer B6, F1, P320 DeFilice Anna Adriana B27, F2, P7689 DeFresne Marietta Celeste B29, F1, P8548 Wednesday, December 26, 2007 Page 306 of 1474 Oakland County Naturalization Index Order copies of records by calling (517) 373-1408 Archives of Michigan Home page: www.michigan.gov/archivesofmi E-mail: [email protected] Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper DeGraff Marian Irene B22, F4, P6086 DeGraff Ralph Gordon B20, F2, P5073 DeGrass Myrtle Viola V19, P3074 DeGroote Marie Jeanne B11F2P2057 DeGroote Mary Jane B11F2P2057 DeHaan Jeannette B29, F1, P8747 Dehetre Christina Carter B29, F3, P9003 Dehouki Samir Shaba B32, F1, P10690 Dei John V8, P93 Dei Louis V8, P93 Deir William I V10, P116 DeJaegher Alexia B22, F1, P5739 DeJaegher Christine B5, F2, P45 Dejaegher Felix B7, F1, P311 DeJaegher Julius B13F3P2790 B13F3P2790 DeJaegher Julius B6, F1, P67 DeJaegher Sidonie B7, F1, P390 DeJaegher Sidonie B22, F1, P5720 B22, F1, P5720 Dejaegher Sidonie B22, F1, P5720 B22, F1, P5720 Dejaeghere Felix B22, F1, P5718 B22, F1, P5718 Dejaeghere Felix V16, P1325 DeJaeghere Julius B6, F1, P67 DeJaeghere Julius V16, P1563 Dejager Bertha Christina B11F1P1980 B11F1P1980 Dejager Bertha Christina B5, F2, P45 Dejager Christina B11F1P1980 DeJager Constant V35, P70 V35, P70 Dejager Julius B13F3P2790 B13F3P2790 Wednesday, December 26, 2007 Page 307 of 1474 Oakland County Naturalization Index Order copies of records by calling (517) 373-1408 Archives of Michigan Home page: www.michigan.gov/archivesofmi E-mail: [email protected] Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Dejager Julius B6, F1, P67 Dejager Sidonie B7, F1, P390 Dejager Sidonie B22, F1, P5720 B22, F1, P5720 DeJiacomo Andrew V18, P2656 Deke Mihal B14F2P2915 B14F2P2915 Dekho Dhukra Shammo B35, F2, P12903 Dekho Yasmin Shammo B35, F2, P12902 Del Grasso Berardo V20, P3570 del Rosario Encarnacion Jabson B36, F1, P13471 DeLa Fuente Marietta B34, F1, P11967 Delaat Augusta V18, P2750 DeLaeter Julius V26, P75 Delally Nadira V35, F1, P12648 Delally Salim Hanna V35, F1, P12647 Delameilleur Elza B22, F4, P6019 deLange Cornelis Jacobus B31, F2, P10075 DeLara Raymondo B7, F2, P106 Delbridge Marion Pauline B21, F2, P5464 DeLeon Anna B28, F3, P8319 DeLeon Eliezer Del Rosario B36, F1, P13101 DeLeon Ernesto Cruz B26, F2, P7284 DeLeon Lai Ching B34, F1, P11721 DeLeon Lai Ching Lila B34, F1, P11721 DeLeon Myrna Sangalang B36, F1, P13102 Delgado Francisco B15F2P3295 B15F2P3295 Delgado Francisco B6, F1, P194 Delgado Frank B15F2P3295 B15F2P3295 Delgado Frank B6, F1, P194 Wednesday, December 26, 2007 Page 308 of 1474 Oakland County Naturalization Index Order copies of records by calling (517) 373-1408 Archives of Michigan Home page: www.michigan.gov/archivesofmi E-mail: [email protected] Last Name First Name Middle Name First Paper Second Paper Delill John V9, P447 DeLisle Ursula Gertrude B29, F3, P8948 Dell Margaret Rosalie B38, F1, P224 Dell Roy Harmon B22, F1, P5704 Dell Solomon B7, F2, P50 Dell Solomon B23, F1, P6123 B23, F1, P6123 Deller Mabel Stella Naomi B13F3P2714 Deller Stanley B12F1P2288 B12F1P2288 Deller Stanley B5, F3, P25 Delley Emiley Geo.
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