Complete Local New&- Of A Population Of 18,556 V ol. XXII, No. 1099 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER THE 'HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15,-1945 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HILLSIDE PRICE FIVE CENT™ Premise Action On Largest High School Marching Band Court Will Decide Puts On Good Show At Football Games. Broad St. Zorting Encouraging Rise t e acher Salaries W rit Obtained .To Notlce was served on the Town- ictory Loan Reply By December 1 sliip p ommlttee, tRe' ZOhlng Board Total Approaches Half . Pledged To Request Require Earlier of Adju&tmenu and Building In* speotor Charles Hanson Tuesday Formerly Missing, Million Mark; Quota For Salary Guide Submission O f C opy1 Adoption of a salary-* guide night'“ at the committee’s- meeting Now Reported Killed Still A Distant Goal, ■ Because pf the increasing pumber- that a writ of certiorari has been Hillside's Victory ~ Loan; drive took/ feathers tothe^pubUo schools and of persons, organizations and others adjustments of teacher pay was. obtained b y Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence n encouraging jump this week from l JjWJpftave made a habit o f waiting requested by December ' by a- de-J- G. Beisler, of 1528 North Broad until tha day before publication be­ ^ total of $175,000. to $435,868.75, gc* : Jegation from -the Hillside Teachers fore sending in their material for street, restraining local authorities gjji'ding to James A, Oneil, local. ^ o M a tfe -n t' the meeting of the m g : paper, _ I he. Times—fln d s -lt ggjtt granting a permit to Standard Bmlrman. The chief portion of Sie j Board of Education last Thursda, necessary to* lay down some rather sight. The question has-besn_-heL Oil Company of I^Jew JC'rsey lo tee was in. bonds of“ tKe larger de^ stringent,-but essential, time unfits erect~a gasoline service station on lominations, although E bond sides fore the board for some time and fPlihtteeiSUbttiisslCn:^ 'material. - a reply was promised by the date- Hereafter, ho material will be ac­ easterly side of -North Broad Iso showed a goods ize increase. ■ r; set by the teachers.. cepted for publication after 10 a. street between. Williamson and The E -bonds rose from $26,000 to Referring to the, increase in pay m. Wednesday, except news of events granted police arid firemen .in the Bailey avenues. It is believed that $42,468.75, .with a total of 440 being that take place Wednesday aifter- and Mrs. Beisler ar§ not acting o based. Hillside’s quota^is U jl election day referendum,.Mrs. -Ruth.; noon or evening;.. All other .notices ie in This nmtter, but are re- It ' jjeuli, iphiiiBiail ~0T"tnS"tSi5ihefs’1 could, and; must bo dp. office by C6iVifig',lDofh moral ^and ‘ TlnanQTar So,ODfl. and wMla .-drive oftlclate art ' salary committee, declared • It indi­ Monday or Tuesday, • There will be anoe from a number of their quietly confident, they are- urging : cated a willingness, on the part , of absolutely -ho exceptions to this neighbors who are, also opposed to Imuch wider participation by tbe Hillside taxpayers to.,pay public the gas station. servants a living wage.'' Should the * U ‘ general public in the campaign. board fall to act favorably cm the Leased Parcels Sold teachers’ request, Mrs. Maull said Two parcels of land, formerly they .will go to the people with a' SchoolProgram By DOROTHY GRANT the;, visitors’ - bleachers and forms Highs, Audrey and Helen ate tradnr leased from the township by. Marion referendum, as*the police and fire- Blazing 'to the top in high school the. school’s letter. They turn to ing their horses to march along r. Earl were purchased by her from No Time Lost In then did. marching bands is HiHside’s eighty-' Hillside’s supporters, and, .using the With the band' in the four, eight; be community’ at a' cost of $11,780. ’ ’Cost ?7.80 Per Taxpayer To Stress Unity five piece %.and, ..the largest ever four line twenty-abreast formation, sixteen routine. The horses will lead” Hie parcels, situated between Conant . She reyealed. she had been in formed in the school-thus fulfilling pattern the school “H.*' Mr.- Strass­ time with the musiG and 4n per­ street and North avenue, measure Signing Pay Raise communication with both the’town- I All high schools in the Olty of one of Dr. Branom’s, ambitious- fect. unison. 109 x—U5~feet -and 309 by 35 feet Shlp treasurer and tax collector on Newark will participate! In a unity plans for the high .sch.Qol. The en­ Monday, Wednesday and Friday especdively. Walter Novak, of 1143 Increase Negotiated the status- of the township’s finances, program sponsored by the Inter* tire project is_ under the direction noons the marching band has-in­ East Jersey street, Elizabeth., pur? JOSEPH A. CONLINv Without Interruption and had been informed Hillside’s Racial Committee of Greater New­ of Leonard Strassman, who has afr strumental practice. On Tuesdays chased for $3,200 the A new contract providing for a j) financial1- condition to good and .tr.at ark,-'as part of the. observance of readyn:eceived~his"B:S7in-musrcrhis" arid Thursdays they receive Insttuc- fl^t^s“ {m~lWir- lots-lB1rl2tS^corne'[‘ .EXL-Joaaph-A'. -Oonlin, who-has- .the cost, of- meeting the teacher National -Education Week, tomorrow: M.A. in secondary education, • and tion throughout the activity period, .. Liberty and Wtoiafisi' avenues. been missing in action since January 10% wage increase was drawn last request would be about $38,000. This in Hillside High School. The meet­ •has—the- equivalent-in -credit points marching down to the stadium for Offers were made-lot-.two pther. is now listed as killed in acLioii, Thursday^ between Jiffy Manu-, figure coolinse reduced, she declar­ ing, will take-ipiace ait 12:50 .p.~m7 for-his-Dr. of EdJcation7-wihich-he additional practice in formations, pareelg of land. Qaudin-i-.Targer parenis, Mr. and Mrs. John AT facturing "Company, of Florence‘S ed, if the salary guide is adopted It is expected that the meeting [hopes tp receive in 1946. , thus devoting most u f their schol­ Newark, representing Halem Conlin, of 911'Westminster avep lie, avenue, and C.I.O. Local No. JL54, -u and Bonuses eliminated. The epst will protest the. recent race strike Important organization.’ functions astic recreation time to improving Brothers, offered $4,485 for nine lots were notified Monday by the Wax embracing sixt^employees, to cover v-j *to the average-taxpayer, Mrs. Maull 3d.EffieheT.fflffh_finhonI. Gary Tnri. are performed by the directing stu- the band. on Falrvlew place and two on Trin­ Department plant operations for the coming ^ -PvG>: ^ ^gtember -ofcdhe: ^: Theinew arrangement, which — . pointed out, would be $7.60 based on and other Incidents of. a similar dent ..personnel—Lloyd Lippin,'drumj . Strassman remarked, “ WeTre ity place. Mf. and Mrs. Loffered G. a $38,000 increase. nature, A fist of the student speak­ lihajor; Betty Mjllei? and Ann Kreitz, Totten, of 1183 Church’ street, of- h.Regiment of the 63rd Division is effective as of November 1, wa$? i glad to contribute our-entire efforts .that coined the name - "Blood. and arrived. at after four weeks of Ear- •; K request for pay increase was ers and their topics- has been !a- twirling: captains; Harold" "LadellZ in the hope that we have succeeded fered -$2,200 for 55- feet^on Salem Fire,” took-partJh the savage fight monious discussion and without any- - also made by the Hillside School sued -as follows: drum sergeant, and Bob Bornsteih, in lending a'gay and festive atmos­ ivenue. Janitors Association in a. letter to musical arranger. Leonard Strass- Residents-of -Orchard terrace. peti­ for the Oolmar Bridgehead, which delay or loss of production^ . Edwin Rahznhofer of South Side phere To the games." resulted in his outfit receiving a Frank A. Haefner, chairman of the mah and Leonard“ Buchhef are fe-| tioned i to -have -the name of • the jTiffy Manufacturing Companyf High School, "The Economic Ap­ "We compare favorable,’’ Stass- unit citation for outsanding per­ Janitors committee, and 'verbally by proach to Race Relation;” Janice sponsible for... all formations, rou- street changed to Million terrace' in came into being fourteen years ago man declared; "with any Group 3 formance of • du^y in cutting off in Boston and eight years ago moved ’ -William ©filing, speaking for the Grodman, Weequahle, “Prejudice;’’ f tines and showmanship. high'school in the state and proably memory o f of Pvt. Milton M. Gqtd- arb,'_son;of Mr. and .Mrs. Barney Oolmar from the Rhine in what to Hillside, taking over the old HhiV|| Janitors. * They seek an increase in Gloria Wickham, West Sides "A Horses -Lead Parade are just as good as any Group 4 has: been described as “one of the Goldfarbt of -1427 Orchard terrace, neas Jones wheel factory. S lh^ 'J the minimum: pay from. $1200 to Nation Indivisible;” Charles Rogers, Standard formation for the band aggregation." — hardest and . bloodiest campaigns _ IhSfr^fi00-ter$®00;-^hoei-matrons. Was killed in action in Luxem^ 1942 the plant was engaged ih.‘lfi0% Oehtral^iiContributions of Minorities: -ia-maiiehing ija.fl fnpr Tine nrvrppnsi.. Band's Personnel------- of the wax’*. want the minimum - raised from bourg 7on~i^ect;mber 27“ last--ait -th^ war production. Its post war out- to American Culture;’’ Joseph Zar- tion wfth twenty musicians in each On the day he was killed his look is excellent in the field of $1200 to $1400 and the maximum. ra, Barringer, “Segregation — A Student personnel of the march­ age of 20.
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