UGC NET TEST CENTRE - KIRORI MAL COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF DELHI, DELHI-110007 Following is the Venue of Test for UGC NET Exam. to be held on Sunday, 30th December, 2012 Centre Code Center Name Subject Code& Name of Subject Roll No Total Grand Total 1 Lakshmibai College, (2) Political Science 17020001-17020250 250 500 Phase-III, Ashok Vihar, Delhi-110052 (17) Management 17170001-17170250 250 Ph:-011-27304076 / 27308598 2 Maharaja Agrasen Public School, (2) Political Science 17020251-17020750 500 1000 Phase-IV, Ashok Vihar, Delhi-110052 (17) Management 17170251-17170750 500 Ph:- 27304700,27306700 3 Spring-Days Model School, (2) Political Science 17020751-17021050 300 600 I-Block Phase-1, Ashok Vihar, (17) Management 17170751-17171050 300 Delhi-110052 Ph:- 27443797,27228317 4 Sri Guru Bahadur Khalsa College, (2) Political Science 17021051-17021275- 225 450 Main Campus (University Of Delhi), (17) Management 17171051-17171275 225 Delhi-110007 Ph;- 27667469 5 Maitri College, (2) Political Science 17021276-17021425 150 300 Bapu Dham Complex, Chankya Puri, (17) Management 17171276-17171425 150 Delhi-110021 Ph;- 24673815 6 Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College, (2) Political Science 17021426-17021675 250 500 University Of Delhi, (17) Management 17171426-17171675 250 Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi-110021 Ph:- 24117508,24113436 7 Motilal Nehru College, (2) Political Science 17021676-17021925 250 500 Benito Juarez Marg, (17) Management 17171676-17171925 250 New Delhi-110021 Ph;- 24112604 8 Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute Of (2) Political Science 17021926-17022150 225 450 Professional Studies, (17) Management 17171926-17172150 225 Plot No-9, Sec-11, Dwarka, Near Metro Station, New Delhi-110075 9 NationalPH:- 49020411, Law University 400 Of Delhi, (2) Political Science 17022151-17022400 250 500 Sec-14, Dwarka,New Delhi-110078 (17) Management 17172151-17172400 250 Ph:- 28034255 10 Trinity Institute Of Professional Studies, (2) Political Science 17022401-17022585 185 365 Near Metro Pillar 1160, Institutional Area, Sec-(17) Management 17172401-17172580 180 09, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 Ph:-011-45636921 / 45636922 / 45636925 11 Little Fairy Public School , (17) Management 17172581-17172930 350 700 Hudson Line, Kingway Camp, Near- G.T.B. (20) Hindi 17200001-17200350 350 Nagar Metro Station, Delhi-110009 Ph:-011-27457677 / 47081912 12 Maharshi Valmiki College Of Education (17) Management 17172931-17173110 180 360 (M.V.C.O.E., (20) Hindi 17200351-17200530 180 Geeta Colony, Oppt-9 Block, Delhi-110031 Ph:- 22085240, 22085191 13 Institute Of Home Economics , (17) Management 17173111-17173310 200 400 F-4, Hauz Khas Enclave, (20) Hindi 17200531-17200730 200 New Delhi-110016 Ph:-011-46018108 / 26510616 14 S.K.R. Public School, (17) Management 17173311-17173810 500 1000 Bohrianwala Thalla Complex, Inder Puri, New (20) Hindi 17200731-17201230 500 Delhi-110012 Ph:- 15 S.K.V. No-2 , (17) Management 17173811-17174010 200 400 C- Block, Janak Puri, (20) Hindi 17201231-17201430 200 Near C4E Market, New Delhi-110058 Ph:- 25616608 16 Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute Of (17) Management 17174011-17174185 175 350 Information Technology (20) Hindi 17201431-17201605 175 Chandiwala Estate,Maa Anand Mai Marg, Kalkaji, Near Govind Puri Metro Station, New Delhi-110019 Ph:-011-49020150 / 144 17 Kalka Institute For Research & Advanced (17) Management 17174186-17174435 250 500 Studies , (20) Hindi 17201606-17201855 250 Kalka Public School Campus , Alaknanda , Kalkaji ,New Delhi - 110019 18 Govt.Ph:-011-26274080 Co-Ed. Sr. Sec. / School,26274952 (17) Management 17174436-17174610 175 350 Industrial Area, Karampura, Near-Milan (20) Hindi 17201856-17202030 175 Cinema,New Delhi-110015 Ph:-011-25455229 19 Govt. Sravodaya Co-Ed. Sr. Sec. School, (17) Management 17174611-17174760 150 300 H Block, Karampura, New Delhi-110015 (20) Hindi 17202031-17202180 150 Ph:-011-25100677 20 Mata Shiv Devi Sr. Sec. Public School, (17) Management 17174761-17175040 280 560 A-2, Keshav Puram, Near Shankar Chowk, (20) Hindi 17202181-17202460 280 New Delhi-110035 Ph:- 27393950 21 Rajkumari Amrit Kaur College Of Nursing, (17) Management 17175041-17175190 150 300 Lajpat Nagar-IV, Opposite Mool Chand Metra (20) Hindi 17202461-17202610 150 Station, New Delhi-110024, Ph:-011-26435397 22 Cosmos Public School, (17) Management 17175191-17175390 200 400 Molarband, Tajpur Road, Badarpur, (20) Hindi 17202611-17202810 200 Near Badarpur Metro Station, New Delhi-110044 23 Govt. Sarvodya Bal Vidiyala, , (17) Management 17175391-17175606 216 432 Near 18 Block,Moti Nagar, (20) Hindi 17202811-17203026 216 New Delhi-110015 Ph;-011-25100165 24 MR Bharti Model Sr. Sec. School (17) Management 17175607-17176116 510 964 KH- No.- 53/15, Near- Mundka Metro Station, (20) Hindi 17203027-17203480 454 Friends Colony, Mundka, Delhi-110041 Ph:-9868526950 25 Kamal Institute Of Higher Education & (01) Economics 17010001-17010250 250 500 Advance Technology, (20) Hindi 17203481-17203730 250 K-1 Extn., Mohan Garden, Near NawadaMetro Station, New Delhi-110059 Ph:-011-25355301 / 25354747 26 N.R. Convent School , (01) Economics 17010251-17010480 230 460 Nangloi Niloth More, Main Nangloi- Najafgarh (30) English 17300001-17300230 230 Road, (Nearest- Metro Station Nangloi) New Delhi-110041 Ph:- 32423131 27 Kamal Model Sr. Sec. School (01) Economics 17010481-17010980 500 1000 K-1 Extn., Mohan Garden, Near Nawada (30) English 17300231-17300730 500 Metro Station, New Delhi- 110059 Ph:-011-25354747 / 25354848 / 25371752 28 Raghubir Singh Modern School, (01) Economics 17010981-17011480 500 1000 L-2, Mohan Garden, 40 Feet Road, Near- (30) English 17300731-17301230 500 Nawada Metro Station, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi-110059 Ph:-011-25372016 29 New Delhi Institution Of Management, (01) Economics 17011481-17011868 388 738 F-13, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-1, (30) English 17301231-17301580 350 New Delhi-110020 Ph:-011-43272000 30 Abhinav Public School, (08) Commerce 17080001-17080800 800 1633 CU- Block, PitamPura, Delhi-110088 (30) English 17301581-17302045 465 Ph:-27344147- 48 (73) Sanskrit Traditional Subject 17730001-17730368 368 31 Kirori Mal College (08) Commerce 17080801-17081050 250 805 University Of Delhi, (87) Computer Science 17875032-17875231 200 Delhi - 110 007 (21) Kananda 17210001 1 (43) Rajasthani 17430001 1 (44) German 17440001-17440059 59 (49) Arab Culture & Islamic Studies 17490001-17490071 71 (50) Indian Culture 17500001-17500010 10 (60) Budhist, Jaina, Gandhian & Peace St. 17600001-17600066 66 (62) Comprative Study of Religions 17620001-17600012 12 (65) Performing Arts- Dance /Drama/Th. 17650001-17650035 35 (66) Museology & Conservation 17660001-17660019 19 (67) Archaeology 17670001-17670065 65 (72) Comparative Literature 17720001-17720009 9 (91) Prakrit 17910001-17910004 4 (22) Malyalam 17220001-17220003 3 32 Brilliants Convent , (08) Commerce 17081051-17081300 250 500 West Enclave, (06) History 17060001-17060250 250 Pitam Pura, Near Bal Bharti, Pushpanjali, Delhi-34 33 Sri Guru Gobind Singh College Of Commerce, (08) Commerce 17081301-17081550 250 500 Opp.- T.V. Tawer, Pitam Pura, Delhi-110034 (06) History 17060251-17060500 250 Ph:-011-27321855 34 St. Stephans School, (08) Commerce 17081551-17082220 670 1340 PU Block, Pitam Pura, delhi-110034 (06) History 17060501-17061170 670 Ph:- 27342777 35 The Presidency School, (08) Commerce 17082221-17082470 250 500 Behind Kohat Metro Station, (06) History 17061171-17061420 250 Near jhulelal Society, Pitam Pura, Delhi Ph;- 27357888,27357080 36 Shivaji College, (08) Commerce 17082471-17082820 350 700 Raja Garden, New Delhi-110027 (06) History 17061421-17061770 350 Ph;- 25116644,25155551 37 D.I. Khan B.S.Sr. Sec. School, (08) Commerce 17082821-17083076 256 769 R-Block, New Rajinder Nagar, (06) History 17061771-17062170 400 Delhi-110060 (07) Anthropology 17070001-17070113 113 38 Zakir Husain College, (63) Mass Communication & Journalism 17630001-17630300 300 600 Jawaharlal Nehru Marg , (06) History 17062171-17062470 300 New Delhi - 110002, Ph:-011-23232218 / 23233420 39 Govt. Sravodaya Bal Vidyalaya (63) Mass Communication & Journalism 17630301-17630516 216 432 Ramesh Nagar, Near Raja Garden, (06) History 17062471-17062686 216 Fly Over Ring Road, New Delhi-110015 Ph:-011-25936945 40 Aadhar International School, (63) Mass Communication & Journalism 17630517-17630766 250 500 B-1, Sec-4, Rohini, New Delhi-110085 (06) History 17062687-17062936 250 Ph:- 27058244-45 41 Abhinav Public School, (63) Mass Communication & Journalism 17630767-17631141 375 749 Pocket G-27, Sector-3, (06) History 17062937-17063222 286 Rohini, Delhi-110085 (31) Linguistics 17310001-17310088 88 Ph:-27512199, 275110264 42 B.V.M. Model School, (63) Mass Communication & Journalism 17631142-17631391 250 500 B-245, Rajiv Nagar, (Near Sec-22, Rohii), (55) Labour Welfare/Perss.Mgmt…….. 17550001-17550250 250 Begampur, Delhi Ph:-27582741 43 Bhagwan Parshuram Institute Of Technology ((63) Mass Communication & Journalism 17631392-17631410 19 544 (PSP Area No.-4, Sectore 17, (55) Labour Welfare/Perss.Mgmt…….. 17550251-17550525 275 (Oppt Sectore-11), Rohini,Delhi-110089 (93) Tourism 17930001-17930225 225 Ph:-27571080, 27572900 (46) Adult 17460001-17460025 25 44 C.M. Model School, (80) Geography 17800001-17800400 400 800 J-1, Vishwanath Mahadev Mandir, 55) Labour Welfare/Perss.Mgmt…….. 17550526-17550925 400 Budh Vihar, Phase-II, Sec-24, Rohini, New Delhi-110085 Ph:-65592774 45 Citizen Model School, (80) Geography 17800401-17800650 250 499 Budh Vihar, Phase-II, Opp:-Rohini Sec-24, (55) Labour Welfare/Perss.Mgmt…….. 17550926-17551040 115 New Delhi-110086 (15)
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