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(OAC) CANADA’S MILITARY STORE LE MAGASIN MILITAIRE DU CANADA Canex Windsor Park | 902-465-5414 153433 2 TRIDENT NEWS JULY 9, 2018 Heroes and Legends at the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo By Virginia Beaton, Trident Staff This year, the Royal Nova Scotia In- ternational Tattoo (RNSIT) celebrates the 40th year that it has showcased the Canadian Armed Forces’ work for Canada and Canadians. At the opening night in the Scotia- bank Centre on Wednesday, June 27, Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada, addressed the audience and declared the 2018 Tattoo to be official- ly launched. This year’s theme was Heroes and Legends, with an emphasis on com- memoration of the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War, the Battle of the Atlantic, and Women in Service. The Battle of the Atlantic scene included a voiceover describing the battle as the longest continuous battle Massed military bands are a key element of every Royal Nova Scotia International The Royal Circassian Honour Guard of the Second World War, and sound Tattoo. serves the Kingdom of Jordan. This is effects and footage on the giant screen LS DAN BARD, FIS their first appearance at the Royal Nova allowed the audience to experience Scotia International Tattoo. some of the sights and sounds of the the State Academic Ensemble of Folk within Russia performed dance rou- LS DAN BARD, FIS war at sea. Dance of Adygea. The dancers in tines that were a striking and athletic Several new acts this year included this ensemble from a small republic blend of folk dance with ballet. Naval Reserve, the Royal Canadian Also new were the Simba Zambezi Artillery Band, and the Canadian Acrobats, from Nairobi, Kenya, whose Army Military Band. CAF personnel crowd-pleasing routines included do- from 12 Wing Shearwater, 14 Wing ing the limbo under a fire stick, build- Greenwood, the 2nd Battalion Royal ing human pyramids, and skipping Canadian Regiment, and 5th Cana- rope while doing sit-ups, handstands, dian Division Support Group also and back flips. performed with the Tattoo’s massed The Tattoo doesn’t often have par- pipes and drums, and members of ticipants from the Middle East, and various cadet groups also were fea- this year there were two such acts. tured in scenes such as the Battle of First was the Royal Circassian Hon- the Atlantic. our Guard of the Kingdom of Jordan, 5th Canadian Division, aka The a seven-member troupe whose routine Mighty Maroon Machine, also pre- included dazzling, albeit terrifying sented a dynamic segment that routines with each man twirling two opened with a tank entering the swords, called the shashka and the arena with a machine gun mounted qama. and firing blank rounds, followed by Also from Jordan was the Silent soldiers firing at targets, and more Drill Team of the Royal Honour soldiers rappelling down from the Guard, whose smoothly executed rifle rafters. drills earned them applause and gasps Other international military par- of admiration from the crowd. ticipants included the 2nd Marine The Halifax Multicultural Drum- Division Band, and the German Air mers gave a rousing performance of a Force Band Munster. As well, the routine called Malaria No More, and Combined Singapore Police Force the Langley Ukelele Ensemble played Band played while the big screen and sang pop hits from the 1950s and and voiceover informed the audience 1960s, including RESPECT, I Can’t Get about Singapore’s history and its cur- No Satisfaction, and Hey Jude. rent circumstances as an economic And in the Kids, Please Don’t Try powerhouse. This At Home category of stunts, As always, the Tattoo Dancers and Team Airtime, from Germany, per- the children’s and adult choruses pro- formed bicycle antics that involved vide solid backup and support to the cycling up and down steep ramps featured acts. Also worthy of men- while leaping off the bikes to perform tion are the featured guest soloists: mid-air somersaults, front flips and Heather Rankin, singing Tell My Ma; back flips. Cyndi Cain and Brenna Conrad, in As always, the Canadian Armed the When You Believe scene that paid Forces had a strong presence in the tribute to women in military service; show. The Stadacona Band of the and Marcel d’Entremont, in the Act Royal Canadian Navy was the pit One finale commemoration of the band, and other CAF participants First World war, titled Today Won’t 153436 included the National Band of the Come Again. JULY 9, 2018 TRIDENT NEWS 3 HMCS Windsor back in Halifax after NATO deployment in Mediterranean By Ryan Melanson, greeted at the jetty by his wife Trident Staff Jennifer and kids Michael and Isabelle, along with other fami- After more than four years lies, friends and colleagues, in command of HMCS Wind- senior officers, and the Stad- sor, Cdr Peter Chu said it was a acona Band, who all came out strange feeling to be watching to welcome the submariners from the jetty as the submarine home. came alongside in Halifax on “You shut the hatch and get June 20. on with the day to day stuff, “I can’t help but critique and you get the job done, but every movement,” he joked, you always miss your fam- as the submarine approached ily and miss home. I’m really HMC Dockyard. happy to be back,” PO2 Larkin “But I’m also feeling a lot of added. pride in what the crew has ac- In a press release, VAdm Ron complished.” Lloyd, Commander RCN, said Windsor sailed back into HMCS Windsor has proven Halifax Harbour on June 20, once again that Canada’s Vic- marking the end of 133 days toria-class submarines are a at sea, the longest deploy- valuable instrument of power ment yet for the Victoria-class projection on the international submarine. Cdr Chu was the stage. boat’s Commanding Officer for HMCS Windsor returned to Halifax on June 20 after more than five months deployed in the Baltic and “Windsor’s deployment is a the bulk of that deployment, Mediterranean alongside NATO allies. demonstration to our allies and including NATO exercises and MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA adversaries, that Canada is a operations in the Baltic and credible, reliable and effective Mediterranean seas. On June 3 in Ca- the Mediterranean to contribute to the positive experience of deploying player in the undersea domain.” diz, Spain, he handed over command a safe and secure maritime environ- and training overseas, being away for Next on the agenda for Windsor will of Windsor to new CO LCdr William ment. an extended period of time is always be further training and exercises off Matheson, who led the crew through The RCN’s overall goal with the difficult, PO2 Larkin said. He was the coast of Nova Scotia. the final weeks as they crossed the deployment was to highlight the im- Atlantic en route to Halifax. portance of the Euro-Atlantic region “For the change of command to hap- as part of Canada’s commitment to pen at that time, it showsCanadian that there’s militarysupporting NATO employees in maintaining Canadian military employees Canadian military employees a lot of confidence among our bosses regional peace and security. Canadian military employees in the training of our submarinersand family“I was members, fortunate enough to take over and family members, and family members, and the command qualifications we and bring the boat home, but the crew and family members, all go through. It was an awesome op- deserves credit for all the hard work portunity for LCdr Matheson to step and all the successes they’ve had,” in and get his feet wet,”JOIN Cdr Chu said. LCdrCOSTCO Matheson said. JOIN COSTCO JOIN COSTCO Along with the new milestone And for submariners like PO2 Mat- JOIN COSTCO regarding consecutive days at sea for thew Larkin, the timely homecoming Windsor, the deploymentby marked JULY the means15, they 2018 can enjoy the and summer by JULY 15, 2018 and by JULY 15, 2018 and first time a Canadian submarine has months with their families after by JULY 15, 2018 and been operational in the Mediterra- spending the spring at sea. Despite nean in more than four decades. With HMCS Chicoutimi on GETthe west coast FREE GIFTS* GET FREE GIFTS* GET FREE GIFTS* recently returning from its own six- GET FREE GIFTS* month Asia-Pacific deployment, and HMCS Victoria out of refit and begin- ning workups, it’s an exciting time across the Canadian Submarine Force. The work done in the Mediterra- Awareness code: 51842 Awareness code: 51842 Awareness code: 51842 nean, including training alongside the Awareness code: 51842 warships and *aircraft Offer expires July of 15, eight 2018 and difmay not- be combined with any other offer.
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