Park Area Partnership Meeting 10.00am Monday 16 th January 2017 Central Pavilion, East Park Present Councillor Bridges, Southcoates East Ward (Chair) Sylvia Bilsby, Park & East Area Teams Sharon Clay, City Regeneration & Policy Zoe Jones, Park Area Team (minutes) Sally Barlow, Communities & Partnership Debbie Akester, Housing Pauline Beech, Hull Culture & Leisure (HC&L) James McGuire, Hull City of Culture 2017 Jason Shakesby, Renewals Team Inspector Peasgood, Humberside Police Carol Johnson, Public Health Helen Stinson, Regeneration Councillor Barratt, Southcoates East Ward Nick Tomlinson, Humberside Fire and Rescue Apologies Councillor Pantelakis Marfleet Ward, Councillor Glew Southcoates West Ward, Cllr Dad Holderness Ward, Jane Price Neighbourhoods and Housing, Dean Davis Youth Service, Janet Adamson Griffin School, Caroline East Child Dynamix, Steve Alltoft, PROBE, Colin Hurst, NHS 1. Welcome and Apologies Councillor Bridges welcomed partners, introductions were made around the table and apologies were given. Declarations of Interest No declarations of interest were received. Minutes of the previous meeting Sharon Clay gave a correction/clarification from previous minutes – To achieve Fairtrade City status the Council needed to have a have a multi- agency partnership group. Initially the Greenshare Network offered to take this under its umbrella, but once established, the group have decided to be a stand alone group. The request to the Area Teams/Partnerships was to consider doing something in Fairtrade Fortnight and to provide examples of what is planned to include in the application form. With the additional of the above amendments the minutes of the previous meeting were agreed. The Chair requested an update on Fairtrade at this point. It was confirmed that the partnership group was now established with representatives from Hull CC, University, VCS and Faith sector. Fairtrade information and promotional material is available on the Fairtrade Foundation website. The application will be submitted for re-accreditation as a Fairtrade City in during March 2017. Sylvia Bilsby gave the following updates from Partners: Dean Davis informed that Fairtrade items would be used in the kitchen/coffee bar at Andrew Marvell Youth Centre. Helen Thompson from Autism Plus informed that fair trade ingredients were available for the cafe, Meals on Wheels and the lunch club network. Hull Culture & Leisure Ltd informed that the only café involved in Fairtrade would be the Ferens Art Gallery café. Pauline Beach stated that the vending machines had Fairtrade items in them. Matters arising None 2. City Plan / European Programme Sharon Clay gave partners the following updates: 1. City Plan Cabinet and the City Leadership Board have been discussing a refresh of the City Plan and looking at how the three strands ‘Making Money go Further’, ‘Safeguarding the most Vulnerable’ and ‘Prevention and Early Intervention’ priorities can be strengthened to have a higher profile in the city plan. The three priorities were likely to be grouped under a theme of ‘Inclusive Growth’, to bring in the ambition that everyone in the city will benefit from the economic regeneration that Hull is currently experiencing. A refreshed City Plan is expected in April 2017. 2. Community Led Local Development (CLLD) Hull City Council was invited to bid for Stage 2 CLLD which is EU funding to support people in the 20% most deprived wards into or towards employment or skills. The funding is £4.79m requiring £2.78m match funding, which is likely to come from projects. The bid has to be submitted by 31st January 2017 and a decision would be made by April 2017. If successful there would be a period of community development to ensure projects came from the community, then projects would start in April 2018. 3. Youth/Sports Development Update Dean Davis had sent the following updates: Youth Commissioning Programme: The specification is being developed with a small working group with all papers being released at the very end of January 2017. There will be three geographical lots and a city wide one. The details were unavailable at the moment however there will be targeted early help youth work commissioned. Engagement opportunities: These would initially be via liaison with Dean regarding local action on the parliament resolutions from the Primary Schools. There were opportunities to be had with the local Youth Centres that could link to forthcoming activities or events e.g. summer activities. Pauline Beach informed partners that Health Walks were taking place at Oak Road Playing Fields, East Park, Noddle Hill Nature Reserve and Pickering Park. Health Rides would be taking in East Park working with local cycle leaders. The Bike Doctor offering free bike service was underway which includes low level repair work for bike parts up to the value of £10. Drop in appointments to East Park are available. Mick Ronson memorial should be installed in East Park by the end of March 2017. Loglands was currently being mapped to be one of the Orienteering sites. Free swimming will be available at East Hull Pools Tuesday and Friday afternoons. 20:17 Leisure Centres offering the Tonic Extra card for £20 for up to 17 weeks although there is an administration fee of £15. 4. Health Update Sylvia Bilsby gave an update from Colin Hurst regarding the CCG urgent care where option 2 was preferred. Some care provision will be available from the Freedom Centre but the out of hours will be moved to Bransholme. Should partners have any comments or suggestions to inform the next stages to contact Sue Lee at [email protected]. (Report attached). Sally Barlow circulated the Health & Wellbeing Strategy and talked about measurable outcomes from each of the 3 sub groups. In response to Councillor Bridges’ request for additional sub group information, Sally agreed to circulate updates. Carol Johnson informed partners that they had commissioned Hull 2017 on a wellbeing project to get people to take notice and get out and be active whilst being able to see new things in the city. Councillor Bridges asked if this would be sent out in any other format other than online. Carol stated that they were looking at distributing through the older people’s partnership. 5. Updates from Partners Safe Humberside Fire & Rescue Nick Tomlinson stated that there was currently an issue with gas supplies in Withernsea due to the recent floods which has kept crews busy. Due to IT issues Nick didn’t have any figures to circulate to partners but advised there had been concern with secondary fires in the Southcoates East Ward around the drain bank. The Isaac Newton site in the Marfleet Ward was also a concern however demolition should take place by April 2017. Two projects the service was working on are ‘Prison Me No Way’ working with year 10 and 11 pupils and a crash simulation which gives first hand views to everyone involved. Nick informed partners that the fire service were undertaking a review of service provision and are consulting with stakeholders/residents over the next 6 weeks; 11th Jan - 22nd February and asked partners to consider the documentation on the website and comment. www.humbersidefire.gov.uk Humberside Police Inspector Peasgood updated partners on the Park Area Ward statistics which has seen a rise across all aspects: Holderness: Overall crime increase of 19.5% - the demand reduction initiative is for burglary non-dwellings. Marfleet: Overall crime increase of 14.9% - the demand reduction initiative is for the Kit Car and Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB). Southcoates East: Overall crime increase of 16.7% - the demand reduction initiative is for Kit Car and ASB. Southcoates West: Overall crime increase of 22.6% - the demand reduction is to address ASB and drugs. Inspector Peasgood informed partners that PC Susan Waslin had joined the team and was working in the Marfleet Ward and will be involved in Greatfield 60 project. PC Derbyshire has been seconded elsewhere that may be permanent, if so the position would be replaced. Learning Update circulated. Earning Greenport Helen Stinson stated that since the opening of Siemens in December 2016, from the 700 people employed around 96% were from the Hull area. The Blade installation in the city centre has generated a lot of interest and publicity. ‘Why Me’ project encourages women to get into work, out of 120 people 4 are apprentices. Green power kit cars are going into schools in the region sponsored by local businesses and the project will culminate with a race in the city centre. Hull 2017 James McGuire distributed a ‘Back To Ours’ leaflet informing partners of Festivals being held in The East, The North and The West during February 2017. The local festivals are aimed at getting people who would normally not attend events at the theatre to enjoy something at a local level. The two venues in the East are The Freedom Centre and Archbishop Sentamu Academy with each venue varying in capacity. James McGuire informed partners that ‘Challenge Hull’ was where a community group from the city sets a challenge starting on a Monday for people to take 15 minutes out of their schedules to do something different. This scheme is in conjunction with the NHS to get people more active and engaging with different things. The challenges are all posted on the Hull 2017 website. Regeneration Jason Shakesby updated partners on the regeneration sites in East Hull. • Ganstead Grove: all 67 units have been handed over but highways and open space still outstanding. • Portobello: 93 of the 142 units are Council and are currently ahead of plan but works should be completed by April 2018. • Southcoates: 35 of the 162 units are Council and works should be underway on these properties by April 2017. • David Lister: 82 bungalows are to be built but the land transfer has not yet been completed.
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