AMERICA'S LEADING MAGAZINE ON AFRICA JULY-AUGUST 1989 $4.50 SUDAN The Military Coup Operation Lifeline Interview with John Garang THIRD WORLD QUARTERLY free gift for new subscribers Over ten years. Third World Quarterly has established a reputation as the leading journal in the field of international politics and current affairs relating to the Third World. Subscribe to Third World Quarterly, and you will receive thorough coverage of fundamental issues concerning the Asia/Pacific region. Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa and the Middle East. annual subscription rates UK £20/US$30 (Postage included) Subscribe using this form and you will receive a copy of Regional Integration: The Latin American Experience' (Published by the Third World Foundation, and edited by Altaf Gauhar) free of charge. (Retail price £16/ S21) send your order to: Circulation Dept., Third World Quarterly, New Zealand House, 80 Haymarket, London SW1 4TS. England. order form D Please send me Third World Quarterly for one year, plus my free copy of 'Regional Integration: The Latin American Experience I enclose a cheque for £ / USS made payable lo Third World Quarterly. D Please send me further information on Third World Quarterly. Name __^_ __ Address. JULY-AUGUST 1989 AMERICA'S LEADING MAGAZINE VOLUME 34, NUMBER 4 ON AFRICA A Publication of the RT African-American Institute Ix'tters to the Editor The Update African-American Institute Editor: Andre Astrow Chairman West Africa Maurice Tempeisman Blood Brothers 13 Hy Mark Doyle President Ghana Vivian Lowery Derryck A Grassroots Democracy 17 Publisher Hy Colleen Lowe Morna Frank E. Ferrari On the Road to Recovery 21 Editor-in-Chief Hy Ernest Harsch Margaret A. Novicki Counting Votes Interview Managing Editor Page 17 Amos Sawyer: Fighting for Rights 27 Alana Lee Hy Ernest Harsch OAL! Assistant Editor Andre Astrow A Charter for Human Rights 31 Hy Daphne Topouzis Editorial Assistant Angola W. LaBier Jones A Golden Handshake? 34 Contributing Editors Hy Andrew Meldrum Michael Maren Interview Andrew Meldrum Daphne Topouzis Willem <le Klerk: A View of the Future 36 Hy Margaret A. Novicki Art Director Kenneth Jay Ross Mozambique Going Home 40 Advertising Office End to War? Hy Colleen Lowe Morna 212 949-5666. ext. 728 Page :i4 Interview Interns John Garang: A New Sudan 43 Janna Patterson Hy Margaret A. Novicki Kendahl L. RadcliHe Michael Sharpe Sudan: Averting Disaster 48 Susanna Wing Hy James P. Grant Africa Report (ISSN 0001-9836). a Ethiopia non-profit magazine of African affairs. Rebellion and Retaliation 52 n published bimonthly and is sched- uled to appear at the beginning of Hy Mary Anne Eitzgerald each dale period ai 833 United Nations Plaza. New York, N Y. 10017. Interview Lidiionai correspondence and adver- Maina wa Kinyatti: A History of Resistance 55 tising inquiries should be addressed \o Africa Report, at the above Hy Andre Astraw address. Subscription rates Individ- Lais. USA $24, Canada $30. air rate Media overseas $48. Institutions: USA $31. Saving Lives The News Hole: Reporting Africa 59 Canada $37. air rate overseas $55. Second-class postage paid at New Page 48 Hy Mary Anne Eitzgerald York. N.Y. and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: If this maga- Namibia: What They Didn't Tell Us 61 z<ne is undeliverable, please send HyAluvR. Roberts notice to Africa Report at the above address. Telephone: (212) 949-5666. Soviet Union Copyright <' 1989 by The African- American Institute, Inc. A New Kra: Soviet Policy in Southern Africa 63 Hy Ij'onid Eituni Reporter's Notebook "White Man, Mack War" 66 Hy Andrew Meldrum Culture Photo Credit: Mauritania's Archeological Mysteries 68 The cover photo of Operation Lfeline Sudan was taken in Hy Howard Schissel Abiye. Southern Kordofan, by New Mood in Moscow The Back Page 70 Mariantonietta Peru/Unicef. Page (i.'i Hy Margaret A. Novicki Letters to the Editor To the Editor: 1979, originated in Kuwait. Accord- regime, while others choose to be Michael Maren's article on the oil ing to the September 1988 report of silent. It might be politically savvy to embargo against South Africa (Mar- the SRB, which Maren cites, there be silent, but let these governments Apr 1989) was timely and informa- were at least five deliveries from know that the Somali people will sur- tive and I basically accept the accu- Kuwait during the period January vive. It is important that the record racy of the Shipping Research 1979 to August 1987, including two show at least this Somali citizen's Bureau's (SRB) statistics which he cargoes in 1985-86. outrage and hurt. cites. Nor do I have any quarrel with Maren has rendered a service in The Somali people have been Maren's analysis or conclusions. publicizing an important issue, but subjected to the worst kind of However, he includes numerous fac- his careless research has marred an oppression and humiliation for so tual errors which must be corrected: otherwise useful account. long and now is the time for all of us •Sasol was not created in the late —Arthur Jay Klinghoffer to intensify our struggle for a free 1960s, but in 1947. Its decision to Professor of Political Science and just system. We will know and convert coal to oil was made in 1950, Rutgers University remember those who came to our and its first conversion plant began rescue and stood by us in our day of operating in 1955. To Ihe Editor; need, and we will remember who •South Africa's stockpiling of oil For the past 20 years, the Somali barred the gate against our hopes did not begin in 1969. Funding for dictator, Siad Barre, and his thugs and dreams and watched us suffer. this program was initiated in 1964, have been murdering our people and Abdirahman Dirie Mohamed and oil was stored in abandoned committing human rights violations Houston, Texas mines as early as 1966. that defy comprehension, yet most •The UN did not first vote for an of the world has remained indiffer- To the Editor: oil embargo against South Africa in ent. We must commend Richard In May 1988, Gen. Mohamed Siad 1973. The first call for an embargo Greenfield's efforts and commitment Barre waged unholy war against the appeared in a General Assembly res- in documenting and detailing to us Somali people to suppress a popular olution on Namibia in 1963. The first the atrocities committed by this uprising against his brutal regime. resolution specifically aimed at bloodthirsty dictator against his own He flattened major cities in northern South Africa was passed by the Gen- people ("Barre's Unholy Alliances," Somalia, including Hargeisa and eral Assembly in December 1977. Mar-Apr 1989). Burao. His security forces killed • Maren estimates South African The Somali people have been thousands of unarmed civilians, oil imports at 220,000 barrels per denied their basic rights to have a including women and children, and day. I would claim that the rate is representative democratic govern- forced over 400.000 civilians into about 100,000 b/d higher than that. ment, to speak against corruption exile in Ethiopia. Although imports are supplemented and oppression, and voice their Presently, the General and his by oil from the SASOL process, the desire to live freely as they choose in security forces are engaging in war amount cited by Maren would be their own country. Since 1969, those against the people which is not limit- insufficient to cover domestic con- few courageous ones who dared to ed to northern Somalia because the sumption considering that oil is also challenge the legitimacy of this popular revolt against the regime stockpiled, sold to Namibia and regime have been brutally murdered has spread throughout the country. neighboring states, lost in the refin- or imprisoned under torture. The We are requesting the United States ing process, and provided as consensus was and still is that speak- once again to withhold aid until the bunkers to passing vehicles. ing out against the regime is punish- General stops this war against the •Maren maintains that Kuwait is able by death. people of Somalia, restores human "an oil producer whose oil never It is very disturbing to know that rights, and gives power back to the shows up in South Africa." This is governments such as Libya, South people. surely an exaggeration. The most Africa, the United Arab Emirates, Ali Hashi Sahal famous delivery to South Africa of all and others have come to the rescue United Somali Congress time, aboard the Salem in December of this very unpopular and ruthless Voorhees, New Jersey Ahka Report welcomes comments from its readers on issues raised in the magazine and on matters relating to African political and econom- ic development. For reasons of space, a contribution sent in the form of a letter to the editor stands a much greater chance of publication than one submitted as an article. Letters should be as brief as possible, normally between 100 and 400 words. The editor retains the right to abridge or otherwise alter letters for space or other editorial requirements. It is editorial policy to main- tain a balance of views on controversial issues. All letters should bear the name and address of the sender. Requests for anonymity and non-divulgence will be requested, but such a requirement may render the letter less likely to be published. AFRICA REPORT-March-April 1989 N THE NEWS Lekhanya Fights for particular, a Taiwanese businessman. within white-ruled South Africa. Vincent Lai. gave Lekhanya a 20 per- Lekhanya has worked closely with His Political Life cent share in his company for about South Africa since coming to power in $75 in February I9K8 even though the January 1986 in a coup widely believed Maj.-Gen.
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