DIREGrORY.] WORCESTERSHIRE. BROMSGROVE. 43 . Cooke John, tea agent, 26 St. John street Grey Thomas & Edwin, builders, Kiddermin'lter road Corbett William & Co. mineral water mans. High street Griffin William, stone mason, Rock hill Cottage Hospital (Julius Henry Beilby, medical officer in Griffiths Alfred, draper, 107 High street charge; John Green, hon. treasurer; Miss A. PoIson, Gunner Geo.Wm.tinplate wrkr.& ironmngr.9 'Yoreesler st matron; Joseph N. Creswell & C. H. C. Clifford, joint Haime Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 4 Strand hon. secs.), New road Haines J olm, butcher, 21 High street Cotton & Chappell, auctioneers, 99 High street Halfpenny Ellen (Mrs.), greengrocer, 126 '""orcester st County Court (His Honor Robert Wood Ingham B.A. Halfpenny Frederick, shopkeeper, lIirmingham road judge; Frank Holyoake, registrar; J ames A. Smith, Halfpenny James Henry, general dealer, Sidemoor high bailiff) Hall Thomas, draper & tailor, 71 & 72 High street County & City of Worcester Coffee Tavern Co. Limited Harbach Edward, boot maker, 7 High street (Charles Fenton, manager), High street Harbach Solomon, boot &; shoe maker, 152 ,\Yorcester s' Court William, boot & ,shoe ma. &; shopkpr. 15 & 16 Strand Harford G. & Sons, boot makers, 97 High street Cox Edward, greengrocer, 49 ·Worcester street Harper John, chemist, 73 High street Coxell Edwin, :relieving & vaccination officer & collector to Harries Whitfield & Co. boot & shoe manfrs. Station sf; the guardians, IIromsgrove district, & registrar of Harries Mrs. draper, ~ew road births & deaths, IIromsgrove sub-district & school Harris Albert Edward, butcher, 13 Worcester street & attendance officer, 17 High street White Hart P.H. Hanover street Crane .Amos, shopkeeper, Sidemoor Harrison \Villiam, woolstapler, 'Vorcester road Crane Jesse William, shopkeeper, Sidemoor Hartland Edmund, grocer & agent for W. .A. Gilbey Lim. Crane Oswald lIenjamin, nail tool maker, Sidemoor wine & spirit mers. Worcester st. & 61 High street Crawford George Henry, nail factor, lIewell head Hartle Henry, shoeing smith, 1I2 High street Crawford Henry, butcher, 31 High street Heague IIrothers, drapers, 48' 'Vorcester street Crawford Thomas, shopkeeper, Sidemoor Heath Benjamin, shoe maker, 38 Worcester street Crawford Thomas, shopkeeper, 45 Worcester street Heath 'Yilliam, second hand bookseller, 24 Strand Creswell &, Russon, solicitors, :Kew road Hedges &:. Son, blacksmiths. 136 Worcester street Creswell Henry, shoe maker, 46 Strand Hedges William, blacksmith, I High street Creswell Joseph Nash, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Hemming John William, pay clerk & collector to 'the see Oresswell & Russon IIromsgrove Urban District Council, Victoria road Creswell Thos. Horn & Trumpet P.H. Kidderminster I'd Higley Levi, farmer, Timberhonger Crooke Charles Gibbins, chemist, 84 High street Hobday Thomas, shopkeeper, 19 Strand Cutler Moses Robert, Nag's Head P.H. 17 Strand Hodson Clarence Adolphus L.D.S.Glas. dentist, 15 High st Dancer John, boot maker, 48 High 8treet Holliday Mary (Mrs.), fishmonger, Church street Davenport Charles Edgell, manager of Metropolitan Bank Holloway Harry Duncan, clerk to the guardians & assess- of England & Wales, High street ment &; school attendance committees of Bromsgrove Davis Samuel, Market Tavern P.H. Church street union & clerk to Bromsgrove rural district council, Daw Julia (Mrs.), Mitre P.H. Stourbridge street Birmingham road Dixon T. & M. coal & coke merchants, Worcester road Holt James Yates, solicitor, Birmingham road Drury Victor, boot & shoe manufacturer, Worcester I'd Holyoake John & Frank, solicitors, ~ew I'd. & at Droitwich Duffill Henry, shopkeeper, 10 Hanover street Holyoake Frank (firm, Holyoake John & ·Frank), solicitor, Duffill Joseph, shopkeeper, Sidemoor commissioner for oaths, &; clerk to the Stoke Prior Dufty George & Edwd. poulterers, 181 Worcester street united district school board, &; registrar of county East Worcestershire Water' Works Co. (William James court, New road; &; at Droitwich Shinner, :resident engineer & manager; P. 'V. 'Valker, Holyoake Willia~n (Mrs.), preparatory school for young 24 Waterloo street, Birmingham, sec.; A. W. Lowe, gentlemen, '\Vmdsor house Church green, South Redditch, collector); office~, 21 Home & Colonial Stores Lim. tea. &; prav. dlrs. 85 High st Stourbridge street Horsfall Sarah J. ~Mrs.), beer retailer, High street Eastmans Limited, butchers (Wm. Deakin, manager), 3 Horton Thomas, baker, Worcester road High street & 177 Worcester street Hughes Joseph, phot{)grapher, Crown close Edwards, Son & lIigwood, auctioneers, surveyors, house Humphreys John L.D.S.R.S.C.lrel., F.L.S. dentist, 15 & estate agents & valuers, 94 High street High street Ellis & Johnson, nurserymen, 24 High street Humphries & Hodson, dentists, 15 High street Emery ISMc, shopkeeper, II8 Worcester street Humphries George, builder, contractor & building Evans Charles, stationer & printer, 98 High street materials dealer, Chapel street Fawke Sarah (Miss), baker, 22 StI. John street Hunt William, cricket outfitter, 164 Worcester ,street Field & Son, drapers, 82 & 83, & outfitterS! 59, High st Ince Thomas Edwards, fruiterer, 18 High street Fire Engine Station (John E. Perkins, captain), Church st Ince Thomas Edwin, grocer, 55 High street Fisher Ellen (Mrs.), servants' registry, II9 High street Ingram Thomas, shopkeeper, Hanover street Fisher Thomas, dairyman, 34 Hi_gh street Inland Revenue Office (Alfred Santo, supervisor; Charles Fisher Thomas, saddler & harness maker, III High street :McLeish, officer), High street Filch Joseph William, bre,wer & wine & .~pirit nl.C'rchant, Institute (Sir H. F. Vernon, president; J. Y. Holt, hon. 169 'Worcester street sec.; T. Edwards Ince, librarian), New road Forrester A.lbert, Hop Pole P.H. Birmingham road Irish & Sons, china & glass dealers, 124 High street Fra~'::{\ Louise (Miss), milliner & fancy w.l,reho.67 Hig-h ~t James Harriet (Mrs.), dress maker, 47 Strand Freeman, Hardy & 'Willis Lim. boot &, shoe dlrs.77 High st James John, nail factor, Birmingham road Fryar George, milliner & dress maker, 80 High street J t'fferies Bros. grocers &; provision dealers, 53 & 81 High Gabb J ackson, solicitor, 94 High street street &; bakers, 94 '\Vorcester street Gadd George Henry, architect & surveyor, & architect to J effrt'y WilliaI1l, supt. of police, inspector of common Bromsgrove & North Bromsgrove Urban District Coun­ lodging houses for Bromsgrove & North Bromsgrove cils, New road urban distriot councils & of weights & measures, & George Ann (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 4 High street assistant relieving officer for vagrants, Crescent George Thomas, tobacconist, 102 High street Jeffrey William Henry, supt. of Prudential Assurance Co. Gibson Leonard, manager to Lloyd's Bank Loo. treasurer Lim. Birmingham _road to the Bromsgrove Poor Law union, Bromsgrove rural J ennings Herbert, plumber, 96 High street district council, i&; North Bromsgrove Urban District J ohnson J ane (Mrs.), brush & hardware mer. 45 High s~ Council Johnson Thomas, fancy draper, 66 High street CUes Angelo, !builder, contractor & builders' materials Johnston William, draper, 88 &; 89 High street dealer, Stourbridge street Jones &; Bratt, carriers, 1-1- 'Yorcester street Gilo3 Daniel, blacksmith & wheelwright, Station street Jones Matthew, Shoulder of Mutton P.H. St. John strea Goddard Joseph, draper, 165 'Worcester street Jones 'Villiam, Sampson P.H. Worcester street Godsall Bros. painters & plumbers, 46 Worcester street Juggins George Sidney, Park Gate P.ll Godsall George, baker, 159 Worcester street Keight WilIiam, 50 Worcester street Godsall John William, baker, 47 Worcester street Kendall William, dairyman &, carrier, Sidemoor Goff Edwin Arthur. grocer, 157 Worcester street Kidd Hugh Cameron, l\i.B.Lond., F.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon, Goodson Herbert Edward, provision dealer, 42 High st & medical officer of health to the urban district councilS'. Gray Edwin, shopkeeper, Rock hill & medical officer to the workhouse, New road Gray Misses (The), girls' school, Ellerslie New road Kirkland William, beer retailer, High street Gray George, picture frame maker, tobacconist & regis- Knight Charles, shopkeeppr, 29 St. John's street trar of marriages, 49 High street Lacey Fred. builder. contractm &; builders' materials Green Bros. hardware merchants. Kidderminster road dealer, Rock hill Green George & Co. manfrs. of wrought nails, 31 Strand.
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