RUWP10-cover.qxd 15/12/04 10:05 am Page 1 020 8347 6462 Smith+Bell RURAL-URBAN INTERACTIONS AND LIVELIHOOD STRATEGIES Cover design: Cover INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT IIED is an independent, non-profit organization Senegal and mobility: strategies adaptation change, Climate HUMAN SETTLEMENTS WORKING PAPER No.33 promotingRural-urban sustainable interactions patterns affect of world both rural and Senegal and mobility: strategies adaptation change, Climate IIED is an independent, non-profit organization Senegal and mobility: strategies adaptation change, Climate Senegal and mobility: strategies Senegal adaptation change, and mobility: strategies Climate adaptation change, Climate urban development, are often critical HUMAN SETTLEMENTS WORKING PAPER No.33 IIEDdevelopmentIIEDIIEDpromotingis isanis an anindependent, independent, independent, throughsustainable collaborativenon-profit non-profit non-profitpatterns organization of organization research,organization world policy HUMANHUMANRURAL-URBANHUMAN SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENTS INTERACTIONS WORKING WORKING WORKING AND PAPER PAPER PAPER LIVELIHOOD No.33 No.33 No.33 STRATEGIES influences on rural resource management and, promotingstudies,promotingpromotingdevelopment networking sustainable sustainable sustainable through and patterns patterns patterns knowledgecollaborative of of worldof world worlddissemination. research, policy RURAL-URBAN INTERACTIONS AND LIVELIHOOD STRATEGIES more generally, on rural environments. RURAL-URBANRURAL-URBANRURAL-URBAN INTERACTIONS INTERACTIONS INTERACTIONS AND AND AND LIVELIHOOD LIVELIHOOD LIVELIHOOD STRATEGIES STRATEGIES STRATEGIES developmentThedevelopmentdevelopmentstudies, Human networking through Settlementsthrough through collaborative collaborative andcollaborative knowledge Group research,works research, research, dissemination. with policy policy policy The scale and nature of these interactions studies,partnersstudies,studies,The networking Humannetworking networkingto help Settlementsestablish and and and knowledge knowledge knowledge better Group governed, dissemination. dissemination. dissemination.works more with however, and the extent to which they can be ThesustainableTheThe partnersHuman Human Human Settlementstocities Settlements helpSettlements in establish low- and Group Group Groupbetter middle-incomeworks worksgoverned,works with with with nations,more Climate change, adaptation influenced, remains poorly understood. partnersablepartnerspartnerssustainable to tooffer to helpto help helpsecure establishcities establish establish shelter,in low- better better better accessand governed, middle-incomegoverned, governed, to services more more more and nations, Climate change, adaptation sustainablesustainablesustainableIIED’s research cities cities cities in inlow- in programme low- low- and and and middle-income middle-income middle-income on Rural-Urban nations, nations, nations, ClimateClimateClimate change, change,change, adaptation adaptationadaptation reducedable to vulnerability offer secure to shelter, environmental access to hazards.services and Interactions,Livelihood Strategies and ableableable reducedto to offerto offer offer securevulnerability secure secure shelter, shelter, shelter, to access environmentalaccess access to to servicesto services services hazards. and and and strategies and mobility: evidence reducedThereducedreducedSocio-Economic work vulnerability vulnerability vulnerabilityof the Human Change to to environmentalto environmentalSettlements environmentalseeks to improveGrouphazards. hazards. hazards. is our strategies and mobility: evidence understanding of these rural-urban inter- organizedThe work under of the the Human following Settlements objectives: Group is strategiesstrategiesstrategies and andand mobility: mobility:mobility: evidence evidenceevidence linkages. It also seeks to develop policy TheTheThe workorganized work work of of theof the underthe Human Human Human the Settlements following Settlements Settlements objectives: Group Group Group is is is from four settlements in Senegal organized4 organizedorganizedguidelines %&"0&)$-* under under under on the the&''2)!")0&,*)(").''2 the following following ‘rural’following objectives:component objectives: objectives: of urban development and the ‘urban’ component of from four settlements in Senegal ")"#&4 %&"0&)$-* &'/,)&3.&*) &''2)!")0&,*)(").''2 fromfromfrom four fourfour settlements settlementssettlements in inin Senegal SenegalSenegal rural development. 4 4 4 %&"0&)$-* ")"#& %&"0&)$-*%&"0&)$-* &'/,)&3.&*) &''2)!")0&,*)(").''2 &''2)!")0&,*)(").''2&''2)!")0&,*)(").''2 ")"#&4"!/")"#&")"#& &'/,)&3.&*) &)$/,)+*0",.2 &'/,)&3.&*)&'/,)&3.&*) The case studies in this series examine: 4"!/ &)$/,)+*0",.2 4"!/4 !+.&)$4"!/4"!/ &)$/,)+*0",.2 &)$/,)+*0",.2&)$/,)+*0",.2 &.&"-.* '&(." %)$" G the linkages between small and intermediate 4 !+.&)$ &.&"-.* '&(." %)$" 4 !+.&)$4"4 !+.&)$4 !+.&)$towns /,&)$,/,'/,)-2)",$&"- and&.&"-.* &.&"-.*&.&"-.* their '&(." rural '&(."'&(." surrounds, %)$" %)$"%)$" with a special focus on the factors likely to 4" /,&)$,/,'/,)-2)",$&"- 4"The4"4" /,&)$,/,'/,)-2)",$&"-influenceGroup /,&)$,/,'/,)-2)",$&"-/,&)$,/,'/,)-2)",$&"- publishes urban the growth international potential journal (such as the role of a successful agricultural sector in EnvironmentThe Group andpublishes Urbanization the international, Working journal Paper urban development); TheSeriesTheThe GroupEnvironment Group Group and publishes bookspublishes publishes and on the urbanUrbanizationthe the international international international environment, Working journal journal journal and Paper EnvironmentdevelopmentEnvironmentEnvironmentSeries and and issues,booksand and Urbanization Urbanization Urbanization onas wellurban as environment, aWorking ,wide Working, Working variety Paper Paper Paperand of G the changing scale and nature of economic SeriesarticlesSeriesSeriesdevelopment and and andin books academic books books onissues, on onurban urbanand urban as other environmentwell environment environment as journals. a wide and varietyand and of activities, of land and labour markets developmentdevelopmentdevelopmentarticles in issues, academicissues, issues, as as wellas welland well as asother aas widea a wide widejournals. variety variety variety of of of articlesThearticlesarticles aroundGroup in inacademic in academic hasacademic cities, longstanding and and and and other theother other linksjournals.implications journals. journals. with an af forfiliate cities’ ecological footprints and for the livelihoods organization,The Group IIED-Américahas longstanding Latina links inwith Buenos an af filiateAires, of both the rural and urban poor; TheArgentina,TheThe Grouporganization, Group Group has ashas has longstanding well longstanding longstandingIIED-América as a number links links links ofLatinawith longwith with an termanin anaf Buenos affiliate af filiatepartnersfiliate Aires, organization,inorganization,organization, otherArgentina, cities IIED-América IIED-Américaasin IIED-América Asia,well as Africa a number Latina andLatina Latina Latin ofin inlongBuenos in BuenosAmerica. Buenos term Aires, partnersAires, Aires, G the nature of rural-urban interactions Argentina,Argentina,Argentina,in other as citiesas wellas well well asin as Asia,aas numbera a number numberAfrica of of and longof long long Latin term term term America.partners partners partners in Downloadableinotherin other otheramong cities cities cities inlow-, inAsia, inpublications Asia, Asia, middle- Africa Africa Africa and asand and and well Latin upper-incomeLatin Latin as America. other America. America. groups in both urban and rural areas; communicationsDownloadable canpublications be accessed as wellat 111&&"!*,$ as other DownloadableDownloadableDownloadablecommunications publications publications publications can be as accessed as wellas well well as as otherasat other other111&&"!*,$ by Dr. MOHAMADOU SALL, AL ASSANE SAMB, G the causes, mechanisms and consequences International Institute communicationscommunicationscommunications can can can be be accessedbe accessed accessed at at 111&&"!*,$at 111&&"!*,$ 111&&"!*,$ by Dr. MOHAMADOU SALL, AL ASSANE SAMB, of migration (including out-migration and bybyDr.by Dr. Dr. SERIGNEDr. MOHAMADOU MOHAMADOU MOHAMADOU MANSOUR SALL, SALL, SALL, TALL AL AL AL ASSANE ASSANEand ASSANE Dr. ALY SAMB, SAMB, SAMB, TANDIAN for Environment and return migration) in source areas, and the Dr. SERIGNE MANSOUR TALL and Dr. ALY TANDIAN Development role of gender and generation in relation to Dr.Dr.Dr. SERIGNE SERIGNE SERIGNE MANSOUR MANSOUR MANSOUR TALL TALL TALL and and and Dr. Dr. Dr. ALY ALY ALY TANDIAN TANDIAN TANDIAN 3 Endsleigh Street agricultural production systems and natural NOVEMBER 2011 London WC1H 0DD resource management. NOVEMBER 2011 United Kingdom NOVEMBERNOVEMBERNOVEMBER 2011 2011 2011 Tel: +44 207 388 2117 HUMAN SETTLEMENTS AND Fax: +44 207 388 2826 SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE Email: [email protected] AND RURAL LIVELIHOODS http://www.iied.org PROGRAMMES ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This paper and the research on which it draws were prepared with financial support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Additional funding was provided by the Swedish International Development Cooperation (Sida) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (Danida). Technical support from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) is also gratefully acknowledged. The opinions expressed
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