AN -2 /9/8 VoL X January, 1918 No.7 to cen .. per copy Co..,.LlOltT Itl l .,. C ••CIIMDO ru •. Co. $1.00 per rear AU rt.hyl'eMl"Nd "~TQM" "" 811tOOWII C ...... M"''M''Ka J UN .. I. lICIt, ,toT Til" "on' O",ICt! AT no.Tolf, ....... UNOO Acr 0 ,. M ....c ll I. 1819. Th_ CRESCENDO 1I=1=lu BRILLIANT MANDOLIN ORCHESTRA MUSIC SINGLE PARTS CO .. BINATIONS Eaeh numbe:rl.aLtoetf«th'et,. ~ ~ _rratl..-d 'w aa,..mal.. eclat- blnaOoa. Banjo ~ In both i .a H t 1 1 AaadCNoutioa < i~ ~ < I" ~ iI ; U i~ ~o DISCOUNT ON&.IIALF OPF ! ! a ~~ i~ 00 S .. ~ ~1 :: J ! l 0 i ~ il ~ EACIf ~ Gay Chauffeur. The. March .80 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .60 .60 .40 .60 G. L. Lansing and H. F. Odell la l,",ooolaDd. Intermezzo .80 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .60 .60 .40 .60 H. A. Peck Arr. B. F. Odell La T:r.I ••ue. Muurka Hongroile .40 .80 .80 .80 .20 .80 .20 .60 .80 1.00 .60 .80 0 L. GanDe Arr. H. F. Odell Love'. Golden &Jemoriea .80 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .60 .60 .40 .60 0 ~ H. F. Odell MandoU"e . .SO .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .40 .60 .60 .40 .60 Fr. Thome Arr. B. F. Odell 11 ••qu er.der•• Tltl!. .80 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .40 .60 .60 .'0 .60 Dorothy Wbite Pri!?i.~ · ~ ~:~~~~.nc. .80 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .40 .60 .60 .40 .60 J . T. Clark Arr. H. F. Odell Our Co".",.'- Catalot/ of Man.dolu.. Guitar. BGlfjo Mu.ic, Elc., Sellt Free to A nlto,.. WHITE· SMITH MUSIC PUBLISHING CO. bBOSTON. 82 St...... 8.. NBW YOBK. IS B ••• 17'h S.. CHICAGO. 318 S •• W.b•• h A"~ "C. ~==I(g)[§u nCOl F2 New Ones by ~~dell for'::::lin Orchestra 2§~ READY JA.N. 1 to 16 SOLDIERS OF FREEDOM-March " A snappy, catchy, vigorous march, full of "pep" and martial in character. A real foot-mover. Immense trio in the song atyle. Great pacta for all inltrumenu. You need this march ; you'll like it, your playere will like it, Rnd your audiences will like it. BEAUTIFUL RAINBOW - Waltz A short., pr~~8'h,~~!:pre~~;IT.I~~, ~~j~~~L::~~~8~0?a~~&i~dg~! w~~t; :::~::~ii~:~:d;~r~he:y~hey hear it : PBRO!OT~EBS {~~~ ~*~·i~~;~ H :ji Dj.~~.,g~~~~ ~;~ :/· it tWJ.~TI:~·'.:· :ii N.. • _ ........... .25N., B •• io Ob"l. I.• bot. A .n. C ••• H ••• ol •••• M .....C.U.I .• Tr_• ..-••••• N •••Tr.n ....... DISCOUNT " OFF Mandolin Duo . .... )UtnoneUe . .. .. ....... Od,ll.... .50 Very pretty ALS Guitar Solo .. ... ...... Dream of SpaIn....... ...... Burke. .<10 Charming O Ukulele Solo .......... Cheel' Up .... ............ ... .. Burke .. .40 Very easy NEW Steel Guitar Solo . ..... Dri.ftinfl on IIUo ntl)'. .. • . •••• BKrlu... Solo .40 S. G. acc . • 20 Banjo Solo . .. .. .... J ..per·. Golden Weddiot ..... Bedford. , . .40 A dandy SOMEWHERE IN DIXIE ~~S~~'S :tlJ8 ~ca~ :::40e. ea. ~ off ~ck~he~-:!fcr:n~~~ :~gli~~:d ~~ ARLING SHAEFFER ~~~~d~:ek~li;:!n~;:~~h~e~:~ew~:::~ SEND FOR NEW CATALOG. and Your Ord.ra to U,. D1.eountl •• U,Ual Libonati,et.c. Washburn.nd EliteMethodl 300 8am:~:r~::OaDp~;!.an::ai':!:~:rIl~C!!t!i-:;a.~dDl:e~ :~O~~f I~~~~· :n;b~~~~~~e~:lDl FREE H. F. ODELL & CO. ... 165 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. ~~~c~RI::~~::;;::~~~~I~~U;;;;;;;;~q~I~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~UW pu.ua ID:NTION' Hr.aJC8C&NDO" WHBN WJlITINQ TO ADVBaTUER8 - Th. CRESCENDO U@h Mr. Theodore Schwab is an artist of the first rank. His work on the lenor banjo and mandolin banjo has met with great Bueeeu iD leading the8tres throughout the United Statcs and Canada. For the past year he hal been located in Detroit and has appeared 8a soloist at many of the leading clUbs and 80cia1 events. We are pleased to present the pholo of this splendid artiat who Mr. Percy Guest of Grinnell Bros. nys is one of the best players at the tenor banjo he has ever hurd. The Vega is the instrument which meets Mr. Schwab'. cri tical demands. Mr. Wm. L. Russe ll of Tacoma. Washington, i8 making a great hit with his Tu-be-phone Tenor Banjo in orchestra work. In a late letter he saYI: "We are making a g reat hit with our dance orches­ tra here this .ea.on. I would have had a good many more engage- [§] menta if I had not been 110 .Iow in taking up the tenor banjo. We ~~ have a Commercial Club, Country Club and Elks' Club dance. and are 10 much in demand that. we are engaged mont.hs ahend. Our live-piece combination consist. of Tenor Banjo, Violin, Saxophone, ~~ THEODORE SCHWA8, Detroit, Mich. Pinno and Drums." ~ At the right we ahowthe Banjo Quintette of the celebratt d ~ Pettine Dance Orchestra oC twenty. two mU IJiciamt. The ~ . t t" nor·banjo playeu ,hown double on other ins truments, l!:!J When th;, nanjo B."..e ;, ;n nel;on the,. ;, ,ometh;n. ~ doing and your feet have to move whether you can dance or not. §~~ @ Perhaps you have often thought of a "Vega." Many players already are satis fi ed owners. The trade mark "Vega" guarantees quality. IF IT I" A DANJO. MANDOLIN OR GU ITAR YOU WISH, WE CAN SUIT YO U VrR(' In.trunumt. Vega In. tJ'Knt.nt. For Sale at .sPECIAL OFFER For Safe at JOHN WANAMAKER, N T Ban' Itt' Bo k 68 E. F . DROOP &: SONS CO .. J6~; ~~kN~~AKER , Jg~~ar r!!~f". JO .n~:la~Co!~~.q o~ .r C v:~~~n:::n ·B~·~ .. Philadelphia, Pa. 1' !lubur.. l'a. D~~~=';:,;rIERot.DANIELS. LET US MAIL YOU CATALOGS FREE lI Ci~(I!~a:~~~':. SON CO.. LYON" HEA I. Y, Banjoa, Mandolin •• Tenor. Guitar and 'Cello Banjos, COLDSMITIl'S MUSIC STORE, ChLuJrO, III . Vega M.ndolina and Ve~a Guitart, a lao Columbua, Ohio SOUTHERN CALI FOIlNIA . "Vol« of the Ve...... CRi-::SSEY II ALLEN. MUSIC CO., t.o. An~les. Cal. PortJ ...d , .... GRJNNELL unoll.. KOfll.ER It CHASE. DoITOlt. Mich. THE VEGA CO. San FTanciaco. Cal. McDOUGALL WUS IC CO.. LEVIS MUSIC STORE. C;:~~a:D~';;'ON CO. (Lute.) 155ColumbusAve.,BostoD,Mas8.,U.S.A. C~:;~U:'CYCo . New York ell,. SyracUte, N. Y. ~~~Uh~~~~~~~Mill~I~'~~~~I~~CJ~iI~~~,llil~~iI~~~~~'I§~!I~~~~~~~I!~~ PL&£BB IISNTION " cauCSNDO" WIl&N WaiTING TO ADV£JlTI8BRB 2 The CRESCENDO Arrived With a Bang!=TheJazz Band! When America makes a move­ menta I And wliat • great bl, pUlh .JAZZ! musical or military - that move, like He pland, I think, a clarinet, ,for the Plectralln.trumenta I the firat ahot .t the BatUe of BWlker Or eomethinc t!'" that J foreet ; BANJO.M.ANDOIJNS, too, and .. Hill, is heard 'round the world. But anyway leaulrhthlaeyt!, Guitara and Harp-GuJtars. and the Uncle Sam sent the Ukulele 1 aaked him wouJd he teU me why whole Mandolin family, from Tenor Hta band w .. Jau. and how It eame round the world recenUy - and the To ha,.e ao curioua a nama 1 Mandolin down to Mando-Baa­ Banjo.Mandolin. And now, in the He looked a Uttle hurt and pained. they'll .U ao in the I.teat world· ..teat American mUllical furore­ And eo I haaUly uplalned ace - the Juz Band . the J aa Band-the Banjo cornea Thlt 1. of cou ..... couJd underetand TEACHERS - DEALBRS - WhyonewouldcllIabandaband ; into it a ownl "But what," 1 ..ld. "a Jau may ba. The cabaret, cafe. dance and Thet la the point thatpualN mel ~~~~;hl~~=:-:I:t::! concert·hall public demand the Jazz And furthermore, I want to aay. and dauical publication.; Sample Band. The musical publishers are You'd baUer tell mericht away !" Copie. of Methods. Join the I pulled hll hllr, and jerked hll nOM. Stahl live·wire organization ofthe B. liLG. puttina out special orchestrations. I .IM ,tepped upon hta toe.. And the BanjOil head the bUll And then. to huten hll repb'. fratemity - the Stahl oraanization. STAHL WOOD-RIM BANJOS­ I poked my fineer In hla en. Cuh in on JauBand popularity they pia,. the role of real music in Said he, "I he,.. en lunt.ofat-" -and on the buaineu from our boy. "Come. com.... I aaid. " WI'U ,kip ,II th.t, the Jazz Band, while the trombones in khaki. Join the ''Bie PuahH and Jut tell m. why your band '- Jau. and bruaes lenerally, and even the Wh,t•• er feuon that it h ..... .end American Plectral Jrwtrumenta piano,8upply the comedy. What a HI cocked hil h ..d end ,milked at me. round the world. fall for the "recognized" if\ltru- "Why. J,n1 Oh, Jus beeauae," ,aid he. Write right now. W.M. C. STAHL, Send Full PtirHeultlr8 Reeardinl1 Your Monthly Mandolin New I •• ue JUST SAY .'ropo"itioll. with Com),lete Cntnlol! anti Sample Part. Free of CharQ;e TIIUi MONTU'S NEW ISSCES W·I-8,S·I·S·8·I·P·P·I, Fo. Trot MANDOLIN CLUB PUBLICATIONS TIlH'oey·Toc:abcn .... A All Pari. Wrlll." ,,, Bo,1I NotoU.". A Little 811 0' Honly PRICE SCHEDULE 01" fIIAND. CLUB MUSIC-L.lter.nertlUe\odk:atNprke: ABC l.tM.ndolln ......................................................................... 310 .40 -'<I W ..hlolrloO Qrlyl, rJ:~~t.·DoLd · OdeU .... A 2odM.ndollo. Qult.t Ace ......... ... .. ..... .. ............................. a .eh .10 .20 .30 Qr.tfuU ..Odell .... A Jrd M.nd , Mlndal •• Mlndo-Cello. Maodo-Ba... ,.Iule, Cello,t8.njoObbl,10 Odell .n. ooly) ......... ................................................... E ..:.h. .1$ .2S .SS Rell:u l.r Orchutra Patte publl$hed to oumb.".
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