Lessons Learned: Dewatering of an Open Cut in a Confined Aquifer Enseñanzas del Desagüe de una Excavación en un Acuífero Confinado Alan R. Crumley Managing Partner, GeoConsult, Inc., San Juan, Puerto Rico Abstract Construction of a deep pumping station required excavation into a confined aquifer. Soils consisted of alternating cohesive and granular layers. An extensive investigation was followed by various pumping tests used to predict aquifer behavior. The open cut excavation was dewatered by an initial level of wellpoints and was to be followed by another wellpoint level and surface drainage from trenches inside the final excavation berm. It was ultimately dewatered completely using a peripheral drainage system installed within each berm. Aquifer parameters were inferred from borehole tests and are compared with data from the pump tests. Drawdown and flow predictions are compared with results obtained during excavation. It is concluded that dewatering designs in confined aquifers must consider influences from different aquifers, and that layering can seriously affect predictions that are solely based on perceived or calculated parameters. Given time and cost constraints that normally preclude multiple well tests, it is necessary to consider various scenarios before excavation. Finally, it is once again confirmed that investigations for foundation design usually provide few data for use in a dewatering and excavation design, so that additional investigation and analyses are usually necessary to provide reasonable indications of parameters. Resumen Para la construcción de una estación de bombeo, fue necesario excavar en un acuífero confinado. El perfil del subsuelo consistía de capas alternas de suelos cohesivos y granulares. Luego de una extensa investigación, se realizaron pruebas de bombeo para predecir el comportamiento del acuífero. La excavación a cielo abierto fue inicialmente desaguada en una primera etapa con puntas coladeras; el diseño incluiría otro nivel de puntas y desagüe con trincheras en el fondo. El diseño fue modificado según los resultados. La excavación finalmente fue desaguada con un sistema de drenaje periferal en cada berma y al fondo usando zanjas rellenas de grava y pozos criollos. Al inicio se obtuvieron los parámetros del acuífero con sondeos y pruebas de pruebas de permeabilidad en sondeos con carga variable; se comparan estos resultados con los de las pruebas de bombeo. Se comparan las predicciones de flujo y abatimiento con los resultados obtenidos. Se concluye que obras de desagüe en acuíferos confinados deberán considerar influencias de otros acuíferos, y que la estratificación puede seriamente afectar las predicciones que se hacen a base de parámetros percibidos u obtenidos de pruebas en sondeos Dado las restricciones de costo y tiempo en la mayoría de los casos, es necesario considerar varios escenarios antes de proceder con la excavación. Finalmente, una vez más se confirma que las investigaciones realizadas para diseño de cimentaciones rara vez proveen datos utilizables en diseños de excavaciones y obras de desagüe, por lo que se requieren investigaciones y análisis adicionales para obtener los parámetros de diseño. excavation described herein ultimately measured 1 EXCAVATION AND SUBSURFACE 240 by 280 feet. While most of the land on the DETAILS boundaries consisted of sugar cane fields, there was a nearby refinery on the western boundary of At Guayama in south Puerto Rico, deep the excavation that could be affected by prolonged excavations were required for construction of dewatering. various structures that were necessary at a waste The site lies about 2,000 feet from the ocean. A treatment plant. Construction of a deep pump subsoil profile presents an alluvial scenario, with station required excavation to 53 feet that included 23 to 40 feet of intervening stiff clay and dense 32 feet below water. The bottom of the pump silty sand layers (about 20 to 40 feet thick), over station measured 60 by 90 feet; the top of the open 30 feet of highly weathered diorite bedrock (with SPT N~100), over unweathered diorite. Water lies layers was not easily evident since continuous 15 feet below ground surface; this is also about 15 sampling was not performed. feet above mean sea level, which indicates significant recharge from mountains some 3 miles to the north. 2 PUMPING TESTS 0 Given the heterogeneous conditions encountered, and few data regarding subsurface 10 Range:Pump Test 1 flows at the site, two pumping tests were conducted on two 12-inch test wells, with 13 20 observation wells and 3 piezometers arranged in a convenient pattern (Figure 2); depths of 30 instruments were on the order of 50 to 70 feet Excavation throughout the site, depending on location and bottom 40 distance. Since the initial profiles indicated that Test 2 Test layering was not continuous, the design for the p two test wells included 60' of continuous wire- 50 e:Pum wound screen, sufficient for a gravity or artesian g Depth (ft) situation. The first test lasted for 24 hours and 60 Ran pumped 300 gallons per minute (gpm). Drawdown at this well was 50 feet. The second well was 70 pumped at 185 gpm for 9.5 hours and had 62 feet of drawdown. Both wells were 80 feet in length 80 Range: Top of and 12 inches in diameter; flow rates were Borehole GTP-2 weathered measured by the orifice method (Anderson, 1971). diorite 90 Neither of the wells could be pumped at higher Borehole GTP-1 rates without drying. 100 1E+00 1E-01 1E-02 1E-03 1E-04 1E-05 1E-06 Permeability (ft/min) Figure 1 Borehole Falling Head Tests For the entire wastewater plant, a rather thorough subsoil investigation had been performed for foundation design using Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) at 5-foot intervals. The presence of a heterogeneous stratigraphy became evident early in the design. The effect of layering on dewatering was recognized before excavation began, and it became a very important factor as initial results were evaluated. For the granular layers, grain size analyses indicated the following size ranges: gravel 28 to 40%, sand 52 to 53%, fines 20 to 7%. At D50, the size range was on the order of 2 mm=0.35 inches, a coarse sand although, as noted, there existed significant variation in fines content. Up to 5 feet of artesian pressures were registered in some piezometers installed at the site. Falling head borehole permeability tests were conducted within the proposed excavation area, yielding the results Figure 2 Test Layout shown on Figure 1. Numerous borings indicated that the sand and gravel deposits had variable The time-drawdown relationship is greatly thickness and were interbedded or interrupted by affected by the variation in aquifer thickness stiff clay layers. But, horizontal continuity of throughout the site, which at this site varied significantly, as shown on Figure 3. The best data noted in a north direction, towards the mountains. available on spatial variation was the performance Only 4 of 14 observation wells or piezometers had of the two pump test wells: two identical wells significant response; one of the instruments had were installed, but the yield from one was about far greater drawdown than would have been two-thirds of the other. expected from the other pump test. The average -4 storage coefficient sc was 7x10 , but some values ELEV. (feet) -3 50 were recorded at 10 ; these values are indicative GROUND SURFACE CUT TO PROPOSED EXCAVATION WATER LEVEL of a confined aquifer. Storage coefficients were CLAY greater towards the hills than towards the ocean, CLAY CLAY 0 CLAY indicating a “more-confined” condition. GRAVEL GRAVEL GRAVEL CLAY SAPROLITE CLAY Permeabilities from each pumping test are SAPROLITE WEATHERED ROCK WEATHERED ROCK presented in Table 1 and Table 2. The results indicate permeabilities that are significantly -50 higher than those from falling head tests on Figure 3 East-West Cross-Section at Excavation borings within the same area. The responses in the instruments from each pump test clearly vary by Drawdown and recovery data were used with two, with respect to permeability. the Theis and Jacob methods. The time– Elapsed time, minutes drawdown plots indicated flattening of the curve 1 10 100 1000 10000 over time, 80 to 300 minutes after start of 0 pumping (Figure 4); this could indicate that the Pump Test #2, Well #2, cone of depression has tapped into a recharge 185 gpm: 5 ---- source, or that there exists leakage from another GTP-4, r = 130 feet aquifer. Since there were no surface recharge At GTP-2, Pump Test #1, GTP-2 10 Well #1, 300 gpm sources within the radius of influence, it was r = 169 feet concluded that the flattening of the drawdown r = 152 feet Drawdown, feet curve was due to subsurface leakage, or 15 At GTP-4, Pump Test #1, intersection of the cone of depression with a zone Well #1, 300 gpm of greater permeability, or a thicker aquifer. r = 130 feet 20 Figure 5 presents the response of two observation wells, one of which was located exactly midway Figure 5 Leakage or Recharge the two pumping wells. Figure 6 shows drawdown against distance; the small radius of influence is Distance from pumped well, feet 10 100 1000 apparent, although reliable data are few. Perhaps a 0 better investment would have been multiple depth 5 Test 2, 185 gpm, piezometers at the same locations. 10 drawdown at Elapsed time, minutes pumped well was 62 Reading during 15 1 10 100 1000 10000 feet. Test 2 at Well 0 20 #1 25 Test 1, 300 gpm, 30 drawdown at pumped well GTP-4, Pump Test #2 35 was 50 feet. 5 at Well #2, 185 gpm, r = 130 feet 40 Measured drawdown, feet drawdown, Measured Drawdowns PT2 45 Drawdowns PT1 50 Drawdown, feet 10 GTP-4, Pump Test #1 Figure 6 Distance against drawdown at Well #1, 300 gpm, r = 130 feet Based on inspection of samples, it was decided 15 to assume that saprolite and weathered rock were Figure 4 Time-drawdown curve impervious, in spite of the fact that the two borehole falling head tests yielded permeabilities The results of the pump tests indicated of 10-3 ft/min at the same depths.
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