13446 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 30, 2000 ask my colleagues in the House to join me in TRIBUTE TO THE LATE SERVICE- W. Mann, 36th Service Group, 374th Service further relieving some of the unanticipated ef- MEN OF USAAF B–17 40–2072 Squadron; Pfc. Charles M. Williams, 455th fects of the BBA 1997 and join me in sup- Service Squadron; T/5 William A. Briggs, porting H. Res. 535. HON. GARY G. MILLER 478th Service Squadron, 1037th Signals; Cpl. OF CALIFORNIA Edward Tenny, 479th Service Squadron. f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Pfc. Norman J. Goetz, 480th Service Squadron; Pfc. Frederick C. Sweet, 481st Thursday, June 29, 2000 INTRODUCTION OF THE NATIONAL Service Squadron, 46th Ordnance Company; FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM Mr. GARY MILLER of California. Mr. Speak- T/Sgt. Alfred H. Frezza, 27th Depot Repair FAIRNESS ACT OF 2000 er, I rise today to recognize and honor forty Squadron; Cpl. Jacob O. Skaggs, Jr., 27th American soldiers killed over fifty-seven years Depot Repair Squadron; Pvt. James E. HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK ago in a terrible aviation accident. This mishap Finney, 27th Depot Repair Squadron; Pvt. occurred in Bakers Creek, Queensland, Aus- OF CALIFORNIA Raymond D. Longabaugh, 842nd Aviation En- tralia on 14 June 1943. At the time, it was not gineer Battalion; Cpl. Marlin D. Metzger, 374th IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES only the worst aviation accident in Australia, Troop Carrier Group, 6th Troop Carrier Squad- Thursday, June 29, 2000 but also the worst aviation accident of World ron; Pfc. Frank S. Penska, 374th Troop Car- War II. Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, today I am intro- rier Group, 6th Troop Carrier Squadron; Sgt. The aircraft was operated by the United ducing the National Flood Insurance Program Anthony Rudnick, 565th Signal Battalion, States Army Air Force 46th Transport Carrier Fairness Act of 2000. This February many of Company A; Pfc. Vernon Johnson, 440th Sig- Squadron, 317th Troop Carrier Group my constituents were placed into a special nal Battalion, Company A; Pfc. John W. (46TCG) of the 5th Air Force, United States hazard flood zone, a designation which neces- Parker, 809th Chemical Company. Army Air Force, and was one of many B–17 sitated the purchase of flood insurance. These Mr. Speaker, although these men came aircraft removed and converted from combat residents were not notified that they would be from twenty different states, were from many status and placed with the 46th as a transport required to purchase flood insurance until two different walks of life, and served in many dif- aircraft. Shortly after takeoff from the Mackay months or less before the maps became effec- ferent units, their common purpose was one: airport in Bakers Creek, Australia, their B–17 tive, even though the law is supposed to give service to our nation. Until recently, the details flying Fortress lost altitude, falling to the earth them six months notice. This exacerbated an of this mishap were classified by the Air in a slow and steady bank and crashed in a already difficult situation, as residents who had Force, but now that the incident is available ball of flames. In addition to the six crew not seen flooding in decades or a lifetime had for public attention, I desire to honor the mem- members, thirty-five soldiers were on board, little notice to purchase costly insurance. ory of these fine young men. returning to their posts after being on leave in I applaud the efforts of people like Mr. Colin Several residents who did not believe they Mackay. Their names, rank, and units follow: Benson, who is a historian for the Mackay were in the flood zone hired a surveyor at Crew: 1/Lt. Vern J. Gidcumb, Pilot, 317th chapter of the Returned and Service League their own expense. The data provided by this Troop Carrier Group, 46th Troop Carrier (RSL) of Australia. Mr. Benson’s devotion to private surveyor resulted in their homes being Squadron; F/O William C. Erb, Co-Pilot, 317th obtaining the records of the incident and seek- removed from the special hazard flood zone. Troop Carrier Group, 46th Troop Carrier ing recognition for these men has been long While these residents were not required to Squadron; 2/Lt. Jack A. Ogren, Navigator, and arduous. As an Australian, Mr. Benson’s purchase flood insurance, they did spend over 317th Troop Carrier Group, 46th Troop Carrier dedication to our American soldiers is com- $200 each for the surveyor. They were told by Squadron; S/Sgt. Lovell Dale Curtis, Crew mendable. Rarely does a foreign country ap- FEMA that they were responsible for that ex- Chief, 317th Troop Carrier Group, 46th Troop plaud the efforts and sacrifices of another, and pense, even though the mistaken flood zone Carrier Squadron; S/Sgt. Frank E. Whelchel, strive so hard to honor their dead. I also ap- classification was made by the county engi- Crew Chief, 374th Troop Carrier Group, 22th plaud Mr. Eugene D. Rossel’s commitment neers. Troop Carrier Squadron; Sgt. David E. and dedication to the disclosure of this terrible Clearly the national flood insurance program Tileston, Radio Operator, 317th Troop Carrier mishap. He is that type of American who will needs to be revised to give homeowners more Group, 46th Troop Carrier Squadron. not rest until heroes like the men I listed notice and due process. That’s why I am pro- Passengers: Pfc. Arnold Seidel, 5th Air above are recognized for their personal sac- posing this legislation. Force, 415th Signal Company; Pvt. Ruben L. rifice. The National Flood Insurance Program Fair- Vaughn, 5th Fighter Command, HQ Squadron; Mr. Speaker, I ask that we give thanks to all ness Act of 2000 would do the following: Re- T/5 George A. Ehrman, 5th fighter Command, our veterans for the sacrifices they made for quire the FEMA Director to notify by registered Signal HQ Company; S/Sgt. Roy A. Hatlen, our great nation. Unfortunately, we must also mail the Chief Executive Officer of each com- 35th Fighter Group, 40th Fighter Squadron; S/ live with the knowledge that some of our serv- munity affected by changes in Flood Insurance Sgt. John W. Hilsheimer, 35th Fighter Group, icemen and women do not live long enough to Rate Maps. The Director will be required to 40th Fighter Squadron; Sgt. Dean H. Busse, become veterans. They give their lives so that provide a copy of the revised map, along with 35th Fighter Group, 40th Fighter Squadron; ours might be better, and the men of B–17 a statement explaining the process of appeal. Cpl. Raymond H. Smith, 35th Fighter Group, 40–2071 did no less. May we continue to rec- The director will also provide the affected 40th Fighter Squadron; Maj. George N. Pow- ognize and memorialize our fallen servicemen community sufficient information to identify ell, 49th Fighter Group, HQ Squadron; Pfc. Je- and women, long into the future. which homes are affected. Require the Direc- rome Abraham, 49th Fighter Group, Hq f tor to notify by registered mail the Chief Exec- Squadron; Pvt. Charles, D. Montgomery, 49th utive Officer of each community of FEMA’s re- Fighter Group, 7th Fighter Squadron; Capt. CONGRATULATING 30 SIXTH GRAD- sponse to the community’s appeal of the flood John O. Berthold, 49th Fighter Group, 8th ERS OF SHADY LANE ELEMEN- insurance rate maps. Require the Director to Fighter Squadron; Sgt. Carl A. Cunningham, TARY SCHOOL notify by first class mail each owner of prop- 49th Fighter Group, 8th Fighter Squadron. erty affected by the changes in the flood insur- Sgt. Charlie O. LaRue, 49th Fighter Group, HON. ROBERT E. ANDREWS ance rate maps. Require FEMA to reimburse 8th Fighter Squadron; Sgt Leo. E. Fletcher, OF NEW JERSEY a resident for reasonable costs incurred in 38th Bombardment Group, 405th Bombard- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES connection with a surveyor or engineer for an ment Squadron; Sgt. Donald B. Kyper, 38th appeal to the Director which is successful. Bombardment Group, 405th Bombardment Thursday, June 29, 2000 This does not include legal services incurred Squadron; Cpl. Franklin F. Smith, 38th Bom- Mr. ANDREWS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to by the resident. bardment Group, 405th Bombardment Squad- commemorate a great day, on which 30 sixth It is my hope that the legislation will allow ron; T/Sgt. James A. Copeland, 8th Service grade students from Shady Lane Elementary communities to better work with FEMA to en- Group, HQ Squadron; Cpl. Charles W. Samp- School reached all of the appropriate levels on sure that residents are given sufficient, fair, son, 8th Service Group, 11th Service Squad- their Terra Nova test. Ms. Pat Campanile’s and timely notice if they will be required to ron; Pfc. Dale Van Fosson, 8th Service Group, sixth grade class is an outstanding group of purchase flood insurance. 1160th Quartermaster Company; Pfc. Kenneth young people. I wish the best of luck to the VerDate Aug 04 2004 13:39 Nov 01, 2004 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR00\E30JN0.001 E30JN0.
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