The Peace Center – Martin The house bears the name “Martin Niemöller House Niemöller ” not only because he The Peace Center – Martin Niemöller House at worked here as a Pacelliallee 61 was officially opened on 16 January pastor of the Dah- 1982. The pastor of the Evangelical Church in Dah- lem Community, lem, Pastor Möckel, had moved out of the former but also because, parsonage in 1979 and in the meantime, the house was after his liberation being used to house Argentinian refugees. However, in 1945, he com- there remained the pressing question as to the future mitted himself to use and financing of the house, which was protected working for peace, under memorial status. A core group and the Dahlem especially in taking a stand against those who endan- Community’s Church Council considered a variety of gered peace through excessive rearmament. Niemöl- possible uses. They wanted the house to become a ler gladly allowed his name to be given to this house, facility which would reach beyond the borders of the with the stipulation that under no circumstances, church community, yet also one in which numerous should the house become a museum, rather it should members of the Dahlem Community would partici- be filled with life. There were several meetings with pate. him, mediated by his daughter Hertha von Klewitz, who was an active participant in the work of the With this goal, the decision was made (still during the house until her death. Cold War!) in favor of creating a “Peace Center,” in which groups and organizations involved in peace An exhibit about the history of the Evangelical work could meet and work together to organize Church Community of Dahlem during National So- events and projects and which also could be linked to cialism was opened in 1982 at the same time as the the life of the church community in a variety of ways. house was established as a peace center – one year later a catalog containing this information was com- Members of the Association of the Peace Center in- pleted. It is still available for viewing today. Mem- cluded: Aktion Sühnezeichen/Friedensdienste e.V. bers of the support circle looked into the develop- (Action Reconciliation Service for Peace), Aktions- ment of the question: Could what the Confessing gemeinschaft Solidarische Welt (Action for World Church had experienced and learned through its re- Solidarity), Weltfriedensdienst (Service for World sistance against the appropriation of the church by Peace), Frauen für den Frieden (Women for Peace), the National Socialist state be helpful for the current Versöhnungsbund (International Fellowship of Rec- work in the peace movement? Further projects fol- onciliation), Service Civil International, Deutsche lowed: first-hand accounts from witnesses; arranging Friedensgesellschaft/vereinigte Kriegsdienstgegner events concerning peace, justice, and environmental (German Society for Peace), Amnesty International, preservation; questioning representatives from the and of course the Evangelical Church Community of Bundestag about their attitudes towards the NATO Dahlem as well as the church district of Zehlendorf, Double-Track Decision (concerning limitation/ among many others. Dedicated members of the Dah- deployment of missiles). International workcamps lem community and others who were interested in became an important part of the activities; during the these activities formed a Circle of Friends and Sup- last decade, people, especially from European coun- porters. Members of this support circle and represen- tries and the United States, live and work together, tatives of the member groups of the house meet every while also getting to know Berlin and confronting month, along with the community that lives in the social and political world problems. house, in order to plan activities related to the goal of the house as well as to coordinate necessary repairs In the 25 years since the establishment of the Peace and renovations. Center, many people have discovered here a lively place, actively involved in social-political work. The At first, four former Aktion Sühnezeichen/ house survives through donations and, to a great de- Friedensdienste volunteers lived in the house as a gree, the commitment of volunteers. The groups ap- community. Today, the community living there is preciate the open atmosphere, the uncomplicated composed of four dedicated women who volunteer system of taking care of themselves, and especially their time to care for the everyday coordination of the large yard. To this day, the following groups, house activities and who strive to create an atmos- among others, work in the Martin Niemöller House: phere in the house, which differentiates it from a typical conference center. Part of the character of the house is that no full-time “Peace Workers” are em- ployed. 1. Aktion Sühnezeichen/Friedensdienste e.V. (Action 3. Dritte-Welt-Laden (Ein Welt Laden) Reconciliation Service for Peace) The Dritte-Welt-Laden is represented by an of- Founded in 1957 by Pastor Lothar Kreissig, in fice, the inventory, and a small store (in Niemöl- order to perform reconciliation work in countries lers old garage). This group is concerned with fair which suffered from German aggression during trade and supporting small producers as well as the Nazi regime. For the past 50 years, young direct marketing. people have committed themselves to a year of volunteer work in social and political projects. Additionally, a wide spectrum of different groups Preparation and conclusion seminars for the par- come for seminars, one-time events, and a variety of ticipants take place in the Martin Niemöller uses by the Dahlem church community. In 25 years, House. there have been many changes, through which the house could remain lively and embrace its mission. 2. Versöhnungsbund (International Fellowship of The opening of the newly created Erinnerungsort Reconciliation) (Place of Remembrance) about the life of Martin The Versöhnungsbund organizes exchanges, such Niemöller was celebrated on 1 July 2007, as a way to as work camps, for young people in the United enrich the historical aspects of the house and to give States, Tanzania, and, since 1989, between East the life and effect of Martin Niemöller its due space. and West. Frequently project partners are the It is for us an important model. In Niemöller’s for- guests of the Martin Niemöller House. Partici- mer office, the work and life of Niemöller will be pants in all the workcamps are trained in creative brought to many people through atmosphere of the methods for handling violent conflicts. room, a short film, and a digital exhibit. Address Bankverbindungen: Getting here: Pacelliallee 61 Postbank Berlin U-Bahn Dahlem-Dorf (U3) 14195 Berlin BLZ 10010010 Bus: 183, X83, X11, 110, eMail: [email protected] Account #: 67132-105 N10 (night bus from Zoo) www.niemoeller-haus-berlin.de Office Hours Bank for Sozialwirtschaft Other Offices in the house: MWF 6-8 p.m. BLZ10020500 Dritte Welt Laden Berlin, Telephone: 030-841 099 51 Account #: 3013300 International Versöhnungsbund, Fax: 030-841 099 52 SJ-Die Falken-LV Berlin, Cell: 0170-27 34 557 Dt.-poln. Bildungswerk .
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