GEC Response DOCKET 39 .Pdf

GEC Response DOCKET 39 .Pdf

I, JOHN F. BLAS, in my capacity as Executive Director of the Guam Election Commission ("GEC") do hereby declare as follows: 1. I am the Executive Director of the GEC and I am over the age of majority and competent to testify to the contents herein if called as a witness. 2. Attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is a true and correct copy of the list of winning candidates of the September 2010 Primary Election that were certified by the GEC for the November 2010 General Election. This list of candidates was compiled by the GEC and were thus included in the November 2010 General Election ballots. 3. Attached hereto as Exhibit "B" is a true and correct copy of the official results Summary Report of the 2010 General Election held on November 2, 2010 based on the electronic count conducted by the GEC on the same day. 4. Attached hereto as Exhibit "C" is a true and correct copy of the official Meeting Minutes of the November 6, 2010 certifying the official results of November 6, 2010 recount. The November 6,2010 Meeting Minutes have been approved by the GEC at its November 26, 2010 meeting. 5. Attached hereto as Exhibit "D" is a true and correct copy of the November 6, 2010 Certified Official Results of the Guam Gubernatorial Election held on November 2,2010. 6. Attached hereto as Exhibit "E" is a true and correct copy of my December 23, 2010 Memorandum to the Board of Directors regarding the Commission Members and their current status. 7. Attached hereto as Exhibit "F" is a true and correct copy of the Republican Party Bylaws. 8. Attached hereto as Exhibit "G" are true and correct copies of the Certificates of Election issued by the Commission. 9. Attached hereto as Exhibit "H" are true and correct copies of the Oath executed by Commission Members Martha Ruth and Joseph F. Mesa. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of Guam and the United States that the aforementioned is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. Executed this @day of December, 2010 at Hagatna, Guam, U.S.A. 1SUMY REPORT GUM UNOFFICIAL RESULTS GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 2, 2010 I RUN OITE:ll/O3/10 08:14 AM REPORT-EL45 PAGE 001 \ VOTES PERCENT VOTES PERCENT PRECINCTS COUNTED (OF 58) ..... LEG ISLATURE REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL ...#. VOTE FOR 15 BALLOTS CAST . TOTAL, . , . , , . (WITH 58 OF 58 PRECINCTS COUNTED) BALLOTS CAST - PAGE 1 TOTAL . , . AOA, Thomas C. (OEM). , . , , BALLOTS CAST . PAGE 2 TOTAL .... WON PAT, Judith T.. Ed. D. (EM). BALLOTS CAST . PAGE 3 TOTAL .... MUM BARNES. Tina Rose (DEM) ... I VOTER TLIRNOUT . TOTAL ...... PANGEUNAN, Vicente C. (DEM) ... YGMASHITA. Dr. Aline [REP). .... GOVERNOR ANO LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR RODRIGUEZ. Dennis G, . Jr. (DEH) . ,' VOTE FOR 1 RESPICIO. Rory J. (DEM). .... 1 (WITH 58 OF 58 PRECINCTS COUNTED) AOA. V. Anthony (REP) ..... CALVO / TENOR10 (REPI ...19,879 50.38 BLAS. Frank Flores. Jr. (KP), , . GUTIERREZ / AWN (DEH), ..... 19,296 48.90 PAMIOS, Ado1 pho 8. , Sr . (DEM) . , WRITE-IN vur~ (REP) ....... 165 .42 GUTHERTZ, Dr. Judith P. (DEMI ... I WITE-IN VOTE (DEM) . , . , , . 120 .30 TAIJERON. Hana Silva (REP). , . Total. ........ 39.460--. CRUZ. Benjamin J.F. (EM) .'... Over Votes ......... 484 WENAS. Christopher M. (REPI ... Under Votes ......... 702 HABINI. Shirley A, (REP) , , , . HADWCK, Ray Cruz, Esq. (REP). .. TAITAGUE. TeloT. (REP). , . , . GUTIEW-UIDWIG. Corinna F. (EM1 , SAM AGUSTIN, Joe Shimizu (OEM) . DIEKING. Steven A. (DEH) .... THOHAS-NEDEWG. SarahH. (DEH) . HOYL4N. Attorney Douglas (REP) , . GUERRERO. Stephen J. (REP). ... '&!A, Vic (REP) ....... HARPER. Or. Velma Rose (REP) ... DIAZ. SonethanBlas (OEM1 , . , SARMIENTO. William Quan (REP). .. TAITAGUE, William Untalan IEP) . TORRES. Trini Taitingfong (DEH) . , BENAVENTE. John B, (REP) , , , , WITE-INVOTE(REP). ..... WRITE-IN VOTE (MH) ..,... WRITE-IN VOTE (REP) ...... WIT€-:INVOTE (OEM) ...... WRITE-INVOTE (REPI ...... WITE-IN VOTE (DEMI ...... Total ........ Over Votes ........ Under Votes , , . , . , , . VICE.WYOR - DISTRICT OF AGAT VOTE FOR 1 (WITH 3 OF 3 PRECINCTS COUNTED) QUINTANILLA. Agustln 6. (REP). ... 984 54.36 HILLS. Derick Baza (DEH) ..... 788 43.54 WRITE-IN VOTE (REP) , . , , , . 26 1.44 WITE-INVOTE (DEW ...... 12 -66 Total ......... 1.810 Over Votes ......... 12 Under Votes ......... 222 GUAM UNOFFICIAL RESULTS GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMEER 2. 2010 RUN DATE:11103/10 08:14 AH REPORT.EL45 PAGE 002 VfJTES PERCENT NON-VUTING DELEGATE TO THE HWSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IWI-r~ 58 OF 58 PRECINCTS COUNTED) BORDALLO, Madeleine 2. (OEM) , , . , 35.919 95.99 WRITESIN VOTE (REP1 ....... 796 2.13 WRI'TE-IN VOTE (OEM) ....... 706 1.89 Total ......... 37.421 Over Votes ......... 174 I Under Votes ........ 3,040 VOTE FOR 1 (W$'I)I % OF 58 PRECINCTS COUNTED1 RAPADAS. Leonard0 H, ....... 21.799 56.24 I GUMTAOTAO, Gary W. F. ...... 16.835 43.43 WRITE-:[NVOTE. ........ 126 .33 Total. ........ 38.760 Over Votes ......... 90 I Under Votes ......... 1,925 CONSOLIDATED COmISSlON ON UTILITIES VOTE FOR 3 (WITH 58 OF 58 PRECINCTS CWKTEDI SANCHEZ, SlmonA.. 11 ...... PALOHO. 6enigno.M. ....... HAM. Eloy P. ......... IMITE-INVOTE. ........ WIT€-INYOTE. ........ WRITE-INVOTE. + + + , , Total.. ....... Over Votes ......... I Under Votes ......... RETAIN SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE SUKOLA [WITH 58 OF 58 PRECINCTS COUNTED) YES ............ w ............. Total. ........ Over Votes ......... I Under Votes ......... RETAIN SUPREME COURT JUDGE CARBULLIN 1VOTE FOR 1 (WITH 58 OF 58 PRECINCTS COUNTED1 YES ............ 28.609 83.50 No. ............ 5.654 16.50 I Total ......... 34,263 Over Votes ......... 11 I Under Votes ........ GUAM OFFICIAL RESULTS GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 2 . 2010 RUN DATE: 12/24/10 04:22 PM REPORT- EL45 PAGE 001 VOTES PERCENT VOTES PERCENT PRECINCTSCOUNTED (OF581 ..... LEGISLATURE REGISTERED VOTERS . TOTAL ..... VOTE FOR 15 BALLOTS CAST . TOTAL ....... (WITH 58 OF 58 PRECINCTS COUNTED) BALLOTS CAST . PAGE 1 TOTAL .... ADA . Thomas C . (DEW ....... BALLOTS CAST . PAGE 2 TOTAL .... WON PAT . Judith T .. Ed . D . (DEM) . + . BALLOTS CAST . PAGE 3 TOTAL .... MUNA BARNES . Tina Rose (DEN) .... VOTER TURNOUT TOTAL ...... PANGELINAN . Vicente C . (DEM) .... B . YAMASHITA . Dr. Aline (REP) ..... GOVERNOR AND LIEUTENAKT GOVERNOR RODRIGUEZ . Dennis G .. Jr . (DEM) ... VOTE FOR 1 RESPICIO . Rory J . (DEM) ...... (W11 58 OF 56 PRECINCTS COUNTED) ADA . V . Anthony (REP) ...... ( CALVO/TENORIO (REP) ...... BUS. Frank Flores. Jr . (REP) .... GUTIERREZ / AGUON (DEW ...... PALACIOS . Adolpho 8 .. Sr. (DEM) ... WRITE-IN VOTE (REP) ....... GUTHERTZ . Dr. Judith P . (Dm) .... WRITE-IN VOTE (DEM) ....... TAIJERON . Mana Silva (REP) ..... Total ......... CRUZ. Benjamin J.F. (DEM) ..... Over Votes ......... DLIENAS. Christopher M. (REP) .... Under Votes ..... HABINI. Shirley A . (REP) ..... HADDOCK . Ray Cruz . Esq. (REP) .... TAITAGUE . Telo T . (REP) ...... GUTIERREZ.LUDWIG . Corinna F . (DEM) . SAN AGUSTIN . Joe Shimizu (DEM) ... DIERKING . Steven A . (DEM) ..... THOMAS.NEDEDOG . Sarah M . (DEM) ... MOYLAN . Attorney Douglas (REP) ... GlIERRERO . Stephen J . (REP) ..... GAZA . Vic (REP) ........ HARPER . Dr. Velma Rose (REP) .... DIM. Jonathan Blas (DEW ..... SARMIENTO . William Quan (REP) .... TAITAGUE . William Untal an (REP) ... TORRES . Trini Taitingfong (DEM) ... BENAVENTE . John B . (REP) ..... WRITE-IN VOTE (REP) ....... WRITE- IN VOTE (DEM) ....... WRITE-IN VOTE (REP) ....... WRITE-IN VOTE (DEM) ....... WRITE-IN VOTE (REP) ....... WRITE-IN VOTE (DEN) ....... Total ......... Over Votes ......... Under Votes ......... VICE-MAYOR . DISTRICT OF AGAT VOTE FOR 1 (WITH 3 OF 3 PRECINCTS COUNTED) QUINTANILLA . Agustin G . (REP) .... 984 54.36 HILLS . DerickBaza (DEM) ..... 788 43.54 WRITE-IN VOTE (REP) ....... 26 1.44 WRITE- IN VOTE (DEM) ....... 12 .66 Total ......... 1.810 Over Votes ......... 12 Under Votes ......... 222 SUMHARY REPORT GUAM OFFICIAL RESULTS GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 2 . 2010 1RUN DATE:12/24/10 04:22 PM REPORT- EL45 PAGE 002 VOTES PERCENT 8 NOH-VOTING DELEWTE TO THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES VOTE FOR 1 (WITH 58 OF 58 PRECINCTS COUNTED) BORDALLO Made1ei ne Z (DEM) .... 35.919 95.99 IWRITE-IN . VOTE (REP) ........ 796 2.13 WRITE-IN VOTE (DEM) ....... 706 1.89 Total ......... 37.421 Over Votes ......... 174 I Under Votes ......... 3.040 ATTORNEY GENERAL OF GUAM IVOTE FOR 1 (WITH 58 OF 58 PRECINCTS COUNTED) RAPADAS . Leonardo M ...21.799 56.24 GUMATAOTAO Gary W F ....... 16.835 43.43 I WRITE-IN VOTE. .......... 126 .33 Total ........ 38. 760 Over Votes ......... 90 Under Votes ......... 1.925 CONSOLIDATED COMMISSION ON UTILITIES VOTE FOR 3 I (VITH 58 OF 58 PRECINCTS COUNTED) SANCHEZ . Simon A .. I1 ..... PALOMO . Benigno M ....... W Eloy P ......... I WITE-IN. VOTE ........ WRITE- IN VOTE ........ WITE-IN VOTE ........ Total ........ Over Votes ........ Under Votes ........ RETAIN SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE SIJKOOU VOTE FOR I (WITH 58 OF 58 PRECINCTS COUNTED) YES ........... I NO ............ Total ........ Over Votes ........ I Under Votes ........ RETAIN SUPREME COURT JUDGE CARBULLIDO VOTE FOR 1 (WITH 58 OF 58 PRECINCTS COUNTED) YES ............ 28. 609 83.50 NO ............. 5.654 16.50 Total ......... 34.263 I Over Votes ......... 11 Under Votes ......... 6.501 GUAM ELECTION COMMISSION Kumision Ileksion Guihan P.O. Box BG HagMa, Guam W932 Tel: (671) 477-979lR s FUX: (671) 477-1895 E-Mail: Website: www.~~ RECONVENED BOARD MEETING MINUTES 10:M tm. Saturday, Nwcmbtr 6,2010 of Fridq, Nwcmber 05,2010 of Tuesday, November 2,2010, C;C& Election The following is the minutes of tbs Guam Election Commission (GEC) Board of Directors Reconvene Board Meeting held on

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