University of Mississippi eGrove Daily Mississippian Journalism and New Media, School of 1-31-2017 January 31, 2017 The Daily Mississippian Follow this and additional works at: https://egrove.olemiss.edu/thedmonline Recommended Citation The Daily Mississippian, "January 31, 2017" (2017). Daily Mississippian. 1064. https://egrove.olemiss.edu/thedmonline/1064 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Journalism and New Media, School of at eGrove. It has been accepted for inclusion in Daily Mississippian by an authorized administrator of eGrove. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Tuesday, January 31, 2017 THE DAILY Volume 105, No. 77 MISSISSIPPIANTHE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI SERVING OLE MISS AND OXFORD SINCE 1911 Visit theDMonline.com @thedm_news WHAT’S INSIDE... A plea for a kinder, gentler LUTHI brings free funk A peek at Rebels’ America tomorrow night recruiting class SEE OPINION PAGE 2 SEE LIFESTYLES PAGE 4 SEE SPORTS PAGE 7 “Together Oxford” hosts privilege workshop Students, professors object to executive order CLARA TURNAGE [email protected] ays after newly elected Pres- ident Donald Trump signed anD executive order barring the citizens of several Mid- dle Eastern countries from entering the United States, PHOTO BY: CHASE ROBERTS University of Mississippi Jandel Crutchfi eld and Tony Caldwell along with the Ole Miss Department of Social Work moderated “Together Oxford,” a community workshop dedicated to professors and alumni are discussing race and privilege with nearly 100 participants. The workshop is a continuation of “Together Tupelo.” raising money and protest- ing to show support for Mus- lim students. LYNDY BERRYHILL partment of Social Work mod- mer, said she and Caldwell felt with. Abigail Meisel, a former [email protected] erated the event. moved to help people cope with Ashley Mathis, a senior social professor at the university, early 100 partic- The workshop is a contin- the hurt in the aftermath. work major who participated began a GoFundMe to fund a ipants attended uation of “Together Tupelo,” “There’s still a bit of unrest,” in the privilege check, said she full-page ad in the Wednes- the "Together which took place earlier in Crutchfi eld said. thought the exercise was very day edition of The Daily Oxford" com- 2016 after Antwun “Ronnie” Crutchfi eld said the program interesting to her as a student. Mississippian. The account munityN workshop, where they Shumpert was shot and killed was not political in nature and Although Mathis was in the met and exceeded its fund- learned to check their privilege in the community by a local po- was not designed to help “end three to four privileges catego- ing goal of $760 in less than and work past racial divides lice offi cer. racism” or “end violence.” ry, she is nearing the comple- a day. More than 45 people Monday night at Paris-Yates Crutchfi eld, who grew up in Caldwell and Crutchfi eld tion of a college degree. donated to the account, in- Chapel. Baton Rouge where Alton Ster- passed out surveys where par- “It showed where everyone is, cluding several current and Jandel Crutchfi eld and Tony ling was also shot and killed by ticipants checked off boxes next but also where everyone start- former university professors Caldwell with the Ole Miss De- a police offi cer the same sum- to advantages they were born ed,” Mathis said. and students. “Muslim students at The University of Mississippi are a small fraction of the stu- Groups relocate due to Union construction dent population--and they need our support during a BRIANA FLOREZ cations to host their events frightening time,” reads the and promotions, where [email protected] GoFundMe page. Meisel they are able to have the said she would take sugges- The Student Union pla- most visibility,” Baker said. tions on how to spend the za is a popular place for “From our office, the Stu- extra money. student organizations and dent Activities Association, Several graduate stu- groups to promote them- Greek organizations and the dents– many from the En- selves, but they will have Associated Student Body, to glish department– held a to find alternatives while name a few, we each have to peaceful protest of the ban renovations take place until be creative in not only host- on Saturday. Matt Kessler, a 2018. ing events but marketing student enrolled in the cre- Bradley Baker, director the organizations as well.” ative writing master’s pro- of the Student Union, said Given the time frame of gram, organized the protest. the Union is working with the project, it will take some “These are our brothers students and organizations time to find the perfect lo- and sisters,” Kessler said in to come up with alterna- cation for events and pro- reference to those affected tive locations to hold events motional tables to relocate by the ban. “This is not what during the construction. to. our country is about.” “While our students and Baker said the Union The impromptu rally their respective organiza- would like to keep table res- prompted Kessler and others tions will certainly be af- ervations and event spaces to organize a larger protest fected by the construction, in close proximity to dining PHOTO BY: CAMERON BROOKS this weekend with the help we are aiming to provide Student Union them with alternative lo- SEE UNION PAGE 3 SEE EXECUTIVEORDERPAGE 3 PAGE 2 | THE DAILY MISSISSIPPIAN | 31 JANUARY 2017 OPINION COLUMN My new motto: Make America Empathetic Again alone to our own interests to politicians opted for a more and job. ways. make the difficult ethical de- self-centered policy. While children in Mada- No wonder people feel there cisions throughout our lives. Putting aside the over- gascar starve from climate is a need to go to the streets The golden rule should not whelming evidence that refu- change-induced droughts and to demonstrate that black, just be about those in our gees from Syria would be un- the ocean swallows entire is- LGBTQ, female and under- immediate surroundings, likely to commit acts of terror, lands with their inhabitants privileged lives matter. though. We should extend the we should still weigh the lives in the Pacific, many Ameri- I do not mean to shame empathy and grace to every- of those being slaughtered in cans vote and consume as if anyone, but I implore all of us one on Earth. Syria more seriously. the science were a myth. to wake up to the realities of The judgments of our ac- President Donald Trump is We often refuse to even our selfishness. No one is im- tions that affect others should attempting to fulfill his cam- consider the future genera- mune to it, and it has escalat- DANIEL PAYNE extend from the small talk paign promises of lowering tions of our own nation. This ed to the point of dominating [email protected] we make with our waiters to the number of refugees al- is not how we make America our legislative system. our votes for high office. How lowed to immigrate by a fac- great. Now is the time to stand up I am sure most of us heard different would our political tor of two. This is not how we In our own country, there with empathy, consider those of the golden rule as a child: system look if we voted with make America great. are people suffering all who will be affected by out do to others as you would others in mind? Similarly, there has been a around us. We know these decisions and love all people, have them do to you. We were Throughout the campaign war waged against combat- people, and we know about whether American, Syrian, taught that this was a good season, politicians repeated- ting the scientific consensus their suffering, yet we refuse black, white, hispanic, gay or rule for any decisions that in- ly argued that we needed to of human-caused climate to act. straight, with the same love volved other people; as adults keep refugees from the Mid- change. Instead of thinking Cyclical poverty swallows we have for ourselves. we would learn this principle dle East out of our country to of those affected by climate communities generations at a as empathy. protect our safety. Instead of change, some American poli- time, racism divides and kills Daniel Payne is a freshman Empathy is a fundamen- thinking of those who have ticians have decided to think in the streets and the LGBTQ integrated marketing tal issue of human morality; been bombed mercilessly of the interests of large corpo- community is discriminated communications major from without it we are lost, left in Aleppo, many voters and rations, as well as their party against and abused in horrific Collierville, Tennessee. EDITORIAL STAFF: ADVERTISING PATRICIA THOMPSON The Daily Mississippian is published Monday Assistant Dean, Student through Friday during the academic year, on CLARA TURNAGE LANA FERGUSON SALES MANAGER days when classes are scheduled. Ben Napoletan Media and Daily Mississippian editor-in-chief managing editor Faculty Adviser [email protected] Columns do not represent the official opinions [email protected] [email protected] of The University of Mississippi or The Daily S. Gale Denley Student Media Center Mississippian unless specifically indicated. LYNDY BERRYHILL MCKENNA WIERMAN SALES ACCOUNT 201 Bishop Hall, news editor ZOE MCDONALD EXECUTIVES P.O. Box 1848 The Daily Mississippian welcomes letters [email protected] lifestyles editors Cary Allen University, MS to the editor. Letters should be e-mailed to 38677-1848 [email protected]. [email protected] Ethan Gray Letters should be typed, double-spaced Main Number: 662.915.5503 SLADE RAND Kathryn Hathorne and no longer than 300 words.
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