© [Regd. No. TN/CCN/467/2012-14. GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU [R. Dis. No. 197/2009. 2015 [Price: Rs. 36.80 Paise. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 25] CHENNAI, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2015 Aani 9, Manmadha, Thiruvalluvar Aandu – 2046 Part VI—Section 4 Advertisements by private individuals and private institutions CONTENTS PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS Pages. Change of Names .. 1859-1950 Notice .. 1950 NOTICE NO LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY IS ACCEPTED FOR THE PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENTS REGARDING CHANGE OF NAME IN THE TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. PERSONS NOTIFYING THE CHANGES WILL REMAIN SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LEGAL CONSEQUENCES AND ALSO FOR ANY OTHER MISREPRESENTATION, ETC. (By Order) Director of Stationery and Printing. CHANGE OF NAMES 27046. I, N. Rudramoorthy, son of Thiru C. Natarajan, 27049. My son, V. Vicky, born on 10th June 1998 born on 5th June 1969 (native district: Dindigul), residing at (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 463, East Street, Old No. 3A/12, New No. 4/3/13, Balaji Nagar, Neruji Karumpalai, Madurai-625 020, shall henceforth be Nagar Virivakkam, Dindigul-624 001, shall henceforth be known as V. VIGNESH. known as N. RUTHRA MOORTTHY. º. «õ½. N. RUDRAMOORTHY. Madurai, 15th June 2015. (Father.) Dindigul, 15th June 2015. 27050. I, G. Sundaram, son of Thiru Gurusamy, 27047. My son, R. Justin, son of Thiru C. Ramakrishnan, born on 14th June 1962 (native district: Madurai), born on 15th July 2009 (native district: Ramanathapuram), residing at No. 2/88, Veeravanour, Paramakudi Taluk, residing at No. 1/79, West Street, Vandapuli, Peraiyur Ramanathapuram-623 502, shall henceforth be known Taluk, Madurai-625 705, shall henceforth be as R. KAMESH. known as G. KALYANASUNDARAM. R. F™¬ôò£®õœOò‹¬ñ. G. SUNDARAM. Ramanathapuram, 15th June 2015. (Mother.) Madurai, 15th June 2015. 27048. I, Vijaya, R., wife of Thiru Ramareddy, born on 27051. I, G. Karuppasamy, son of Thiru K. Gurusamy, 20th January 1961 (native district: Madurai), residing at born on 19th November 1993 (native district: Virudhunagar), Old No. 14-H, New No. 3-34, Chettipillaiyarnaddam, residing at No. 26, East Pandian Colony West, Virudhunagar- Rayapalayam, Thirumangalam, Madurai-625 706, 626 001, shall henceforth be known as G KARTHICKKUMAR. shall henceforth be known as VIJAYALAKSHMI, R. G. KARUPPASAMY. R. Müò£Müò£. Virudhunagar, 15th June 2015. Madurai, 15th June 2015. D.T.P.—VI-4 (25)—1 [ 1859 ] 1860 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [Part VI—Sec.4 27052. My daughter, N. Shobika, born on 4th December 27061. I, S. Tamilarasi, wife of Thiru P. Sivakumar, born on 2000 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 10, 12th September 1984 (native district: Madurai), residing at C.S.R. Nagar, Visalatchi Street, Thiru Nagar, Madurai- No. 70/30, Lakshmipuram 1st Street, Madurai-625 009, shall 625 006, shall henceforth be known as N SOBIKA. henceforth be known as S. JAMUNA. C. NAGAKRISHNAN. S. TAMILARASI. Madurai, 15th June 2015. (Father.) Madurai, 15th June 2015. 27053. I, K. Vignesh, son of Thiru Kumar, born on 27062. My daughter, B. Rubika, born on 25th February 18th May 1994 (native district: Virudhunagar), residing at 2000 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 39/2, Ocha No. 498/80, M.G.R. Colony, Thiruthangal, Virudhunagar- Thevar Street, Keelapudhur, Usilampatti, Madurai- 626 130, shall henceforth be known as CHIDHAMBARAM. 625 532, shall henceforth be known as B BAVANA. K. VIGNESH. C. BABU. Virudhunagar, 15th June 2015. Madurai, 15th June 2015. (Father.) 27054. I, A. Murali, son of Thiru M. Arumugam, born on 27063. I, Anburaja, son of Thiru Ayyavu Devar, born on 10th June 1977 (native district: Madurai), residing at 1st January 1967 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 46-10, Akemsapuram 4th Street, Visalam, Madurai- Old No. 25, New No. 29, Rajaji 1st Street, Thirumangalam 625 002, shall henceforth be known as A MURALIKRISHNAN. Taluk, Madurai-625 706, shall henceforth be known as A. ANBURAJ. A. MURALI. Madurai, 15th June 2015. ANBURAJA. Madurai, 15th June 2015. 27055. I, R. Pandiarajan, son of Thiru T. Ramalingam, born on 12th May 1983 (native district: Madurai), residing at 27064. My daughter, Hena Antonika, daughter of Thiru No. 1/77, Melavalavu Post, Melur Taluk, Madurai-625 105, A. Mahershal William, born on 11th July 2002 (native shall henceforth be known as R. PANDIYARAJAN. district: Thoothukkudi), residing at Old No. 5/49D-18, New No. 6/126, Kamaraj Nagar East, Athimarapatti, R. PANDIARAJAN. Muthaiapuram Post, Thoothukkudi-628 005, shall henceforth Madurai, 15th June 2015. be known as M. HANNAH JAFLET ANTONIKA. 27056. My daughter, G. Karthigai Priya, daughter of Thiru A. JESSY BAI. Guru Samy, born on 20th January 2003 (native district: Thoothukkudi, 15th June 2015. (Mother.) Madurai), residing at No. 3/627-1, Surveyor Colony, 27065. I, G. Masilamani, son of Thiru P. Ganesan, born on Senthilkumaran 3rd Street, K. Pudur, Madurai-625 007, shall 14th May 1994 (native district: Theni), residing at No. 12, henceforth be known as J. KARTHIGAI PRIYA. Sanjeevi Nagar, Anaiyur, Madurai-625 017, shall henceforth A. JEYASUDHA. be known as G. PRAVEEN KUMAR. Madurai, 15th June 2015. (Mother.) G. MASILAMANI. 27057. My son, Karuppaiah Nithishkumar, born on Madurai, 15th June 2015. 18th December 2006 (native district: Madurai), 27066. I, H. Kamala Begum, wife of Thiru J. Hussain residing at No. 22-B-8, Craim Branch Police Quarters, South Mohammed, born on 1st January 1973 (native district: Veli Veethi, Madurai-625 001, shall henceforth be Dindigul), residing at No. 14, A.V.T. Pandhal 2nd Street, known as S. NITHISHKUMAR. Kamarajar Salai, Madurai-625 009, shall henceforth be K. SUBRAMANI. known as H. KAMILA BEGUM. Madurai, 15th June 2015. (Father.) H. KAMALA BEGUM. 27058. I, P. Karthikeyan, son of Thiru Boopalraj, born on Madurai, 15th June 2015. 4th May 1993 (native district: Madurai), residing at 27067. I, V. Kasi, son of Thiru V. Vellaisamy, born on No. 2-839, Ganesh Chettiyar Compound, Bharathi Nagar, 1st January 1967 (native district: Dindigul), residing at Y. Othakadai, Madurai-625 107, shall henceforth be No. 3/115-3, Kumarapuram, Rosalpatti, Virudhunagar- known as B. KARTHIKEYAN. 626 001, shall henceforth beknown as V. KASIRAJAN. P. KARTHIKEYAN. V. è£C. Madurai, 15th June 2015. Virudhunagar, 15th June 2015. 27059. I, M. Vassuja Arunah, daughter of Thiru 27068. I, K.K. Ganesh, son of Thiru K.R. Krishnamoorthy, A.A.S. Muthu Kumara Raja, born on 12th November 1973 born on 22nd June 1967 (native district: Madurai), residing (native district: Tirunelveli), residing at No. 10/2, at Old No. 5A, New No. 23, Krishnapuram 3rd Cross Street, Appar Street, Tirunelveli-627 006, shall henceforth be Kamarajar Salai, Madurai-625 009, shall henceforth be known as M. ARUNA SHIVANI. known as K.K. GANESHBABU. M. VASSUJA ARUNAH. K.K. GANESH. Tirunelveli, 15th June 2015. Madurai, 15th June 2015. 27060. My daughter, D. Deeya, daughter of Thiru 27069. My son, R. Akash, son of Thiru R. Raja, born on S. Deepak Yuvaraj, born on 11th May 2012 (native district: 24th September 2000 (native district: Madurai), residing at Madurai), residing at Plot No. 4/180, T.T.C. Nagar, Lake No. 297, V.O.C. 3rd Street, P.P. Savadi, Madurai-625 016, Area, Uthangudi Post, Madurai-625 107, shall henceforth be shall henceforth be known as R. JAIAKASH. known as D. ANANYAA. R. SIVAGAMI. B. CHARMILA. Madurai, 15th June 2015. (Mother.) Madurai, 15th June 2015. (Mother.) June 24, 2015] TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1861 27070. I, Uma, wife of Thiru Kalaivanan, born on 27079. My son, M. Praveen, son of Thiru S. Mani, born on 7th July 1970 (native district: Sivagangai), residing at 23rd September 2004 (native district: Virudhunagar), residing No. 2/391, Kurunji Veethi, Gomathipuram, Madurai-625 020, at No. 3/308, Machine Street, Papanasam Taluk, Thanjavur- shall henceforth be known as K. MUTHU VADIVU. 614 203, shall henceforth be known as M. PREM. UMA. M. DHANALAKSHMI. Madurai, 15th June 2015. Thanjavur, 15th June 2015. (Mother.) 27071. My son, Isthes, M., born on 21st June 2011 (native 27080. I, M. Arjun, son of Thiru T. Murali, born on district: Madurai), residing at No. 3/283, Mariyamman Kovil 4th June 1995 (native district: Dindigul), residing at Street, Mannadimangalam, Vadipatti Taluk, Madurai-625 207, No.1-198-1, Gandhi Nagar, Natham Road, Dindigul-624 003, shall henceforth be known as M. GOKULNATH. shall henceforth be known as M. SRIKANTH. M. ARJUN. S. MURUGESAN. Dindigul, 15th June 2015. Madurai, 15th June 2015. (Father.) 27081. I, L. Srinivasan, son of Thiru A. Lakshmanan, 27072. I, K. Syedfathima, wife of Thiru S. Kamaludeen, born on 3rd December 1949 (native district: Tirunelveli), born on 15th May 1955 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 14/576, Kadayam Road, Barathi Nagar, residing at No. 1, Seenivasa Perumal Kovil Street, Kamarajar Pavoorchatram, Tirunelveli-627 808, shall henceforth be Road, Munisalai, Madurai-625 009, shall henceforth be known as L. SEENIVASAGAM. known as K. HYRUNNISA BEGAM. L. SRINIVASAN. K. SYEDFATHIMA. Tirunelveli, 15th June 2015. Madurai, 15th June 2015. 27082. My son, V. Vignes, born on 23rd November 2001 27073. My son, K.V. Krishnu, born on 22nd April 2015 (native district: Sivagangai), residing at No. 1/72, (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 3/51, Athiparasakthi Vembattur, Sivagangai-630 559, shall henceforth be Nagar, Thiruppalai, Madurai-625 014, shall henceforth be known as V. VIGNESHWARAN. known as K.V. KRISHANU. P. ióí¡. K. VINOTHKANNAN. Sivagangai, 15th June 2015. (Father.) Madurai, 15th June 2015. (Father.) 27083. I, Kannan, son of Thiru S. Ramakrishnan, born on 27074. I, S. Prema, wife of Thiru N. Sakthivel, born on 1st January 1970 (native district: Madurai), residing at 6th April 1980 (native district: Ramanathapuram), residing at No. 1/112, Manianji, Kumaram Post, Vadipatti Taluk, Madurai- No. 14/76, Semma Madam, Rameswaram, Ramanathapuram- 625 018, shall henceforth be known as R.
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