Grade 8: Unit 6 What role has specialization played in Louisiana’s economy through the film and video gaming industries? This instructional task engages students in content related to the following grade-level expectations: • 8.1.11 Produce clear and coherent writing for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences by: o Conducting historical research o Evaluating a broad variety of primary and secondary sources Content o Determining the meaning of words and phrases from historical texts o Recognizing varied points of view within historical context • 8.2.10 Predict ways in which Louisiana will continue to grow toward economic, cultural, and political diversity in the 21st century • 8.9.1 Analyze the role of specialization in Louisiana’s economy In this instructional task, students develop and express claims through discussions and writing which Claims examine the causes and consequences of specialization in Louisiana’ economy. This instructional task helps students explore and develop claims around the content from unit 6: Unit Connection • What role does specialization play in Louisiana’s economy? (8.9.1) Formative Formative Formative Formative Performance Task 1 Performance Task 2 Performance Task 3 Performance Task 4 Is Louisiana’s economy How has Louisiana’s How does Louisiana’s What is the total currently doing well? economy benefited economy benefit from impact of the film Supporting Questions Predict why. from specialization in specialization in the industry on Louisiana’s the film industry? video gaming industry? economy? Students will determine Students will evaluate Students will examine Students will analyze reasons why Louisiana how specialization in how specialization in the total impact of the Tasks is in it’s current the film industry has the gaming industry film industry on economic state. impacted our economy. impacts our economy. Louisiana’s economy. Source A: “Louisiana Source B: “Louisiana Source C: “Louisiana Source D: VII. Summary Poised for Future Outpaces Los Angeles, Tax Incentives Attract and Conclusions (pages Economic Growth,” New York and all Videogame 31-34) of “The Jonathan Olivier from others in 2013 Film Companies,” John Economic Impact of LSUReveille.com Production, Study Gaudiosi from Louisiana’s Shows,” Mike Scott FORTUNE Entertainment Tax from NOLA.com Credit Programs,” Featured Sources Loren C. Scott & Associates, Inc. for the Office of Entertainment Industry Development and Louisiana Department of Economic Development Using the sources and your knowledge of Louisiana history, write an essay that describes how Summative specialization has influenced Louisiana’s economy through the film and video gaming industries. Give Performance Task examples from each industry. 1 This GLE contains multiple parts, which should be taught over the course of several units in grade 8. The part of the GLE addressed in this task is “Produce clear and coherent writing for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.” 1 Grade 8: Unit 6 Formative Performance Task 1 Supporting Question Is Louisiana’s economy currently doing well? Predict why. Task Students will determine reasons why Louisiana is in it’s current economic state. Featured Sources Source A: “Louisiana Poised for Future Economic Growth,” Jonathan Olivier from LSUReveille.com This formative performance task requires students to analyze the current state of Louisiana’s economy Content and Claims and predict reasons why Louisiana’s economy is seeing growth or decline. (8.10.1) Featured Sources Source A: “Louisiana Poised for Future Economic Growth,” Jonathan Olivier from LSUReveille.com Steps 1. Display the essential question: “What role has specialization played in Louisiana’s economy through the video and video gaming industries?” on chart paper or the board so that students can see the question they are working towards and continue to revisit it. 2. Ask students to brainstorm their own definition of specialization. Relate specialization to other industries: lawyers specializing in certain areas of law (injury, business, etc.) and doctors specializing (pediatrics, general medicine, surgery, etc.) Then ask them to apply it to the economy. Allow them to turn and talk with a partner and then have students share out and record their answers on an anchor chart with specialization in the middle. 3. Next, ask students to brainstorm how specializing is beneficial to an economy. Allow students to turn and talk again, and then have them share out loud. Record their answers next to the essential question. 4. Determine a way for students to access Source A: “Louisiana Poised for Future Economic Growth.” 5. Tell students to do a word search in the article and find the following words: economy, industry, LED (Louisiana Economic Development), unemployment rate, recession, durable goods, and manufacturing. Allow them to work with their shoulder partner to use context clues to find the definition and write the definition on an index card. After, ask students to share their definitions and clarify any that may be incorrect. 6. Tell students that as you read aloud the article, they should look for evidence/quotations that indicate how Louisiana’s economy is doing. 7. Read aloud the article, and encourage students to record evidence/quotations which indicate the performance of Louisiana’s economy. 8. Conduct a whole-class discussion where students share their evidence for the performance of Louisiana’s economy. Possible guiding questions: a. According to the article, how is Louisiana’s economy? What evidence did you gather which supports your claim? b. What industries do you think have the biggest impact on Louisiana’s economy? Why? c. How is the economy impacted? Jobs? Spending? 2 Grade 8: Unit 6 d. How could specialization affect the economy? e. What might happen if the state offered tax credits for companies to come to Louisiana? f. Look at the date of the article. What would you need to do to ensure that the information in this article is still valid? 9. Put students into groups and assign each group one article. Suggested articles for acitivity: a. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/01/us/louisiana-squeezed-as-oil-prices-drop.html?_r=2 b. http://www.myneworleans.com/Louisiana-Life/March-April-2015/A-Diverse-Economy/ c. http://www.theadvertiser.com/story/money/business/2015/01/18/economic-outlook/21946553/ d. https://business.lsu.edu/news/releases/Pages/2014/10/Scott,-Richardson-Release-2015-2016- LEO.aspx 10. Have students focus on the guiding questions while reading. Possible guiding questions: a. Does the article suggest Louisiana’s economy is doing well or poorly? b. What does the article attribute to the economy’s success or failure? c. What factors, if any, does the author say are driving the economy at this time? 11. Have students share their results from their article. 12. After all groups share out, ask students again what they think is the current status of our economy. Student Look-Fors 1. The students should have defined all words, but make sure they understand specialization due to its central role in answering the essential question. 2. Students should identify that the title of the article itself indicates economic growth for Louisiana. Other possible indicators of economic growth for Louisiana in the article are: a. “Louisiana’s economy is performing well compared to the rest of the nation.” b. “Louisiana has continuously had an unemployment rate well below the national average.” c. “New companies have invested in various parts of the state.” d. “Louisiana’s ability to attract new industry is going to keep the economy growing.” e. “Louisiana had a low proportion of financial services and durable goods manufacturing, a sector that was hit hard nationally during the recession, a surge in natural gas expansion and an aggressive economic development effort to gain new business.” 3. The article indicates some industries that contribute to Louisiana’s economic growth: energy, communication, food, and chemicals. The essential question also provides the entertainment industry (video and video gaming). 4. The economy is impacted when new businesses come to Louisiana because the unemployment rate continues to drop, as people have jobs/better jobs household spending increases helping other businesses, generates revenue to be used for schools, roads, healthcare, etc., and this in turn attracts other companies to come to Louisiana, continuing the cycle. 5. Specialization affects the economy in a positive way because it allows a company to offer a good or service that is not readily available by other companies. There is usually low supply and high demand for goods and services that are specialized. 3 Grade 8: Unit 6 6. When the state offers tax credits for companies to come to Louisiana it allows Louisiana to stay competitive. More companies will want to come to Louisiana if they have a credit on their taxes. 7. The students will have mixed results from their articles. One article says the economy is not doing well due to the oil industry; one article gives mixed results; one article says the economy is doing well currently; and the last article says the economy is doing well with projected growth. Almost all articles mention the oil industry and its impact on Louisiana’s economy. 8. It will be up to the students based on evidence to determine the state of Louisiana’s economy. 4 Grade 8: Unit 6 Formative Performance Task 2 Supporting Question How has Louisiana’s economy benefited from specialization in the film industry? Task Students will evaluate how specialization in the film industry has impacted our economy. Source B: “Louisiana Outpaces Los Angeles, New York and all others in 2013 Film Production, Study Featured Source Shows,” Mike Scott from NOLA.com In this formative performance task, students will evaluate the impact the film industry has had on Content and Claims Louisiana’s economy and the role of specialization in our economy. (8.9.1) Featured Source Source B: “Louisiana Outpaces Los Angeles, New York and all others in 2013 Film Production, Study Shows,” Mike Scott from NOLA.com Steps 1.
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