M - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. June 13. 1986 U.S./W ORLD SPORTS CLASSIFiED ADVERTISING 643-2711 Reagan to NASA: Cheney Is ousted Woman detective Implement report KIT‘tr CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright In semifinal game APARTMENTS details her beat FOR RENT FURNITURE ... p age 8 ... page 13 ... magazine inside Manchester-Two bed­ BUSINESS & SERVICE DIREHORY m ve 'ioM've room. heat, hot water and MW06 appliances. $490. Referen­ ces, lease and security. King - Sized bed. Firm PAINTING/ iiM eio6ipF«R No Pets. 647-9876, mattress. Two twin box |PP| PAPERING evenings. springs. Frome. Excellent I CHILD CARE condition. Will be sold Bolton-Mature person tor with 2 complete sets of Name your own price — Odd lobs.lobt. Trucking. o very nice 4 room apart­ sheets, 1 bedspread. All Father and son. Fast, Home repairs. You name ment. 1Vi baths, patio and for $220, or best offer. dependable service. It, we do It. Free esti­ Painting, Paperhanglng brook. Immediate occu­ 643-8082, evenings 8< wee­ Will do babysitting in my mates. Insured. 643-0}04. Double A Fence Co. Ex­ pancy $425 with heat. Call 8i Rem oval. Call 646-5761. kends. Keep trying!. Licensed Manchester pert stockade and roll M r. Lindsey at 647-0200. _ J ^ J] home. (Verplanck School Hawkes Tree Service — fencing, repair or Installa­ Bucket Truck & Chipper. f Dining room table-Solld Area). Call 646-3793. tion. Call Tony Albert. Commercial Painting Stump Removal. Free Es­ iUanrbrfitrr Hm lb Maple, 2 leaves, 4 choirs, 649-9906. Manchester — A City of Village Charm Contractors-Interlor and timates. Special consider­ CONDOMINIUMS custom made pads, $500. exterior painting. M years FOR RENT Bedroom set Maple, 1 ^ CARPENTRY/ ation for Elderly and Han­ In business. Fully Insured. dicapped. 647-7553. chest, dresser, mirror, i P P j lREMODELING Free Estimates. 742-8628. nite stand, twin bed, $500. A. Henry Personalized Two Bedroom Condomi­ Delivering clean farm Saturday, June 14, 1686 nium For Rent. Ap- All In excellent condition. Forrand Remodeling — Lawn Care-Complete 25 C on ts Call 646-2480. loam ; 5 yards $75 plus tax. lawn core and landscap­ pllanced, carpeted, full Cabinets, roofing, gut­ Also sand, stone, and basement with hookups. ters, room additions, ing. Free estimates, fully His and her wall-away gravel. Call 643-9504. Insured, all work guaran­ $600 plus utilities, 643-7990. decks, all types of remo­ ELECTRICAL StrOto Loungers, vinyl deling and repairs. FREE teed, senior citizens dis­ sofa, cabinet sewing ma­ Custom Rototllling. Have counts. 647-1349. Clouded estimates. Fully Insured. Troy Blit Rototlller. Will HOMES chine. All excellent condi­ Telephone 643-6017, after Dumas Electric — Having I tion. 643-8329. travel. Gardens, lawns, Soviets shift 6pm, 647-8509. Electrical Problems? FOR RENT Need a large or a small flower beds, large or Wet Basentents? Will cor­ Large Italian Provenclal Repair? We Specialize In small. Call 643-1895 Carpentry and remodel­ rect all your water prob­ session Glastonbury 2 bedroom 25 Inch Mognovox Color Residential Work. Joseph MOTORCYCLES/ ing services — Complete lems. Free estimates and I CARS house with complete In­ T V Console $99.00. 646- home repairs and remo­ Dumas. Fully Licensed. FOR SALE MOPEOS law apartment, 521-5234. 1830.O . Free Estimates. 646-5253. written guarantee. Hatch­ deling. Quality work. Ref­ ways, foundations cracks, fighter stance erences, licensed and In­ gravity feeds, tile lines, Manchester-3 bedrooms, Gold Velour couch In 1974 Capri. Good running closes sured. Cali 646-8165. D 8, D Landscaping. dry wells, sumo pumps, Suzukl-Enduro, 1972, runs appliances, $675 per excellent condition. Call Spring Clean Ups, Prun- condition. 69K. $350 or great, $250. Phone 643- month. Security, No Pets. after 4, 649-0187. HEATING/ window wells and drain­ Ings, flower 8, shrub planf- age lines. Dver 40 years best offer. Call 646-4683 or 8502. 647-9137. PLUMBING Ings. Free estimates. Call 646-4394. 2 Captains Chairs Ethan experience. References. 659-2436 after 5:30pm. State registered. Fully In­ Tax bill passes; in arms offer Manchester 6 ••oom cope, Allen M aple $85.00 negoti­ N Independent Construc­ Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ sured. Albert Zuccaro Wa- 1974 Dodge Dart Swinger. MISCELLANEOUS 2 full baths, quiet street, able. Call 646-6665.0 throom remodeling; In­ Bookeeping fullcharge 14 Tw o door, 318 automatic, n i l ruling is sought near East Catholic. $750 tion Co. General Contrac­ terprooflng, Hartford, AUTOMOTIVE tors, custom home build­ stallation water heaters, years experience for 563-3006 or M anchester air conditioned, dependa­ By Richard C. Gross Star Wars research. plus. 633-9558. Twin box springs for sale- garbage disposals; faucet small business. Wrife C 8, ble. $600 negotiable. 649- United Press International llke new-Coll 643-9206, $20 ing and remodeling, 646-3361. Also, dampness- In their proposal, the Soviets for siding, excavation, etc. repairs. 649-4539. Vlsa/M - N Bookeeping, 47 Teresa 4449. Porting 1979 Chevy C-10 HARTFORD (UPI) - Republi­ each.o proofing. Concrete walls Pickup. 8 foot bed, nose, the first time dropped their de­ Call 456-8865 or 456-7215. asterCard accepted. Rd., Manchester, CT. and floor. can lawmakers wound up a special WASHINGTON - The Soviet mand that hundreds of nuclear- STORE AND For Sale-1971 Torino. • wheels and c6p. Call 646- legislative session on tax relief for I Business wooden desk .1786 after 5:30 weekdays, Union, in a new arms control capable U.S. fighter-bombers Runs, need's little work, the elderly Friday, but Gov. OFFICE SPACE oak finish 60 Inches x 34 asking $99 or best offer. all weekend. proposal, has dropped its demand based in Europe and aboard Inches. Three drawer 875-7361 after 5.o William A. O'Neill said he will ask that U.S. fighter-bombers in and aircraft carriers be counted as Manchester - Downtown each side and center Ladder rack fits van. $60. the courts to determine if the IBOATS/MARINE around Europe be counted as part of the U.S. strategic nuclear retail or office space, 1750 drawer $75. 649-1680.o 1983 G rey Dodge, 600ES, 4 Call 649-9567.D session was legally held. strategic weapons and offered to forces targeted against the Soviet square feet. 668-1447. Automotive I EQUIPMENT TAG SALES TAG SALES door, 5 on floor. Air House Republicans finally got raise the limit on total nuclear Union, the officials said. Maple coffee table. Excel­ conditioned. Sunroof. Ste­ Ladder rack fits van $60 enough of their members to the forces, U.S. officials said Friday. F o r Rent-2,000 square feet lent condition $60. Call firm. Call 649-9567 after The Soviets previously have 16 foot Mad River canoe, reo tope. Excellent condi­ Capitol to get around a Democratic In exchange for acceptance of defined those planes as strategic In Industrial Section of otter 5:00pm. 646-7309.O paddles Included. Used I CARS tion.Call 649-6461 otter 4:30.n boycott of the special session and Manchester, near 1-84. Multi Family Tag Sale. Multi Famlly-Phelps Rd., new formulas on the numbers of instead of tactical weapons be­ four times. Excellent con­ FOR SALE 5pm. pass on their own bill to correct Concrete floor, overhead Swival Rocker, brown, June 14. 9 to 3. Hem lock Manchester. Sale Satur­ 2 New Heads complete for missiles and weapons, the United cause they could reach Soviet soil dition. $800. Please call St., Manchester. Furni­ day 9-2 June 14. Outdoor problems with the tax relief door, buss bar, office, coll upholstered, good condi­ 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- G M targetm aster 350 en­ States would ha ve to agree to abide if refueled on the way from their 646-7804. tion, $25. 643-5336.0 ture, baby Items, etc. furniture, rowing ma­ gine. $75 each. 649-2287.0 program. 9946 8:30 - 5:30. Ask for TRUCKS/VANS by the terms of the 1972 Anti- land or carrier bases. chine, books, baby After being unable to gain a Ballistic Missile Treaty for 15 to 20 Bob. Tag Sale Electrical Items. clothes, something tor 1-4 Room Offices. Excel­ FOR SALE quorum for two days to pass the bill years, the officials said. lent location for business. TV/STEREO/ lOOamp. Bryantpaheland eyeryone. Rain date Sat­ 1985 S-10 Blazer In mint breakers, switches and urday June 21. NOTICE TO CNEDITONf without Democratic votes, enough The administration is reluctant As low as $200. Heat, APPLIANCES con dition . O n ly 12,000 T ru c k F o r Sale. 1965 1 4 Vj Foot Columbian Boat outlets. 8 toot and 4 toot EST ATE OF House members showed up Friday to accept any modifications to the lanitorlal, parking. Call miles. $9,800. 647-9764. Chevy half ton. Runs Envoy says with a 70 horse power fluorescent fixtures, Gigantic Tag Sale. Furni­ L E ST E R C. HAACK, JR., to pass the bill 76-0 and send it to ABM accord that would threaten 649-5334, 643-7175. Used Refrigerators, great. Good tires. New late of Manchester, outboard. Includes romex wire and small ture, rugs, household deceased the Senate, where it passed 21-0. research into a “ Star Wars” Washers, Ranges — trailer, full canvas top, Exh au st. C all 649-2547, Manchester Office or re­ tools plus other mlscellea- goods, clothing and much Firebird 1982, 6 cylinder, 4 The Hon. William E. Fitz­ O'Neill, however, announced a anti-missile defense. clean, guaranteed, ports two 6 gallon gas cans. In Evenings. tail space could be busl- nous items. 88 W. Middle more. Saturday and Sun­ speed, Am/Fm stereo Gerald, Judge, of the Court short time after the session ended The Soviets have offered to raise treaty key and service.
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