SEPTEMBER 27, 1956 ANDOVER OLYMPIC WEEK OCT. 13th - 20th section from Stephen II. Byrne, son d., Volpe has of Dr. and Mrs. Ilarry V. Byrne, 51 plans are be- School st., has enrolled again aE, pe that a call gfiE a student at Vermont academy ut before the Sextons River, Vt., for the coming academic year. ie a four-lane 1 a four-foot include a 13- ACADEMY NIDIDVIER ■ CWNSAAN and a 12-foot BARBER SHOP Andover's Own Newspaper Since 1887 side plus a ?6 Main St. catwalk for 69 NUMBER 52 ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, OCTOBER 4, 1956 PRICE 10 CENTS 3 BARBERS - GOODNeSaErRAVIC6EPIVOLUME 11 be no ped- Mon. - 'rues. - Wed. 8.30 to 6 ed.The bridge Fri. - Spit. rt• -i') t, 7 net, supported CLOSED AI : ' .RSDA YS ore Support argest will be Land Owner Oilers To he river chan- 127 MAIN ST. iven Rogers ;hare distance PAUL'S TEL. 2125 ire will be 30 Pay For Water Main 25 Years' Experience he channel at Dressmaking Remodeling rook Drainage partment esti- Alterations 500,000 for the Ladles' Suits, Coats and Dressd ire voices were raised in fa- On Greenwood Road ng is included. Made to Order or of Rogers brook storm drainage An offer to pay personally for o lay night. the installation of more than 1000 Uliver Surette, whose weekly Some Adults - feet of 12-inch water niain on isits to the 13PW about the brook Greenwood rd. made to the Board ast spring and summer resulted of Public Works Monday night, n its agreement to again sponsor Lose Right has been tabled. he article, attended the meeting. William Thistle, who recently , too, did W. R. (fill, Mrs. Frank To Vote Here bought the land from George Win- icArdle and Mr. Dolan. All spoke slow, asked the board for per- n favor of the project, citing ad- A few adults here —and obvious- mission to buy the pipe and in- ancing costs the longer the town ly many more throughout the stall the main, with the town ag- jai s to do the work and the state — won't be able to vote Nov. reeing to put the mad back in ressing need for corrective work 6. shape afterwards. The road sur- I Continued on Page 14) But it isn't because they are face is gravel with a tar surface indifferent to that responsibility now. Engineer Ralph Preble said .A. Will Again — it's because some state laws most of the excavation would be toss a voter off the polling lists along the edge of the road and un Night Classes before he can be registered in a several members thought it would new state. (Continued on Page Seven) or Area Adults Town Clerk George Winslow, (Continued on Page 11) One of the oldest Adult Education South Church To programs in the nation begins its 20th Blue Devils Win year Oct. 8, when the Phillipa aca- Hold Dedication demy-sponsored Andover Evening Second Straight; Dr. Albert Buckner Coe, minis- lady programs starts. ter and president of the Massa- Under the direction of Richard S. chtisetts Congregational Confe- Pincers of the academy faculty, the Face Howe Next rence, will preach the sermon at program runs through October, Novem- The Blue Devils will be gunn- the formal Service of Dedication ber and December. A wide range of ing for their third straight win at the South church this Sunday. 0.4 subjects - from swimming to "Russ- Saturday at 2 when they travel to This will celebrate the com- ian Civilization and Culture" is of- pletion of the renovated and en- fered residents of the Greater And- The season got off to a sparkl- larged church building. The ser- ( Continued on Page 1.1) ing start when underdog Punchard vice will begin at 10:45 a.m. The beat Wellesley then trimmed Dan- Rev. Frederick 13. Noss, Pastor, will lead the congregation in the pray- W. R. Hill, on ladder and John Cole put the finishing touches vers, 33-13. Making up for lack er of dedication and special on the Clympic Headquarters banner at 60 Wain st. (Leone) of experien- ce with plenty of hustle, the Blue music will be rendered by the sanctuary choir, under the direc- One of the features of Andover 1938. Ile is the only man in the Devils left no doubt last Saturday tion of Lou R. Steigler, minister Olympic Week is the tennis exhi- history of tennis to win the four as to the winner. Quarterback bition at 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 14, major titles of the world in one Bert Damon raced 50 yards with a of music. A reception will be held in the on the red courts in back of the year. lie won the Australian Danvers punt in the first quarter Case Memorial Baseball Cage at championships, the French cham- (Continued on Page 18) ( Continued on Page Seven) Phillips academy. pionships, the Wimbledon (or The feature attraction is J. Do- • PERSONAL "All-England") championship, • .e... nald Budge, formerly of California, • BUSINESS and now of New York City, who (Continued on Page 18) • irVi • CALL 1943 has one of the top tennis records homely ever established and is especial- WALLPAPER REPAIR THE TOWNSMAN ly noted for his "grand slam" in 'olitical Advertisement Political Advertisement SALE 1/3 OFF JIM MULLIGAN'S ny men like about the "Serena"—apart 1957-58 BOOKS ct that it looks so good on them — is COLE PAINT RADIO & TV. LAB ptability. It's right for business, just as 10 MAIN STREET TEL. 1156 30 So. Broadway, Lawrence * Yes, we are truly in- HAVE YOU REGISTERED? terested in your health ial occasions. And it's one of the finest CALL MU 3-0396 and welfare. Always round. Welt edge, in new Fall 95 a make it a point to bring ) by today and see one on you. $1 0 GUARANTFD WORK us your Doctor's pre- scriptions. They will be .r Knox hats $10.00 to $12.95 promptly and precisely SHRUB compounded and fairly LAST CHANCE! priced. Your patronage Fall and Winter Schedule PRUNING always is valued. FRIDAY. OCT. 5th - TOWN HOUSE - FOR Showplace or no- • SG) • FORE HOURS ALL PRECINCTS - 12 noon to 10 p.m. place ... tasteful shrub pruning makes Fall Foliage AY thru SATURDAY the difference! For Information and Transportation and three centuries of 3.M. to 6 p.m. history to see and enjoy. Call Republican Headquarters -161 CALL Invite your friends and OPEN FRIDAY NITE TIL 9 US TODAY Crag *saaA relatives to visit ANDOVE R REPUBLICAN RALLY 1848 Essex County HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM * * * AMALIA Essex County Tourist Council NAM PHARMACY Thursday, Oct. 11th at 8 P.M. in cooperation with the County MAIN AT PARK ST. TREE SURGEONS, INC. 132 Essex Street, Salem TEL. 107 Alexander D. Gibson, 49 Highland Rd., Andover 6 Haverhill St., Shawsheen INCORPORtilED 2 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, OCTOBER 4, 1956 nior high class, the Rev. Ralph 4 o'clock and return Sunday after- tonight from 7- 7:45. A. Rosenblad, pastor. Sunday school for children noon. At the scout meeting last not Brownies Meet Friday evening, the Rev. Ralph attending parochial school will BALLARDVALE The first fall meeting of Brow- Rosenblad presented John Mc- be held Saturday mornings at 9:30. Mrs. Ruth Green, Correspondent, Telephone 267M nies Troop 59 was held last Wed- Intyre with the "C" award earned All children from pre-primary up at Camp Onway last summer. The to and including the ninth grade Sunday School Registration nesday afternoon in the scout ool room with the leader, Mrs. Robert following boys will have charge should attend. Registration for the Ballard was held Sunday. The Sunday Auchterlonie and Mrs. II. Victor of the menus this weekend: Craig Vale United Church Sunday sch- school staff is composed of the Church Council Meeting following teachers: superinten- Uuschniann, assistant leader, in Warner, senior patrol leader; The Church council met Wayne Moore and Richard Sheaf f. Man- FZIMMIT1 I 1 r-,A, dent, Phillip Wormwood; assist- charge. It was in the form of re- day night in the church vestry PLAY HOUSE ant superintendent, Daniel Mc- gistration with the following 14 Elected President with the moderator, Randolph Per- Intyre; beginner's class, Mrs. girls registering: Susan MacMac- Mrs. Henry Neunzer of Woburn ry, presiding. Now Thru Saturday Burton Batcheller and Miss Patri- kin, Carol Dustin, Ann Moss, st. was elected president of the Personals THE KING AND I cia Smalley; primary department Susan Leslie, Jean Ellis, Evelyn Young Republican club at the superintendent, Mrs. George Da- Turner, Linda Denibkowski, Lola meeting held last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hadley of Cinemascope (c. Technicolor Chester st. have returned kom Deborah Kerr - Yul Brynner vision; first grade, Miss Shelia Buschntann, Lois Nolin, Elaine evening at the Republican party d trip to Levittown, Pa., wh Serio; second grade, Mrs. James Demers, Jerilyn Ilaggerty, Marsha headquarters on Main st. ere 2:25 5:20 8:15 they visited with their son, Capt. Letters; third grade, Mrs. Wendell and Eda Worthen and Susan P.T.A. Meeting LAND OF THE BIBLE Leslie Hadley, USAF, and family. Mattheson; junior department, Sheaff. The first meeting of the Hal- 'Technicolor Featurette Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mrs. Ralph Sharpe, Mrs. William Membership Drive lardvale school Parent Teacher Smeltzer 1:50 4:45 7:40 and son, Edward, of Clark rd. vis- MacCausland and Mrs. Rino Tac- Mrs. Henry Wrigley, chairman association will be held at 8 to- ited the Deerfield fair on Sunday. Sunday, Monday & Tuesday coni; junior high school girls, night in the Bradlee school.
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