series prisoner vol of pg of county of photo Alphabetical ID last name given_names state date rec'd crime notes (aliases, etc) number number ledger ledger conviction number Y 40878 Yaber J. Y. 1 3915 F 164 MG KS 4/5/1886 Forgery 3 Possible name: J. T. Tabor 40879 Yager A. H. 1 7279 H 41 OK 1/31/1895 Burglary Oklahoma Co., OT; see: Gus Yager 40880 Yager Ernest 1 1499 A 567 CF KS 12/11/1877 Grand Larceny 40881 Yager Gus 1 7279 H 41 OK 1/31/1895 Burglary Oklahoma Co., OT; see: A.H. Yager 40882 Yahn William 2 4623 L 574 DG KS 6/24/1913 Murder 2 Alias: William E. Yahn; Signature: Wm. F. Yahn 40883 Yahn William F. 2 4623 see: William Yahn 40884 Yahn Wm. F. 2 4623 see: William Yahn 40885 Yahola Tom 2 2987 K 87 OK 7/2/1908 Manslaughter 3847 Muskogee Co., OT 40886 Yakanovich Askalenko 96 CI 97 WY KS 4/1/1925 Criminally Insane 40887 Yancey Geo 1 9144 H 353 WY KS 12/4/1899 Felonious Assault Possible surname: Yancy 40888 Yancy Geo. 1 9144 see: Geo. Yancey 40889 Yancey H. 2 0973 I 163 OK 12/31/1903 Forgery Pottawatomie Co., OT 40890 Yarborough Art 2 0368 I 61 OK 10/19/1902 Burglary 1236 Greer Co., OT; 2nd time in KSP 40891 Yarborough James H. 1 4431 F 254 LY KS 6/11/1887 Murder 1 40892 Yarbough Ella 2 4216 L 168 LV KS 2/1/1912 Larceny from a dwelling Signature: Ella Yarbrough; Alias: Ella Long Beers (MN) 40893 Yarbrough Daerro 3 1661 W 609 CL KS 8/17/1930 Burglary 2 40894 Yarbrough Ella 2 4216 see: Ella Yarbough 40895 Yard Arthur Paul 3 10703 W 43 40896 Yard Wm. C. 2 1532 I 257 WY KS 4/26/1905 Perjury 40897 Yarnevich Nick 2 8450 S 272 WY KS 4/4/1924 Murder 2 9450 Alias: Nick Gilles 40898 Yarrow Thomas 1 7611 H 97 KM KS 12/1/1895 Grand Larceny Possible surname: Garrow 40899 Yateman Moscon 1 3548 F 98 4/3/1885 Theft US Military; Possible given name: Moscow 40900 Yates A. K. 3 3474 W 542 GE KS 3/31/1933 Arson 4 40901 Yates B. F. 2 1801 I 301 LB KS 12/16/1905 Obtaining property under false pretenses 40902 Yates Clyde 3 0861 W 641 SG KS 3/9/1929 Assault with the intent to rape 40903 Yates David R. 3 8381 W 255,27 PV 40904 Yates J. A. 2 9533 V 46 CK KS 6/5/1926 Burglary 2 10533 Alias: John Yates, John Arthur Yates (RN), Jess Williams 40905 Yates John 2 9533 see: J.A. Yates 40906 Yates John Arthur 2 9533 see: J.A. Yates 40907 Yates John F. 2 1422 I 237 OK 1/21/1905 Manslaughter 2 Greer Co., OT 40908 Yates John O. 3 9034 W 185 40909 Yates Lloyd 3 8026 W 299,285,183 W285 & 183: Ret'd from Larned 40910 Yates Prince H. 3 1751 W 608 WY KS 10/14/1930 Embezzlement series prisoner vol of pg of county of photo Alphabetical ID last name given_names state date rec'd crime notes (aliases, etc) number number ledger ledger conviction number 40911 Yatt James 1 8535 H 251 OK 4/27/1898 Grand Larceny Pottawatomie Co., OT; Possible surname: Yott 40912 Yaunt George C. 3 3526 W 537 BR KS 5/2/1933 Accessory after the fact, Murder 2 40913 Yeadon J. 3 0477 W 674 DK KS 5/25/1928 Rape 40914 Yeager F. M. 1 5565 G 150 AL KS 7/6/1890 Forgery 3 see: F.M. Yeger 40915 Yeager Glen 2 8268 S 85 TR KS 11/16/1923 Grand Larceny 9268 see: Glen Charley Yeager, Alias: "Slim" 40916 Yeager Harry 2 8650 S 472 WY KS 9/6/1924 Robbery 1 9650 Alias: Harry Bates 40917 Yeager Melvin 3 1954 W 600 SV KS 1/23/1931 Grand Larceny 40919 Yeaman Beryl Bruce 3 10100 W 99 40920 Yearout Glenn 2 9429 U 343 GE KS 3/29/1926 Grand Larceny 10427 40921 Yeater H. A. 2 5210 M 111 MR KS 5/7/1915 Manslaughter 3 40922 Yee Shun 1 2763 A 567 9/28/1882 No crime listed San Miguel Co., NM; Possible name: Yee Shun 40923 Yeger F. M. 1 5565 G 150 AL KS 7/6/1890 Forgery 3 see: F.M. Yeager 40924 Yellow Bill 2 6392 see: Wm. King 40925 Yellowhorse John 3 3535 W 537 LB KS 5/5/1933 Issuing no fund checks 40926 Yelvington Leo 3 5246 W 465 40927 Yennie Jacob 1 5130 G 76 BR KS 5/29/1889 Assault with the intent to kill see: J.W. Yennie 40928 Yoacum Frank R. 2 1906 I 319 LV KS 3/27/1906 Grand Larceny 40929 Yoakem J. 2 6210 N 1154 SG KS 3/9/1918 Highway Robbery 7210 Signature: Jesse Yoakum 40930 Yoakum Jesse 2 6210 see: J. Yoakem 40931 Yocom Andy 3 5123 W 469 40932 Yocum Charley 3 5250 W 465 40933 Yocum Kid 2 3462 K 562 HV KS 6/21/1909 Burglary & Grand Larceny Via Reformatory; Alias for Leotha Gray 40934 Yocum Wm. 2 5056 L 1008 DG KS 12/14/1914 Rape 40935 Yoda Charles 3 1152 W 630 WY KS 10/18/1929 Violation of Liquor Law 40936 Yoder Walter Harvey 3 9497 W 147 40937 Yoder Wm. 1 9946 H 490 OK 10/30/1901 Murder Oklahoma Co., OT 40938 Yoeurn Jermirah 1 3993 F 178 BB KS 5/27/1886 Carnally knowing a female under Possible name: Jeremiah Yokum 18 yrs of age 40939 Yokum Jeremiah 1 3993 F 178 BB KS 5/27/1886 Carnally knowing a female under Possible surnames: Yoeurn, Yoevm 18 yrs of age 40940 Yokum Landers 3 2025 W 595 LB KS 3/4/1931 Grand Larceny 40941 Yolkum Peter 3 3948 W 519 BB KS 12/7/1933 Murder 1 40942 Yordi John 1 2862 A 567 BR KS 2/12/1883 Murder 1 40943 York C. W. 2 0167 I 27 WY KS 4/10/1902 Highway Robbery 1040 40944 York Dell 2 6382 see: Frank O'Mara series prisoner vol of pg of county of photo Alphabetical ID last name given_names state date rec'd crime notes (aliases, etc) number number ledger ledger conviction number 40945 York Frank 1 7380 H 59 RL KS 4/24/1895 Grand Larceny 40946 York Henry 1 5938 G 220 CK KS 9/19/1891 Grand Larceny Possible middle initial: "Y." 40947 York Patrick 1 1249 A 567 FO KS 7/1/1880 Grand Larceny 40948 York Tom 3 1170 W 627 BT KS 10/31/1929 Grand Larceny 40949 Yorke Robert 2 6594 see: Robert R. Taylor 40950 Yorky 2 6594 see: Robert R. Taylor 40951 Yost Earl 3 3494 W 539 BU KS 4/14/1933 Grand Larceny 40952 Yott James 1 8535 H 251 OK 4/27/1898 Grand Larceny Pottawatomie Co., OT; Possible surname: Yatt 40953 Youman Richard 1 5243 G 96 DK KS 10/3/1889 Arson 4 & Robbery 1 see: Richard Youmans 40954 Youmans Richard 1 5243 G 96 DK KS 10/3/1889 Arson 4 & Robbery 1 see: Richard Youman 40955 Youll J. R. 1 7993 H 161 OK 1/2/1897 Grand Larceny Pottawatomie Co., OT; Possible name: Robt. Yowl 40956 Young 1 9988 Possible given name: Ales; see: Jack Smith 40957 Young Absolom 2 0631 I 105 DP KS 4/28/1903 Assault with the intent to kill 1499 40958 Young Alfred 2 1033 I 173 LY KS 2/24/1904 Burglary 3 & Larceny 1897 40959 Young Alfred 2 1035 see: R.L. Cornwell 40960 Young Ben 2 0408 I 67 BR KS 11/20/1902 Grand Larceny 1276 40961 Young Benjamin 3 3418 W 544,518 HV KS 2/22/1933 Jail Breaking Escaped & returned 40962 Young Bethel 2 5032 L 984 LB KS 11/27/1914 Burglary 2 40963 Young Bill 3 5100 W 469 40964 Young Bill 2 5845 see: Will Goldy 40965 Young Brigham 2 4038 K 1142 WY KS 6/22/1911 Grand Larceny Alias: Ed Caulton 40966 Young Bud 2 0701 I 117 MN KS 6/16/1903 Burglary 3 1567 40967 Young Buell 3 10621 W 51 40968 Young C. G. 1 9184 H 359 MN KS 12/25/1899 Grand Larceny Alias for C.G. Campbell; Sentenced 12/18/1899 40969 Young Calvin 2 5903 N 846 LV KS 3/13/1917 Larceny from a person 6903 40970 Young Carl 3 1164 W 627 LV KS 10/29/1929 Burglary 2 40971 Young Carl 3 1590 W 614,603 DG KS 6/8/1930 Grand Larceny GPT, ret'd 40972 Young Carl #2 3 7807 W 319 40973 Young Carl Rickford 3 7804 W 321 40974 Young Chas. 2 4621 see: Charles Young 40975 Young Chas. 1 3575 F 104 NM KS 5/4/1885 Grand Larceny 40976 Young Charles 2 4621 L 572 GH KS 6/22/1913 Escaping Custody Signature: Chas. Young; Alias: Chas. Blue 40977 Young Charles 2 6053 N 997 LY KS 9/4/1917 False Pretenses 40978 Young Chas. B. 2 0400 I 67 SH KS 11/19/1902 Assault with a deadly weapon 1268 with intent to kill series prisoner vol of pg of county of photo Alphabetical ID last name given_names state date rec'd crime notes (aliases, etc) number number ledger ledger conviction number 40979 Young Chauncey 3 4572 W 493 RS KS 1/12/1935 Grand Larceny 40980 Young Claude E.
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