The Weather' A^rcraffe Daily Net Preaii .Rim Cloudy, cod tonlg^ Low 86 For tile WedK Ended"'' to 36. Tomorrow pertljr eunnyi April S, 1966 little temperature change. Blg)i 14,635 46 to 50. Manchestet>—A CUy of Village Charm PRICE SEVEN MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRH. 4, 1966 (ClaadllM Adrertlibig on F»fe 17); TOL. LXXXV, NO. 15« XTWBNTY PAGES), A Dimness Didn't Help . WASHUTO’TON (AP) — Trains RolU A National Park Service of­ ficial discoiints as negligible the savings resulting from President Johnson’s cam­ paign to turn the lights at Fines Lifted the White House. T. Sutton Jett, National Capital Park director, tes­ bargaining was vindicated and As Viet Riots Flare WASHINGTON (AP)— tified March 17 before the that the roads were pledged not House Appropriations JJom- Trains began to roll today to take, reprisals against strik­ at the end of a firemen’s mlttee in support of a re­ ers, or other union men who quest for $692,000 in op­ SAIGON, South 'Vief strike on eight railroads, refused to cross picket lines. erating funds for the White Nam (AP) — Rioting with and a federal judge lifted Before Judge Holtzoff opened House for fiscal 1967. an increasing anti-Anaeri* the threat of $510,000-a- court this morning, lawyers for At one point in the trans­ can tone erupted in Sajgon day fines against the union the railroads and the union con­ cript released Sunday night. Monday night as political and its leaders. ferred and agreed on procedure. Rep. Joseph P. Addabbo, D- pressures built up againsJt At the suggestion of railroads, Sunday night the Judge had N.Y., n o t^ a saving in the Premier Nguyen Cao District Court Judge Alexander ordered the union to show cause budget and asked: “Is this About 500 youths battled Holtzoff vacated an order call­ why it should not be fined $600,- partly due to the turning off police and burned a paTked ing on the union to show cause 000, a day and Gilbert, $10,000 a of the lights?” why the heavy penalty should 'day. The Judge acted to in­ "This was due, I think, U.S. Army jeep. / . A dispatch from Da Nang, crease fines he had previously more to the donations of the rot be levied. Ss' focal point of antlgovemmen^ In ending the four-day strike imposed of $5,000 a day against White House Historical So­ demonstrations for days, report­ which partly paralyzed industry the union and $2,500 a day ciety,” Jett replied. He ed that the U.S. miUtary Install end commuter service emd cost against Gilbert, effective at later added any savings latlon and U.S.-South Vietnam* tens of millions of dollars, the noMi Sunday, uidoss the strikes from turning off the lights ese base there had been sealed Brotherhood of Firemen and had returned, to work. is being offset by new elec­ Englnemen acted under the The strike ended Just before trical heaters installed in off and placed on red alert. TO formafits at Da Nang indicated threat of the fines for contempt midnight Sunday. g^ard booths. government troops were moving of courl, and under heavy pres- Francis Shea, speaking for in, apparently to start opera­ eure from President Johnson. the railroads to J u ^ e Holtzoff, The union won nothing tangi­ tions ordered by Ky to take con­ said it had been agreed that the trol of Da Nang Q ty in the face ble, though Its president. H.E. first item would be considera­ State News of rising rebellion. 4 Gilbert, contended collective tion of the show cause order on The U.S. military command Mf increasing the fine. Police Find Saigon declared the capltaVi He said he was happy to in­ usually teeming center off lim­ form the Judge that the men are its to American servicemen not Rain Brings back at work and the railroads Bank Loot on duty. could see no reason to press the The youths, mostly -teen-ag­ Some Relief issue of an increase and “ with­ ers, collided with police cJube out any waiver of penalties ac­ In Museum and tear gas in several parts of crued” moved to vacate the STAMFORD (AP)—The'Stam­ the city. At one i»lnt, thog riiow cause order. surged toward the U.S. Bmbia- From Fires ford Museum and Nature Cen­ The order was vacated by sy but again were beaten back ter is an odd place to find the By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Judge Holtzoff “ without loot from a bank holdup, but by police. Foiled at achieving their oto Showers brought weary fire (See page Ten) Back to Work that, police say, is where the jectives, the youths then over­ fighters in some areas hope of robber hid it. turned and set fire to the Jeep relief today as they battled All $6,200 taken at gunpoint from a branch of the Lincoln parked outside a U.S. biUeJ. Idazes which ruined thousands There were no Americans in the of woodland acres in five states. National Bank Saturday was recovered from the nature cen­ Jeep. One death was reported. An Negroes Camp in DC, The youths met their ttret oj»- 87-year-old man died of a heart ter, police said, along with a 22- (AP Photofax) caliber pistol apparently used posltion from the police alter attack Saturday while fighting a they stormed up the steps tlje in the robbery,. Airview of a Wrecked Home in North Tampa at blaze near his Pelion, S.C., • old National Assembly building home. The suspect, 34-yoar-old Rich­ Wait Word on Aid ard Serricchio of Hope Street, waving antigovernment aijd Himdreds of blazes spread anti-American banners. WASHING’rON (AP) — winter in oiir tents In Missis­ Stamford, was apprehended through timberland in North VAC Hiking Another 1,000 demonstratohi Homeless and Jobless Missis­ sippi.” soon after the holdup. He is be­ and South Carolina, Georgia, Tornadoes Lash struck out from the l^iddhi|it sippi Negn:t)es, camped over­ ing held in lieu of $26,000 bond. Arkansas and <Mclahoma. Smith said the group had not Institute, but police beat them It was the sixth holdup at a Its Hiring For a time a fire threatened night in a park across the street been bothered by either park back with tear gas and eh)b from the White House, contin­ bemk or savings and loan asso­ Hamlet in south-central North police or passers-by. Cities in Florida charges, , Carolina but foresters said they ued to hope today for response “ It’s safer here than back ciation in Connecticut this year. many, many deaths — far m ore' 50 Per Cent The rioting was the worst to gained the upper hand after it to their plea for $1.8 million in home,” he said. Another robbery suspect was TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — A chased down a Hartford street than first reports Indicated,” hit Saigon in current erisls .thi|t had come within miles of the antipoverty funds. The 90 Negroes — residents of series of tornadoes — BAST HARTFX3KD (AP) — threatens the life of ^ y ’s BliM- city. Police evacuated some res­ “ We have received no official Saturday night and brought Ogden said. “ He asked us for all tent cities near Greenville and spawned in the Gulf of .available help and all available Pratt A Whitney division of month-old government. idents from a rural area near communication from the White down by a flying tackle. Greenwood — took turns squat­ Mexico—raced across' cen­ United Aircraft Corp. said to­ Police cordoned off the V. the city of 8,000 Sunday taut al> House or the Office of economic Police said. 32-year-old Lee men.” ! V ting and sleeping in Gie tente. tral Florida today, leaving The seven contitmed deaths day it will need at least 1,800 Information Agency building ant lowed them to return for the Opportunity,” Frank Smith, the Stewart, pretending he hati a Mostly ex-farmhands and plan­ gun in his pocket, matte off with a wide path of death and were in Tampa, the state’s sec­ new employes per nionth block from the National Asaem* night. group’s leader said. tation workers, they had come $590 from the First National ond largest city with a popula­ through April, 1967, bly. U.S. personnel, in h restau­ A few rural homes were de­ Smith said the demonstrators massive destruction. to Wellington ’Thursday in supermarket on New Britain Seven persona were known tion of 274,000 and one of the This is 60 per cent more than rant atop the building, shouted stroyed by the fire which who set up four tents were hopes of speeding up requests Avenue. dead, at least 160 Injured — and hardest hit areas. tile call for 1,000 new employes at the demonstrators. crossed over from South Caroli­ “ prepared to stay here until wp for funds for do-it-yourself Job But the clerk who handed ov­ officials Indicated the toll might About 30 children were hospi­ a month through December, Tear gas floated in cloude na. g e t. some assurance from the S training and home construction er the money. Miss Rachel go much higher. Property dam­ talized at Lakeland, eome 60 1966, that Pratt & Whitney an­ over the streets used by the “ We’ve got some of the best President or the Office of Eco­ nounced last December. news in years,” said one fire­ projects. , Tenore, quickly got on the age was conservatively estimat­ miles east of Tampa, after a demonstrators to reach thq nomic Opportunity that we' store’s public address system ed in the millions.
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