JANUARY 17 THE CIMA NEWS PAGE NINE KAY KYSER IN THE "OOMPH" ZONE fluently, with the help of Producer Charles K. lingers and Director Kyscr Kollege Show To Be Roy Del Kiith, Hing settled on Favorite Hollywood Stars lovely Louise Ciimpbell, promising WORKER KILLED young- actress. It was n wise choice, for Mii-s Broadcast From Columbus Campbell, according to nil reports IN ODD MISHAP Due At State 'in Dual Bill «K is well on her way to becoming a f"~Hj star in view of her recent work in "Men With Wings" which nn- Cloyce R. Haughn, 40, Suffo- Kay's Outfit On Stage At Southern; His New pressed liing so much (hat he 'Dancing Co-Ed" And "Panama Lady" Have \\nnted her for londinK lady in his cated In Leipsic Grain Picture Scheduled To Open At Sigma new picture. Elevator '•' Lana Turner, Artie Shaw, Lucille Ball, In "The Star Milker," Miss Saturday Campbell is cast as a girl who Allan Lane In Leads helps the matron of an orphanage, (Xprrliil TII Thr Minn .V«ni) The rollicking retinue of Kyscr Kollege, featuring a face- ami finally consents to many LKII'SIC. Jan. 17 — Cloyce R. Hmg, cast as a penniless song tious faculty and an all-round orchestra, Avill romp onto the Fine entertainment is in store for Stale patrons Thursday Hanglm, -10, olovator employe, writer nnd Niiwll time hoofer. She died of suffocation when he fell P when "Dancing Co-ed" and "Panama Lady" begin a three- helps him succeed in his ambition stage of the Southern theatre in Columbus for the Kay in the primary at the Prontiss ele- Kyser broadcast Wednesday at 10 p. m. o\er WKAF. day run. Kirst picture stars Lana Turner, lovely Hollywood to get to the top in show business readhead, Ann Rutherford and Artie Sha\v and his "hot'' or- by makiiiK stars out of talented vator, norlh of Leipsic Tuesday. The popular professor and his versatile musicians, AA!IO children. Iliiughn, accompanied by Mack chestra. AA'ill be featured in the Sigma theatre hit "That's Right, The story of "The Star Maker" Sehey, a fel'ow oniplnyc, had The second film features Lucille Ball and Allan Lane. was suggested by the career of You're \\ rong," commencing Saturday, Avill offer the solos Ihe greatest showman of his gen- climbed to the top of the 75-foot of "Ginny" Simms, Harry J-iubbitt, and Sully Mason, with the Ending Wednesday are "Babes In Arms," with Mickey eration, (lus Kdwards. And, m elevator to loosen oats encrusted Kooney and Judy Garland, and "Two Bright Boys," featur- tho picture. King sings many of hy ".sweating." antics of Ish Kabbibble and the Professor interspersed, (iu.s Kdwards" own songs. Haughti wiiRed (nit on the oats, Isabel .Jewell, screen and radio actress, Avill play opposite ing Jackie Cooper and Fred- In the featured cast, in addi- which coll.ipsed under his weight, dropping hnn ;i,r) feel and covering Charles Boyer in the Hollywood riayhouse drama, "Kn- die ]5,u1holiiinc\v in a story Theatre Guide tion to Miss Campbell, 1110. Linda of oil. Waie, Ned Sp:u ks and Lam a him instant!v. Employes had to chantc-d C'horus Clirl" on Wednesday at S p. in. over WEAF. Hope Crews. win |; neaily two hours to recover Crosby ami Linda OHIO ' limthoi Rut iinrt 11 Illi lindj. IMipK Jc\v( II will take th^ part of a Parisian chorus girl 1'iihv " ANo on the bill will be "Mes- \V,n-p, M-\ car-old singing discov quile liuduiioo, "Knding Wednes- l'i. W. ('. Miller, Puliiam-co Avho lulls inidor the hynotic pry, foini a new model vocal team j QUIl.NA --nntlmr. Wifi-." d.i\ aie "News is Made at Kiglit" eoioner, pi niinuiieed a veirlict of spell of an cul magacian. in "The Star Maker," glorious I SIGMA 'PilvHtc Oi'tccluo" and and "Coast dunrd." accidental death hy suffocation. ' Alleclii'ny 1'piNtnK." * ft * Boyer A\ill play the lead role BEST BETS song-Mudded oivale.ido of Miou i The elevator is (tuned hy N. G. business which opens Thuisday at STATE "l>nln>» In Arnii" mirt SK;MV Hennell, of Mi-Comb, and managed of a theatrical producer. WEDNESDAY the Lyric. A No on the pingram ' *1'\\ i> Hi iqhi Hciyi " "Pii\ale Detective," thrilling hy (leoige Mooi head. will bo "lUi'squite Hue-karoo." melodr.ima, opens at the Si^ma Fred Allen, aided and abetted by f. M. LYKIC — 'Ci-iiit Ctuuil" mill llaughn, \\lio spent most of his jfethe Mighty Allen Art Players, will Wednesday will be the final dav theatie Wednesdiiv \\itb .lane "Ni-ws Ii Mniln nt NlKlit" Wunan, Dick Korim and Ma\ie life in Putnam-en, js survived hy '»jrive both romance and history a 7:00 — Fred Waring Time, for the showing of "Const Guaid," his wife, .Alho; two daughtoi-.s, Ki- ishock with a drama on the story WLW. and "News In Made at Night." COMING V\" "Adonis" Ivosenbloom in the OHIO— '•liulllvoi N Tia\ols" com- starring roles. I lei M and Ins. al home; his sister, of Queon Kli/.abeth and Lord Ks- 8:00 — Hollywood Playhouse, The warm romance between ttv i Mrs. \Valler Kidd, of Chicago; and so\ durinjj his bioadcast over nn' iu ci y-itui cl.iy. Heturning- to (hri (ypp (,f ,],>. AVLW. tempestuous (Jaui'hti r of a oolnn- tective role sho portniycd in lhrei> hinlheis. \\ilnier mid Myron "WKAF Wednesday at 0:00 p. in. i«-t and the lender of the1 Poiilisvl- QUH.NA-- Pit, k I |> YCHII Tion- of l.eipsic, and Aithur of Kansas, 8:00~Al ]>C,IKV AVJR. 1 "Torch \' Plays With Dynamite," Just to keep listeners in touch v.iui.i rebels v«.ho le\ oiled ae,amsl blc ^ ami ' Tlu^ 1 luiioviniHin''* Jane Wyinan in,es all her in- Ohio. with the modern world, Fred also 9:OO-Kied Allen, AVLW. the Hiitish in the ITiiO's is \\o\en <>\oi" 1,-iiiniiioiii ,> Kililiiy i»io- 1 gi-iiuitv In ple\ent, boy friend, Kunei ill sei\ ii e, u ill lie held at '•will interview ihe man who holds thruout "Allejibeny Uprising," \ i- \ 11 \v. 9:00--Radn Guild Drama. WJZ. 1 Hick FotMii, lioni m testing the - p. in. Tlunsd.iv al the Rethel the record for the longest personal 10:00-Kay K> «cr, AVLAV. With Lucille 15all providing charming femininity, Kay Kyhcr bows vnl his-|oi icai epic. at the Sigma SIGMA "Tint's Ritlil Ynu'in « roiig man in the picture's pu-'.- chill cl>, noithuest nf Loipsic. Rev. appearance on Broadway, Lawrence before the camcias in RKO Uad-.o's "That's Right—You're W rung." Cluiie Tre\oi and John \Vavne arc AVionn" lic^ini .->,iHinln}. •/luig inuuler nivslerv. l>. I). Mejcis and Kev. Klman Leh- Adolphe .Menjou co-stars with the famous orchestra leader in this "Huffy, for nearly SO years doof- staired. "Private Hi-tectue," STATE ' I> mi in,, i',, v,.|- mid Kosenblooin coiilnhntes his us- man \\ill conduct the i ilen and nian'at the Hotel Astor. Duffy's musical corned} with May Robsnn. Edward Everett Horton and lar broadcast on WARC Wednes- \\hu-li completes the bill, is a film "Piiniuni lvful\" i-xMiinirnc-o ual .share of laughs as Koran's Inn ml \vill he in 11,union ceme- 2S-year engagement on the Great Kyser's own band soloists, Ginny Simms, Harry Babbitt, Sully Mn- day from 8 to 8:30 p. m. of mirth and murder. Thui -i(tu> . fissistant nnd denioii.st rates bin torv, liillxu. White Way is the envy of every SOH and Ish Kabibhle. The film opens Saturday at the Of course, it isn't to be taken Pluming thru Fridav at the LYRIC 'Tlie Sim nvikc'r" niul fighting iihditv when he and his The hodv will hr> removed actor on the Main Stem. boss rescue Miss Wvnian after too seriously when ,«uch funsters Quilna is "Pay Time Wife," -\\ith ' >'i "ci'iiin H\u Uiiinci" ooiii- Wednesday t veiling to the lesi- Getting hack to the Sixteenth as Arlene Harris, Klmer i>lurt, Wednesday instead of the usual T} nine' Power and lovely Lind.i she Inid been kidnapped by the ini in n 1 Inn i(l iv. dcnce to leni.un unlll timu of Century, Allen, another Irishman, Artie Auetbach, Bill WriphI and swing mimbei-. KIWANIS SEE Dainell. As the him opens Miss- murder gnng. set vices. and therefoie entertaining no lo\e TUel Klanc stick, verbal pins into Soloists on Glee Club Oarnell is seen as- a homo-loving MAJESTIC - 'WlihlllnK Dun" Cloriu Dickson is east as n for Esr.ox. will rewrite history for HISTORIC FILM jin.l ' 1 Mc'lii« Ciii\Mi,-il |lout (" 1 commercial announcements, day- will be .Stu.irt Churchill, Jane \\ile \\ln> i em uns m at night \\hilc blond divorcee, whose e\-liusbiind hi ! version of the friendship be- time serials, all-ni^ht musical Wilson, Andy White, Gordon her husband is Mipposedly \\oik- ri'iiiiurih o TliiilMlnv. lias been murdered, and .she nnd tween the dashnip soldier and Members of the Kiwanis club her bov friend, John Kidgelv. are programs and the like. Goodman and Pat Hainlm. Roy were taken back I'J'i years at their mg at ihe office She- I mils out Vn^land's Queen. Allen, of course, that he is out \\t\\\ his sect claw accused of the cnino. Of cniirse, •\\ill be the suitor and Mmer\a Twenty-three amateur photog- Ringwald, (lice Club arranger, n<^on meeting Tuesday TV hen an in- iii^ 111 the nun H's, "On ^'our Toes" raphers aie KOIIIB: to hear pood and Robert .Shaw, assistant Glee and then she dciide.
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