DERRICK KUGAN Graphic Design Portfolio (+971) 545 683609 [email protected] DERRICK KUGAN KAFFUKO QUALIFICATIONS PROFILE Highly creative and multitalented Graphic Designer with extensive experience in multimedia, marketing and print design. Exceptional collaborative and interpersonal skills; dynamic team player with well-developed written and verbal communication abilities. Highly skilled in client and vendor relations; talented at building and maintaining “win -win” partnerships. Passionate and inventive at brainstorming new ideas; accustomed to performing in deadline-driven environments with an emphasis on working within budget requirements. Creative experience in the following: PRINT PHOTOGRAPHY WEB & MULTIMEDIA Brochures & Newsletters Black & White Photography Website Desig n Logos & Business Cards Lithography Video Editing Posters & Post Cards Retouching Video Photom ontages Stationery Photograph Restoration SSoocialcial MMediediaa PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Freelance / Part time, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Graphic Design, July 2017 – Present Successfully draft and create graphic design projects from concept through completion . D eveloping concepts, graphics and layouts for product illustrations, logos, and brochures. RTA COOPORATION, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. RCTuAst ComeOOrP SOerRvAiTceIO, NO,c Dtoubbera i2, 0U1n7it e–d P Aresrabe ntE mirates. C ustomer Service, October 2017 – Present Identify and assess customers’ needs to achieve satisfaction IBdeunildti fsyu asntda ianassbelses creulsattoiomnesrhs’i pnse eodf st rtuos at cthrieovueg sha toispfeacnt ianond inte ractive communication. BHuanildd sleu sctoaminaplbalien trse, laptrioovnidshei pasp porfo tprursiatt eth srooulugthio onps eann dan adlt einrtneartaivcetisv ew citohminm thuen ticimateio lnim. its and follow up Htoan endsleu rceo mplaints, provide appropriate solutions and alternatives within the time limits and follow up troe seonlsuutiroen . resolution. Sky Nation Pictures, Kampala, Uganda SGkrapy Nhatici oDne Psiigcntureser, V, iKdeampao Edliat,o Ur g 2a0n1da4 – 2016 CCuussttomeomerr SSerervviicece, October 2017 Present I dIdeennttififyy a anndd a asssseessss c cuussttoommeerrss’ ’n neeeeddss t too a acchhieievvee s saattisisffaaccttioionn B Buuilidld ssuussttaaininaabblele rreelalattioionnsshhipipss ooff t trruusstt tthhrroouugghh ooppeenn aanndd inintteerraaccttivivee ccoommmmuunnicicaattioionn.. HRHaTanAndd lCele O ccoOommPpOplalaRininAttsTs,, Ip OprroNov,vi diDdeeu abapappip,r roUopnpriritaieattede sAsorolaulubtti oiEonnmss i araates.nndd aaltl teerrnnaattiviveess wwitithhinin tthhee ttimimee lilmimititss aanndd f foollloloww uupp tCtoo u eesnntsomesuurree r Service, October 2017 – Present r reessooluluttioionn.. Identify and assess customers’ needs to achieve satisfaction SBKuiYld NsAusTItaOinNa bPleIC rTeUlaRtioEnSshKipasm opf atrluas,t Uganthrougdha open and interactive communication. Handle complaints, provide appropriate solutions and alternatives within the time limits and follow up – GtGorap rapenshhuiircce DDeessiiggnneerr,, VViiddeeoo EEddiittoorr 22001144 – 22001166 SrSeuccuccsolueetsisossnffu.u llyly ttrraannsslalattee ssuubbjecjectt mmaattteerr intintoo coconnccrreettee ddeessigignn ffoorr nneewwssletlettteerrss,, prproommotiotioonnaal l mmaatterieriaalsls aanndd sasalesles cocollatlateerraal.l. CCrreeatatee ddeessigignn tthheemmee aanndd ggrraapphhicsics ffoorr mmaarrkkeettiningg aanndd sasalesles pprreseseentntaattioionnss,, ttrraainininingg vvidideeosos aanndd ccoorrppoorratatee vvidideeosos.. PPaarrtticicipipaattee inin tteeaamm eefffoorrtt t too produc producee ssttrreeaammlilnineedd pprroodduuccttioionn ooff ppoolilcicyy mmaannuuaalsls aanndd eedducucaattioionnaal l mmaatterieriaalsls ffoorr nneewwlyly hhirireded Graphic Designer, Video Editor 2014 – 2016 Successfully translate subject matter into concrete design for newsletters, promotional materials NNEEWW VVIISSIIOONN TTVV,, KKaammppaalala,, UUggaanndada and sales collateral. Create design theme and graphics for marketing and sales presentations, – GtGraraprapininhhgiic cv DiDdeeesignossign aneedr,r, c VVoiridpdeoeoroat EEedd viititodorer os 2200.1 1P22a –r t 2ic20i0p11a33te in team effort to produce streamlined production CoCfr repeaoatlteiecddy nmneeawwn u ddaeelssi giagnn d t thehedemucmesesat i fofororna mlm maararketiketiterinanglgs afaonnrd dn coecowlllatelyate hriraaedl l m maatterieriaalsls.. CCoollalabboraoratteedd wwitithh ccrreeaattivivee tteeaamm ttoo ddeessigignn aanndd pprroodducucee ccoommppuutteerr--ggeenneerratedated aarrttwwororkk ffoorr mmaarrkkeettiningg aanndd prproommotiotioonnaal l mmatateerriaialsls.. PPaarrtticicipipaatteedd inin productiproductioonn ooff priprinntt aanndd pprromomoottioionnaal l ititemsems fforor kekeyy cclileiennttss uunnddeerr ddirireeccttionion , Kampala, Uganda oNofEf MMWarar VkkIeSettIinOingNg D DTeVeppaarrttmmeenntt... G raphic Designer, Video Editor 2012 – 2013 Created new design themes for marketing and collateral materials. Collaborated with creative EtEeDDaUmUC CtAoA TTIONALdIeOsiNgnA BACKGROUNDaLn BdA pCrKodGucROe UcNomDpute r -generated artwork for marketing and promotional materials. Participated in production of print and promotional items for key clients under direction PProroffeesssionsionaall IInn MMuullttiimmeeddiiaa,, MMaajjoror iinn CCompompuutteerr GGrapraphhiicscs,, 22001144 of Marketing Department.. APAPTTECECHH C COOMMPPUUTTERER ED EDUUCCAATTIONION,, K Kampaampalala,, UUggaannddaa Graphic Design TTEECCHHNNIICCAALL PPRROOFFIICCIIEENNCCY Y EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUNDVideo Post Production 3D Animation & Motion Graphics Professional In MulMtMimacace OdOiSaS,, WMWaininjorddoo wiwnss C 7/7/omp88//1100u ter Graphics, 2014 APTECH COMPUTER EDAAUddCooAbbTeeION CCrre,e Kaatampativivee SuSulaiti,te eU (g(PPahhnoodttosaoshhoopp,, IInnDDesesigignn,, IIllustlustrraattoror,, AAccrroobbaatt,, AAfftteerr EEfffeeccttss,, PPrreemmiereiere PPrroo,, DDaavvincinci i RResesoolvlve,e, PPaaggeeMMaakkeerr,, FFlashlash));; TECHNICAL PROFQQICuuIaaErrkNkXXCYPPrressess;; MM SS PPrroojejecctt,, MMSS OOffficicee SSuuititee ((WWoorrdd,, EExxcecel,l, AAccessccess,, PPoowwerPerPoointint,, OOutlutlooook)k);; Mac OS, Windows 7/8/10 NNBB..PPORTORTFFOOLLIIOO AANNADDd o RRbEeEF FCEREEEREEreativSeS ASuAVVitAeAI I(LLPAAhBoBtLosLEEh UoUpPP,O OInNND ResREEiQgQnUU, EIEllSustSTT.r. a tor, Acrobat, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Davinci Resolve, PageMaker, Flash); QuarkXPress; MS Project, MS Office Suite (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook); NB.PORTFOLIO AND REFEREES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. “ A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others. “ Franklin D. Roosevelt PORTFOLIO AND REFEREE ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST PerkinsR F.G.C ROOFINGS FITIDIS GROUP OF COMPANIES LTD GROU P PROGRESS Consulting Engineers ENERGY CHOICE INTERIORS NICE W P C UBL HOUSE OF PLASTICS WESTLAND GREENHOUSE PROJECTS SPECIAL OFFER UU OUTLET VILLAGE ALL ITEM 70% SPECIAL PRICE OFF LIMITED TIME ONLY Summer Sale Get all your favourite designer brands up to 90% Discount this summer. www.outletvillage.com “Experience the perfect taste of Persian kebabs in Iran Zamin restaurants” dishes Persian Kebabs, Persian Stews, Persian Rice, Salads, Traditional Dishes kebabs Chelo kabab e koobideh, Chelo kabab e koobideh bargi, Mixed Grill, Joojeh Kabab Masti, Boneless Roast Chicken, Chelo Kabab e barreh, Special Iran Zamin Kebab, Kabab Shatranji, Chelo Kabab e Barg, Chelo kabab e Sultani, Chelo Kabab e Sultani Morgh. daily rice meals Deezy ba mahicheh, Kabab Gerd, Tahchin-e-Morgh, Loobia Polo, Traditional Stews, Mirzaghasemi, polo Iran Zamin Zereshk Polo Ba Morgh, Baghali Polo Ba Morgh, Adas Polo Ba Morgh, Baghali Polo Ba Mahicheh Restaurant desserts Mutabal, Green Salad, Taboula M E N U sandwiches Kabab Lari Sandwich, Chicken Kebab Sandwich, Kabab Kubideh Sandwich MENU SEASONAL DISHES King crab maki mitsuba and cavier Chilli lemon chicken wings Poached lobster salad, pickled myoga and oscietra SNACKS AND SOUPS Steamed soybeans with sea salt 26 Crispy fried squid, green chilli and lime 64 Fried softshell crab, wasabi mayonnaise 84 Z Miso marinated fole gras with ume hoshi 130 COLD DISHES Salmon and tuna tartare with oscietra caviar 205 Sliced seared tuna, chilli dalkon and ponzu sauce 135 Seared salmon with lime shiso soy 85 ZUMA RESTAURANT SIGNATURE DISHES Barley miso corn baby chicken, oven nroasted on cedar wood 162 Japanese, Sushi, Salad Miso marinated black cop wrapped in hoba leaf 196 Spicy beef tenderion with sesame, red chilli and sweet soy 192 Roasted boston lobster, shiso ponzu butter 358 VEGETABLES Grilled broccoli, ponzu butter 58 Japanese sweetcorn with shiso butter 59 Shiltake mushroom skewers, garlic and soy butter 46 Sweet potatoes, sesame and teriyaki sauce 48 [email protected] DERRICK KUGAN Graphic Design Portfolio .
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