rbt ettlielb trott Vol. XXXVIII Deerfield Academy, Deerfield, Mass., May 9, 1964 Number 11 School Welcomes Parents, Guests For Annual Spring Day Activities When Spring Day was initiated match with alumni at 10:00 a.m. in May of 1932, it centered around and at the same time spring soccer a Glee Club concert and a home- plays an alumni team on Chapin coming for alumni, but although Field behind Mather House. the concert is still important, Signs posted by clubs and organ- an op- Spring Day has grown into izations appear across the campus, learn portunity for parents to each pointing the way to "the best" activities about all of the school's display. Most exhibits are in the and through a variety of games New Classroom Building, though exhibits. the Model Railroad Club has its Morning Features Sports, Displays exhibit in the basement of the Ad- Nearly all spring sports can be ministration Building and the Radio seen in action today since every Club and Fishing Club displays are varsity team but track plays on in the Science Building. Also open campus, and most lower teams have to visitors are the Hilson Art Gal- intramural contests. Junior teams lery, with a display of student work in lacrosse, baseball, and tennis in the foyer, the museum in Mem- play during the morning on the orial Hall, and the Heritage Found- Lower Level. Varsity tennis has a ation houses along the Street. Concert Highlights Evening An architect's drawing depicts the proposed western facade of the new library, which will be located on Dr. D. H. Andrews, The parents' luncheon is in the the varsity lacrosse field west of the Memorial Building (shown on the right). Dining Hall at 12:15 p.m., while Renowned Scientist, students and visiting children eat on the lawn. Varsity lacrosse plays Plans For New Library Are Nearing Completion; To Address School the Holy Cross freshmen at 2:00 p.m., and varsity baseball plays Modern Facilities To House Nearly 70,000 Titles Dr. Donald Hatch Andrews, Ph. Suffield at 2:30 p.m., after which D., will lecture the student body there will be a tea in the Memorial by Mike Baker tam n the present scholarship pro- also on the future. Although Deer- on the potential of science in the Building. Dinner for parents is at gram and provide a sufficient en- field possesses but limited working future of the world, May 14. Dr. 6:30 p.m. in the Dining Hall. A dream is becoming a reality dowment to strengthen effectively volumes today, plans for the library Andrews has been one of the United Climax of the day is the Glee as plans for the eventual construc- the Academy's limited capital. include space for the eventual ac- States' foremost chemists for many Club concert at 8:30 p.m. in the tion of Deerfield's new long-needed cumulation of 70,000 titles. years and was at one time chair- New Gymnasium. Among other library are rapidly materializing. A meeting consisting of the li- man of the American Chemical songs, the Club will sing an ar- To raise funds for this project, the brary experts of the Educational An extensive audio-visual center Society. He taught Mr. Haynes in rangement of "The Pasture" by school's trustees have appointed Facilities Laboratory in New York, will be housed on the ground floor, a course at John Hopkins University Robert Frost and "Russian Picnic," a committee to study the school's Deerfield's architects, and the fac- wired to accommodate any teach- and is presently teaching at Florida with Mr. Peter Clark as soloist. needs and money-raising capabil- ulty library committee is schedul- ing methods which may develop in Atlantic University in Boca Raton, The Band will also entertain, and ities in the hope of setting ed for mid-May to work out details the future. It will contain not only Florida. the whole school will join in sing- a goal which will not only on the actual arrangement of the a language laboratory, but also a After graduating from Phillips ing the finale. finance the library but also main- library's facilities. These discus- library of microfilms, movies, video- Andover Academy, Dr. Andrews sions will serve to determine exact- tapes, and film strips, along with on 5) went to Yale, where he received ly what will be included in the (Continued Page his Ph.D. in 1923. The same year 15 New Members Will Join Cum Laude; structure, along with the quantity he became a research assistant at of equipment which will be neces- Yale and later in the same decade Robert Townsend To Speak At Initiation sary. Senior Council Wins received research fellowships from In the words of Mr. David Hirth, the University of California and by Jon Weller Dick Berner, Jon Cerf, Peter Deerfield's present librarian , "A Williams Tournament from the University of Leiden in Gabel, John Greenebaum, David library is no longer a luxury and Mr. Francis P. McKenney an Holland. He then became a pro- Hirschhorn, Chris Mumford, Bob merely a tool for learning. It is a Emerging victorious in the Wil- fessor at Johns Hopkins University nounced the election of 15 boys to Rubey, Andy Saxon, Chuck Seth- necessity for modern education." liams College Debating Tourna- and rose to become head of the the Deerfield chapter of the nation- ness, David Sims, and Steve Wil- This addition will more than ad- ment, the Senior Council culminat- Cryogeny Lab in 1943. Besides be- al Cum Laude Society, Monday liams; they will join the six seniors equately fill the void which has ed an undefeated season, April 25 long been felt in Deerfield academic ing a scientist, Dr. Andrews is also evening, April 20. Twelve seniors elected last year, John Broad, Rich and 26. The competition, held at and has composed life. a good musician. He and three juniors were chosen to Cheek, Alan Cohen, Bob Hoffman, annually sponsored by Williams numbers, including a sym- several join the six seniors who were named David Moyer, and John Skrobat. Plans Emphasize Future College in Williamstown, Massa- phony which was based on the last spring. The initiation of the Located north of the Memorial mathematical proportions in the Select Three Juniors new members will occur Tuesday Building on what is presently the light waves emitted from barium. Each year several members of evening, May 19. varsity lacrosse field, the new li- Dr. Andrews is also a member of the junior class who have main- brary will be constructed with an the Royal Chemical Society and Selected for admittance to the tained a superior standard of ac- eye not only on the present but the New York Academy of Science. society were seniors Jeff Bean, ademic achievement are also ac- cepted by the society. This spring Jim Averill, Norton Grubb, and Alumni Dinner In Chicago Randy Hack were chosen. Will Promote Fund Drive The committee which selects the Cum Laude members is composed The Chicago Alumni Dinner. of Mr. and Mrs. Boyden and seven under the chairmanship of John J. members of the faculty, who in- Lewis, Jr. '43, will take place at clude Mrs. Poland and the Messrs. the Drake Hotel in Chicago, Tues- Baldwin, Crow, McGlynn, McKen- day, May 12. Alumni and their ney, Miller and Suitor. wives, parents of alumni and of boys in school, and other friends Alumnus Will Speak Williams Trophy winners were of the Academy in the mid-west- will be Peter Gabel, Ben McNitt, and The initiation ceremony ern section of the country have seated, Chris Mumford and Alan conducted by the president and to attend. been invited Cohen. secretary of the society to be The program will be opened by chosen from last year's group. At Mr. Lewis, toastmaster for the chusetts, consisted of a round the meeting a guest speaker, Mr. evening, after which Mrs. Boyden robin of preliminary debates, the Robert C. Townsend '53, will ad- will address the gathering. Mr. winners of which took part in the dress the student body. Mr. Town- Bennett Cerf, director of the Li- final encounter for the champion- send is presently an English teach- brary Fund and father of Jon '64, ship. Arguing the pro and con of Members of the Cum Laude Society are as follows, in row one: er on the faculty of Amherst Col- will discuss the need for additional "Resolved: that this house approves Randall Hack, Alan Cohen, Robert Hoffman, John Skrobat, John lege. After leaving Deerfield, he library facilities at Deerfield. After the recent Supreme Court decisions Broad, David Moyer, Richard Cheek, and Peter Gabel. In row two went on to Princeton, where he Mr. Frank B. Conklin shows slides concerning school prayer," Alan are Norton Grubb, James Averill, Stephen Williams, David Sims, graduated Phi Beta Kappa and was depicting the school as it is today, Cohen, Chris Mumford, Peter Ga- Jonathan Cerf, and Christopher Mumford. awarded a Fulbright Scholarship. the Headmaster will conclude the bel, and Ben McNitt faced com- In row three are John Greenebaum, Jeffrey Bean, Charles Sethness, At Deerfield Mr. Townsend was program with a look into the petition from 11 rival schools. Andrew Saxon, and Robert Rubey. secretary of Cum Laude. future. (Continued on Page 14) 2 THE DEERFIELD SCROLL May 9, 1961 From Appreciative Editors . .. Whether simply doing their daily jobs or work- ing at high pitch to get some major project com- pleted, the various offices and individuals at Deer- field have never hesitated to come to our help when we have needed material for articles, photos, or sug- gestions.
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