EYLHS Newsletter 18 Winter / Spring 2008 newsletter of the East Yorkshire Local History Society Front cover: The Kingston Enamelled Slate and Marble Steam Works factory site on Park Road By F.S. Smith [KINCM:1981.415.78] (Hull Museums) Contributions Based in Hull it is not always easy to keep track of events in other parts of the Riding; news that members could contribute on their town or village should be sent to the editor. Short articles, illustrated or unillustrated, news on libraries, archives, museums, societies or education, queries other people may be able to answer, etc. for inclusion in future news- letters should also be sent to the editor. Newsletter edited by Christopher Ketchell 47 Clumber Street, Hull, HU5 3RH Telephone 01482 346125 published by the East Yorkshire Local History Society Secretary David Smith 114 Telford Street, Hull, HU9 3DY Telephone 01482 706902 e-mail [email protected] printed by Kall Kwik, Hull News from the Society The experimental A5 size of the last Time: 2.15pm newsletter proved popular, therefore Cost: £4 future editions will be that size. Maximum 40 people Tea and coffee provided Apologies for the slightly late appear- Limited parking available onsite. On- ance of this edition; due to ‘circum- street parking available in Pryme Street, stances beyond our control’, etc. Anlaby. Talk - will outline the work of the Hull Programme Jewish Archives group in preserving the archival legacy of the Jewish com- As usual, the Society has arranged a full munity in Hull and showcase some of programme of lectures and excursions the historical collections gathered to for 2007. Please support the events date. and bring along your friends. Please do not hesitate to ask for lifts; you will be SATURDAY 17 MAY 2008 expected to contribute to petrol. Venue: Full day coach excursion (Pear- sons Coaches) - festival of open church- PLEASE NOTE: Please make all cheques es in Lincolnshire. St. Peter & Paul. payable to the East Yorkshire Local Owmby (mainly Norman); St. Helen’s, History Society. All cheques and book- Saxby (Georgian 1775); St. Michael’s, ing slips (which are on a separate insert Hackthorne (restored organ - can play if with this newsletter) should be sent to musical). There will be displays, exhibi- the relevant named individual at the tions, etc. Short outward comfort stop address on the booking form. at Brigg Garden Centre. Buffet lunch can be provided at £4 at Mr Neave’s SatURDAY 29TH MARCH 2008 AGM Garden House and Farm Shop - or take Venue: Masonic Hall, Selby Road, How- own food. Afternoon tea at Brigg Gar- den den Centre (own cost). Topic: An Illustrated History of How- Pick-ups: approx. den Beverley, Norwood nr supermarket Speaker: Susan Butler 8.0am Time: 2.15pm Cottingham Green, outside shops 8.45 Willerby Squ, bus shelter, nr Halifax SUNDAY 13 APRIL 2008 9.00 Venue: Pryme Street Synagogue, Hull, Debenham’s, Ferensway 9.0 Pryme Street, Anlaby Leaders: Pat Aldabella and Geoff Bell Topic: ‘Hull Jewish Archives: their work Cost: £12.50 and collections’ Maximum number Speaker: Dr David Lewis, Hon. Archi- vist, Hull Jewish Archives SATURDAY 7 JUNE 2008 Tea and coffee provided. Venue: Treasure House, Beverley Talk - will discuss the often precarious Topic: ‘Built in Beverley-the story of the position of unmarried women in Sev- research ship William Scoresby’. enteenth Century Lincolnshire based Speaker: Ron Pett on the speaker’s PhD. Time: 2.15pm No parking available Cost: £2 SATURDAY 20 SEPTEMBER WEDNESDAY 2 JULY 2008 Venue: Helmsley Castle and Rievaulx Venue: The Charterhouse, Hull. Visit to Abbey include the Georgian Chapel, Master’s Leader: Dr John Walker House and garden Time: 10.0am Helmsley Castle Leader: Canon L.S. Deas, the Master. Cost: £1.50, this does not include ad- Time: 7.15pm. mission, which is payable on the day: Cost: £2. Helmsley Castle £4, concessions £; Limited parking. Rievaulx £4.50, concessions £.40, both are free to English Heritage members. FRIDAY 11 JULY 2008 There is a large car park to the north of Venue: Braffords Hall / Braffords House Helmsley Castle (charge) and there will Leader: Pam Martin and Mr R Rawson be time for lunch in Helmsley before ar- Time: 7.15pm riving at Rievaulx for 2.00pm. Cost: £2 - the charge will be a donation to the Victoria County History. Participation in events Max number 40 As reported in previous years, it has not AUGUST been possible to arrange group insur- Venue: Water Fulford Hall, York ance for events. We therefore strongly Leader: Pam Martin recommend that members and their This will be a Friday evening; details will friends take out personal accident/ be sent to members who complete the loss insurance, or include this in their booking form when they are available. households policies. We would also Max number 40 stress the need for suitable clothing - in particular, sturdy footware and water- SatURDAY 6 SeptemBER 2008 proofs - for outdoor events. Venue: WISE, Oriel Chambers, 27 High Street, Hull Please note Topic: ‘Lincolnshire Spinsters in the Seventeenth Century’ There is usually a waiting list for most Speaker: Dr Judith Spicksley, WISE, Uni- of the Society’s events. If you book an versity of Hull event and then find you cannot attend, Time: 2.15pm please inform the Secretary. Please do Cost: £4 not transfer your booking to a relative 4 or friend without first consulting the Donald provided a brief history of Hull Secretary, whose telephone number Trinity House and how its origins lay can be found on the inside of this with the Trinity Guild, which was estab- newsletter. Thank you. lished in 169 to maintain Trinity Chap- el (now Holy Trinity Church). By the Subscriptions 2008 1450s, when the institution appeared moribund, it seems the Guild was al- Just to remind you that all subscriptions tered to follow more closely London fall due for renewal on 1 January 2007. Trinity House’s example to house poor Rates remain unchanged at £10.00 for sailors and their wives, maintain light- individuals and £12.50 for UK family houses and ships in the River Humber and all overseas membership. Unless (which it did until 1908) and a range already paid, or arranged by banker’s of other activities. Membership is still order, please mail remittances as soon open to anybody who has been master as possible to the Membership Secre- mariner of a British registered vessel for tary at 5 John Gray Court, Main Street, years. Willerby, E. Yorks., HU10 6XZ A synopsis of various sources regarding Review of EYLHS Events the historical organisation of Hull Trini- ty House was then given. These include Professor Donald Woodward accounts referring to navigation in the “Trinity House and the Hull Dolphin” River Humber, charitable aid given to local people and information regarding On Saturday 15th September 2007 expenses on commodities for domestic Professor Donald Woodward, Honor- use such as food and coal. Further, the ary Archivist for the Hull Trinity House, collections contain letters to and from provided a fascinating insight into the important historical figures such as Wil- archives of the Corporation of Hull Trin- liam Wilberforce, Andrew Marvell and ity House. Donald has been a Hull resi- Benjamin Franklin. Donald detailed dent from an early age and has been interesting case studies compiled employed in archives after a career in through his study of the school records Social and Economic History at the Uni- of Trinity House pupils since 1787 and versity of Hull. His communication with ships’ muster rolls which enable us to Hull Trinity House began in 1986 with track the entire careers of specific ships his own research on labour markets during the late eighteenth and early in Northern England. Since 1991, he nineteenth centuries. has been employed to retrospectively organise and catalogue the archives Finally, Donald enlightened the audi- at Hull Trinity House as well as answer ence as to the meaning of the ‘Hull Dol- enquiries. phin’ in the title of his talk. This practi- cal piece of equipment, he explained, has been located on the River Humber 5 near the mouth of the River Hull since Obituaries the late sixteenth century. Its purpose was simple but effective – to provide Renton Heathcote: 1927-2006 a sturdy structure to which a vessel The Church was practically full on wanting to exit the shallow waters and Thursday 22nd June as we gathered to muddy banks of the River Hull could fix give thanks for and to celebrate the a cable in order to pull itself out into the life of John Renton Heathcote – bet- deeper waters of the River Humber. ter known to many simply as ‘Ren’. Al- though there was deep sadness at Susan Capes Renton’s demise through cancer, we were also able to celebrate a life of EYLHS greetings cards incredible achievement and activity. Most of all, we were able to remember For the last local history bookfair in and cherish his friendship. Beverley Liz Grove produced a range of cards featuring a variety of local pho- It is hard to sum up his life in a short trib- tographic views for the Society. Some ute, for one can only mention in pass- of these are still available direct from ing his huge number of interests and Liz, 5 Long Lane, Beverley, HU17 2NH hobbies, which included: art, music, cy- and previews of the photographs are cling, walking, sport, theatre, photog- on the Society’s website, http://www. raphy, crosswords and quizzes, books, eylhs.org.uk. and collecting (of stamps, postcards, paintings, pottery and paperweights). EYLHS archives In his professional work for Earle’s Ce- ment, Associated Portland Cement and The Society has had a photographic latterly Blue Circle, Ren was amongst archive comprising over 200 items for some of the foremost experts in the a number of years, which is housed in country in the science of concrete.
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