M M O S M I L T 14 for tte Hwtl> «f O . 8 . m . U c if$ a tk g dondliMM with il0f«»lv iMnir tjpa^watare tu^kt Mlawet by lalaiBandajsr. VOL. NO. 133. (OlaMiltod Advertfilnc Ml Page 10.) SOUTH MANCHESIXR, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1932. (TWELVK PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS BABY GLUE IN VOTERSTOSET Most Modern Aids to Criminology Are Linked in Dramatic Search for Lindberghs’ Son RATEOFTAXB JERSEY INDIFFERENT MONMYNKM TO JOHNSON ARREST Selectmen To Recommend CROWD GATHERS 17 MiDs, Same As Last SAILOR IS LOCATED Year— May Act On Two- TO SEE LINDY • Payment Tax Plan. Brainard Field Jammed But AT BROTHER’S HOME The adjourned annual town meet Lone Eagle Fails To Make ing of the Town of Manchester will Detecdye Hickey and State’s Attorney Alcorn Question be held in High school hall Monday night at eight o’clock. The voters Expected ArriyaL * Suspect Bat Give Out Little Information — Johnson will be asked to lay a tax rate on the grand list of 1931. The Select­ Hartford, March 6.— (AP)—^More men will recommend a 17 mill rate, Said He Telephoned Miss Gow Tuesday Night, When the same as that levied last year. than 1,000 persons, many in eve­ Credit Good ning clothes as they came from Bahy Was Stolen— ^No Word Yet of Infant— Postcards Because of a floating indebtedness night clubs and dances, others in of over $300,000 it was at flrst thought best to increase the rate old clothes hastily thrown on over Addressed To Lindberghs Mailed In Hartford. this year so that part of the town’s pajamas, flocked to Brainard Field debt could be paid off and the credit early today in tee hope of seeing of the town nuiintained at its usual Colonel Charles Lindbergh arrive in high rate. However, banking au­ search of his baby. Hopewell, N. J., March 5.— (A P )— In today’s first formal thorities have assured the town Seven state policemen and a de­ communication to the press on the Lindbergh baby Jcidnaping, treasurer and Selectmen that Man­ tachment of Hartford police stayed state police officials announced they were not interested in chester’s credit is good and this in­ at the airport to keep back the fluenced the board in recommending crowds from planes, and to escort Henry (Red) Johnson, held for questioning in Hartford, Conn., a 17 mill tax. It cannot possibly be officials to tee (bounty Ctourt House. and that they had not asked for his arrest. ^ lower since $846,000 must be raised Boundary lights were turned on and Previous reports had been that Jersey police officers had gone by taxation this year and a 17 mill large flooa lights, and ramp lights to Hartford to take part in the examination of Johnson, a friend, tax will raise $852,000, allowing in front of tee National Guard han­ of Betty Gow, the Lindbergh baby’s nurse. practically nothing for delinquents. gars were lighted to Indicate where There has been some talk of an planes should stop. Reporters at the early morning conference also were told amendment being presented at Mon­ Five planes of newspaper report­ there was no basis for rumors that Col. Charles A. Lindbergh day night’s meeting that would in­ ers and photographers were tee himself had flown to H ^ ford during the night , in connection stitute the two-payment tax plsm only ones teat landed. here next year. It is possible this with investigation of his baby’s kidnaping. Conflicting Reports may go over to the October annual The police said Lindbergh still was in his home this momr meeting. There is to be no special Conflicting reports were circulat­ ed, some saying teat Lindbergh had ing but they would not say whether Mrs. Lindbergh and her meeting this year, the tax rate being The Lindberghs’ Baby Has Been Kidnaped!” . .. .Throughout the nation the unbelievable, tragic news flashed. And soon the most modem mother were still there. the only subject that can legally taken off in a monoplane, with Bet­ criminological machinery in the world’s history was functioning in the dramatic, widespread search for the stolen child and the kidnapers. A ty Gow, tee bab^^’s nurse, and Major come biffore the voters at this time. JOHNSON GRILLED battery of telegraphers, as you see them lower Jeft, were installed in a spedtdly constructed office in Hopewell, N. J., to keep an anxious world Walsh of tee New Jersey State nurse for the little Ctearles Augustus abreast of the news of the hunt. Specially-installed radio stations, as shown upper right, kept police and public informed of latest clues. A police department Others said Hartford, March 5 —(AP) — A Lindbergh, Jr., was upon recom- ' Network of teletypewriters linked police headquarters throughout the east in the ^gantic manhimC and lower right you see Police Commissioner Lindbergh’s plane had been wu'm- saUor friend of Betty (Sow, tee Und- mendation of an employe of Mrs. Mulreoney of New York giving a special message'^Maring on the case to an operator at New York headquarters. Finger-prints on the rudely con­ ing up at Newark, and he bad plan­ bergh baby’s nurse was being griU- Lindbergh’s mother, lliss GoW’s RUSSIA’S CHARGES structed ladder used by the kidnaper were being, exatpined by (left to right) Lieut. Ed Leedon, Prosecutor Erwin Marshall and Assistant Prosecu­ ned to hop off Within a few min­ previous employer, an Englewood, tor Leo Rogers of Mercer Coimty, N. J., when the.photo upper right was taken at the scene of the kidnaping. Meanwhile, state troopers and city utes. ed today to determine what he may N. J., woman spoke highly of her police—a group of whom are shown upper center outside tee Lindbergh estate—used tee most primitive methods of search in scouring tee scrub­ The fourth ship to land caused know of tee babyr*a whereabouts. and yesterday wrote tee young DENIEDBY JAPAN lands about the Undbergh estate for a trace of ^e kidnapers. ^ tee greatest stir. It was a low wing The man is Henry (Red) Johnson. nursemaid a note reiterating brilef ■Her -lb monoplane, slipiLar )n design to He was taken into custody last night in her. IJndberghS- ship.- Fteriilightr boom­ at tee homa of his brother Jiere al- ed as photogr^hera snapped pic­ m>i$ slmuitaittouBiy wlte tel di^ AtUNDBBICGBOBfE. ^ Minister of War Tells League NO PJU tn UNES GERMAN MINISTER tures a t tee crowd, of the ship and cM fiy of two pieces b t mall for'tee HopeweU, N. J., MarchS.— (AT*)— JAPAN UNDING TROOPS finally of tee pilot and lone passen­ linalMrg^’s in tee Hartford postol- While tee center of interest in a fice. ger. It was teen learned tee plane kidnap drama that has gripped the Members His Comitry carried a representative of n broad­ His automobUe, answering tee world shifted today to Hartford. ATCAPITiUNOW ANSWERS HITLER casting organization, who had flown description of tee car believed to Ck>nn., tee agonized parents of tee Mans No War W iA ^ riets DESPITE REPORTED TRUCE up from Hopewell, N. J. have been used by tee kidnapers, kidnaped (tearles Augustus Lind­ The airport canteen was opened was foimd in front of tee brother's bergh, Jr., waited in vain for an an­ and was virtually sold out of hot house. ' In it was a milk bottle. swer to their mercy plea. GoTcnwr PiBciMt Siys Botk Official Sends Stern Letter drinks and sandwiches. Hundreds of Johnson, who has known Miss After a night of rumors, “clues,” Tokyo, March 6.— (AP)—General Abort 10,000 Men Placed In ALCORN AND HICKEY persons, their hands and feet cold, Gow three years, according to his and excitement, a grey da^ Sadao Araki, minister of war, told crowded into tee restaurant. story, denied knowledge of tee kid­ brought no cheer or word of tee 20- Parties Take Thenr Orders naping. the members of the League of Na­ To Radical Leader Defend­ FMd Made Ready months-old baby's whereabouts. tions Manchurian investigating com­ S h an gy Area and Occa- QUESTION JOHNSON Airport Manager Herbert H. Hartford authorities said they From tee closely guarded Lind­ mission that Japan h u no intention Fran Wkite H one. ing President Mills, having been notified by a were holding him "on tee strength bergh estate there came ettfly today*, of Invading Soidet Russian terri­ sienal Gnnfire Is Heard; member of tee Hartford aviation of bis own story.” They were ex­ word teat there were ,no develop-; tory but that if the Soviet army oommlssicm of tee announcement tremely secretive as to tee result of ments.. This, coming from a source, menaced Manchurlsm territory, over tee radio which had brought their questioning. County Detective close to tee Ctol. Charles A. Uhd-^ Philadelphia, March 5.— (AP)— Berlin, March 5.—(AP) — Adolf Japem would have no choice but to Refugees Retnm. Cross Examine Sailor For most of tee people to airport, super­ Edward J. Hickey — distinguished bergh family, was Interpreted aji Governor Gifford Plnchot, in an ad­ Hitler’s recent letter to President intended tee work of maki^ tee for his Investigation in tee case of meaning teat no negotiations had defend it. Gerald Chapman, who was banged Members of the commission con dress prepared for delivery today, von Hindenberg urging teat the field ready for night landings. been effected with tee kidnapers ' for murder—said foUowlng John­ ferred with the war minister at the fired a broadside into what he term­ Shanghsii, March 5— (AP) .—Ap­ Eight Roars But Refuse presidentied campaign this year be Interest also ran high among a result of their signed appeal of son’s arrest teat he believed he had yesterday.
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