Index Advanced Statistics add-on, 316 • Symbols and Numerics • algorithms, 16 $CASENUM variable, 251 Align column, 48, 74 $DATE variable, 251 All option (SPSS Viewer), 133 $DATE11 variable, 251 All Values option (Currency), 35 $JDATE variable, 251 All Visible option (SPSS Viewer), 133 $LENGTH variable, 251 Amos, 314 $SYSMIS variable, 251 analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), 329 $TIME variable, 251 analysis of variance (ANOVA), 234–235, 329 $WIDTH variable, 251 Analysis Output option (Multiple &Output item, 265 Imputations), 41 &Syntax item, 265 analysis, statistical * (asterisk) symbol, 279 categorical variables, 57–59 / (forward slash), 300 comparison of means : (colon), 281 independent-sample T test, 232–233 [ ] (square brackets), 300 one-sample T test, 231–232 _ (underscore), 67, 100 one-way ANOVA, 234–235 < > (not equal to) symbol, 255 paired-samples T test, 233–234 < (less than) symbol, 255 simple means compare, 230–231 <= (less than or equal to) symbol, 255 continuous variables, 57–59 = (equal) symbol, 255, 280 correlation analysis > (greater than) symbol, 255 bivariate, 238 >= (greater than or equal to) symbol, 255 partial, 239 , (comma), 301 entering data ‘ (single quote), 280–282, 301 cases, 49 1-D Boxplot tooltip, 203 data defi nitions, 44–47 fi lenames, 51 loading fi les, 49–50, 52 • A • new rows of data, inserting, 51 abbreviated month of the year, 99 numeric data, entering, 49–50 Add ODBS Data Source button, 132 transforming data, 54 addition in Python, 278 variables, 44–48 add-ons generating reports Amos, 314 break variables, 213 defi ned, 329, 333 case summaries, 214–216 Direct Marketing, 314–315 OLAP cubes, 224–226 installing, 299–300 overview, 213 spss, 298–300 COPYRIGHTEDprocessing MATERIAL summaries, 213–214 SPSS Advanced Statistics, 316 row summary table, 217–221 SPSS Categories, 317–318 summaries in columns, 221–224 SPSS Conjoint, 318 title, 215 SPSS Data Collection Data Entry, 315 graphs in, 60–61 SPSS Exact Tests, 316–317 kurtosis, 54 SPSS Forecasting, 319 linear model analysis SPSS Missing Values, 315 more than one variable, 236–237 SPSS Neural Networks, 318–319 one variable, 235–236 SPSS Regression, 316 log linear analysis, 244–245 administrator privileges, 20 performing, 52–54 Adobe Acrobat Viewer, 143 pivot tables, modifying, 226–228 332_487648-bindex.indd2_487648-bindex.indd 337337 112/2/092/2/09 99:25:25 PMPM 338 SPSS For Dummies, 2nd Edition analysis, statistical (continued) creating, 150–153 regression analysis displaying data in, 60–61 curve estimation, 242–243 error bars linear, 240–241 clustered, 189–190 multiple, 240 simple, 187–189 simple, 240 simple, 180–181 skewnesss, 54 simple range, 205–206 standard deviation, 54 three-dimensional transforming data, 54–57 clustered, 184–185 anchor bin, 160 simple, 183–184 ANCOVA (analysis of covariance), 329 stacked, 186–187 AND variable, 250 bars ANOVA (analysis of variance), 234–235, 329 error, 159 area graphs. See also graphs style, 159 differenced, 207–208 base, 68, 329 simple, 197 Base Autoscript option (Scripts), 39 stacked, 198–199 Base system, 12 ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Basic Elements tab, 154 Average), 319 BASIC language, 303–304, 325 Arrow option (Element Properties), 157 BEGIN DATA command, 252–253 ascending order, 329 bell curve, 54, 329 assignment operator, 280 Bent, Dale H. (creator of SPSS), 10 association, 329 bin sizes, 160 asterisk (*), 279 Binned Variable text box, 127 asymmetric plot shape, 159 binning, 124–129, 329 authorization codes, 20, 24–26 biplots, 318 Auto-Complete Settings option (Syntax bitmap (.bmp), 96, 134 Editor), 42 bivariate correlation, 238, 329 Automatic option (Element Properties), 158 boxplots. See also graphs Automatic Recode dialog box, 122–123 clustered, 201–202 automatic recoding, 122–124 one-dimensional, 202–203 automatic scripts, 309–310 simple, 200–201 Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Break Columns area, 218 (ARIMA), 319 BREAK command, 258–259 autoscript. See also scripts break statement, 291 base, 39 break variables, 15, 213, 329 defi ned, 329 buttons enabling, 39 Add ODBS Data Source, 132 for individual objects, 40 Change Dictionary, 34 overview, 12 Customize Variable View, 34 Autoscript for Individual Objects option Defi ne Groups, 232 (Scripts), 39 Defi ne Values, 115 average, 329 Help, 162 axes, 154 Insert Total, 221 Axis Label option (Element Properties), 158 Make Cutpoints, 126 Page Setup for Export, 139 Paste, 162 • B • SetTableLook Directory, 37 backing up, 16 Statistics, 215 bar graphs. See also graphs Summary, 218 clustered, 181–182 Variable View, 34 clustered range, 206–207 332_487648-bindex.indd2_487648-bindex.indd 338338 112/2/092/2/09 99:25:25 PMPM Index 339 Order List option, 158–159 • C • Origin option, 158 calculations, settings for, 32 Plot Shape option, 159 canonical correlation, 330 Scale Type option, 158 Case Processing Summary table, 230 Small/Empty Categories option, 159 case studies, 16 Sort By option, 158 case summaries, defi ned, 330 Stack Identical Values option, 159 $CASENUM variable, 251 Statistics option, 157–158 cases. See also data X option, 157 defi ned, 49, 330 Gallery tab, 150–153 occurrences, counting, 114–117 graphics display in, 153 sorting, 111–114 Groups/Point ID tab, 154–155 splitting, 270–272 Options tab, 160–161 variables and, 13 simple line charts, creating, 168 categorical variable. See also variables Titles/Footnotes tab, 155–156 defi ned, 13, 330 Chart Editor, 164–165 missing value, fi lling in, 77–79 Chart Size option, 161 overview, 57 Chart tab Categories add-on, 317–318 Chart Aspect Ratio, 37 Categories option (Element Properties), 159 Chart Template option, 36 category variables, 103 Current Settings option, 37 CCA format, 34 Font option, 37 CCB format, 34 Frame option, 37 CCC format, 34 Grid Lines option, 37 CCD format, 34 Style Cycle Preference, 37 CCE format, 34 Chart Template option, 36 Cell Statistics list, 225 charts Change Dictionary button, 34 area Character Encoding for Data and Syntax simple, 197 option, 30 stacked, 198–199 Chart Aspect Ratio, 37 aspect ratio, 37 Chart Builder axes and elements, adding, 154 Basic Elements tab, 154 bar chart Element Properties clustered, 181–182 Anchor Bin option, 160 clustered range, 206–207 Angle option, 160 clustered three-dimensional, 184–185 Arrow option, 157 creating, 150–153 Automatic option, 158 simple, 180–181 Axis Label option, 157–158 simple range, 205–206 Bar style option, 159 simple three-dimensional, 183–184 Bin Sizes option, 160 stacked, 182–183 Categories option, 159 stacked three-dimensional, 186–187 Collapse option, 159 boxplots Display Axis option, 160 clustered, 202–203 Display Error Bars option, 188 one-dimensional, 201–202 Display Normal Curve option, 159 simple, 200–201 Display Vertical Drop Lines between Points building option, 159 by Graphboard, 161–162 Edit Properties Of option, 157 by Legacy method, 163 Error Bars option, 159 charts with multiple lines, 169–170 Excluded option, 159 clustering, 155 Interpolation option, 160 colors, 37 Major Increment option, 158 defi ned, 332 Minimum/Maximum option, 158 differenced area, 207–208 dimension, adding, 154–155 332_487648-bindex.indd2_487648-bindex.indd 339339 112/2/092/2/09 99:25:25 PMPM 340 SPSS For Dummies, 2nd Edition charts (continued) ISPssPrintOptions, 306 drop-line, 178–179 ISPssRtf, 306 dual-axis graphs ISPssSyntaxDoc, 306 dual y-axes with categorical X-axis, 208–209 objects, 304–305 dual y-axes with scale X-axis, 209–210 OutDocument, 307 editing, 164–165 OutputItem, 307 error bars overview, 304–305 clustered, 189–190 PivotTable, 305–306 simple, 187–189 Close Variable rectangle, 205, 207 faceting, 155 Cluster Analysis (Direct Marketing module), 314 fonts, 37 Cluster on X rectangle, 202 footnotes, 155 Clustered 3D Bar tooltip, 184–185 frames, 37 clustered bar charts, 181–182 frequency polygons, 194–195 Clustered Bar tooltip, 181 grid lines, 37 Clustered Boxplot tooltip, 201–202 high-low graphs clustered boxplots, 201–202 clustered range bar graphs, 206–207 Clustered Error Bar tooltip, 190 differenced area graphs, 207–208 clustered error bars, 189–190 high-low-close, 204–205 clustered range bar graphs, 206–207 simple range bar graph, 205–206 Clustered Range Bar tooltip, 206 histograms clustered three-dimensional bar chats, 184–185 simple, 192–193 clustering, 155, 330 stacked, 193–194 codes, authorization, 20, 24–26 line chart, 167–168 coeffi cient of determination, 330 multiple lines, 169–170 Collapse option (Element Properties), 159 overview, 149 colon (:), 281 paneling, 155 colors, 37 pie chart, 199–200 Column Widths option (Pivot Tables), 37 population pyramids, 195–196 columns, 73–74 p-p (proportion-proportion) plot, 268–270 Align column, 48, 74 q-q (quantile-quantile) plot, 268–270 Break Columns area, 218 scatterplot matrices, 177–178 Columns column (Variable View), 48 scatterplots, 170–175 Columns Panel Variable option, 155 Simple Dot plot, 176–177 Cumulative Percent column, 271 style, 37 Data Columns Variables list, 221 style cycles, 37 Data Columns Variables panel, 222 Summary Point plot, 175–176 date variable, column width, 97 template, 36, 160–161 Decimals column, 47 classes Label column (Variable View), 47–48 ISpssApp, 306 Measure column, 74–75 ISPssChart, 306 Name column (Variable View), 46 ISPssDataCells, 306 Percent column, 271 ISPssDataDoc, 306 Report Summaries in Columns dialog box, ISPssDimension, 306 221–222 ISPssDocuments, 306 Role column (Variable View), 48 ISPssFootnotes, 306 Summary Column dialog box, 222 ISPssInfo, 306 Summary Column panel, 222–223 ISPssItem, 306 Type column (Variable View),
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